Is Mister “Read My Lips” Dead Yet?

NO … BUT HIS PARTY IS George H.W. Bush – one of the original status quo “Republicans” whose betrayal of core free market convictions helped ruin the Grand Old Party – is spending the Christmas holiday in a Houston, Texas hospital.  Is the 88-year-old former president on his deathbed?  No…


George H.W. Bush – one of the original status quo “Republicans” whose betrayal of core free market convictions helped ruin the Grand Old Party – is spending the Christmas holiday in a Houston, Texas hospital.  Is the 88-year-old former president on his deathbed?  No one seems to know … although there’s no denying that the party he once led needs to be put out of its misery.

Bush’s infamous betrayal of his famous “Read My Lips: No New Taxes” pledge was the beginning of the end of the “Republican” party as far as we’re concerned – paving the way for the fiscal excesses foisted on taxpayers by his son, two-term president George W. Bush.

Under “Bush 41,” as the elder president is known, federal spending (and deficits) soared – as they did under “Bush 43.”  Yet in GOP la-la land both of these aging RINOs are viewed as elder statesmen – principled “conservatives” who forged a “New World Order” against all manner of “evil doers.”

Yeah …

“Someday President George H.W. Bush might realize how beloved he is, but of course one of the reasons why he is so beloved is because he has no idea,” the former president’s longtime spokesperson told the Associated Press.

Ummm, what?

We won’t argue with the “no idea” diagnosis, but the last time we checked 37.5 percent of the popular vote (Bush’s 1992 showing) did not constitute “beloved.” Nonetheless Bush’s aide says he’s the recipient of an unprecedented stream of “prayer intentions.”

“I am thinking heaven has not seen such a barrage of prayer intentions since ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,'” she said.

Oh dear God, woman … please put something in your word hole.  Pronto.

We don’t wish death on anyone – no matter where they reside along the political spectrum.  Accordingly we hope this decrepit relic recovers from whatever is ailing him – and enjoys many more years of life alongside his super-wealthy friends and family up in Kennebunkport.  Hell, we’ll even keep fighting against tax hikes on him and his yacht club buddies – including a massive increase in the “death tax” set to take effect in three days time.

We do, however, maintain the big spending government interventionism he and his son championed during their years in the White House has contributed mightily to the rapidly escalating collapse of this Republic.  This is why his party needs to exit stage left and make way for a party that actually believes in limited government, less spending and lower taxes.

And yes, both Bushes are welcome to “read our lips” on that point.


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Stephan December 28, 2012 at 1:34 pm

Poor, poor taste.

jimlewis,owb December 28, 2012 at 1:42 pm

Damn, I thought I was a bastard.

Maybe when you finally get your new web site/page or whatever the fuck you call it up and running you could change Unfair.Imbalanced to something like

Fuck ’em, Fuck ’em all


Fuck ’em alive, Fuck ’em dead, Fuck ’em on Death’s Doorstep

or just


Recovering Lobbyist December 28, 2012 at 1:52 pm

Wow, Will, kick a man while he is down why don’t you. Your point is sort of correct, but you could have made it without attacking a sick old man.

And while you are attacking the Bushes, make sure you include the other Presidents who were complicit in our country’s debt demise: Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama. And give credit to the one President who gave our country surpluses for four of the eight years he was in office: Bill Clinton.

Or you could put the blame where it belongs: on Congress. They are the ones who let the Executive Branch spend our country into oblivion, and the demise started with the decision to create a debt ceiling instead of requiring the approval of each individual bond offering by the Department of Treasury.

We would be much better served if Congress were required to adopt a budget, and for the budget to balance and if it does not balance, a super majority of Congress is required to approve the budget, along with the source of the money that is borrowed.

? December 28, 2012 at 2:02 pm

I agree with much of what you typed, except this:

“And give credit to the one President who gave our country surpluses for four of the eight years he was in office: Bill Clinton.”

It’s a bit misleading in the context of accounting for off budget expenditures, but carry on.

Recovering Lobbyist December 29, 2012 at 8:45 pm

?, the only thing your post says is that all Congresses and Presidents since Social Security started building a trust fund were bad. If that is your point, then I agree. But be mindful that most were Republicans and Congress has been led by Rs more than Ds during that time as well. I am pointing out the selective memory of the persons posting on this blog. Clinton curbed spending more than most primarily because he generally kept us out of wars, which pissed off the Rs and their buds in the military industrial complex most of all.

CNSYD December 28, 2012 at 1:55 pm

and all these years I thought tax increases (or decreases) were the purview of the Congress. I never knew that POTUS could just wave a wand and they happen.

and this “new” party is who/what? Libertarian you say? How many voters did they pull last go around?

? December 28, 2012 at 2:03 pm

I think you are missing that Bush didn’t veto the taxes, which he had the power to do…hence breaking his own pledge.

CNSYD December 28, 2012 at 2:43 pm


I understand POTUS can veto a bill, but I would assume POTUS would do the math first. How many votes did he have to uphold a veto? I don’t know but would assume he knew. Maybe a veto could have been sustained and he didn’t veto it for whatever reason. My point still stands in that any bill would have to come from Congress first.

GreatDepressionGeneration December 28, 2012 at 1:59 pm

We have not had a decent president (I no longer capitalize the term) since Slippery Willie turned Bush 41 out of office.

NO leadership. Anywhere.

? December 28, 2012 at 1:59 pm

Bush I’s biggest crime against humanity wasn’t breaking his “no new taxes” pledge, it was bringing forth Bush the Dumber from his fetid loins.

I’d normally wish him Godspeed, but in this case Satanspeed is probably more apropos for believers that actually believe.

Raspy December 29, 2012 at 2:25 pm


JustTheFactsMa'am December 28, 2012 at 2:23 pm

I’ll take this decent, World War II fighter over you foul-mouthed, self-absorbed punks any day. He made a mistake over taxes…but he loves his family and this country. He put his life on the line when it counted. All you’ve done is mouth off like you know all about all and beat your ex-fiance.

Billy K Mulligan December 28, 2012 at 2:26 pm

By this standard, Reagan “raised” taxes more times than Bush 41 did in both of this terms. And review the charts of debts and deficits as % of GDP in the 2 Reagan terms. Reagan had six years of a GOP Senate, Bush 41 had Dems in control of both houses of Congress the entire term. What a bunch of uninformed crap.

SCBlues December 28, 2012 at 2:36 pm

The title of this “story” and some of the contents are beyond “in poor taste”.

FITS – Karma is a bitch!

BradWarthenSucks December 28, 2012 at 2:45 pm

Fits, you’re as the people on Brad Warthen’s blog… left-wing liberal. BTW have you seen his new designed site? Sucks worse than your wife after a glass of wine.

fitsnews Author December 28, 2012 at 3:02 pm

I haven’t seen his site but I can assure you my wife is skilled beyond anything you will ever experience in your life ;)

Crooner December 28, 2012 at 3:06 pm

Ho Ho! His poor taste knows no bounds!!

BigT December 28, 2012 at 3:24 pm

You people better Pray to God…or the rain forest, Obama’s cloak, or the solstice shaman or whatever you worship….that the GOP is NOT dead…

Right now, this country has an tyrannical, incompetent believed-king, running roughshod over your rights and pocketbook…

If Republicans don’t stand up now…They are not needed…

To her credit, Haley is Slapping the $#!* out of Obama’s attack of our state…as are the Republicans in places like Mich and Wisc. They are beating the Crap out of that idiot…and those states are imrovign while the Rust Belt and liberals Drown…

It was easy to be a FITS type alleged Republican, when he was sucking off the Sanford Government pay-check teat, while he was claiming to be all GOP…

Now Sanford has shown his left-lean, liar brand of Waffle…FITS, too, is on the sie of the Leftists, cowardly siding with the Anti-American Piece of $#!* in the white house…

FITS…we don’t want people like you…we’ll be back when the F^&*in’ idiots figure out the media lied to yall dumb@$$#$…

But I’m guessing, like all punks, you’ll come claiming you were on our side all along…

Sorry…but we don’t need you…

Isotope Soap December 28, 2012 at 5:19 pm

“To her credit, Haley is Slapping the $#!* out of Obama’s attack of our state…as are the Republicans in places like Mich and Wisc.”

Tammy Baldwin: First openly gay woman in the Senate even after Rove and Koch threw millions into the pile…yeah, she wasn’t the one who got slapped.

dwb619 December 28, 2012 at 5:34 pm

Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney,Newt, all the contenders for the last nomination, makes an excellent list of political corpse!

LEWINSKYNEWS.CUM December 28, 2012 at 3:30 pm

Whenever Fits goes to sleep,his wife and kids are thinking the same thing:’Is Haley’s BJ boy dead yet?’

(anytime a guy gets immediately defensive about his wife’s ‘skills’…,uh oh)

sweepin December 28, 2012 at 4:12 pm

Tasteless headline to commentary correlation.

Smirks December 28, 2012 at 5:40 pm

Finding fewer reasons to visit this site. Thanks, FITS.

Thebeachisback December 28, 2012 at 6:02 pm

Agreed upon, Smirks! Dislike the son–respect the father.

Original Good Ole Boy December 28, 2012 at 6:02 pm

Only reason to visit the site is to read the reader comments. Will’s commentary is usually sophomoric, juvenile, and lacking in wit and judgment.

SparkleCity December 28, 2012 at 6:05 pm

I agree

That’s why I haven’t posted in about a week myself

FITS: ******Leave Bush #1 alone**********

He was a good COC and I served under him in Desert Storm. Even though I did not vote for him, I respected him a lot more than Reagan,Clinton and Bush #2 (who ain’t near the man his Dad is).

Is FITS gonna slam recently departed General Norman Schwartzkof for being politically independent and not conservative/libertarian enough next?

Gen. “The Bear” Schwartzkof:

You were a damn fine general Sir. They don’t make them like you anymore……….

You are the last of your breed……………

Bill December 28, 2012 at 6:14 pm

His handling of the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union was absolutely pitch perfect. It had the potential to spiral out of control.

SparkleCity December 28, 2012 at 6:54 pm


Bush #1 knew what he was doing fer sure……….

Like I posted, I have always respected him.

Can’t say the same for his boy though…………

Spooky December 28, 2012 at 9:15 pm

I think my favorite HW Bush moment is probably how he handled the the call boy scandal at the Whitehouse.

A close second is the Iran-Contra distancing from Felix Rodriguez.

You should never underestimate the Bush’s, as their stock & breeding is beyond reproach. The Nazi’s didn’t trust Prescott’s bank with their gold for no reason.

admiral December 28, 2012 at 6:32 pm

Thanks Sic…….I’m done with Fitsnews…..very poor taste bro

Jasper December 28, 2012 at 7:57 pm

Low Class Will

Stinkbait December 28, 2012 at 8:21 pm

Bush #41 & the brave men like him are the reason this site is in English & not Japanese, you disrespectful bag of crap.

sam December 28, 2012 at 8:41 pm

How dare you be this crass? I am so sad you would do this. I will not support any sponsors of this site.

Spooky December 28, 2012 at 9:31 pm

I’m belly laughing at all the whiners complaining, saying you’re “not visiting” the site or patronizing his sponsers.

You are all addicted to this site like $10 whores jonesing for a hit off a crack pipe.

You will all come back again and again under various psuedonyms. Your lamentations are hysterical and meaningless.

9" January 1, 2013 at 12:19 pm

I’m offended by the ‘$10 whores’ remark;I suck and/or fuck for free.On weekends,I make the rounds at the VA’s and nursing homes,all round the Southeast.There are several ‘straight’ men I service on a regular basis,because their wives don’t suck,and are unwilling to wear a strap-on.They usually don’t realize what greedy butts their husband’s have,so I’ve saved many marriages.BTW,how big is your cock?

NoBush2016! December 28, 2012 at 11:13 pm

Baby Bush 43 lied to get Saddam Hussein because Hussein placed a hit on his father’s life. They leaked videos of Hussein in his underwear in a neuse and all belly laughed. They then killed both his sons and leaked the photos for the world to see. They killed a man and his sons based on a lie of WMDs. Why should anyone care how daddy Bush is suffering dramatically in a painful death? They got where they did due to an alleignace to Israel. Both daddy and son George are as dumb as anyone ever has been. They represent all the things wrong with our country, including legacy entitlements and good ole boy, easy lives. Jeb’s running for president in 2016 and he cares as much for the Latinos as he does the blacks. Send them back to Connecticut and take Fox News off the cable lineup down south.

Susan December 29, 2012 at 11:45 am

Funny thing, I was just reading that the Tea Party had the worst year in Washington..and can be directly blamed for the downfall of the Republican Party. And here you try to throw it at the feet of George H.W. Bush who apparently had more sense in his little finger than the entire Republican house has combined, in 2012.

Joe Wilson Is A Very Smart Man December 29, 2012 at 11:58 am

And has been out of office almost TWENTY years.Republicans have a fascination with the past.Often,simply inventing things that never happened and denying things that did.My favorite example is Ronald Reagan,who often raised taxes when it suited his purpose or when,as he often did,compromised with the Democrats on some issue.Yet oddly ,extreme Right Wingers have adopted him as their patron saint,ascribing to him policy stands and actions/inactions that never occurred.

tired and retired December 29, 2012 at 10:20 pm

The only good thing that can be said about this article is that it brought out some excellent comments in response to it. I agree wholeheartedly with Recovering Lobbyist.

Daniel "Rugg" Burns December 30, 2012 at 10:20 am

Question: Why couldn’t that motherfucker pronounce Saddam?

? December 30, 2012 at 4:39 pm

IDK, probably the same reason that his son couldn’t pronounce “nuclear”.

? December 30, 2012 at 4:41 pm


Ride My Face To Chicago December 30, 2012 at 5:16 pm

This is awful, but perhaps the Bush ladies place Alum in their douches?

BOZBORING December 31, 2012 at 12:02 pm

Picking on the sick and the deceased… you’re better than this Will.

Jake December 31, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Makes you wonder if you were on your death bed Fits, what would the “Mr_______” be?

Judy Chop January 1, 2013 at 6:48 pm

To Admiral, Sam, Jasper, Jake and especially SparkleCity. You guys obviously are newbies here. (Methinks first three guys might be one in the same)

Will Folks always up the ante when it comes to lack of integrity, lack of common decency or lack of journalistic ethics. In the past he has posted pictures of children and or minors when trashing their parents. All is fair here with no boundaries. Sic frequently posts pictures of his family with soft porn in close proximity and has even thrown in a few bible versus to mix things up a bit. He serves a strange stew.

He has even threatened to expose the sexual activities of ordinary citizens (parents in Kings Grant subdivision) as well. More than several families who have experienced suicide have had their personal lives on display here.

His only soft spot is if someone mentions his wife. I’m sure she keeps him on short rope and it obvious that he is subconsciously insecure with this relationship. He extends himself frequently with lavish praises concerning his mate. (If it is so good you don’t have to brag)

Why would anyone run for public office in SC only to be trashed on this site? Sic reminds me of the obnoxious fool, at the carnivals of old, who sat on the bench over the water tank and hurled obnoxious remarks at the bystanders so they would pay money to throw the ball and drop the fool in the water tank. The more insulting the fool the more money people would pay to dunk him. The fool and the barker were partners. Same game — same method.

Post on you fat and greasy citizens! More $$$ for the village idiot.

? January 2, 2013 at 10:06 am

Very interesting post.

I will say this though about those running for any public office:

If they(pols) are trashed they have asked for it by virtue of their desire to run other people’s lives, via winning the majority of the vote of a largely stupid electorate.

I have no sympathy for them what so ever. Will is providing a valuable service even if the manner in which he does it is as times crass and/or stupid, there’s no denying it.

He stirs the pot and publishes more dirt on the power hungry people in office that any other source in state-and that is something that needs to be done on a daily basis because if they fear/hate no one then their power goes even more unchecked(if that’s possible).

I say let them pay for their desire to control others.

Judy Chop January 2, 2013 at 8:29 pm

So, do you believe that we, as a society, could exist without politicians? No City Council nor Mayors and such? You do have to sell your soul a bit to run for any office rather it be for school board or zoning commissioner.

Note: Every single female who has appeared on this website over the years has been trashed no matter their qualifications and no matter the content of their character. Many are mothers and are respected by their peers. Every body part description and every intended sexual act has been heaped upon them by FitsNews posters. Not right. Sophomoric at best.

? January 3, 2013 at 9:45 am

“So, do you believe that we, as a society, could exist without politicians?”

Yes, I do actually.

How & when it will(if?) come about, I have no idea.

That doesn’t mean that the idea(l) is incorrect though.

“Every body part description and every intended sexual act has been heaped upon them by FitsNews posters. Not right. Sophomoric at best.”

You are probably right. The world as I’m sure you know, is sometimes a dirty place- we all have to make our decisions on what we will/won’t tolerate. You can choose not to come here or simply skip over the offensive material if you do. Your participation is voluntary. The women subjected to such can deal with it themselves with Will(or their husbands or others directly concerned) or find other methods of retribution if they feel it necessary.

Putting aside your valid point for a moment though, the issue of this site/Will’s contribution to informing the average Joe on political matters that would be untouched by our in-state media is important and valuable despite your own valid concerns. I know of no other place currently to get such information despite Will’s warts.

Saint Revolution March 3, 2013 at 10:29 am

…and Laura Bush killed a guy…yes, Laura Bush killed a guy. Quaint little freemason one world order DEMON SEEDS family, t’ain’t they?! Really, tell me, is Bush dead yet? His father, the prince of darkness, is impatiently waiting…Bush is to spend eternity stuffed into an 55 gallon oil drum. And what’s to become of “Sonny” Bush.?! He’s to spend eternity being tasered and having to perpetually be totured by hell-damned TSA fiends. Read my lips: “time to pay the piper”.

Saint Revolution March 3, 2013 at 10:29 am

…and Laura Bush killed a guy…yes, Laura Bush killed a guy. Quaint little freemason one world order DEMON SEEDS family, t’ain’t they?! Really, tell me, is Bush dead yet? His father, the prince of darkness, is impatiently waiting…Bush is to spend eternity stuffed into an 55 gallon oil drum. And what’s to become of “Sonny” Bush.?! He’s to spend eternity being tasered and having to perpetually be totured by hell-damned TSA fiends. Read my lips: “time to pay the piper”.


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