Mande Wilkes Versus Myrtle Beach

CORPORATE CRONYISM … FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC || By FITSNEWS || We wrote earlier this year on the flood of Chinese investment in tourism assets along the coast of South Carolina.  Our view?  These purchases (of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of hotels, golf courses, etc.) are fine. “Private investment is the…


|| By FITSNEWS || We wrote earlier this year on the flood of Chinese investment in tourism assets along the coast of South Carolina.  Our view?  These purchases (of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of hotels, golf courses, etc.) are fine.

“Private investment is the lifeblood of any economy, and we don’t especially care where it comes from as long as it’s green (and as long as taxpayer funding isn’t used as an inducement),” we wrote.  “All we ask?  That the Chinese – and other coastal businesses – pay their own freight for tourism marketing.”

Indeed.  As long as tax money isn’t being used as a bribe for investment – or as a sustained source of revenue for the investors – we really don’t care who buys what.

Anyway … there’s quite the tit-for-tat over the issue in this month’s editions of The (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) Sun News, the paper of record for this particular issue.

Decrying city government’s “Asian fetish,” columnist Mande Wilkes is slamming Myrtle Beach mayor John Rhodes for traveling to China in the hopes of “luring loaded investors to the Grand Strand.”

According to Wilkes, the problem isn’t just the focus on foreign investment – it’s the anti-competitive business climate leaders like Rhodes are creating for homegrown companies.

“Businesses are reluctant to open their doors within the city limits,” she wrote.  “They fear the bizarre zoning laws, the oppressive signing ordinances, the climbing licensing fees, and the restrictive parking policies.  All of these rules add up to a suffocating environment for businesses, and that’s why Highway 17 is littered with empty storefronts and dilapidated buildings.”

Wait … it’s not a “great day in South Carolina” along the coast? 

No … and according to Wilkes, crony capitalism is to blame.

“This smacks of the worst kind of betrayal: politicians swiping your tax money, passing laws that thwart commerce, and then taking that tax money to promote commerce for rich people in other countries,” Wilkes added.  “I’ve had it with the ‘incentives’ – the tax breaks, the zoning favors, the courting of foreign entities. Locals are eager to invest in and improve upon this area, but our own officials are crowding them out in favor of overseas interests.”

Rhodes didn’t take the criticism kindly.  A week after Wilkes’ column ran, the city of Myrtle Beach’s top public information officer ran a column disputing her contentions.

Specifically, the column claimed that Myrtle Beach “actively supports and recruits businesses locally,” listing a number of taxpayer-subsidized partnerships (including a program with Horry-Georgetown Technical College and a $2.5 million infrastructure investment at the International Technology and Aerospace Park).


So the city’s answer to Wilkes’ criticism is that it doesn’t just waste tax dollars chasing foreign investment, it wastes them on homegrown market manipulation as well.

Again … we don’t care where the crony capitalist proceeds are going, we just want them to stop.  It is not the job of government at any level to create jobs or “develop” (a.k.a. “stimulate”) the economy.  In fact the more government tries to do these things, the harder things are for the individual consumers who support real job creation and economic growth within the private sector.


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Nölff September 28, 2015 at 10:03 am

“Eagles” and “Wings” are thriving there. Where else are you going to find rebel flag flotation devices?

Nölff September 28, 2015 at 12:19 pm

For communists, they sure do know how to capitalize.

ISIS no enemy, Christians are September 28, 2015 at 10:05 am

Mande finally succumbed to Boz the Creep’s advances, to drink the FITSNews-flavored Kook-Job Kool-Aid.

Remember Mande: Lay down with dogs…

nchuckler September 28, 2015 at 10:06 am


Quietus September 28, 2015 at 10:33 am

Good Morning GT, BT, EP

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 28, 2015 at 10:38 am

Ya left out about 27 of em posting names.

nchuckler September 28, 2015 at 10:43 am

You are one to talk aka Deo Vindice.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 28, 2015 at 11:05 am

Deo on my cpu, Sic S on my droid. Having another bad day I do believe.

Quietus September 28, 2015 at 10:33 am

Good Morning Flip.

nchuckler September 28, 2015 at 10:42 am

Good morning Mande?

Dookie Doaks September 28, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Mande laid down with that dog Boz?
That is extremely EW-worthy.

nchuckler September 28, 2015 at 10:05 am

“Businesses are reluctant to open their doors within the city limits,” she wrote. “They fear the bizarre zoning laws, the oppressive signing ordinances, the climbing licensing fees, and the restrictive parking policies. All of these rules add up to a suffocating environment for businesses, and that’s why Highway 17 is littered with empty storefronts and dilapidated buildings.”

I know many business owners in MB and Horry County.Mande speaks NOT the truth.MB is not only a beautiful area for tourists but also a great place to raise a family.It appears that the mayor and city council work very hard to work with the local business community.

I find it shameful that people like Boz and Mande make the choice to live in communities that offer such a beautiful lifestyle with world class beaches and amenities yet constantly try and tear down not only the communities but the very people the VOTERS elect to serve,promote and protect those very communities.

I guess it might be time to move if ya’ll are so miserable-or elect public servants that will carry out your very own self serving interests whatever those might be.Never been able to figure out how somebody can be so unhappy living in one of the friendliest and beautiful places in the country.

YallCalmDown September 28, 2015 at 10:18 am

Why does anybody listen to anything Mande Wilkes has to say? What are her qualifications? A woman with a law degree who failed the SC Bar Exam; a woman who ran for office and lost; a woman who admits she bought herself a pair of tits so she could get on a local tv show as a “commentator.”

Philip Branton September 28, 2015 at 10:39 am

Hmm………well,……at least she is doing something. Now, whether or not what she is doing is actually generating any jobs is another thing. At least what she has done has got Mr. Folks to write an article for this website so it can be used in a court of law against Myrtle Beach public officials that are put on trial for getting Asian kickbacks that the Sun News fails to report. Heck, maybe her efforts will generate Ad revenue for the Sun News and Fits news….?

U need to do your homework September 28, 2015 at 10:44 am

Sun News don’t want nothing to do with Crack-pot corruption clams against elected officials.

TSN, using some of the same type of conspiracy Bullshit Boz is noted for, got sued for libel, and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars..

Have to sell a lot of ads just to break even, acting that stupidly.

nchuckler September 28, 2015 at 10:45 am

Asian kickbacks? Oh my! What will be next? You damn fools!

Philip Branton September 28, 2015 at 10:58 am

What’s next…? Well, have you ever been in a Batteries Plus store..? Just go in and pick up a Motorcycle Lithium Battery in your left hand then lift up a Lead Acid Battery in your right hand..? Then think to yourself……..why do we still have Lead Acid Batteries..? Next, ask yourself… would an Asian investor use a Myrtle Beach schmooze to get all city assets to use Lithium instead of Lead Acid without a vote or mention in the Sun News..? Wouldn’t city workers or teachers like to know so they can invest their PENSIONS in a soon to be thriving economy..? Elon Musk does know something….doesn’t he..?

Now…about that lawsuit over what a MAYOR did not tell his investing voters……

Tell 'em U Know Boz (: September 28, 2015 at 11:10 am

Will you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE transcribe EXACTLY what The Sun News responds wit, after you scurry to them with this “Evidence?” LMAO….

Victorious Secret September 28, 2015 at 10:49 am


I’m curious. Are you seriously claiming that Will’s article will somehow be admitted into evidence during a criminal trial?

Mike at the Beach September 28, 2015 at 9:59 pm

That’s some crazy shit right there, no? Even for here, that’s nutty…

What she has going for her September 28, 2015 at 10:40 am

But she has the highest IQ on all of FITSNews.

Got to give her that.

Plus: didn’t she say she used her “assets” to climb the political pole? ….

Mike at the Beach September 28, 2015 at 10:02 pm

That’s a tallest-midget-in-the circus thing, to be sure.

Bible Thumper September 28, 2015 at 11:01 am

She didn’t buy them. It was a graduation present from her parents.

Libtard September 28, 2015 at 2:08 pm

you forgo a woman who said if you want your husbands not to cheat, give more blowjobs.

Dookie Doaks September 28, 2015 at 2:26 pm

She is a sage of the age for saying that. lol

CorruptionInColumbia September 28, 2015 at 5:20 pm

Mande intimidates many with her use of common sense, logic, and truth.

Mike at the Beach September 28, 2015 at 10:00 pm

Um, that’s just not true… ;-)

Bible Thumper September 28, 2015 at 11:10 am

“…empty storefronts and dilapidated buildings.”


Reality Check Please! September 28, 2015 at 2:37 pm

But the empty storefronts and dilapidate buildings abide. In Myrtle Beach that is. The city itself does not thrive in the same way that NMB and Conway do. Far, far fewer blighted areas now in those areas, compared to a just few years ago. Mande is not talking about the whole Grand Strand area. She is talking about the small town that tries to be a city, meaning Myrtle Beach itself. Businesses are moving outside of that little town now. Mande may be onto something.

nchuckler September 28, 2015 at 5:37 pm

You are stupid as hell.NMB and Conway wouldn’t exist without the tax money MB brings in.

Reality Check Please! September 29, 2015 at 4:42 am

The issue is abandoned storefronts, decaying properties, and whole blighted communities. They have diminished outside of the “city” in recent years. They have increased inside of the “city”. A hostile atmosphere for business inside it is the reason. You are talking about taxes that are gouged from businesses. That is not prosperity.

JC September 29, 2015 at 9:47 am

Conway is the 4th oldest town in SC and existed long before Myrtle Beach was even an idea.

I see a Bad Moon rising September 28, 2015 at 11:14 am

Bigger problem for you Dumbass liberal-tarians…pressure is mounting for McConnell to resign..

Uh Oh…What if you lose your Senate Lackey, too? LMAO..Sucks to be you!!!!

erneba September 28, 2015 at 11:21 am

Sell it to the Chinese, have them tow it back to Asia. I would not be caught dead in Myrtle Beach, a lot of people have.
Taking foreign money, in today’s economy may be the only way to make ends meet, just be prepared for the consequences.

Joe September 29, 2015 at 7:09 am

Mande is right about the city. The business climate for locals is terrible. The extortionary fees, silly regulations, and combative nature of code enforcement and administrative personnel have prompted many new business and professional service providers to locate just west of The Waterway in Carolina Forest. No one locally wants to open a non-tourist related business in the city. The 2.5 million dollar Areospace park is empty. Has been for years and will be for years to come because most savvy businesses do not want to engage in a one-sided lease arrangement with a government entity. Most of the businesses that have been incentivized to relocate by the EDC and other promoters were failing when they moved and continue to fail despite the generous tax payer subsidies. The city and the EDC do not pick winners they subsidize losers and are exceedingly proud of it. Mande is wrong about the Chinese. The China trip is sponsored by a local real estate agent, not the city. This agent is a Chinese ex-pat and a wonderful lady. She pays for this trip out of pocket to promote Myrtle Beach and her real estate business. she has being doing this for many years and only recently invited Mayor Rhodes to tag along. Basically he does not represent the city or the area on this trip. He’s just a (preceived) celebrity used as a marketing spokesperson for a private entity.

nchuckler September 29, 2015 at 8:27 am

Bitter biker that came unglued when the bikers were shown the door several years ago…. and friend of Boz that used to contribute on the SNOB before the ‘fly’ shut it down.He doesn’t even live in MB.He once hosted an event for Marxist/Green Peace candidate Gloria Tinabu.

A real flake that claims to be a doctor.Hates MB.


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