Free Speech Under Assault

“Keep the tyrants fearful…”

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Free speech – and free thought – are under assault in our country and our culture.

Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking at the World Economic Forum (WEF) last weekend, bemoaned the First Amendment as a “major block.”

“I think the dislike of and the anguish over social media is just growing, and it’s part of our problem, particularly in democracies” Kerry said.

Is the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee anguished because social media has been shown to erode teens’ mental health? No. He’s upset because it has hampered the ability of state-sanctioned opinion-makers to determine what we’re allowed to think.

“It’s really hard to govern today,” Kerry said. “The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn’t a fact – that has been eviscerated to a certain degree.”

According to Kerry, this is a problem because people “self-select where they go for their news or information.”

“It’s really much harder to build consensus today,” he added, noting that so-called consensus builders were having “a lot of discussion now about how to curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts.”

Unfortunately for Kerry (but fortunately for us) “our First Amendment stands as a major block to being able to just hammer it out of existence.”

(Click to view)

(Via: MSNBC)

Another former secretary of state recently suggested action could be taken now against purveyors of “misinformation.” Hillary Clinton argued on live cable television that Americans engaged in “propaganda” should be “criminally charged” and face civil penalties as a “deterrent.”

There’s no reason to think Kerry, Clinton and the army of bureaucrats and corporate executives who actually implement these totalitarian policies won’t continue their war on free expression.

Those nameless bureaucrats and corporate cogs are frankly more terrifying than Kerry or Clinton, as the named tyrants can at least be temporarily ejected from their seats of power through presidential elections. Meanwhile the noxious D.C. swamp – under presidential administrations of both political parties – ceaselessly attacks free online expression across the globe.

In July. the U.S. House Judiciary Committee released a report on how the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) “directed its members to boycott Twitter after Elon Musk acquired the company” and “attempted to pressure Spotify into censoring Joe Rogan due to his views on the COVID-19 vaccine.” The group also blacklisted purchasing advertisements on non-establishment media sources.


The monopolistic reach of GARM members (Mike Benz/Foundation For Freedom Online)

GARM is a coalition of six global advertising agencies who collectively own nearly every advertising agency in the western world. These firms are deeply intertwined within the United States government.

WPP has a five-year contract with the U.S. Navy worth more than $455 million, and owns the firm that produced ads for the U.S. Marines for more than 70 years.

Omnicom Group holds a $4 billion dollar U.S. Army marketing contract, a $741 million U.S. Air Force recruitment advertising contract and a $247 million Department of Health and Human services contract.

IPG has Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) contracts worth over $1.1 billion, and U.S. military recruiting contracts worth $454 million.

All that said – the federal government doing business with advertising giants who collude to suppress unauthorized thoughts isn’t prima facie evidence of the government’s role in the suppression of inconvenient speech.




What is clearly inappropriate, though, is the government’s leadership in the creation of NewsGuard. NewsGuard are are the “boots on the ground” of the censorship-industrial complex. The organization assigns news organizations “news nutrition labels” and numerically scores the reliability of outlets.

Newsguard claims to apolitically adjudicate the reliability of news sources, yet analyses of its ratings shows the organization consistently ranking left-leaning sites 27 points higher on average.

These rankings are then used by other GARM members to deprive wrong-think purveying news outlets of from billions in ad revenue.

The United States Pentagon paid $750,000 to facilitate the creation of this politicized rating system.

While politicians like Clinton and Kerry are the public-facing purveyors of tyranny, the collusion of global corporations and governmental actors happy to farm unconstitutional suppression of free speech out to the private sector are the real threat.

While Clinton would throw me in prison for penning this post if she could get away with it – Newsguard will suppress the distribution of this this news outlet for consistently publishing “off narrative” (yet factually accurate) news pieces.



There is a supreme irony to the “defenders of democracy” repeatedly tarring conservative as fascists. Fascist governments are characterized by collusion between state and industrial leaders. As the Italian fascists famously said, “Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato.”

Or, “everything within the state, nothing outside of the state, nothing against the state.”

Kerry, Clinton and the rest of their globalist ilk are working ceaselessly to create a neo-feudal fascistic future where the rights of the individual are removed, and where disobedience of any kind to the omniscient and omnipresent government is punished by a 21st century shunning by the state’s corporate cronies.

While it’s terrifying to see tyrants like Kerry and Clinton taking off their masks and exposing their (evil) intent, the fact that powerful free-speech platforms like X have forced them do so is proof their victory is far from assured.

When American founding father Benjamin Franklin was asked whether the fledgling nation would be a republic or a monarchy, he famously replied that America would be “a republic, if you can keep it.”




Franklin knew that republican government cannot exist without free expression.

“A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins” Franklin wrote.

Kerry and his treasonous ilk want to enslave us – and they hate the fact we’re not (yet) sufficiently ignorant enough for them to do so.

Franklin opined that “freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government.” He knew “when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.”

We must not allow America to become an open-air digitized gulag – something it could easily become in the next two decades if the power of AI and the digitization of transportation, communication and currency are allowed to be weaponized by tyrants.

Franklin’s words and actions make it plain how he would advise we respond to these attempts to extinguish the world’s greatest beacon of freedom and individual liberty.

As Franklin famously said:

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Am I suggesting that you and your modern-minutemen friends grab the old musket off the mantle and begin firing upon the treasonous tyrants? No. I am emphatically suggesting you don’t do that.


Modern Minutemen (Via:Dylan Nolan/Grok AI)

The Michigan gubernatorial kidnapping hoax and involvement of federal agents in provoking violence at the U.S. capitol on January 6, 2021 stand as salient examples of how the security state capitalizes on those dumb enough to resist it on its own terms with open force.

The tyrants would love nothing more than direct physical resistance, they’d love nothing more than an excuse to kill you or put you in prison.

Be patient. This is a long game.

Speak in private about the dangers of the totalitarian state. Find likeminded and trustworthy individuals in your social circle.

If you’re brave enough, speak in public about the dangers of the totalitarian state. Grit your teeth and tell yourself that if they want you to shut you up they’re going to have to physically shut you up.

Understand that if you become effective in this lawful public resistance, you will have everything taken from you. You’ll face bogus lawsuits, false criminal charges and/or die under suspicious circumstances.

But understand the power of freedom and of the human spirit – If even a small portion of Americans are willing to run these risks, we can peacefully and patriotically defeat these tyrants.

If victory through speech wasn’t attainable, tyrants like Clinton and Kerry wouldn’t need to so openly show their hand.

They fear your resistance, and that is a good thing.

Keep the tyrants fearful.



(Via: Travis Bell)

Dylan Nolan is the director of special projects at FITSNews. He graduated from the Darla Moore school of business in 2021 with an accounting degree. Got a tip or story idea for Dylan? Email him here. You can also engage him socially @DNolan2000.



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The Colonel Top fan October 2, 2024 at 4:22 pm

Lurch is one of those people I cannot understand why anyone pays attention too. On the list with Cheney (both of them), Hillary, that other doofus Lurch look alike Romney, Beto…

Tom October 2, 2024 at 6:53 pm

Are you even going to discuss the fact that Donald Trump wants to declare the press the enemy of the people and put ABC, CBS, NBC, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and anyone else who tells the truth about him or criticizes him out of business, and arrest their owners? We have a strong Democracy and our free speech rights are far stronger than any other country. The only thing that can change that is a Dictator, and that is what Trump wants to be. Of course, rags like this will always have the right to sing Trump’s praises. That will never change. But you can bet that in a Trump administration, just like Putin and Xi, anyone who stands up to Trump or criticizes Trump will be silenced by the Government.

There is only one threat to free speech and freedom of the press; and that threat is from the right.

JustSomeGuy Top fan October 3, 2024 at 9:19 am

Progressives keep trying to push the narrative that Trump wants to be a dictator and would shut down the media, etc. I don’t even like Trump, and I still have to call BS on that. We have seen four years of what a Trump administration looks like, and it was none of those things. The mainstream media freely blasted him the whole time he was in office. He called them out on their crap, but they were free to keep doing it, and they did.

Tom October 3, 2024 at 11:26 am

Trump was hampered by inexperience in his first administration. He did not understand that as President he was not a king, and did not know that some people would refuse to follow his instructions. He will not make that mistake again, and that is part of what Project 2025 was all about. His supporters will ensure that his administration is staffed by only those loyal to Trump and only Trump. By people who will follow his instructions without question (yes just like Putin). The Heritage Foundation and others are already trying to determine who needs to be purged from the Justice Department and the other agencies. They already plan by executive order to eliminate civil service protections so that people can be fired at will, and replaced by Trump loyalists. A second Trump term will be nothing like a first Trump term.

Trump plans to act like the dictator he wants to be. Vance made that clear in his debate. He is no Mike Pence. He will do what Trump tells him to do without question. Trump is a major threat to the free press and will use the Justice Department to go after his political enemies. I don’t know why that is even a question. When people tell you what they are going to do, believe them. They want to remake America in a very bad way. And that includes silencing those who dissent from their path.

Don’t make the same mistake Germans did before WWII. Believe the man who says he wants to be a dictator on day one.

JustSomeGuy Top fan October 3, 2024 at 3:33 pm

There are some die hard, deranged Trump supporters, but not nearly enough to pull that off. There may be, maybe, enough Americans willing to vote to put Trump back into office. The vast majority of that 50.1% of the country isn’t looking to establish Trump in a permanent role. And we’re not about to be run over by the fringe on either side.

Tom October 3, 2024 at 4:34 pm

You believe that, but Trump supporters do not and neither do I. Trump supporters want a strong man who will as Trump likes to say “rule with an iron fist” and that takes a lot of jackboots. They hate everyone who is not in the cult.

When Trump was in office he tried to convince Congress to set up a mercenary army run by Erik Prince. The US would pay Blackwater billions of dollars a year to fight the war in Afghanistan and other wars. Congress said no, but if he had been successful, you can damn sure bet that mercenary army would have been in Washington on January 6 and things would have gone very differently that day. Now a new Trump emboldened by SCOTUS-provided Presidential Immunity, will set up a pretorian guard loyal to him, and not one Republican who will stand against him.

Trump is a serious threat to democracy. Hundreds of the nation’s most conservative Republicans and military minds have said so and are supporting Harris. Even in the oldest existing democracy, rule by the people is always fragile.

Another mindless MAGA child October 2, 2024 at 7:29 pm

When these MAGA bloggers start their snowflake routine about “free speech”, they are just whining about not being able to lie without being called out, spreading misinformation and Russian propaganda.

These sad MAGA children never stood a chance. They have literally been raised on Russian propaganda. Probably just following their mindless parents down Putin’s rabbit hole. Ron Paul-tards and Occupy Wallstreet suckers.

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The Colonel Top fan October 2, 2024 at 9:10 pm

Russian propaganda? You mean the (Hillary paid for, total BS) Trump dossier or the (all to real) Hunter Biden lap top? Do you actually believe the bovine excreta you write?

Did Tucker Carlson Ever Find That Thumb Drive? October 3, 2024 at 8:52 am

Joe Biden isn’t running and all you guys can bring up is Hunter Biden. Bless your hearts. : )

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The Colonel Top fan October 3, 2024 at 12:30 pm

So we’ll go with the blatant unchallenged BS Kamala spews:
2016: Kamala as AG for California suing the federal Gov’t to stop fracking: “…practices like fracking that may pose a threat to the health and well-being of California communities…
2019: Kamala said during a Democratic presidential town hall on climate change hosted by CNN on September 4, 2019. ‘There’s no question, I am in favor of banning fracking,”
2024: She claimed to have never opposed fracking and then said, “What I have seen is that we can grow and we can increase a thriving clean energy economy without banning fracking…”
So which is it?
Her Upbringing
“I grew up in a middle-class household. For most of my childhood, we were renters. My mother saved for well over a decade to buy a home. I was a teenager when the day finally came—and I can still remember how excited she was. In college, I worked at McDonald’s to earn spending money. “
In reality, both of her parents have PhDs. Daddy is a marxist professor of economics who is a professor emeritus from Stanford (his PhD is from Beserkly). Mommy is a PhD who’s best known for her research in Progesterone Receptors as they apply to breast cancer and lesser known for her involvement in the Black Panther Party (though she’s Indian and not “black” or “African American”. Both were highly regarded in their fields and hardly middle class.
She never worked for MacDonalds (according to MacDonalds)
Denies a relationship with a married Joe Brown
That ain’t what Joe says and the facts are he was married, Reuters said this: “Willie Brown was legally married when he and Kamala Harris dated in the mid-1990s,…
Random Lies
Harris: “Four years ago, when we came in, we came in during the worst unemployment since the Great Depression.”
The Truth according to USA today? “During the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in early 2020, the unemployment rate spiked to 14.8%. But by December 2020, the unemployment rate had fallen back to 6.7%. That is high compared with other recent years, but nowhere near the worst since the 1930s.”
Harris frequently state “If Donald Trump gets the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban, and these horrific realities will multiply.”
Trump himself has stated (many times) “…I have no interest in signing a federal ban on abortion, and since the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, there is no need for such a ban…’

Oh, her “toxic masculinity decrying” husband is an abuser of women

Another mindless MAGA child October 3, 2024 at 1:57 pm

That’s quite a detailed list of Russian misinfo.

You definitely delivered when challenged to comment with more Russian propaganda.

Real Useful Idiot if the Year candidate material there, Colonel Comrade.

Jan October 3, 2024 at 2:02 pm

Spending a lot of time on Fox News or reading Trump Truths I see. So let’s hear the truth, cover your ears and yell na, na, na.

Fracking – Harris does not deny she wanted to ban fracking. She has not said she never opposed fracking. She says she thinks it is bad for the environment, but she is pragmatic. She says we need the energy and she has no plans to ban fracking. i.e. she changed her mind.

Her upbringing – Harris’s father was not part of her life growing up. He and her mother separated and her mother raised her and her sister as a single mother by her mother’s choice. Yes her mother was educated and had a good job, but that did not afford the family more than a middle-class lifestyle. No, McDonalds has never said that Harris did not work for them, they have not commented on this matter at all. That is because McDonalds is a franchisor. They don’t own most of the McDonald’s restaurants and franchisees hire the people in their franchise restaurants. It is not surprising that a franchisee or anyone else would not have records of who worked summer help for them 40 years ago.

The Washington Post May 8, 2020, “The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression” The relevant fact is that Trump is the first President since Herbert Hoover to actually lose jobs during his administration.

While it is true that Harris dated Willie Brown, not Joe Brown, while he was legally married. He and his wife had been separated for over a decade. Both had dated numerous people since their separation. As Willie Brown said “Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?” And how is this relevant, when she is running against a man who is on his third wife and has cheated on all three of them multiple times?

Ah, Abortion. No one was more surprised than the Evangelical community when Trump said yesterday that he would veto a national abortion ban. Even Vance in the VP Debate refused to say Trump would veto a national abortion ban, and Vance has repeatedly supported a national abortion ban. Trump is not to be believed. He has flip-flopped so many times on abortion from “put women who have abortions in jail” to I will be your protector. Trump is not above lying about an abortion ban and his position depends on who is paying him money at any given time or whose vote he is trying to get (you know just like TikTok and EVs). Project 2025, which Trump tries to distance himself from but which has his employee’s hands all over it including Vance, who wrote the forward, calls for a national abortion ban, and for the ability of states to monitor pregnancy. By the way, despite Trump telling women they should not think about abortion anymore, they are not buying the BS. They don’t want their rights to depend on what state they live in. Trump caused women to lose the rights their mothers and grandmothers took for granted and I don’t think they will forget.

While we don’t yet know the full story on Doug Emhoff’s alleged altercation with a former girlfriend, how is that relevant, when he has been a good husband and father, and Harris is running against a man who has been accused by 18 women of sexual assault, has been found by a jury to have sexually assaulted Jean Carrol, who bragged on national television that he liked to assault women and “grab them by the pu&^y without their consent; and who has had three wives and cheated on all three (one of whom accused him of raping her).

Another mindless MAGA child October 3, 2024 at 9:37 am

Thanks you for an example of a mind filled with Russian misinfo.

Can you give us another comment proving my point?

Way to play yourself, stooge October 3, 2024 at 9:42 am


Hunter’s laptop literally has origins as a Russian operation. According to American sources. Google it, stooge.

Bob October 3, 2024 at 11:44 am

I’m assuming you “served” during the Cold War and you claim you were a teacher.

So, how did you get turned into a Useful Idiot so quickly?

Seriously, if you are what you claim to be, you really need to look in the mirror and wonder how things went so wrong for you, that you put Russia and Trump over the country you served and continues to pay you. Also makes one wonder what you are teaching young people? Thank god you don’t do that anymore!

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The Colonel Top fan October 3, 2024 at 1:42 pm

Bob, I served from ’82 – ’14. Still teaching. Still finding it necessary to point out both sides of the argument. Still have never voted for Trump, just not willing to drink the Dem Kool Aid. Kamamala will be an absolute disaster if elected. Trump probably will do about what he did last time which wasn’t as bad as Biden’s term thus far. Had COVID not reared it’s ugly little Chinese head, we probably wouldn’t have ever heard from Kamala or Biden again.

A Name October 3, 2024 at 2:01 pm

“I don’t vote for Trump, but defend him and attack his political rivals every chance I get..”

You really don’t read what you type, do you?

An actual proven and convicted felon and fraud, who is undoubtedly in the pockets of dictators who want to take down our Democracy, is less of a threat than a former Prosecutor, Senator and current VP of a historically successful administration?

Keep telling yourself you don’t support Trump and Russia, though ;-)

Anonymous October 3, 2024 at 11:54 am

Colonel, I thought you were smarter than that. Have you not been keeping up with the news? Have you not seen all these right-wing nuts who have been charged with failure to register as Russian agents, even though they were taking Russian money and spouting Russian propaganda? Russia is desperate for Trump to be President again. They are spending a lot of money to make that happen because he will give them Ukraine and lift Russian sanctions.

How can you let your only source of information be the campaign of a lifetime conman?

Read for yourself.

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The Colonel Top fan October 3, 2024 at 1:36 pm

Dude, I didn’t vote for Trump either, but this time around I genuinely fear for our country if “Kamamala” gets elected.

Bob October 3, 2024 at 1:46 pm

You really can’t comment without spewing Russian propaganda, can you?

Kamala has been VP for the last few years and has helped the country recover from Trump’s truly disastrous term. Once again, Democrats have had to fix the broken economy that another Republican President left them. The exact opposite of hurting the Country.

You poor, weak minded, rube. Just like the sad kid who wrote this blog post, your Russian programming is so complete, that it’s the only reality you know. Now, go back to your FoxNews. It the only place your warped mind can find a safe place.

Jack October 3, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Why don’t you tell us what Harris proposes that would destroy the country? When you say Biden was worse than Trump, I say for who?

1. My retirement plan has doubled under Biden
2 My house is worth 150k more than when Biden took office.
3. My income is up since Biden took office.
4. My business is better than when Biden took office.
5 Inflation is coming down without a recession.
6. We are producing more oil and natural gas than at any time in history.
7. Unemployment is at historic lows.
8. NATO is stronger than at any time since WWII ended.
9. Our enemy Russia is weaker than at any time since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
10. Our alliances with the Japanese, the Filipinos, and the South Koreans is stronger that ever and they are spending money to oppose Chinese aggression with us.

What do you think Trump will do? Roll up the windows, lock us into North America, and abandon our allies to the Russians and the Chinese. Do you want to live in a country like that? Do you want to live in a world dominated by tyrants while we sit back and do nothing to please our own tyrant who is in bed with all the other tyrants? What cowards we will have become.

Tom October 8, 2024 at 10:57 am

For anyone who seriously doubts that Trump has been and remains in Putin’s pocket.

According to a new book by Bob Woodward, Donald Trump has secretly spoken with President Vladimir Putin of Russia as many as seven times since leaving office, even as he was pressuring Republicans to block military aid to Ukraine to fight Russian invaders.

Kamala is a whore October 2, 2024 at 9:00 pm

John Kerry ate my godson

Facts October 3, 2024 at 9:39 am

If Kamala was a whore, she would have married Trump by now. Except she’s an actual American. Trump likes them foreign and likes to give them anchor babies.

Nanker Phelge October 2, 2024 at 10:05 pm

“The Michigan gubernatorial kidnapping hoax and involvement of federal agents in provoking violence at the U.S. capitol on January 6, 2021 stand as salient examples of how the security state capitalizes on those dumb enough to resist it on its own terms with open force.”

Opie needs help.

What are your views on “free speech absolutist” Elon Mush suspending Ken Klippenstein from X? How about Trump’s threats to revoke the “license” (as if they have one) of ABC News because he didn’t like them fact checking him?

Grow up, little one.

Tenet Media Was Just One of Many October 3, 2024 at 7:27 am

Why is it when conservatives wave the banner and rally the troops on freedom of speech it is always to defend misinformation and propaganda? Just like JD Vance gets butthurt over the notion that a moderator would call him out on blatant lies – not because the moderator was incorrect mind you, but because Vance wasn’t allowed to posit lies with zero pushback – this website and many like it really twist themselves into a pretzel over the notion that coming up with your own brand of fiction and pushing it as fact is reprehensible.

Even if you’re a free speech absolutist (and to be honest and clear, absolutely no one is) a healthy society that allows lies to be freely spoken should speak out against lies at every opportunity. Freedom of speech merely protects you from government reprisal (which also isn’t absolute – threats, inciting panic/riots, defrauding people), it is not solely meant to shelter bad actors or justify/glorify bad actions.

River Top fan October 3, 2024 at 7:53 am

Democrats are children of Satan so I expect nothing less.

Mark October 3, 2024 at 11:36 am

Trump is the anti-Christ. Just admit it. He meets all the tests, including the symbol on the foreheads of his worshippers. Now go put on your MAGA red hat so they know you are in the cult.

Who would have ever thought that Christians would have spent 2000 years warning us of his coming, and when he arrives they are the leaders of his army?

PGT Beauregard III Top fan October 3, 2024 at 9:22 am

As if this budding totalitarian has never heard of Trump which represents “republican” leadership for most of his life. This entire screed is a work of fiction. Put down the pipe Dylan.

Bob October 3, 2024 at 1:51 pm

Sadly, these MAGA children are damaged for life. They will forever be unable to recognize facts and live in an alternate reality that is dictated to them through the internet and their social media bubble.

Got to give it to Russian psychological warfare. They were able to rope in American children and older adults into buying their lies hook line and sinker. Just using their internet habits against them to fill their minds with lies and misinformation.

FitsNews is filled with the ramblings of these useful idiots.

Oh Good Grief Top fan October 3, 2024 at 9:37 am

This just might just be the last straw for me as a subscriber to FitsNews. Free speech is a cornerstone that absolutely must be protected but fear mongering and publishing complete falsehoods is a legitimate concern. “The Michigan gubernatorial kidnapping hoax …” seriously? A hoax? There were convictions, for God’s sake. The tyrants would”love nothing more than an excuse to kill you or put you in prison”? Stop swallowing and regurgitating the conspiratorial right wing hysteria, Dylan. Get off of the bandwagon and use your talent as a journalist to report facts.

Say what?!? October 3, 2024 at 11:37 am

This kid, and everyone at FitsNews, are in no way journalists. Not even close.

They are political gossip bloggers. Journalists deal in facts. FitsNews is fully staffed with conservative hacks, who gladly spread Russian propaganda and other MAGA lies. FitsNews wants nothing to do with facts or accuracy.

This blog just waits to get the latest MAGA talking points and posts away, often times with no proof reading for typos and grammatical mistakes.

Please don’t insult real journalists by misidentifying hack MAGA bloggers as one of their own.

Joshua Kendrick Top fan October 3, 2024 at 2:59 pm

These articles read like a malfunctioning AI program is writing them. It used to just be every once in a while but now it’s hard to find much that makes sense here.

Racist Robots October 3, 2024 at 3:14 pm

This kid didn’t come up with any of this.

They’re just reposting the latest talking points that other MAGA propagandists with followers spew.

The whole “free-speech” fear mongering from right-wing extremists is as old as the hills. Started with neo-Nazis and racists wanting to speak on college campuses nearly a century ago and is lovingly carried on by today’s neo-Nazis and racist into the internet age, who conveniently all call themselves MAGA now.

Jack October 3, 2024 at 6:20 pm

Do you want to know how much free speech we have? A candidate for President of the United States can lie and accuse innocent Haitians, of eating pets to the point of putting their lives at risk and then can turn around a few days later and say
“They stole the FEMA money like they stole it from a bank so they could give it to the illegal immigrants that they want to have vote for them this season.“ and no one bats an eye. Today Vance said Trump won the 2020 election, and no one bats an eye.

This is insanity. These are just outright lies, that they know to be lies. Are people brain-dead? Can you not see Trump and Vance are liars and cheats? Can you not see how these people cannot be trusted to run a country? They will destroy everything we have ever stood for with the blessing of one of our two major parties.


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