Voting Info For 2016 Primary

READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO TO THE POLLS … South Carolinians will go to the polls on June 14 to participate in partisan primary elections.  Well … some of them will.  The last time there was a partisan primary (in 2014), hardly anybody bothered to show up. (Can’t say we…


South Carolinians will go to the polls on June 14 to participate in partisan primary elections.  Well … some of them will.  The last time there was a partisan primary (in 2014), hardly anybody bothered to show up.

(Can’t say we blame them, either).

Anyway … if you are inclined to cast a ballot two weeks from now, you might want to take a moment to familiarize yourself with the proper procedures for voting.

Here’s a release we received today from the S.C. Election Commission detailing those procedures …

Photo ID:  What Primary Voters Need to Know

COLUMBIA, SC (May 31, 2016) – The S.C. State Election Commission (SEC) wants voters to be aware of what they need to bring to the polls to vote in the Statewide Primaries on June 14.

While having a Photo ID, and bringing it to the polls, will make the voting process easier; no registered voter in the correct polling place should ever be denied a ballot, whether the voter has a Photo ID or not.

Poll Managers will ask voters for one of the following types of Photo ID:

  • S.C. Driver’s License
  • S.C. DMV ID Card (includes SC Concealed Weapons Permit)
  • S.C. Voter Registration Card with a Photo
  • Federal Military ID (includes VA Benefits Card)
  • U.S. Passport

Voters who already have one of the IDs above are ready to vote.  They need to be sure to bring their ID with them to their polling place.

Voters can make their voting experience easier by getting a Photo ID before election day.  Voters can get a free Photo ID from their county elections office at any time during office hours (even on election day) by providing their name, date of birth, and last four digits of their Social Security Number.

Voters who forget to bring their ID may vote a provisional ballot. This ballot will count only if they show their ID to the county elections office prior to certification of the election.  This is why it is important for voters with a Photo ID to remember to bring it to the polls.  The Statewide Primaries will be certified on Thursday, June 16.

Voters who can’t get a Photo ID need to bring their non-photo voter registration card to the polls.  This is the paper card without a photo that every voter receives when they register.  These voters will then sign an affidavit stating they have a reasonable impediment to obtaining Photo ID and vote a provisional ballot.  The reasonable impediment could be a religious objection to being photographed, a disability or illness, work schedule, lack of transportation, family responsibilities, or any other obstacle the voter finds reasonable.  This provisional ballot will count unless someone proves to the county board that the voter was lying on the affidavit.

To vote under the reasonable impediment exception:

  1. Inform the poll managers that you do not have a Photo ID and could not get one.
  2. Present your current, non-photo registration card.
  3. Sign the affidavit provided by the poll managers stating why you could not obtain a Photo ID.
  4. Cast a provisional ballot that will count unless someone proves to the county board your affidavit is false.

Click here for the printable Photo ID Handout.

Click here for more information about S.C.’s Photo ID requirements.


Still got questions? Here’s a link to the contact page on the SCEC website …


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