The Supreme Court of South Carolina issued an order Wednesday in opposition of the writ of habeas corpus filed by Alex Murdaugh‘s attorneys in November, calling it “moot.”
The move was not unexpected given Murdaugh’s current bond status, but it represents yet another loss to Murdaugh’s powerful legal team, whose ongoing antics have both baffled and entertained many who have been following the case blow by blow.
Murdaugh attorney Dick Harpootlian, who is also a state senator, filed the writ on Nov. 10, 2021, the same day Judge Clifton Newman again denied bond to Murdaugh on two county charges related to an alleged scheme to steal $4.3 million from the family of the woman who helped raise his children.
Just over a week after Newman’s ruling, Murdaugh was indicted by the state grand jury on 27 charges, including charges that effectively replaced the county charges. A few weeks later, Murdaugh was indicted on another 21 charges. All 48 charges are related to Murdaugh’s alleged misappropriation of more than $6.2 million in client money.
On Dec. 13, the presiding judge of the state grand jury, the Honorable Alison Lee, set Murdaugh’s bond at $7 million.
This past Monday, Lee heard arguments from the Murdaugh team, which was seeking to reduce his bond to an amount Murdaugh can afford.
Murdaugh was arrested on Oct. 14 in Orlando, Florida, and shortly after was taken to the Richland County Detention Center, where he is being held.
Lee is expected to issue a written decision on Murdaugh’s request this week.
Supreme Court Justices rejected the writ “because Petitioner has been indicted on the charges for which the Honorable Clifton Newman denied bond after his arrest, and the Honorable Alison Lee has set bond for Petitioner on those charges, the request for a writ of habeas corpus is moot.”
(Via: Provided)
Liz Farrell is the new executive editor at FITSNews. She was named 2018’s top columnist in the state by South Carolina Press Association and is back after taking a nearly two-year break from corporate journalism to reclaim her soul. Email her at or tweet her @ElizFarrell.
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