
North Carolina Voter ID Law Upheld

FEDERAL JUDGE DEEMS MEASURE CONSTITUTIONAL A federal judge has determined that North Carolina’s 2013 “Voter ID” law is constitutional … How’d he reach that conclusion?  Easy: The liberals suing to overturn the law on alleged discriminatory grounds couldn’t explain to the judge why black turnout increased in the aftermath of its passage. Yeah ……


A federal judge has determined that North Carolina’s 2013 “Voter ID” law is constitutional …

How’d he reach that conclusion?  Easy: The liberals suing to overturn the law on alleged discriminatory grounds couldn’t explain to the judge why black turnout increased in the aftermath of its passage.

Yeah … oops.

Accordingly, U.S. district court judge Thomas Schroeder concluded this week that plaintiffs “failed to show … materially adverse effects on the ability of minority voters to cast a ballot and effectively exercise the electoral franchise.”

Schroeder acknowledged the presence of “significant, shameful past discrimination” in North Carolina’s history, but he said the state’s recent history offered “little official discrimination to consider.”

In other words, there is nothing racist about making someone show a valid form of identification to vote.

We don’t especially care about the Voter ID issue these days.  We used to oppose it on libertarian grounds, but that was before we realized the same thing this judge did … that it’s really no big deal.

It doesn’t suppress anybody’s vote.

Meanwhile, all the “Republicans” (not just in North Carolina) who sold this measure to their base as a way of suppressing Democratic turnout have some serious explaining to do …


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