
Ex-Sumter Detention Center Officer Charged With Misconduct

Officer allegedly failed to report, confiscate contraband from inmate …

A former detention officer in Sumter County, South Carolina has been charged with one count of misconduct in office in connection with a contraband issue at the local jail where she was previously employed.

Keneshia Suade McFadden, 22, of Sumter, S.C. was arrested this week by agents of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) for allegedly failing to report and confiscate contraband from an inmate following an incident in October of this year.

According to a probable cause affidavit accompanying a warrant for her arrest, McFadden is accused of “having knowledge that an inmate at the Sumter County sheriff’s office detention center was in possession of contraband, not reporting that knowledge to her supervisors, and failing to confiscate said contraband as required by law.”

What “contraband” did McFadden allegedly fail to report/ confiscate?

Good question … and we are attempting to find out the answer.

In the meantime, here is a news release and accompanying warrant provided by SLED …

[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.fitsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/BNR-0586-Former-detention-center-officer-charged-with-misconduct-in-office-12-06-2018-1.pdf” width=”533″ height=”800″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”false” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]

(Via: SLED)

According to the affidavit, SLED investigators corroborated the allegation against McFadden “by legally recorded telephonic conversations between the inmate and (McFadden) and by (McFadden)’s statement” to them.

SLED investigated the case at the request of the Sumter County sheriff’s office.  McFadden was booked at the same detention center where she had until recently been employed.  Her case will be prosecuted by the office of S.C. third circuit solicitor Ernest A. Finney III.

As with anyone accused of committing any crime, McFadden should be considered innocent until proven guilty by our criminal justice system – or until such time as she may wish to issue a pleading in connection with the charge filed against her.



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