South Carolina’s Slide On National Business List Continues

Palmetto State has dropped seven spots in four years …

For the fourth year in a row, South Carolina has lost ground on a list of America’s “Top States for Business,” as compiled by CNBC.

According to the 2019 list, South Carolina ranks No. 34 among the fifty states – down three spots from a year ago and down seven spots from its No. 27 ranking in 2016.

That’s a pretty precipitous fall in a short period of time …

But hey … bigger government and bailouts for billionaires should do the trick, right? Right?

Meanwhile (see if you can spot the trend here), North Carolina surged in the rankings – rising from No. 9 to No. 3 overall. Georgia also ticked up – climbing from No. 6 to No. 5.

“With steady growth and a strong state balance sheet, the economy is flying high,” CNBC analysts noted, referring to the Tar Heel State.

As for South Carolina, it continues to lose ground on a host of competitive metrics …

(Click to view)

(Via: S.C. Governor)

Our view? With taxes, spending, crony capitalism and corruption on the rise, South Carolinians shouldn’t expect to see their situation improve anytime soon. If anything, we expect the Palmetto State’s competitive position to deteriorate even further in the coming years as “Republican” leaders continue pursuing the same failed policies of their Democratic predecessors.

The reality is nauseating …

Each year, government gets bigger but outcomes continue to deteriorate. Whether we are talking about education, infrastructure, public safety or public health, the more politicians spend the worse things get.

As a result, the only thing that ever changes is the ever-escalating price tag for failure …

If South Carolina wants to stop its slide and start moving up in the rankings for a change, it needs to totally reorient its approach to government. Specifically, its leaders need to start lowering taxes, cutting government spending, rejecting crony capitalist handouts and cracking down on public corruption.

They also need to engage the power of the marketplace in providing for the education of future generations … instead of paying lip service to the idea while pumping more money into the government-run failure factories.



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