SC Rejects Obamacare Exchange

PALMETTO STATE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN GOVERNMENT “MARKET” South Carolina will not participate in one of the health care insurance exchanges created by U.S. President Barack Obama’s socialized medicine monstrosity. The Palmetto State “should not and will not set up a state-based health care exchange,” Gov. Nikki Haley announced this…


South Carolina will not participate in one of the health care insurance exchanges created by U.S. President Barack Obama’s socialized medicine monstrosity.

The Palmetto State “should not and will not set up a state-based health care exchange,” Gov. Nikki Haley announced this week.

Obamacare exchanges would allow newly created state government bureaucracies to organize and regulate the way insurers sell policies to customers – a costly, anti-free market way of providing health care.  The exchanges are scheduled to open until October 1, 2013 – but states were given a November 16 deadline to announce their intention to participate.  That deadline has since been pushed back to December 14.

Earlier this year, the White House claimed that “28 States and the District of Columbia (were) on their way toward establishing their own Affordable Insurance Exchange.”

It’s now looking like the administration may not hit that mark – which would represent a major dent in Obamacare’s fiscal impact.

Initially it seemed as though “Republicans” in South Carolina were going to try and slip an Obamacare exchange through the back door.  Legislation creating the exchanges was on the fast track in the S.C. House of Representatives, and S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley  signed an executive order creating the “South Carolina Health Care Exchange Planning Committee,” an entity funded with Obamacare dollars.

Haley is tight with the Heritage Foundation – which initially advised states to create what it called “defensive” Obamacare exchanges (to its credit Heritage later reversed course).

Fortunately Tea Partiers caught wind of all this and threatened to vote out GOP lawmakers who supported it.

Thirteen “Republicans” – Reps. Rita Allison, Liston Barfield, Doug Brannon, Danny Cooper, Nelson Hardwick, Bill Herbkersman, Jenny Horne, Chip Huggins, Jay Lucas, Dwight Loftis, Phil Owens, Steve Parker and Mike Pitts – were originally signed on as co-sponsors of the exchange bill.  Not surprisingly, most of them ran for the hills as soon as their support for the legislation became public knowledge.

Our position on these exchanges has been unambiguous.

“We oppose any move to create a government-run health care exchange in South Carolina – just as we opposed Obamacare itself,” we wrote last March.

While this fight has been won, another battle looms regarding Obamacare’s costly Medicaid expansion.

Haley has said that she will opposed this expansion, although her S.C. Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) has been aggressively adding people to the state’s Medicaid rolls on its own.


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Tricky Ricky November 16, 2012 at 9:16 am

Oh yeah! The current solution is just peachy. Let us continue with the current path of “free market” until we are all well and truly FUCKED!

Try buying individual coverage or better yet, TRY buying individual coverage with a pre-existing condition. THEN tell me what we have is better than trying something new.

The exchanges may not be perfect, but not doing ANYTHING is worse!

Smirks November 16, 2012 at 11:10 am

Try buying individual coverage or better yet, TRY buying individual coverage with a pre-existing condition.

Try again in 2014. :)

Torch November 16, 2012 at 9:34 am

Let me point out that socialized medicine would be totally government controlled. ACA isn’t, so it is not socialized medicine. Haley rejects it because she can’t figure it out.

? November 16, 2012 at 9:40 am

It’s all posturing, you’ve got so many fingers in the proverbial pie I don’t think anyone knows who is going to benefit or get hurt so they are just slowing it down.

Trust me, she’ll buckle. DC has a myriad of ways to cram this down the throat of SC.

For instance, how do you meet DC’s mandate of having “insurance” if there is no exchange in SC that forces companies to take you, pre-conditions and all?

Wait till Haley and the gang starts getting calls from people who are getting fined by DC/IRS for not being able to get insurance once that aspect of the law kicks in(2014 I think).

It’s all bullshit…and you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield and a few other big insurance companies wielding big power behind the scenes in SC to make sure their revenue stream is protected no matter how it comes down.

In the end Haley will succumb…this is all nothing much than short term bullshit. She’ll pretend she “fought the good fight” for the stupid people and move on.

shifty henry November 16, 2012 at 10:08 am

….. you are both correct

Thunderbird November 16, 2012 at 6:29 pm

A Lonely Opposition
by Brion McClanahan

Recently by Brion McClanahan: A Limiting Document?

On 20 March 1861, United States Senator James A. Bayard of Delaware began a three day speech on the prospects of war and the legality of secession. He began by offering a resolution in the hope of avoiding what he predicted would be a long, bloody conflict. It read:

Resolved by the Senate of the United States, That the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, has full power and authority to accept the declaration of the seceding States that they constitute hereafter an alien people, and to negotiate and conclude a treaty with “the Confederate States of America” acknowledging their independence as a separate nation; and that humanity and the principle avowed in the Declaration of Independence that the only just hosts of government is “the consent of the governed,” alike require that the otherwise inevitable alternative of civil war, with all its evils and devastation, should be thus avoided.

Today, November 15, is Bayard’s birthday. His is one of the most important but forgotten United States Senators in American history. There are no monuments to his honor, no buildings named after him, and outside of Delaware hardly anyone has heard his name, but he was one of the few men in the Congress with the resolve to resist the headlong rush to war the Lincoln administration and the Republican Party foisted on the American people, North and South. He privately called Lincoln an “ordinary Western man” that had no concept about American government. Bayard was a rock, a crusader waging what seemed to be, at times, a one-man defense of the Constitution and the Union of the Founders. He was threatened by mob violence, his mail was searched and was later confiscated, he was denounced in the press as a traitor, was hung in effigy in Philadelphia, and later resigned from the Senate rather than continue among the “reptiles” in Congress as he called them. Such a man deserves our attention.

Bayard openly questioned the motivation behind the war against the South and wondered aloud how people could defend such a cause. “Could there be a more revolting proposition than that the individual man, who is domiciled in the State, and residing there, shall be held in the position that he is guilty of treason against the State if he does not side with her, and of treason against the General Government if he does?” He contended “humanity alone” must side with the “law of domicile” in such a situation. When his son-in-law joined the Union army in 1861, Bayard warned, “In embarking on this war therefore, you enlist in a war for invasion of another people. If successful it will devastate if not exterminate the Southern people and this is miscalled Union. If unsuccessful then peaceful separation must be the result after myriads of lives have been sacrificed, thousands of homes made desolate, and property depreciated to an incalculable extent. Why in the name of humanity can we not let those States go?”

In a July 1861 speech entitled “Executive Usurpation,” Bayard roasted the Lincoln administration and lamented the loss of liberty. The Constitution “which we had supposed gave us, as citizens of a free country, free institutions, in contradiction to the absolutism which reigned in France” was being subverted by an administration that smacked of Louis XIV, Oliver Cromwell, or Napoleon Bonaparte. Personal liberty was the cost of centralization. “If [you cherish] the principle of civil liberty, [you] cannot sustain this action of the President [suspension of habeas corpus] which violates the laws of the land, and abolishes all security for personal liberty to every citizen throughout…the loyal States….power always tends to corruption, and especially when concentrated in a single person.”

Bayard typically reserved his harshest statements for the Republican leaders in Congress. He wrote in late 1861 that, “Their intent is the devastation and obliteration of the Southern people as the means of retaining power, and yet I doubt in the history of the world has ever, with the exception of the French reign of terror, shown so imbecile, so corrupt, so vindictive rulers over any people as those with which this country is now cursed.” He voted against appropriating money for the war effort, was dismayed by the reckless government spending – “God help the tax-payers if the money can be borrowed” – urged his son to buy gold when the National Bank Acts passed, thundered against their attempts to expel members of Congress for their opposition to the War, denounced troops at the polls, the military occupation of Delaware, and the arrest of dozens of Delawareans for suspected disloyalty, and believed that the “more moderate” Republicans were being “governed by the violent and ignorant.” He wrote, “If the people of the U.S. were not more practical and informed than the element the French Jacobins dealt with I believe we should have the atrocities of the ‘Mountain’ renewed. Fear alone sustains them.” In 1862 he wrote, “State necessity has always been pleaded for the suppression of liberty.”

Recent events, of course, make Bayard relevant. Tomorrow, thousands of Americans will flock to see Stephen Spielberg’s new film about “Honest Abe,” and will doubtless leave feeling a surge in admiration for the “Great Emancipator.” Assuredly, Bayard’s description of events will not make the film. At the same time all fifty States and over 675,000 people and counting have petitioned the White House to accept the peaceful separation of their State from the Union. Barack Obama has compared his administration to Lincoln’s. Perhaps the two have more in common than he realizes.

Lincoln, the dishonest, Hamiltonian, dictator, and Obama, the Marxist, Keynesian, emperor, both have shredded the Constitution and both have faced a decision on how to handle open defiance of their administration. Obama’s will mirror Lincoln’s, at least in regard to the legality of secession. Secession, he will say, is illegal, unconstitutional, treasonous, and unpatriotic. And why not, he has so-called conservative support. Bayard said in 1861 that “I believe the great value of the American Union…is the preservation of liberty – by which I mean a Government of laws, securing the right of free speech, securing the freedom of thought, and securing the free and ample discussion of any question.” The American people may not be ready for secession and are going about it the wrong way, but let’s hope there is a James Bayard in the current crop of United States Senators, someone with the manly resolve to contest the flimsy arguments that will certainly be used against the American principles of independence and self-determination. I don’t have much optimism.

November 16, 2012

Brion McClanahan [send him mail] holds a Ph.D. in American history from the University of South Carolina and is a faculty member at Tom Woods’s Liberty Classroom. He is the author or co-author of four books: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Real American Heroes (Regnery, 2012), The Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution (Regnery History, 2012); Forgotten Conservatives in American History (with Clyde Wilson, Pelican, 2012); and The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers (Regnery, 2009).

Copyright © 2012 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

MountainPenelope November 16, 2012 at 10:17 am

South Carolina WILL participate in ACA in spite of the machinations of our state overlords.

These governors who are refusing to create state run exchanges are, instead, inviting the Feds to come in and do it.

Fine with me. The Feds will do a better job and fewer South Carolinians will be ripped off.

It’s a win win – Haley looks stupid and many of the uninsured of South Carolina will now be able to get insurance.

It’s the law of the land, and it’s a good law. Single payer would be better, but this will suffice for now.

Amy Lazenby November 16, 2012 at 10:44 am

Exactly. States that don’t set up their own insurance exchanges or work with the federal government to set them up are giving up local control. Under the ACA, those states’ exchanges will be run by the federal government. What about that does our governor not understand?

Smirks November 16, 2012 at 11:15 am

Fine with me. The Feds will do a better job and fewer South Carolinians will be ripped off.

lol… You might be right on that. It takes real talent to fuck things up as bad as we can, and the feds ain’t got that kind of talent.

? November 16, 2012 at 11:16 am

“Fine with me. The Feds will do a better job and fewer South Carolinians will be ripped off.”

lol…that’s some pie in the sky fantasy right there.

Inletman November 16, 2012 at 10:23 am

Can Horry County seceed from the state of SC?

Bonhoeffer November 16, 2012 at 10:32 am

Only if you will take Beaufort, Aiken, York, Lexington, and Anderson with you.

Road Hog November 16, 2012 at 10:24 am

This reminds me of Governor Wallace standing in the doorway to the admissions office at Alabama. Soon as the feds showed up, he stepped aside. Haley will do the same after milking all the sound bytes and photo ops she can out of this.

sweepin November 16, 2012 at 10:30 am

You are spot on. There’s been a lot more votes in this deal than light, for both parties.

Now that the magic underwear guy is gone the vote shift has begun and the peacock strutting of feaux opposition will fade.

CUvinny November 16, 2012 at 10:35 am

So the Fitsnews official stance is that the federal govt can run the exchange better then the state.

Probably right actually.

? November 16, 2012 at 11:16 am


Fleece McBribe November 16, 2012 at 10:39 am

Put Miz Lilly in charge of this.

ceilidh10 November 16, 2012 at 10:41 am

and all you are doing, Mr. Folkes, and Guvner Haley, is hurting people. It is the law. The Supreme Court upheld it.

I thought people like you preferred to have the state run things as opposed to the feds.

You remind of the civil rights era when white southerners vowed NEVER to let those niggers go to school with our white children.

You will be defeated once again.

The feds will shove it down your redneck throat.

You are WRONG. Shame on you.

Thomas November 16, 2012 at 10:44 am

ACA is a total clusterfuck. The amendments, addendums are being written on a daily basis. This law, supposedly written in the first few months of the Pelosi regime back on 2008, is going to change the American work week. This legislation was around for decades just waiting for an avenue to pass without opposition. This legislation is a tax. This legislation will destroy our healthcare delivery system. This legislation is a ploy to keep power through bamboozling the public into thinking the Democrats have their back. Real hard hitting responses will change that fairy tale. To parse Pelosi, sometimes you have to pass legislation to show how out of touch the Democrats really are.

To begin with, this is a good first step. The Feds are really just saying do our work for us. And we need to opt out of medicaid expansion.

SC government needs to change the work week to 29 hours, and do away with all full time workers so we do not have to offer healthcare to state employees. How about them apples Democrats?

Idiots have ruined Richland County, and soon the nation with your feelgood government expansion bovine sewage and “things” to get votes or “things” using tax payer money that has no bearing on creating solid foundations to grow.

I am still waiting on any jobs from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Where are the shovel ready jobs that was supposed to build our roads and bridges?

Allowing the Obama tax cuts to expire next year is really just trying to fund all the BS programs you taxed and spent in 2008-2010.

I will admit the one area Democrats are good at is filing lawsuits.

Manray9 November 16, 2012 at 10:48 am

This is yet another opportunity for empty posturing by Republican politicians on an important issue instead of undertaking effective action. Haley, et al, may make a “principled” stand, but if the state does not create an exchange, then the feds will — that’s the new law. Wouldn’t it be better for SC to create its own exchange rather than cede control to the feds? I thought the Republican mantra was always “The States can do it better?”

This is informative on the subject:

Choppers November 16, 2012 at 10:59 am

Screw Haley and BCBS. That’s what they continue to do to us.

Greasy Gus November 16, 2012 at 11:01 am

A stopped clock is right twice a day. Nikki got it right this time.

An excellent article on why is it absolutely essential to defeat state exchanges.

Smirks November 16, 2012 at 11:09 am

16 Established State Exchange
4 Planning for Partnership Exchange
13 Studying Options
4 No Significant Activity
14 Decision Not to Create State Exchange

The bottom three categories are ones that could very likely change now that Obama has won reelection. Of course, if very few states ultimately reject running their own, it would be very easy for the feds to step in and do it themselves.

Tick tock…

Smirks November 16, 2012 at 11:21 am

Keep in mind, another provision is an increase in Medicaid coverage, which also goes into effect regardless of what the state decides to do, albeit to different degrees. The feds will pay for 100% of the Medicaid spending for a while, and then it drops down to 90% funded by the feds. How many states do you think will reject a deal as good as 9 bucks for every $1 you spend?

Sure, if states reject it, the feds run their own ship in this case too. The coverage is less, but it is still an increased amount of coverage. But, that’s IF South Carolina actually follows Haley’s stubbornness.

Lots of these states will ultimately fold. Remember Sanford and the stimulus? Haley will not stop it either. Hell, she’s probably looking for people to scratch her back for letting it go through.

Astonished November 16, 2012 at 1:33 pm

SCDOR, SCDEW, SCDHEC, etc., does anyone really believe SC is capable of running the exchange more efficiently than the FEDS? Maybe Haley just doesn’t want another failure on her resume!

ceilidh10 November 16, 2012 at 2:02 pm

When will the people of this state start to see the Republicans for the very real and imminent threat to their health, safety, and welfare that they are ?

I thank God every day we have a federal government that will get things done the way they need to get done, for the people.

Quality heath care should be a God given right. Who but the most callous person would be against it?

FITS continues to lose my respect every day. FITS carries water for the big buck Republicans.

Old Bike Dude November 16, 2012 at 3:25 pm

If she stays out of it, she can’t fuck it up. In fact if SC stays out of it they can’t fuck it up. This is truly a win for South Carolinians.

Jackie Knotts For Governor November 16, 2012 at 3:51 pm

I agree.

Keeping these dumbass South Carolina Republicans out of it is the best thing possible.

I mean who wants the likes of Nikki Haley running anything?

Just keep saying No Nikki!

CoolAireHeights November 16, 2012 at 5:51 pm

She’s right on this one…. a state run exchange is merely a charade… not unlike the state plan charade of Medicaid, etc… you know, all the things that WE Americans want – per the election results – but that are funneled through states to give the illusion that they have some sort of power. Well folks, states don’t have real power and my suggestion is that given Obama’s mandate, he should move to eliminate the states per a constitutional amendment.. after all, we live in a new America… one that doesn’t need states which are inefficient and which just propogate new and existing hate laws that too often run contrary with the Federal Government. So kudos to Haley on this one for calling a spade a spade.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield November 16, 2012 at 7:48 pm

Yeh let em go to the emergency room!

CoolAireHeights November 16, 2012 at 8:34 pm

Wow, I write something thought-provoking – even complimenting someone I never compliment – and you, you merely spout an obscure Dem healthcare bullet point. Well, while you were at it, you should have brought out all of the Dem talking points and called me… a wingnut; an old white guy that will be dead soon; an extremist; a racist; a tea bagger; etc; etc; etc. Please, I don’t think that Will charges by the word, so have at it… please, expand the hate…

Old Bike Dude November 17, 2012 at 10:52 am

Did you just say that Haley called Clyburn a Spade? Fucking racist bitch.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield November 16, 2012 at 9:02 pm

Good idea!

You are a WINGNUT,an old White guy who will be dead soon,an extremist,a tea bagger,a racist etc.!

As for that DUMB SILLINESS about Obama amending the Constitution to abolish the states?

That’s as dumb as Fits various conspiracy theories


Very REPUBLICAN of you!

Hope all those was

“Thought provoking”

Did you know Obama was a Socialist?

BigT November 17, 2012 at 11:05 am

Good job Governor. I think this is a game to keep it in the courts for a long delay..

The Senate will turn in 2 years…they can’t get cheaters out to vote like 2012 in an off-year….especially w/o a black presidential candiate on a national ticket…

Just stall…and get the power back…be patient true Americans…

And I love how it P!$$#s off the dirty democrats and liberals when we resist…and kick their can down the road…It’s GREAT…and will keep me engaged…something to cherer, and laugh about…

Blue Cross/Blue Shield November 17, 2012 at 1:02 pm

Just think Republican

Thousands of South Carolinians getting health insurance through an insurance exchange run by the Feds!

Makes ya blood boil

Dont it?

BigT November 17, 2012 at 1:42 pm

Republicans will be judged hereafter as to whether they lay for the Rape of this Socialist Piece of $#!t or not…

All that matters now is resistance…Evil will crumble…and Obama’s day will come…just as Hitler’s did…

There is a LONG, LONG way to go before that ignorant bas^&rd can spike the ball on this Gargantuan Tax on the cul-d-sac drone Dumb@$$#$ who put this anti-American dirtbag in office…

We have not yet begun to fight…and you will run like the punks you are…when it REALLY starts…

You’ve never had to fear losing freedom…and the people who will Bash your sissy, media led @$#$ have already lost theirs…and wait till you see what we do to TAKE it back from you…

The Tax Man Cometh November 17, 2012 at 2:53 pm

I rub my hands in glee

Knowing how much more taxes you are going to pay !

jj June 12, 2013 at 7:51 am

send it all in

jj June 12, 2013 at 7:51 am

send it all in

Guero November 18, 2012 at 6:57 pm

Your prediction of a Repugnant Party Senate and Repugnant President certainly were on the mark, teapot. You’re just a Palmetto state little turd Karl Rove wannabe.

EJB November 19, 2012 at 10:19 am

Some of these posts sound like this THING can be run right. It CAN NOT. It will be a disaster for all, much worse and far faster than Social Security. We are already spending 54% more money (deficit) than we are taking in (tax revenues) and all the added Medicaid recipients will only make it worse. Putting this back on the federal government makes them have to deal with this unfunded mandate. It will be bad and many, many people will be hurt and bad. If our state gives in to this nonsense our taxes will skyrocket because our politicians have already demonstrated they do not have the intestinal fortitude to “correct” this thing. When this monster rears its head in Washington DC they will have to abolish it like they did Prohibition and work out a proper resolution to the real problem with medicine – massive government intervention and regulation.

Bob Marshall November 19, 2012 at 8:56 pm

I am still trying to figure a way to sue someone for publishing my SS# by not installing anti virus software on the states computers. If SC set up an exchange, what kind of boondoggle will it be like.

jj June 12, 2013 at 7:49 am

we are Now Slaves to Our Own Government

jj June 12, 2013 at 7:49 am

we are Now Slaves to Our Own Government


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