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Nancy Mace To Vote ‘No’ On Debt Ceiling Deal

“Republicans got outsmarted by a president who can’t find his pants …”

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United States congresswoman Nancy Mace said she will vote “no” on a compromise deal to raise the federal debt ceiling brokered between GOP leaders and the administration of president Joe Biden.

“Washington is broken,” Mace tweeted in announcing her opposition to the compromise. “Republicans got outsmarted by a president who can’t find his pants. I’m voting NO on the debt ceiling debacle because playing the D.C. game isn’t worth selling out our kids and grandkids.”

According to the second-term lawmaker, the agreement “normalizes record high spending started during the pandemic (and) sets these historically high spending levels as the baseline for all future spending.”

“Government grew massively over the past three years,” Mace added. “This growth was supposed to be emergency funding only during Covid-19. During this time, government grew 40 percent or by $2 trillion from 2019 to 2023. We went from spending just over $4 trillion to spending just over $6 trillion.”

And you know what they say … a trillion here, a trillion there.

Oh, and “nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program,” to borrow a line from the late, great Milton Friedman.



“This deal keeps that record high spending intact and makes it the baseline for all spending,” Mace continued. “Wild.”

Mace’s decision puts her at odds with House speaker Kevin McCarthy, her longtime ally. McCarthy backed Mace in her two victorious congressional elections, and she supported him in his chaotic bid for speaker against a conservative revolt.

McCarthy and Biden reached their agreement over the Memorial Day weekend, but if Mace’s rebuke is any indication the compromise is already in serious trouble.

“Either Kevin’s bill is going to lose a lot of Republicans or this is the DC equivalent of boiling a pet bunny,” one Washington, D.C. operative told me this week.

McCarthy opponent Ralph Norman has already said he will vote against the legislation, referring to it as “insanity.”

“Not gonna vote to bankrupt our country,” he wrote. “The American people deserve better.”

(Click to View)

Ralph Norman (Getty)

Mace and Norman’s points are well-taken, though. Raising the debt limit cannot happen in a vacuum. It must be accompanied by spending cuts. Unfortunately, the compromise reached by Biden and McCarthy “fully funds every spending request by the administration” and fails to enact substantive cuts.

“Sixty-three percent of Americans want congress to cut spending as part of a debt ceiling deal,” Mace said. “This bill doesn’t do that. Unacceptable.”

Mace is referring to a recently released survey from The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Biden has said congress has no choice but to raise the debt ceiling.

“The agreement prevents the worst possible crisis – a default for the first time in our nation’s history, an economic recession, retirement accounts devastated, millions of jobs lost,” he said over the weekend.

(Click to View)

Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump (The White House)

Meanwhile, McCarthy has praised the deal as securing a “historic series of wins worthy of the American people.”

It won’t help him sell the deal to his reluctant caucus, but McCarthy won praise from Biden – who told reporters the GOP speaker “negotiated with me in good faith.”

“He kept his word,” Biden said. “He said what he would do. He did what he said he would do.”

Unfortunately, all of that “good faith” negotiation does absolutely nothing to put a dent into America’s $31.8 trillion debt.

According to the latest report (.pdf) from the U.S. Treasury, the borrowing costs related to America’s rising tide of red ink eclipsed $475 billion during the recently concluded fiscal year – up from $352 billion the previous fiscal year. Those payments are projected to top $1 trillion annually during the coming decade – inviting what former U.S. congressman Ron Paul has called “the mother of all economic crises.”



Will Folks (Brett Flashnick)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children.



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Facts May 30, 2023 at 11:12 am

Dark Brandon owns these stupid MAGA idiots.

Not that is that hard. You just sit back and let them play and humiliate themselves.

They do it every time.

lmao May 30, 2023 at 6:49 pm

hey dark brandon its exit stage left. and have the easter bunny change your diaper . hotchi chachi

Low T Still Lurks Here May 31, 2023 at 8:36 am

Terry still has the diaper/poop fetish.

Brain Damage is real May 31, 2023 at 4:47 pm

Who gave the contents of Trump’s XXL adult diapers access to the web?

Sounds smarter than Trump.

Nanker Phelge May 30, 2023 at 12:59 pm

Sounds like Nancy’s angling to get in good with whoever the GOP presidential candidate is…

You guys keep trying to push the “dementia” spin on Joe and he keeps coming out on top. Just a couple of months ago when he got the Republicans to cheer for no Medicare/Social Security cuts during the SOTU and now this.

Makes you wonder just who has dementia…

Of course these dorks had no problem with the 2 trillion $ tax cut for the rich so they could use it for stock buy backs. They want to make it permanent!

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is FITS May 30, 2023 at 3:01 pm

Don’t forget all the PPP loans forgiven – which FITS benefited from – but no forgiveness for student loans because letting younger people off the hook for their loans is socialism!

Astonished Top fan May 30, 2023 at 3:24 pm

Bankrupt the country?? What does this “brilliant” woman think will happen if America defaults on its debts?

bankrupt May 31, 2023 at 8:33 am

At 31 trillion $$$ in debt it’s only rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. People are just to stupid to see the coffin is already nailed shut….

straight $ homey May 30, 2023 at 6:57 pm

hey dims where my 1400$ check at

Not Even Once May 31, 2023 at 8:38 am

You blew it on meth that fast, huh?

lol May 30, 2023 at 1:04 pm

Remember when Nancy had one of her staff spray paint her driveway and tried to blame it on “antifa”?

You can see how easy it is for a man who cannot find his pants to outsmart these dipshits.

Nancy's Can of "Mace" May 30, 2023 at 3:05 pm

They never caught that, uh, “antifa” mastermind did they? Man, these guys are getting really sophisticated with their attacks – cheap spraypaint that a quick power wash will clean up and seemingly no evidence despite the neighborhood presumably being filled with Ring doorbells.

You know, sounds like the ghost of Hugo Chavez strikes again!

jo May 30, 2023 at 7:34 pm

hahaha ok soy boy. your ninja suit is very slimming

Cream of Sumyungai May 31, 2023 at 8:45 am

After reviewing the evidence, my ninja skills are about on par with Nancy’s graffiti artistry.

Mrs. Irrelevant May 30, 2023 at 3:00 pm

When your vote literally doesn’t matter, no one cares which way you vote.

Ralph Hightower Top fan May 30, 2023 at 4:48 pm

Do you have a solution, Nancy?

Russian NRA Liason May 31, 2023 at 8:40 am

Default on the debt, throw America off the fiscal cliff, global economic turmoil, no one trusts the dollar anymore… Putin assured Nancy this is best for America though, those Democrats just wouldn’t understand his genius is all.

stephen henry Top fan May 30, 2023 at 8:30 pm

These comments confirm why South Carolina will always be a pathetic, backwards enclave of cluelessness. Mace, Lindsey, McMaster, Scott, Haley … a murderer’s row of 1950’s backwardness.

Just Sayin' May 30, 2023 at 8:48 pm

The stock photo atop the post is a telling gem.
Beside Ms. Mace is the unassuming Congresswoman from American Samoa. Though a representative without a floor vote -American Samoa being a territory- that Congresswoman 1. has no fake or plastic parts; 2. doesn’t seek the limelight through forced drama and controversialism; 3. sees herself as making decisions on behalf of the long term interest of all in her district, irrespective of their partisan affiliation; and 4. never claims to be a victim in any sense of the word, despite the facts and circumstances of her status as a female and minority who comes from a place with a third-world level of development. Ms. Nancy Macy could learn a great deal from Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata (who just happens to be a Republican with a more conservative lifetime voting record than Ms. Mace’s).

J Monday Top fan May 31, 2023 at 6:17 am

Bravo to Ms. Mace for standing up for the people instead of falling in line! I am astonished at the people on this thread bashing her for it. Mr. McCarthy’s so-called deal is bad for our country. He never should have been Speaker.

Flossip Top fan May 31, 2023 at 7:32 am

So where was little Ms. Mace when Trump added 7.8 trillion to the US deficit, in large part, driven by giving huge tax breaks to his billionaire buddies (not that Trump has any friends, he doesn’t, but he’s big on lying so…). I don’t remember a peep from the so-called “fiscal conservatives”. Nope, they were all aboard the “let’s blow a hole in the deficit so big it will take a generation to dig out of, just so long as the billionaires can buy another mega-yacht or two” train. And now she wants to pretend she’s interested in things like budgets and debt. She isn’t. She’s just like Lindsey Graham–whatever way the Fox News winds blow, she’ll lean in that direction for a while until they shift again.

Ralph Hightower Top fan May 31, 2023 at 8:34 am

Don’t you mean Faux News.

Frank May 31, 2023 at 4:44 pm

What part of the deal is bad?

Ralph Hightower Top fan May 31, 2023 at 8:33 am

If you don’t have a solution, then you’re part of the problem.

stephen henry Top fan June 1, 2023 at 4:03 am

The word “Biden” definitely riles up the “monkeys with keyboards” crowd.

stephen henry Top fan June 1, 2023 at 4:04 am

The word “Biden” definitely riles up the “monkeys with keyboards” crowd.


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