SC Gas Tax Hike “Ain’t Happening” In 2013

RINO LEADERS SAY MEASURE WON’T PASS SOUTH CAROLINA HOUSE South Carolina’s “Republican-controlled” House of Representatives will not pass an increase in the state’s gasoline tax, sources close to S.C. Speaker Bobby Harrell (RINO-Charleston) tell FITS. “No gas tax increase will pass the House – period,” one source told us over…


South Carolina’s “Republican-controlled” House of Representatives will not pass an increase in the state’s gasoline tax, sources close to S.C. Speaker Bobby Harrell (RINO-Charleston) tell FITS.

“No gas tax increase will pass the House – period,” one source told us over the holiday break. “It ain’t happening.”

Fiscal liberals, special interests and left-leaning mainstream media outlets – led by The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper – have demanded the gas tax increase as a means of addressing what they refer to as billions of dollars in unaddressed infrastructure needs.  Of course these tax-and-spenders neglect to mention our state government is wasting billions of dollars on unnecessary transportation boondogggles – or that South Carolina taxpayers are paying to maintain the nation’s fourth-largest network of roads (despite our state ranking 40th in size).

Most importantly, they fail to point out South Carolina’s dirt poor citizens pay a higher percentage of their income on fuel costs than residents of any other state save for … you guessed it … Mississippi.

To her credit S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley opposes a gas tax hike.  So does S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers, a rural Democrat who has actually proposed a modest gas tax cut.

The gas tax hike is one of several proposed “revenue enhancements” being considered as state lawmakers prepare to return to Columbia, S.C.  For example, powerful S.C. Senate Finance Chairman Hugh Leatherman (RINO-Florence) is hoping to raise the state’s sales tax – also to address so-called “infrastructure needs.”

Let’s hope Haley and our state’s “Republican-controlled” General Assembly rejects each and every tax increase that rears its ugly head this session … as South Carolinians simply cannot afford to be deprived of any additional income in these uncertain economic times.


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Frank Pytel January 2, 2013 at 9:26 am

Wait for it….

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Recovering Lobbyist January 2, 2013 at 11:12 am

David Wilkins said it best when he was Speaker: Republicans won’t support a gas tax increase until every penny of the existing tax is spent for the purpose it was collected: roads. He said at the time (around 2005) that more than $60 million per year is siphoned off for other purposes.

In my opinion, only one of those “other purposes” is legitimate: about $3 million per year that is spent on boat ramps and other facilities by DNR based on the amount of fuel purchased for boats. The amount could be reduced, but that is a legitimate expense.

SparkleCity January 2, 2013 at 3:18 pm

The solution:

1. Legalize/tax prostitution
2. Allow para-mutual betting on horse and dog racing
3. Sell closed circut viewing of executions to fund death row
4. Dump the fucked-up state income tax and consult Tennessee,New Hampshire and Florida as models for revenue sources.
5. State road use tax on vehicle tires
6. Allow GPS tracking for road use to individuals who volunteer for the program in lieu of gas/tire taxes.

JoeSchmoe January 2, 2013 at 4:17 pm

Why not the hot chick pic for the gas story?

Booyah January 2, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Fuck increasing the gas tax. I can repair suspensions cheaper if it comes down to it.

Once increased the tax will never recede.

pluffmudder January 3, 2013 at 1:20 am

This illustrates yet another serious disconnect in the Haley administration, as her unqualified SCDOT appointee Secretary St. Onge is making the rounds across the state with a presentation on how much money they need, i.e. the gas tax must be raised to meet their financial needs. Why does Haley want more power when she obviously doesn’t even communicate with her appointees now?


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