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An elected representative in South Carolina has recently taken to Facebook to reveal names, photos and screenshots of private citizens who have pushed back against him. State representative Brandon Guffey of Rock Hill says his critics are “mean girls” and that he has a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants.
You may recognize the name. As a freshman at the State House, Guffey got Gavin’s Law passed against online sextortion after his son committed suicide. He has recently been to Crime Con, and says he is very much against online bullying. However, those who disagree with him on issues – or how he votes – say that he has become the bully by outing them online and getting his massive following to attack them. He even acknowledged in a Facebook post that his followers can be extremely mean, saying “I have plenty of supporters that can get brutal at times as well.”
Guffey has posted about what he calls the “Mean Girls” on many occasions from his official profile on Facebook. That profile has 7,300 followers. While private citizens and government officials alike have freedom of speech, when does a politician’s First Amendment right become propaganda or as some like to call “strong-arming?”
Politicians have immense power, and while their speech should certainly be protected, is it ethical of them to continually dox private citizens?
According to Cornell Law School, our First Amendment, “guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.” Could doxxing by public officials be considered retaliation, political polarization or targeting from the government?
Doxxing is derived from the phrase “dropping dox”, or “documents.” According to, “Doxing is a form of cyberbullying that uses sensitive or secret information, statements, or records for the harassment, exposure, financial harm, or exploitation of targeted individuals.”
Representative Guffey uses his official representative page on Facebook to express his concerns, mock citizens and doxx private citizens. He has even gone so far as to mock the citizens‘ questions from a recent sheriff’s debate in York County by stating, “‘What are your thoughts on a militia?’ A question just posed to all the candidates that are running for Sheriff at the YCGOP forum. I left at that point. What does that have to do with being Sheriff? A well regulated militia such as what is written constitutionally? No further explanation at the point I left. The candidates all did great from what I saw, but after 1.5 hours of solid information, we went to Militia.”
On June 1, 2024, Guffey posted about the “mean girls” and shared a screenshot on his official page with a private citizen’s name attached to it. This citizen was expressing her opinion on politicians and illustrated that with Rep. Guffey.
On April 20, 2024, Guffey used his personal Facebook profile to call a private citizen a liar and used her photo and screenshots by saying, “Example 1 is also a major liar. If anyone has multiple pages, you know you can’t block someone from 1 page without blocking from another. I don’t block because I can’t as an elected official. I could make this page private to only friends but I choose to keep it open. Just showing the proof of their manipulation in this example.”
What Guffey says is not true, however. You absolutely can have multiple pages and only block certain people from certain ones. This was brought to his attention in the comments, which he argued back with until proven wrong.
However, he did not update his post to reflect that the private citizen he doxxed was not a liar.

On June 3, 2024, Guffey again highlighted a private citizen – a group administrator on a local party page – on his political Facebook page. The group in question is called “York County Republicans”, but according to Guffey “this is not a Republican Party-affiliated Group.”
“I highly recommend you removing yourself from it,” he continued.
Guffey went on to mention the name of the admin, and continued his criticism of the page as “her own little message board under the disguise of people thinking it’s the York County GOP page.”
“This fake page that’s up has become the ‘mean girls’ springboard to spread their lies where people can’t point out their lies,” he wrote. “Feel free to comment on their page and screenshot as well before they kick you out.”
While these are just a few examples of his online behavior, you can find many more on his pages and in the comments sections of other politicians and private citizens. Many feel that his assertion that these women are “mean girls” is quite hypocritical since he continually highlights the same women and groups repeatedly. Some even consider it targeting and bullying.
Jennifer Brecheisen is a wedding photographer, homeschooling momma, Christian, and artist in the upstate of South Carolina. She is also a chapter leader of the John Birch Society.
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Yep he’s a tool. =…Katrina Shealy did it also, asking a constituent if he was mad due to his job at DHEC then stating she knew a few DHEC managers frequented her FB page. That sounded more like threat than doxxing. She since got smart and deleted it all. I don’t think Brandon is that smart though.
Yes, he also used a private citizen’s name on episode 16 of his podcast and called her a Nazi because she won’t let him in her private group. I don’t think he could delete everything he’s said, because he spreads it across the comment sections of other profiles. He also calls those
Who want to expose the truth “kids”.
Boy she is desperate to hang on to that seat “for the wimmin and the chirren”. She is either calling in every favor owed, or threatening to release compromising pics of every stooge that knows her to get them to endorse her in the runoff. They are seemingly lined up on her Facebook page to tell the world how great she is.
She must really dread the thought of having to stay home and take care of hubby, rather than rule over us, pretty badly.
I’m not
I didn’t realize there were any Bircher’s left!
Yes! Come join us!
Yes! Come join us!
Actually she is an amazingly hard working state senator who is one of the few who works to improve things for children, people with disabilities and veterans.
Charity begins at home. She needs to stay home and take care of hubby as he suffers with Alzheimer’s. Oh, that’s right. He is a man. They don’t matter. Just “the wimmin and the chirren”.
Being charitable with the money of others is not charity. Quit Katrina 2024