A Hampton County, South Carolina emergency medical services (EMS) worker who was charged with domestic violence earlier this year has now been accused of hurling racist epithets at a co-worker.
Earlier this week, my news outlet was provided with a recording of a dispute between two EMS workers – a male and a female – which purportedly took place several months ago. As the dispute escalated, the male accused the female – who was attempting to leave the scene of the incident in her vehicle – of trying to “frame” him regarding some text messages.
At this point, the male voice exploded into a torrent of hateful, racist expletives – including the repetitive use of an especially egregious slur against blacks.
“F*ck your n*gger-loving ass,” the male voice captured on the audio file. “You’re just a n*gger-lover. N*gger-loving whore, bitch. F*ck you!”
Here is the segment of the recording containing the slurs. Be warned, though. As you can tell from the above-referenced quote the recording is exceedingly graphic …
(Click to listen)
(Via: Provided)
According to multiple sources familiar with the situation, the voice on the recording belongs to 41-year-old Charles Michael Long, Jr. of Hampton, S.C. – who was arrested two months ago by agents of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) on a second degree domestic violence charge.
According to a probable cause affidavit accompanying the warrant for his arrest, on June 2, 2022 Long kicked his victim in the hip following a “heated altercation.” He then attempted to prevent her from accessing her phone, according to the affidavit.
“The offense was committed in its entirety in front of a 12-year-old juvenile,” the affidavit (.pdf) added.
Long’s arrest was announced by SLED on August 23, 2022. At the time, he was listed as a “former” Hampton County EMS worker – meaning he had been terminated prior to the arrest becoming public – however he was reportedly rehired by the agency less than a month later.
According to my sources, the recording which contains the racist epithets was made last December.
This news outlet is investigating the circumstances surrounding both the recording and Long’s rehiring by Hampton EMS following his domestic violence charge – which is still pending.
Hampton EMS is led by its director, Chris Altman, who reports to the county administrator, Rose Dobson-Elliott.
According to reporter Michael DeWitt of The Hampton County Guardian, Hampton’s EMS is “nationally-certified” and has received the state’s highest level of accreditation. Its responders are “capable of handling any life threatening situation, including cardiac arrests.” The agency is also said to be active in the community – providing EMS training to school officials among other services.
Hampton County receives an estimated 3,000 calls for emergency medical assistance each year and its EMS agency was recently praised by county councilman Roy Hollingsworth for providing “first rate emergency services to the citizens of Hampton County.”
Located in the southern tip of South Carolina, Hampton County has become a household name nationally given its role as the backdrop for the ‘Murdaugh Murders’ crime and corruption saga, a sprawling maze of alleged criminality tied to one of its most powerful, prominent families.

(Via: FITSNews)
Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children. And yes, he has many hats – including that Minnesota Twins’ lid pictured above.
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