US & World

South Carolina Attorney General Blasts ‘Preferred Pronouns’

“This case isn’t about transgenderism, it’s about the frightening idea that the government can force people to use particular words and punish them if they don’t.”

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I caught some grief this week for publishing an article which failed to use the preferred pronouns of the person who murdered six people in Nashville last year in the worst mass shooting in Tennessee history.

As a libertarian, I’ve generally tried to respect people’s right to call themselves what they want – and to identify themselves as they please – provided these manifestations of mental illness do not demand compulsory compliance, promote inherent unfairness or involve taxpayer-funded indoctrination.

On an interpersonal level, I believe it’s polite to address people the way they choose to be addressed… or at the very least not to make a scene in refusing to do so. Unfortunately, one of the most insidious aspects of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris‘ bid to rewrite Title IX protections is its attempt to make the use of preferred pronouns mandatory.

That’s a fundamental violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, people, as one of the federal judges who has struck down the Biden/Harris rewrite recently noted.

This week, attorneys general in 21 states have filed a friend of the court brief with the U.S. court of appeals for the sixth circuit – which handles cases from Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. At issue? An Ohio school district that is forcing students to use preferred pronouns – or face punishment.



The case involves the Olentangy local school district board of education – a Columbus-area education bureaucracy which recently passed a policy punishing those who “fail to address a student by (his or her) preferred pronouns.”

According to S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson, one of the state prosecutors who has signed on to this brief, a three-judge panel of the sixth circuit erred in concluding that the Olentangy policies “don’t impermissibly compel student speech or prefer a viewpoint affirming gender identity.”

“At its heart, this case isn’t about transgenderism, it’s about the frightening idea that the government can force people to use particular words and punish them if they don’t,” Wilson said. “The supreme court of the United States ruled back in 1969 that public school students don’t shed their First Amendment rights at the schoolhouse gate, so how can a school district compel them to use certain pronouns?”

According to the brief, “the First Amendment does not allow school officials to coerce students into expressing messages inconsistent with the students’ values.” In fact, according to the filing, it “stringently limits a State’s authority to compel a private party to express a view with which the private party disagrees.”

Earlier this year, U.S. district court judge John W. Broomes ruled that Biden/Harris’ attempt to make the use of preferred pronouns mandatory ran afoul of the First Amendment.




In his ruling (.pdf), Broomes argued the regulation would be “compelling speech that aligns with Defendants’ ideology, censoring speech through content-based restrictions and viewpoint discrimination, chilling speech through vague and overbroad language, and forcing individuals to engage in speech that violates their sincerely held beliefs.”

According to the judge, the imposition of such an affirmative preferred pronoun mandate “violates the First Amendment.”

I concur. While each of us has an obligation to civility – and should conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the ideals we purport to uphold – there is no universe in which government should be permitted to dictate what pronouns people use in addressing others.

Especially if the “preferred” pronouns are contrary to their actual pronouns.

As I’ve often noted, you can identify as a gardening hose if you want… but that doesn’t compel the rest of the world to acknowledge your mental illness.

BANNER VIA: Dylan Nolan



(U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals)



Will Folks (Dylan Nolan)

Will Folks is the owner and founding editor of FITSNews. Prior to founding his own news outlet, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina, bass guitarist in an alternative rock band and bouncer at a Columbia, S.C. dive bar. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.



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The Colonel Top fan September 4, 2024 at 9:55 am

Took you the full article to state the most important part of this: “As I’ve often noted, you can identify as a gardening hose if you want… but that doesn’t compel the rest of the world to acknowledge your mental illness.” The proponents of “preferred pronouns” want to force you to accept whatever their issue is – often it has nothing to do with “gender identity” but some other “ism” – it’s why the LGBTQIA+ community is supporting Hamas when their rainbow flag would get them killed in Gaza.

If you don’t think it will happen, google the story of Peter Vlaming, a teacher in VA or Jessica Tapia a teacher in CA.

Joshua Kendrick Top fan September 4, 2024 at 11:20 am

“As a libertarian…” – you spelled “authoritarian” wrong.

You are pro-death penalty, anti-immigration, and run a website that shills for MAGA. You think the state Department of Education, or some other group of parents, gets to parent my kids. You are no libertarian.

Jumping on board one of the Attorney General’s frequent campaign stunts doesn’t make you (or him) some freedom fighter.

From the People Who Brought You Pinochet September 4, 2024 at 1:23 pm

Libertarian in America really just means right-libertarian. Think Murray “sell your baby on the open market” Rothbard, or Milton “letting families explode is more profitable for the auto makers” Friedman. What they define as liberty is not what most in the working class would recognize as such.

A Name September 4, 2024 at 4:29 pm

Welfare Will Folks takes tax payer funded “loans” he never has to pay back.

You know, real Libertarian stuff ;-)

Nanker Phelge September 4, 2024 at 12:05 pm

Alan “Attention Whore” Wilson–proud supporter of a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. What side of justice is he actually on?

Good time for him to get his panties in a wad over preferred pronouns while there is yet another school shooting. Lunacy.

Our Dumb State September 4, 2024 at 1:04 pm

I didn’t know Alan was so afraid of pronouns that he needs a safe space where words can’t hurt him. Is the he/him in the room with us now?

Imagine voting for this doofus to tilt at windmills year after year.

Lord Barfington September 4, 2024 at 1:52 pm

No surprise Wilson supports Orwellian-named losers like Parents “Defending” Education. He’s a shit-eating Jesus creep who wants to use the force of law to impose his vile religion on everyone else.

Terminator44 Top fan September 4, 2024 at 2:54 pm

To the last three posters, the concept has nothing to do with who Wilson supports or about “being afraid of pronouns”. (Quite ironic . . . the self labeling of “Our Dumb State”.) Wilson, obviously, is fighting against the criminalization of speech. For the intelligent folks in the room – the concept is quite frightening and very “1984”.


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