Bizarre Video Of Embattled Myrtle Beach Pastor Surfaces

“I thought I was going to see Jesus …”

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A bizarre video purporting to depict embattled Myrtle Beach, South Carolina pastor John-Paul Miller in the midst of an apparent manic episode appeared on social media Friday afternoon (May 10, 2024), raising fresh questions about the man at the center of one of the most widely watched suspicious death investigations in recent memory in the Palmetto State.

Miller’s wife – Mica Miller – is alleged to have committed suicide on Saturday, April 27, 2024. Her body was found in a remote pond at the Lumber River State Park in North Carolina. Her husband – whom friends and family members say abused and “brainwashed” his wife in the months leading up to her death – has been cleared as a suspect by authorities.

That hasn’t stopped speculation about Miller from running rampant on the interwebs.

The video – which runs for seven minutes – is undated and appears to have been recorded well before recent events pushed this saga onto the national stage. It was posted to social media by Ty Longerbeam of Myrtle Beach, S.C., who used its publication to assail JP Miller as a “complete sh*t stain to all of the other pastors who truly desire to lead people to the Lord.”

According to Longerbeam, Miller used his pulpit at the Solid Rock at Market Common church in Myrtle Beach to “consistently discredit (his) victims by airing out intentional degrading, inappropriate personal information.”

“NOBODY was ever mental until they met you,” Longerbeam wrote. “You are the common denominator in all of this. This video is only proof that YOU yourself have issues and YOU know what medication can do to someone.”

In the video, a man identified as “JP” is seen laying facedown on the grass next to a pickup truck – breathing irregularly, whimpering and complaining about ants biting him.

As the individual who filmed the video inquired as to his well-being, Miller told him the medication he was taking “makes me go crazy.”

“I thought I was going to see Jesus,” Miller continued in his high-pitched whimper. “There’s ants biting me everywhere.”



“I just wanna see Jesus,” Miller whimpered. “I was going to see Jesus.”

The individual filming the video asked Miller if he wants him to call 9-1-1.

“I just need to get to Jesus, that’s all,” Miller whimpered. “I just need to get to Jesus. I just want to get to heaven quickly. I don’t want any ants to stop me. Tell all my kids I love ’em please.”

Longerbeam made no bones about his desire for the video of Miller to be spread far and wide.

“Internet do your thing,” he wrote in signing off from his post …

Miller referenced his wife’s alleged mental illness in his sermon announcing her death on April 28, 2024 – news which was exclusively reported by our media outlet.

“I got a call late last night my wife has passed away,” Miller told his congregants, asking them not to discuss the news. “Yeah. It was self-induced and it was up in North Carolina and, um, we’re going to have a funeral for her next Sunday here at 3:00 p.m.”

“Ya’ll knew that she wasn’t well mentally – and that she needed her medicine that was hard to get to her,” Miller continued.

On February 8, 2024, Miller reportedly had his wife admitted involuntarily to the Waccamaw Center for Mental Health. She was released two days later. Five days after that – on February 15, 2024 – Mica Miller was accused by a member of Solid Rock of stealing money from an account associated with the church’s missionary ministry. Another theft allegation was leveled against her the following month. No probable cause was found to pursue charges against her, however, and the case was closed.

This media outlet has posted reports (here and here) detailing all manner of alleged abuse committed by JP Miller against his wife. Those reports cited police files, court documents and interviews with friends. Efforts to reach Miller to get his side of the story have been unsuccessful, but we will continue our best to try and schedule an interview with him.

This coming week, our news team will be retracing Mica Miller’s steps as she made her way from Myrtle Beach to the Lumber River State Park on that fateful Saturday afternoon. Stay tuned for that report soon …



(Travis Bell Photography)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina and before that he was a bass guitarist and dive bar bouncer. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.



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Anonymous May 10, 2024 at 7:58 pm

Please check on who the kayaker was who found her and the gun?
Was the gun loaded? Or did someone dump her and her gun?

Why didn’t fisherman #1 find her body or gun? Especially if he pulled up in his boat directly where her belongings were?

Why is the pastor wearing Mica’s necklace now?

Did the pastor or his goons (Mark?) threaten Mica with going public with a sex video from her past that he forced on her? Is this why she decided to comply? How did the verdict come in so fast?

I have so many questions that are not making sense.

Where are her journals?

anonymous May 10, 2024 at 11:08 pm

Why is the Pastor wearing the same necklace Mica was wearing in the video of purchasing a gun? Why does that gun shop video not show Micas tattoo on her hand? Why was he bashing her during his sermons saying she was mentally ill, when clearly now seeing these videos of him , he seems to be the mentally unstable one

David Williamson Top fan May 11, 2024 at 7:35 am

It’s a Mickey Mouse impersonation!!

Juanita phelps May 11, 2024 at 7:42 am

Still hard for me to believe that her husband was not involved in some way. He may have not pulled the trigger but I’m sure he was involved somehow. My gut feelings are rarely wrong. And I didn’t even know either one of them, him or her.

Wan Rat May 11, 2024 at 9:31 am

We need Columbo on this case…it’s not adding up!
Please don’t let this on go SC Police something isn’t right here.

Anonymous May 11, 2024 at 11:52 am

After watching that video I’m struck by the fact that he claimed his wife had mental problems. Very curious

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The Colonel Top fan May 11, 2024 at 1:25 pm

Necklace? Maybe, just maybe, he wanted a keepsake reminder of her? I know many a soldier with a dog tag or other momento of a deceased battle buddy.

So in a week, they investigated enough to build a complete timeline of her whereabouts including video and still photography as well as investigate her husband’s whereabouts but that’s not good enough.

That she bought the gun and shot herself is now beyond refute.

Is JP a world class douchebag? That is appearing to also be beyond refute. Did he kill her? No. Did he cause her to kill herself? Possibly. But I have a question, where were all the people who who claim to have insder knowledge, and are now calling him out on social media, prior to Mica killing herself?

AC Top fan May 12, 2024 at 8:31 am

The only thing “beyond refute” colonel, is that she purchased the gun. The agency who worked the case has a terrible reputation for shoddy work. Very easy to make something look like what it isn’t and before you say well the ME said it was , they can only go by the info the police give them to make an “ educated guess”. Colonel how do you know she wasn’t accompanied by someone to NC? Not saying it may not have been self inflicted but there are many questions that haven’t been answered because a thorough investigation was not done. Suicide is the easiest outcome for all involved including the police. As for her husband, he’s a typical narcissistic manipulator who uses religion to get weak minded people follow him. His so called church is a cult just like many other “made up “ churches where the pastor grooms his “followers” who are usually self important men and their wives, who are atypically women with low self esteem . He makes every body feel good and tells them that they are all going to heaven , then he takes their money and funds a lavish lifestyle , then he “counsels” their wives and daughters and makes them his own personal sex dolls. I’m sure his new girlfriend is a follower or the former Wife/girlfriend of one of his followers or one of their daughters. This same scenario plays out every day in these cult churches, con men have learned that they can get rich, prey on women and become a god to weak minded people all in the name of religion. The very false prophets/anti Christs that Jesus warned about.

MemoryQueen Top fan May 12, 2024 at 12:08 pm

The video of him seems to be him acting out his impersonation of how her at some point in time. As if to make a mockery of her.

Concerned for Mica May 13, 2024 at 1:07 am

This is classic narcissistic behavior when the lies all start coming out, he starts getting negative attention, and he’s trying to turn that attention around to have others feel sorry for him. Poor me syndrome! I know I sound callous, but truly, I pray for his soul and mean it, that God convicts his heart. All the things that are coming out, showing evidence of all his evil ways. Someone please answer to me on why the church was allowing him to even be a leader, knowing he was having an extra marital affair and not divorced? His wife wasn’t crazy. He just wanted everybody to think that and used against her. Obviously she was fighting depression and PTSD from all the abuse. I hope her family files a civil suit against him. That’s the only way they’re gonna be able to get him as contributing to her death. I truly believe she did commit suicide but possibly feeling she had no way out and he would be coming for her with more lies and abuse. He admits to slashing her tires and putting a tracker on her car and much more . Narcissism is real! It wears you down, even the strongest. I pray for her family.

Flamingo May 13, 2024 at 1:26 pm


David November 3, 2024 at 8:26 am

He will eventually be arrested, the FBI had new information, that’s why they were there…


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