Ethics Complaint Filed Against Upstate Senator

|| By FITSNEWS || A South Carolina State Senator with a history of tax problems is the subject of an ethics compliant filed this week by a resident of Greenville, S.C. According to the complaint – filed by Shielder E. Pressley – S.C. Senator Karl Allen of Greenville, S.C. conspired…

|| By FITSNEWS || A South Carolina State Senator with a history of tax problems is the subject of an ethics compliant filed this week by a resident of Greenville, S.C.

According to the complaint – filed by Shielder E. Pressley – S.C. Senator Karl Allen of Greenville, S.C. conspired with local real estate agent (and former state lawmaker) Ennis Fant to allow a property to go into foreclosure.  The property was then purchased out of foreclosure by Sarah Fant, the agent’s wife.

Pressley resides at the property in question, and alleges Allen has been trying to evict her.

In addition to “mortgage fraud” and “conspiracy to commit mortgage fraud,” Pressley alleges in her complaint (.pdf here) that Allen also lied in an October 2014 deposition about his relationship with the Fants.

Pressley said she filed the complaint because Allen is manipulating the law and negatively affecting her “residential status” and “credit status.”


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Rocky Verdad August 27, 2015 at 1:19 pm

He better hope to God this isn’t true, or that he’s committed any fraud. Forget the complaint, if he’s violated anything the CFPB and the Treasury Department will come down on them like a ton of bricks – and they don’t lose their Mortgage Fraud cases, and they don’t plea bargain unless it includes minumum 3-5 years jail time.

Ted August 27, 2015 at 2:12 pm

Remember, anyone can file an ethics commission complaint. You can make the stuff up and as long as it sounds halfway reasonable it will be heard by the ethics commission.

I hate crooks in politics, but you gotta remember that vengeful people can cause hell in someone’s life for the cost of a postage stamp.

Doesn't seem true August 27, 2015 at 3:03 pm

“You can make the stuff up and as long as it sounds halfway reasonable it will be heard by the ethics commission.”

Did Colin Ross ever get his complaint heard?

Cause he said he filed one, but Kenny says he didn’t.

Complaint August 27, 2015 at 6:14 pm

Filing a complaint is not the same as having the S.C. Ethics Commission having an hearing on that complaint. You file a complaint, the Ethics commission investigates and determines that there is probable cause that the complaint is valid and then holds a hearing… Until probable cause is determined , all is confidential… Then, public it is, published in newspapers. Transparency… here we come..

Nobills August 27, 2015 at 6:30 pm

From the State paper. Cassie Cope…S.C. lawsuit against the Bank of New York Mellon. An ethics complaint alleges S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis hired a friend to represent the state in a lawsuit against the Bank of New York Mellon: $200 million : the amount that Treasurer Curtis Loftis said the Bank of New York Mellon owed South Carolina. $25 million : the amount the Bank agreed to put back into S.C. account. 9 million: the amount the state’s two attorneys were paid.
They were paid outside the State accounting system… Directly from the Bank of NY. No bills, no receipts, no trace.. putting tax payers money into pockets of friends …

Jamey August 27, 2015 at 7:44 pm

Suc deception. Such hate. I pity your soul and hope you do not hurt yourself or anyone else.

Deception August 28, 2015 at 8:10 pm

Deception and hate are Curtis Loftis trademark.. 1/10/04 Looking at the evidence impartially, we cannot take anything this self-confessed republican Loftis has to say Loftis liked the glow of the royal circle and liked to boast of his royal connections in Dixie where he runs a pest and vermin control business… He probably hates that he is frozen out and there was no Royal Christmas Card… … Even after all his evil poison he still boasts on his website that HRH Princess Linda is a director, but spits on her here! We are better off without him..” Deception = Loftis

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:41 pm

Such hatred, such jealousy.

Sad little vermin. Sad little vermin.

FraudsterCurtisLoftis August 30, 2015 at 7:08 pm

A post from the past.. What do you say to that Curtis Loftis?
” I must stop this fraudster CURTIS LOFTIS posting under different alias. This man is very unwise and thinks that he can get away by creating another alias. He is wrong.. I have technical proof that Curtis Loftis is RichinUS2003 and Cloftis.. Using the IP address.. of RichinUS2003 and Curtis Loftis message… Wow.. it is owned by the same company… This proved that Curtis Loftis is a fraud and his allegations and everything about him must be considered FAKE..This has proved that his messages are LIES.. He has been exposed…1/20/04 Serbia

2004 August 31, 2015 at 5:06 am

Is this post from 2004 , which exposes Curtis Loftis as a fraudster, with many aliases a smear campaign? NO and NO. It proves that Curtis Loftis is fraud and that his allegations and everything about it must be considered FAKE. Lies, coming from a sad little vermin, a silly little rabbit. Lies coming from Curtis Loftis in 2004 and 2015. A very long time.. exposing a very sick mind.

Nikkiing August 31, 2015 at 5:49 am

August 31,2011… Cindi Ross Scoppe. ” Curtis Loftis charges that they go through my mail, they go through my trash” —Who is they? I ask, and rather than answering, he recasts his allegation; “People go through my mail”
And about Gov.Haley” “She is completely and utterly untransparant and unaccountable ,” He says. He is using what ever he found to become the governor’s most tenacious critic..He’s out- Nikkiing Nikki Haley- he is working overtime to cash in on the cash-flow crisis at the transportation Department….. He says that Ms.Haley’s transportation secretary refuses to give him solid numbers….”
Loftis has not changed… conspiracy, false allegations, screaming… and no solution. Curt does not have a solution. Just heinous criticism….

Nobills August 27, 2015 at 7:53 pm

Yes, Curtis Loftis ,, here we come, Mr. transparency, here we come. Ethics commission says SC Treasurer hired business associate to represent state, here we come.. Money for his intimate friend and his minions… Here, we come.. $9 million to Curtis Loftis’s minions… here we come… No bills, no record. Is not that peachy? No records.. Where did the money go? In the pockets of Curtis Loftis? In the pockets of his minions out of the pockets of State employees and retirees. You are fired.. You are fired, Curtis Loftis…

Jamey August 27, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Screaming, all alone, into a computer screen. Sad, sad little person. It must kill you to be of no importance.

Loftis will have his day in court. But the outcome will not matter to you. Hate will just make you vary your lies.

I pity you. Anyone reading your hate pities you. You are the low rung of the ladder. You are ill, and vulgar. You are to be pitied.

Alone August 27, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Alone? Screaming alone? ..Many people have been violated by Curtis Loftis. Curtis Loftis has violated so many people and so many accounts .. Trump will look into the many violations that Curtis Loftis has done.. The outcome will be what it is.. Justice is great..Loftis’s and his lies, gross allegations and accusations without proof will be with Trump, saying. to Curtis Loftis.. YOU Are Fired… Loftis, you are fired…Trump is not into vile gay men…like you…. Underage sex.. like you. orphans boys in Ukraine.. like you.. Trump loves Ukraine.. Does he love the young orphans of Ukraine / Hope that they are not being exploited by Curtis Loftis.

jim August 27, 2015 at 9:01 pm

Scream, sad, sad little person. Screen the scream of the inconsequential, the meaningless, the scream of a nobody.

You sad and pitiful person screaming to no one, screaming for approval, screaming to have something in life.

And all your screams get you is more hate and lies and the scorn of honorable people.

You are a sad little creature.

Ginger August 27, 2015 at 10:25 pm

Curtis aka Jim, leave “Alone” alone. No one is screaming except you. You are the hot-tempered screamer. You are the very sad little creature. You have so much hate in your heart. I feel really sorry for you.

Ken August 28, 2015 at 6:35 am

Sad little cyberbully.

You need love and care. Your hate and jealousy has taken over your life. You are such a sad little insignificant person.

CurtBSuperBully August 28, 2015 at 10:13 am

Curt, why can’t you see all these people are laughing at you? Your posts are so obviously you! Although I don’t like your dishonesty and the horrible way you treat people, I don’t hate you. You’ve spent your whole life trying to be somebody. But let me tell you, you won’t get there by way of the devil. You never accept responsibility for your wrongdoings. You have chosen the path of self destruction. You are angry now because so many are on to you. You are afraid, and rightly so, because most of the accusations made here are the truth. Why are you so impressed with people with lots of money? I’ve noticed over the years that you enjoy name dropping of the wealthy. I’m very sorry for you. Just for once do the right thing. I believe you will sleep and feel better. You won’t mind looking at yourself in the mirror every day.

Ken August 28, 2015 at 1:52 pm

Silly silly you. You can call me any name you want. My purpose is to keep you posting your obvious lies, your hate, your jealousy.

Each post shows that Curt’s deranged opposition is so far removed from reality that Curt is nothing like you portray.

So keep posting your crap. Keep showing people how deranged you are. It helps my purpose. you have succeeded in making yourself look like a fool.

Surprise August 28, 2015 at 5:40 pm

Is Loftis posting on Fits in the office provided by the tax payers? Is Loftis using the state provided computers? Is Loftis posting on tax payers time? It appears that his postings can be traced by the Inspector General… So Curtis , you better take the computers to Microbyte in Harbison and have the disks destroyed.. Curtis did that once or twice… He did not follow protocol and exposed the information of South Carolinians …Ashley Madison… surprise, surprise!

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:40 pm

Lies and deception. The Loftis haters live by lies and hatred. makes Loftis look pretty good compared to them.

Sorry August 29, 2015 at 7:45 am

Fired by Eckstrom , comptroller General after a few months on the job. Fired by Andre Bauer , office of aging, after a few months on the job… Violating the Federal laws on employment and losing a law suit in Federal court. How much did that cost the tax payers? Yes, we know..and that does not look pretty good… Sorry Loftis.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 10:16 pm

Are you proud of your lies? You attempts to libel a good person?

I worry that someone so possessed hate and jealousy may be a danger to themselves.

Please seek help, you pathetic little damaged soul. You need it.

MotherTheresa August 28, 2015 at 6:12 pm

Cyberbully and censured for bullying is Curtis Loftis.. In this post from 2003/2004 Curtis Loftis is posting as Lgw1, Cloftis and Richinus 2003… Just as he does on Fitsnews, he uses multiple names but it is provable all emails came from his computer… Strange behavior is it not? “It seems fairly obvious to anyone reading this that this guy Curtis Loftis is wired and mentally unstable. Any attack on him, he sees as an attack on Christianity and Jesus Christ. He keeps praying to God for something to stop, which he started, unprovoked and he keeps referring to a charity he started a year or so , as his life’s work! Next he will tell us he is the reincarnation of Mother Theresa! The Saluda Charitable Foundation : Buckshit Organization… Close down this foundation…” The past is also the present .. Yes Curtis Loftis has not changed…

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:39 pm

So we had blasphemy to you list of sins.

How does it feel to make up lies everyday in hopes you might become relevant?

Sad, sad little creature. I pity you. Mush like a squished frog on the road.

Ned August 27, 2015 at 8:12 pm

I thought a person was thought innocent until a guilty verdict was rendered.

Those that don’t like the presumption of innocent are screwed up.

Bill August 28, 2015 at 1:04 pm

Curtis, I can’t believe you are saying this. You accuse others of all sorts of sins without any proof. Look at all the audits and investigations you have caused and nobody has ever lost their job, gotten arrested or even a reprimand. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Jillian August 28, 2015 at 1:22 pm

Curtis tears others down in an attempt to make himself look less guilty.

Kathryn August 27, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Funny. Several of my acquaintances filed ethics complaints they thought were air tight and the commission failed to find merit. I disagree with your assessment. I don’t think they agree to hold a hearing unless they think they have an open and shut case. They would be foolish to chase after every ridiculous complaint they get so they are pretty comfortable when they decide to proceed.

Kapstone August 27, 2015 at 5:33 pm

This guy is a state Senator. He would not be reported to the Ethics Commission but to the Senate Ethics Committee. There is no comparison. Only executive branch officials go before the Ethics Commission and they are pretty selective about what cases they pursue. What do you think about the Senate Ethics Committee? Do they just whitewash things? A former senator in Charleston might disagree with you.

is it? August 27, 2015 at 2:12 pm Reply
Tazmaniac August 27, 2015 at 3:16 pm

A minister and fraud? Not possible.

Nosense August 27, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Explain your complaint. It makes no sense to me.. I want to learn and I want to fight corruption but Fits post makes no sense to me… Where is the fraud? Who did what .. to Whom… Sorry reporting FITS,. Do better, please..

Harry September 2, 2015 at 5:57 am

Outside of the Richland County courtroom, Ford said everyone but Hood and his Charleston attorney, Bill Runyon, had been “brutal” to him. Runyon added that they were pleased to “close this chapter in the senator’s life and move on to something new now.”

“When (Waters) said personal use on clothes? That’s for veterans,” Ford said. “What they did to me in the last two years was totally unhuman and unnecessary.”

When asked if he was sorry for his actions, Ford responded with a resounding “no.”

“Sorry for what I did? Serving the public? No,” Ford said. “I serve the public.”

lauradrobinsons August 28, 2015 at 7:56 am

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Ken August 31, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Smear campaigns are run by losers.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:04 pm

Filthy talking deviants are waging a smear campaign against the treas.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Adangertoyouandme August 31, 2015 at 6:06 pm

A smear campaign .. Loftis ? this is not a smear campaign but a come out party..
Loftis is a gay man
Loftis is an infected gay man
Loftis is a vile infected gay man
Loftis is bashing gay men
Loftis is bashing black men
Loftis is bashing women
Loftis is violent toward women
Loftis has a violent temper beyond control
Loftis is a danger to you and me

Ken August 31, 2015 at 7:03 pm

Daniel Brennan. You messed up as you posted this on your Facebook page under your won name and now you do it under an alias.

That is not very smart.

Loftisistheman August 31, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Loftis is a gay man
Loftis is an infected gay man
Loftis is a vile infected gay man
Loftis is bashing gay men
Loftis is bashing black men
Loftis is violent toward women
Loftis has a violent temper beyond control
Loftis is a danger to you and me
Loftis takes state owned computers to erase hard disks
Loftis exposes the information of SC tax payers.
Loftis lost million of Tax payers money to The Bank of NY/Mellon
Loftis signed a contract with the same bank for 10 years!
Loftis is delinquent of over $14,000 in taxes in Folly Beach.
Loftis is not able to be the treasurer . a high school degree cannot make Curtis Loftis an intelligent man in the world of finance..
Loftis can violate the many funds in the STO… no supervision.. nice funds..easy squishy funds.
Loftis has violated the nice squishy funds
Loftis must answer to these posts as we know that they are real..
and well documented.

Wilson September 2, 2015 at 5:56 am

Outside of the Richland County courtroom, Ford said everyone but Hood and his Charleston attorney, Bill Runyon, had been “brutal” to him. Runyon added that they were pleased to “close this chapter in the senator’s life and move on to something new now.”

“When (Waters) said personal use on clothes? That’s for veterans,” Ford said. “What they did to me in the last two years was totally unhuman and unnecessary.”

Ford resigned his seat in Columbia in June 2013 while the Senate Ethics Committee was reviewing his spending habits. He declined to name other lawmakers who could have committed similar offenses.

When asked if he was sorry for his actions, Ford responded with a resounding “no.”

“Sorry for what I did? Serving the public? No,” Ford said. “I serve the public.”

Anothercomplaint August 27, 2015 at 4:18 pm

What about the complaint against Treasurer Curtis Loftis? Why don’t you report on this ethics issue, Will? Understand Loftis was at a Trump rally in Greenville today on the taxpayers dime. He was front and center. Better make sure he doesn’t get reimbursed for the mileage.

Bill August 27, 2015 at 5:17 pm

I’ve heard Loftis will not ask for the complaint against him to be heard in public. Transparency, any one???

SYNTwist August 27, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Reprimand privately and praise publicly – the gentleman’s way. If I had someone complaining about me, hell – I’d squish it with silence

WantToKnow August 27, 2015 at 11:16 pm

Curtee is a scardy cat. He’s afraid to let the public into the hearing. Must be worried about the outcome. What a farce that he promotes himself as being transparent. Where’s your November 2014 calendar showing your trip to Italy where you used Ed McMullen’s villa?

ken August 28, 2015 at 6:32 am

Lie after lie after lie.

What a busy little cyber bully you are.

Intimatefriend August 27, 2015 at 5:49 pm

I think that Curtis Loftis and Fits have a secret arrangement… Fits: Do not write anything negative about Curtis Loftis… Curtis Loftis : post as many aliases as you can to promote interest in the stupid stories that Fits comes up with.. Fits should post the entire content of the Ethics complaint alleging S.C. treasurer hired business associate to represent state. His intimate friend got $2 million for nothing..

SYNTwist August 27, 2015 at 6:56 pm

I only know Loftis from FB. I followed him for years. For years he challenged the Good Ole Boy system and was threatened time and time again. He exposed a lot of corruption. I am not saying he is squeaky clean, I don’t know him personally, only by deeds, but I do believe people were coming after him, time and time again, because he wasn’t playing their game. He tried to be a good custodian. That is my opinion.

Fired August 27, 2015 at 7:23 pm

And what corruption did Loftis uncover ? I know of none… Screaming, violent temper, violence against women, a short fuse, just like the man who shot 2 TV reporters yesterday… Curtis Loftis is a danger to men, women and children, young boys.. staffers in the STO, women in the STO… See Senator Ryberg report… Loftis has violated the state and the US Constitution and violated the trust fund of the retirees of SC and the tax payers of this State…. No game to be played with the tax payers money. No game to be played with the money of the State of S.C. .. Loftis with a High School Diploma.. Not able to do one thing for the citizen of SC. You are fired,,,Curtis Loftis… Trump does not like gay vile men with an oozing penis, preying on young men in his office… Abuse of power in office cannot stand… sexual abuse of power in office cannot stand… You are fired… Loftis

SYNTwist August 27, 2015 at 7:28 pm

I’m not going to debate the topic with you, mine is based solely on opinion and I never met him. You have yours (opinion) and I have mine. Absent facts, there is no right one.

What I remember of Curt is him fighting for an audit of pension funds. It was an uphill battle and a lot of enemies made along the way.

Jamey August 27, 2015 at 7:43 pm

You can’t discuss anything with a person governed by hate. Anyone that would write those things is dangerous. Please don’t say anything that might let them know your name. This crazies could be very dangerous.

Adanger August 27, 2015 at 9:08 pm

Bullshit .. Curtee , you need to do better. Curtis Loftis is over his intelligence level, A danger to the staff of STO, a danger to the staff of The investment Commission, a danger to PEBA ,a danger to members of the retirees of the State of South Carolina, a danger to me and you.. A danger exposed by Senator Ryberg, The state must stop this vile man before he does what was done yesterday when two people were shot and many times before.. Stop ,, Curtis Loftis ,,Now… A danger to me and you..

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:36 pm

You have resorted to humor! Pretending to think that the investment commission is doing a good job.

The investment commission that is dead last in returns for the last 10 years, btw. Well, it is fitting you would team up with the losers.

James August 27, 2015 at 7:42 pm

Such hate and deception. I sure hope you are not living in my neighborhood. You have the hate of he Charleston shooter or the Virginia shooter.

Hate like you have is not normal and is a serious illness.

Creepy August 28, 2015 at 12:02 am

Pictures are coming… Anthony Weiner will be proud .. Loftis and his wiener will make another Anthony Weiner proud and make Loftis a nobody in few seconds.. No hate, no deception, just facts. Loftis , you are creepy… ” in a Curtis Loftis creepy way….Cindy Ross Scoppe” The State..

Ken August 28, 2015 at 6:31 am

Sick little cyberbully. Truly sick.

How sad or life must be.

Myneighbor August 28, 2015 at 7:37 pm

No hate and no deception here Curtis Loftis but an urgent need for exposing your vile sins and your total ineptitude in the world of finance… People know you now… You cannot fool people any longer. There are plenty of posts on many domains that explain in details your violence against women, you hate of black men, your bashing of gay men as you are gay yourself,…. And I do live in your neighborhood… Won’t you be my neighbor?

Ken August 29, 2015 at 6:47 am

Sad little cyber bully.

Pathetic little cyber bully.

Jamey August 27, 2015 at 7:40 pm


Loftis has brought many bad state government business practices to an end. He brought the Investment Commission debacle to the forefront and other issues such as the DOT, the insufficiency of state audits (new auditor hired yesterday) etc.

A handful of people hate him because he made them work, or fired them for being lousy at their job, or he interrupted their “income stream.”

They post mean filled deceptive comments like teenagers on crack. It shows that when a politician fights corruption, fraud and waste he will become hated by a small group. It is just part of being a reformer.

Don’t worry about it. Loftis doesn’t, and no one reads this vulgar stuff anyway. It is nothing but a sign of the pettiness of a few losers. it makes me appreciate Loftis all the more.

Sordidloftis August 27, 2015 at 10:37 pm

Trump will see this vulgar stuff .. Loftis has done nothing for the State of SC Screaming is not what Trump loves… Actions , it is what Trump loves. Actions are what LOFTIS DO NOT HAVE, … Sexual and bullying actions in office are against the law.. Curtis Loftis , you are not a reformer but a lying jackass. Loftis hired 5 PR guys .. sordid….

Ken August 28, 2015 at 6:30 am

Sad little cyber bully. Feel like a man yet? Or do you need to scream and lie into the internet some more?

Keep screaming-everytime you write your crazy, obvious lies it makes Loftis look better than ever. When crazy cyber bullies are attacking an elected official it is obvious to everyone that the official has hit the bad guys were it hurts.

Violence August 27, 2015 at 10:07 pm

You know LOFTIS from Facebook.. . His Facebook… You do know about Curtis Loftis and violence against women, against Black men, Million has been lost because of Curtis Loftis… Million and million paid million to his intimate friend Mike Montgomery… The retirees funds lost million because of the corrupted ways of Loftis but he got a pocket full of tax payers money sitting in his pockets now..

Ken August 28, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Lies, lies and more lies.

Such a sad little should you must have. Must suck to be you.

Intimatefriend August 27, 2015 at 6:52 pm

When Trump sees that Curtis Loftis is a fraud, a liar , a gay vile man with an infected butt and oozing penis, he will say “You are fired” Trump is not into vile gay asshole behavior. Trump is not into underage sex with young orphans boys in Ukraine. Loftis is a vey sick man

Jamey August 27, 2015 at 7:46 pm

This is sick stuff. This goes beyond politics. this is hatred, just like the Charleston shooter or the Virginia murder.

Hate is poison and you have drunk it by the gallon.

FireCurtis August 27, 2015 at 9:25 pm

The truth is that Curtis Loftis is a vile gay man, with a high school degree and the brain of a roach.. The buzman, the bugman of West Columbia with a vile infected butt. must be fired by Trump… Yes, Trump… fire the jack ass. Fire, Curtis Loftis… please…

kyle August 27, 2015 at 9:34 pm

Keep singing, sicko.

Aimee August 27, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Enis Fant of Lost Trust fame, guess he is back at his old tricks, err crimes. Maybe he never stopped? He raises all kinds of hell in Greenville, stirring the racial pot when Jesse is out of town. He should wind up back in Federal prison.

Fatcat August 27, 2015 at 9:22 pm

Curtis Loftis, why are you trying to get the State Retirement Investment Commission to pay for three conferences you attended this summer.? Another one of your schemes to cover up your travel expenses? How many State agencies do you have paying for what should come out of the Treasurer’s budget? Does BOFI pay for your travel too? Seems you are always having to cover up. You must be very tired. Maybe if you were less wicked, you wouldn’t always have to be covering up.

Teats August 27, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Transparency man, Curtis Loftis will never drink at the teats of government.. never…late on taxes..over $14,0OO on the house on the beach.

Taxes August 27, 2015 at 11:31 pm

Who is going to pay the taxes on your house on the beach, Curtis Loftis? .. The koch brothers, the tax payers of SC? I pay my taxes.. pay yours , Curtee.. Delinquent for the last two years…. Pay your bills, Curtis Loftis..

Jake August 28, 2015 at 6:23 am

Crazy little sad person. Please get mental health.

DrinkyWinky August 28, 2015 at 8:34 pm

Jake, have you been drinking? Read your posts before you post. Silly willy Curtee Boy!

ken August 28, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Well, my work here is done. Once again the haters have screamed into their computer screens. They have obsessively posted lies, deception and filth. To anyone reading this blog, these Loftis haters are fools, and dangerous, and surely the reader is sympathetic to Loftis.

I love my little successes. And besides that, keeping crazy people on the internet keeps them from shooting up post offices or convinces marts. .

CDV August 31, 2015 at 6:06 am

I love my little successes… really? Loftis, you are not successful.. no little successes… But deceits, false allegations and accusations. A vile life style… A gross man with violence against women, bashing gay men , bashing black men, bashing women.. The Supreme Court has ruled… Curt and you are in violation of the laws…State and Federal laws… Don’t ask, don’t tell repealed , Civil rights laws… Better learn to read these laws. Curtis. They apply to you as well.

Jake August 28, 2015 at 6:23 am

Such lies. Such lies.

Charleston August 28, 2015 at 6:07 pm

From Charleston: Site Provided by… I.13 Records Overview Parcel Land Improvements Sales Disclosure Pay Taxes
Search by Property ID (PIN) Street Address Legal Description Sales Owner Name
Functions Homepage Real Property Personal Property Motor Vehicle Shopping Cart Help Feedback County Login
Pay Taxes Owner Name
1 of 1
Data Retrieved: 8/28/2015 5:59:56 PM EDT PIN Alternate ID (AIN) Property Class 3280900088 Real Owner Information Current Owner Owner of Record Lender 353 SHADOW RACE LANE TRUST Curtis M. Loftis, Jr., Trustee
PO BOX 2269
CAYCE SC 29171-2269353 SHADOW RACE LANE TRUST Location Information SITUS TAG 353 SHADOW RACE LN3-3 CITY OF FOLLY BEACHLegal Description Subdivison Name -SUNSET POINT Description -LOT 157A SECTION VI

Tax Year: 2014Bill Number: 3984791 TaxBillID: 10449790Installment Period Due Date Tax Penalty/Fee Interest Total Due Inst 1
7/15/2015 $6,589.90 $618.00 $0.00 $7,207.90 Pay In Full: $7,207.90

Delinquent Years Year Bill Number Tax Penalty/Fee Interest Total Due 2013 3253318 $6,542.82 $523.42 $0.00 $7,066.24 Total Delinquent: $7,066.24

Select Payment Option Pay In Full $14,274.14Tax Assessment | Payment History






Notalie August 28, 2015 at 6:19 pm

Hard to believe that State Treasurer Curtis Loftis has not paid his taxes ! For 2 years : $14,274.14… What an hypocrite.. I pay my taxes… Why don’t you Curtee…?

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:33 pm

Can you not read? It seems Mr. Loftis is a trustee. He is not the owner. Are you that stupid? Or just chose to deceive people?

You spread your lies, lies and more lies with such ease. That is really so sad…for you.

Trustee August 28, 2015 at 8:36 pm

The trustee is responsible for the management of the trust which includes paying the taxes. Don’t you know that, Mr. Treasurer…

ken August 28, 2015 at 8:44 pm

Flatter me with his title if you wish. But alas, I have never run for office.
A Trustee is required to do many things. Often, they are the “workout” specialist for estates. I have known Curtis for 30 years and no doubt he will be successful with this task as he is with everything else he has done.

Sad vermin, please rest yourself. Hate is tiring and you will need rest to keep your obsessions going.

Payyourtaxes August 28, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Fine, but this does not explain why his taxes are delinquent… I pay my taxes.. Don’t you?

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:51 pm

They are not his taxes. They are the estates taxes.

You surely must learn to read.

Taxes August 28, 2015 at 8:56 pm

Only Curtis Loftis would know this but it sure does not explain why the taxes have not been paid. Whose estate are we talking about? Who died?

ken August 28, 2015 at 9:00 pm

I have no idea what the particulars of the arrangement are. I now nothing about it other that you are to stupid to understand the roles and responsibilities of a trustee.

Well, sad little person, I am going now. I suppose I am your only friend, and you will be lonely tonight, Friday night. But you will have the evening to make up more lies and to perfect your deceptions.

Enjoy your hate, your obsession. Revel in your filth. Remember, it is all you have!

Bettercheck August 29, 2015 at 12:37 am

Of course, you have no idea what the particulars are, because, you are caught in a lie…. It is not that complicated: You are the trustee of the house , you are responsible for paying the taxes… Period. Pay the taxes, Curtis Loftis. Oh, I have heard that the house is rented but the income is not reported!!! Better check that out,

ken August 29, 2015 at 6:45 am

Silly you. Sad you. Pathetic you.

Your love hate with you-know-who is really a sight to see!

Urgencyofnow August 29, 2015 at 8:37 am

No, no… No love and no hate. Just the urgency of now to expose Curtis Loftis as an hypocrite, liar, unstable man . He is not able to be treasurer of SC.

James August 29, 2015 at 10:12 pm

Silly, little rabbit. You babble on so. What a pathetic little life you must have.
You should just admit it…you love him. You know it. Just admit it. It is obvious to everyone.

Estatetaxes August 29, 2015 at 6:38 pm

Pay the taxes, Curtis Melvin Loftis.. You are the trustee of a house which belongs to Teresa Loftis Mincey… You know the particulars in this case but you choose to lie and to cheat the tax payers Of S.C.. The house belongs to your sister… and she is well…you are not so well… you are a liar and a cheater.

Trustee August 29, 2015 at 5:56 pm

The house belongs to Teresa Mincey and it is rented, $ 150 000 in income… Hope this is reported… Who is Teresa Mincey? A friend, a sister, an ex… to Curtis Loftis… Better check this out… Curtis Loftis is the trustee.. Why?

TeresaLoftis August 29, 2015 at 6:17 pm

The house belongs to Teresa Loftis Mincey… Curtis Loftis is the trustee…. and he does not know what the particulars of the arrangement are.?.. Lies, lies… Loftis is caught in a lie with his pants down… way down… Better check the income and check the delinquent taxes… over $14,000. Curtis is not a good trustee , not to be trusted to be a good trustee of the funds of the trust fund of retirees. LOL…

James August 29, 2015 at 10:10 pm

Drugs are a terrible thing.

Pete Hegeseth should not let his Concerned Veterans for America gay employees do drugs and harris people on line. It simply is bad form.

TeresaLoftis August 29, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Is Teresa Loftis Mincey your sister? Loftis… Loftis.. is Teresa Loftis Mincey your sister?

Pockets August 30, 2015 at 12:55 pm

You must be Mike Montgomery.. or Logan Simmons.. How much money has Loftis given you … How much money from The Trust fund of retirees sits in your pockets?

Teats August 27, 2015 at 11:18 pm

The cover up of Curtis Loftis has ben exposed.. for many years..Curtis is a vile, infected man and he brings vile and shame to the State of S.C. Curtis Loftis ,, Loftis, go public so people like me will know what you stand for.. You say transparency… Be transparent,, and go public with the Ethics violation Stop screwing the State retirees and their families..

Charles August 27, 2015 at 11:25 pm

Teats, CML will not allow us in the hearing. He is very very worried.

Ken August 28, 2015 at 6:22 am

In your feeble mind anything is possible.
Dream on.

Jake August 28, 2015 at 6:21 am

Lies, lies and more lies. With each lie you bury your soul more.

Larry August 28, 2015 at 6:26 am

Pathetic cyber bullies have been so busy. These sad little people love to libel good men and women under the veil of anonymity. Sad little cowards, working so hard. Screaming and scramming but for no purpose.

How sad these cyber bullies are.

K Howard August 28, 2015 at 7:42 am

These anti-Loftis posters are paid by people close to the SC Investment Commission. It is an open secret and is done in an effort to belittle the Treasurer for his work to improve the investment commission’s rate of return and business practices.

it seems any Investment Commission that embarks on such a clumsy and juvenile attempt to discredit an elected official is not fit to be a the investor for a 30 billion dollar plan.

CheckCACD August 28, 2015 at 11:32 am

Your attempt to get RSIC to pay for your travel came from someone in your office. Your trusted minions talk to people. They talk to people about how to deal with your insanity so the big bucks continue rolling into their bank accounts. Come on Curt, are you so stupid? No help is needed from RSIC people to rat you out. Besides those people have integrity which is totally missing in you and your minions.

Deb August 28, 2015 at 1:47 pm

So silly, you little person. Trying to hurt someone that is successful. Screaming your lies into a computer screen.

Such a sad little silly rabbit. you are.

BunnyRabbit August 28, 2015 at 5:19 pm

I’m having fun reading your belligerent posts, Curt! Same way you act in the office with your employees. You’re always belittling everyone and whining about something. Get a life man!

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:30 pm

Silly litte vermin, call me any name you wish.

How much time do you spend on your obsessive hatred? One minute is too much though, you seem to have devoted your life.

How sad for you.

ken August 29, 2015 at 6:43 am

Your obsession with you-know-who is unseemly. Love and hate are but two sides of the same coin.

Love on, my friend. Love on.

SuccessfulMe August 28, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Deb (Curtee Loftis), you must understand that my definition of success is not the same as yours. Money and power are not what makes one successful. You can’t take your money and power to the grave. As inconsequential as you may think I am, I’m thankful that I’m not you. I’m happy and enjoying life.

ken August 28, 2015 at 8:57 pm

Thank you for insisting that I am the Treasurer. I consider that an honor.

Happy people do not post, obsessively, lies, deception and hate. They do not devote their life to making anonymous post about a person. Happy people build people up, not tear them down.

You are a sad, sad little person. No matter what you say, pretending to be happy is as sad as your chosen occupation to libel and defame Mr. Lofits.

It would be easiest for you to admit you are a sad little person without prospects. Truly, it would be an easier life that pretending to be something you are not.

TrulyHappy August 28, 2015 at 10:25 pm

Ken (Curtis), why do you get so angry when you see that someone is happy? You are projecting big time tonight.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 10:07 pm

Silly boy. Have you learned a new term? projecting?

Use it over and over an over. Your small mind will remember it that way.

Sorry August 29, 2015 at 3:14 pm

What a shame that Curtis Loftis, State treasurer posts on FITS? How many elected officials do you know that post on FITS.? One: Loftis is it! He cannot get any respected, reliable press since they know he is a fake… So Loftis posts on Fitsnews and his 2 face books accounts… Sorry is and sorry does.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 10:05 pm

I thank you for insisting, once again, that I am you-know-who. I am flattered, but I am just a friend that hates liars.

It is my job to keep you posting. The more you post, the crazier you look and the better my friend looks. This is an easy job for me, because you truly are crazy. And it shows!

Yes August 29, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Yes, yes, I believe you .. Curtee

Bashing August 29, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Successful ? According to Loftis..? is being fired by Eckstrom, comptroller general, and being fired by Andre Bauer, Office of Aging, after a few months on the job. is that being successful . Violating Federal laws and a suit in Federal Court,.. lost.. How much did that cost the tax payers.? Violating Civil rights laws.. Not cool to bash gay men, black men, women… Curtis, you are not successful …

Hal August 29, 2015 at 10:03 pm

I see gay Daniel Brennan, hired by Pete Hegeseth and his Concerned Veterans for America, is back on gay drugs and harassing the treasurer on a Saturday night. it is Daniels habit to drug all night, post vile statements about the treasurer, then create false twitter account and harass the treasurer.

So predictable. But then drugs are a terrible thing.

Fatandugly August 29, 2015 at 10:23 pm

Where do you see Daniel Brennan? Where do you see Pete Hegeseth and where do you see gay drugs? Where do you see false twitter accounts and where do you see harassment of the treasurer. If I were them, I would sue the shit of you.. Loftis… I would sue the shit ,,,, You are disgusting… Loftis, you are a vile infected man with shit for brain.. You re a vile gay man… Fat and ugly…

ShutUpYouSicky August 30, 2015 at 12:34 am

Curtis is a pathetic piece of manure.

Hal August 30, 2015 at 6:36 am

Dan oh Dan,
I see gay Daniel Brennan, hired by Pete Hegeseth and his Concerned Veterans for America, is back on gay drugs and harassing the treasurer on a Saturday night.

Bill August 28, 2015 at 12:56 pm

From which account are they paid, Mr. Treasurer. Your office should have a record of that since you write all the checks. I know, you can’t prove it but you know it’s happening anyway–just because you say so.

Curtis is fat August 28, 2015 at 1:25 pm

Courtney and Ericka, 2 more CPA’s just resigned from STO. That’s what happens when you have the 3 stooges running the office: Clarissa, Cynthia, and Curtis.

Deb August 28, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Silly, silly rabbit.

Mamajoke August 28, 2015 at 2:19 pm

Curtis is so ugly when he was born that instead of the doctors slapping him on the ass, they slapped his mama.

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:27 pm

Haha…I see your insults have now reached the 3rd grade. Congratulations.

SillySilly August 28, 2015 at 5:14 pm

Silly, silly Cutee Boy! You are soooo silly!

ShameOnTreas August 28, 2015 at 5:31 pm

Yes, the 3 stooges have run off many very bright, well-credentialed and hard-working employees. Very unfortunate for the state’s citizens. Ultimately the Treasurer is responsible. The turnover in that office is unbelievable!

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:27 pm

Silly little rabbit. You try so hard to make a difference but instead you just chip off a bit of your soul each time you post your hate and lies.

Poor baby.

ScoopOnStooge August 28, 2015 at 9:24 pm

Heard that Stooge Cynthia has run off numerous Treasurer’s Office employees. Seems Housing Authority was happy to push her over to the Treasurer’s Office. Apparently Loftis has allowed her to hire lots of HR employees, full-time FTEs and contract employees, to handle HR. The taxpayers are paying lots of salaries to people to do what she was hired to do. Besides being a hatchet witch, wonder what she does all day. Like Curt, she leaves a trail of her shitmanship wherever she goes. Should that be shitwomanship? Anyway, she seems to get off on shitting on people. The story of one of the three stooges.

Ken August 28, 2015 at 9:39 pm

Lovely that you have expressed your opinion even though it is dripping with hate, jealousy and expressed with the knowledge that you are a babbling fool. I am sorry to say that your opinion is quite insignificant to people that are successful. They simply won’t be able to understand such bile as it is not the stuff of good people.

Of course you know that, otherwise you would have posted under your own name. But of course one can’t lie, deceive and generally spew stupidity under ones own name, can they?

Speaking for the masses, let me say your brand of lunacy is telling of your sad physical and emotional stature. Sadly, the good DNA is not spread evenly and you seem to have come up a bit short. And stupid, btw.

AnotherPerson August 28, 2015 at 10:15 pm

Curtee (Ken), I think you just saved ScoopOnStooge his time by describing in your own pathetic words the reality of Number 1 Stooge, Curtis M. Loftis. Grow some balls man. Or go back to school to get an education. Better yet, get psychological help — and soon!

ken August 29, 2015 at 6:42 am

It never occurred to me before, but now I have to ask. Are you in high school? I bet you are and that would explain the juvenile obsession with you-know-who. It would explain the lack of maturity that allows you to devote your life to deception and libel.

Yes, that explains the stunted consciousness that allows you to be the liar and hate filled person that you are.

Delusion August 29, 2015 at 9:14 pm

Yes, i am in high school and I am writing on the walls. Fuck Curtis Loftis,,,for a good time …Fuck Curtis Loftis… He has an infected butt and an oozing penis but you will have the time of your life. Loftis and his delusion of grandeur…

Cary August 30, 2015 at 8:30 am

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Yea, this explains a lot.

Hispants August 29, 2015 at 9:11 am

“Jeez- this Curtis Loftis is a dum fuk….The rule, dick head, is, don’t start a fire if you don’t want your ass burned (from what we hear you like your ass having a good seeing too) U started this tread so stop complaining shitting your pants now u have been busted..” From 1/18/04. Is Curtis Loftis gay?
The past is the present… Creepy, lunatic Curtis Loftis then and now. Shitting his pants…

Cary August 30, 2015 at 8:04 am

This explains why there are 1000’s of post against the treasurer.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Pissingcontextwithaskunk August 31, 2015 at 2:10 pm

Not a smear campaign.. A profound desire to expose Curtis Melvin Loftis for the vile man that he is. Serious, concerned citizens of South Carolina willing to enter in a pissing context with a skunk… And a pissing context with a skunk can be, well, pissy, and stinky. But we are willing.. and ready to go.

silly rabbit August 31, 2015 at 5:10 am

Let’s see, Ken is your name??? Curtis, if you would just be open and honest your life would be so much easier. No reason to try to remember all those lies, you silly little rabbit.

Nicefunds August 28, 2015 at 7:13 pm

Before you accuse people of being paid, prove it, You are an idiot.. Curtis Loftis is paid by FITS to post on this site… So He accuses honest concerned citizens to be paid… Loftis is projecting again, over and over. He cannot be trusted… and he cannot be trusted with the many funds in the STO… Nice funds, with no supervision… Loftis has violated them… A danger to our credit rating and our tax money.

Ken August 28, 2015 at 8:25 pm

Sick little person. Please re-read your comment. They are illogical and unsupported by fact.

But then again, obsessive hate usually is.Maybe one day you will live your unhealthy obsession with Loftis behind. It can’t be healthy for you/

Truce August 28, 2015 at 10:38 pm

Alright guys and gals, let’s give CML a break tonight. His postings under his aliases are becoming quite erratic. He is violently projecting. Probably drinking. No telling what he might do. Over and out!

Ken August 29, 2015 at 6:31 am

Silly little person. You have been up half the night thinking up stuff to write about the treasurer. So silly. So sad. Well, at least your little life has meaning. Perverted, twisted, deceptive, but at least it give you some sense of joy.

Maybe you can try serial killing next. You might even get a profile of TV!

Sweet August 29, 2015 at 12:33 pm

Poor Curtis, shitting his pants… Karma coming and it is sweet…

Ken August 29, 2015 at 9:58 pm

Such a silly rabbit. How powerful you have made yourself feel.

You are so pathetic. I pity you. Truly, you are pitiful.

911 August 29, 2015 at 2:23 pm

Call 911… Erratic Loftis, violent Loftis, drunk Loftis, need to call 911. No debate about this.. Call 911.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 9:57 pm

Silly, silly rabbit.

How much hate and anger and jealousy you must have. Please seek professional help.

Police August 29, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Does Curtis Loftis have a gun? Guns in the hands of mentally unstable people have a history of disaster. … Report this man to the FBI, the Cayce police, the Lexington police… Plenty of help … so Report him. You are not over and out… You are negligent if you do not report Curtis Loftis to the police.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 9:56 pm

Silly silly rabbit.

You seem like you are not well today. Drugs? Depression? Please seek help.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 9:55 pm

Silly rabbit.

Sad little rabbit.

Truce August 29, 2015 at 7:48 am

I’m very serious about this – leave Curt alone. He has awaken in very bad shape this morning. As you read through his retaliatory responses below, you will find that he is projecting his behaviors and thoughts onto those who have posted. He no longer recognizes himself as Curtis Loftis. Instead he refers to himself as what-his-name. He is questioning whether he has a high school degree. He is dreaming about doing something outrageous to make himself famous. This behavior is very common among those with his diagnosis. I am very afraid of him and for him. You can’t say that you have not been warned. He has scared the (bleep) out of me. I’m done with this nutcase. Over and out from Fits forever!

Takehim August 29, 2015 at 2:16 pm

Serious… seriously take Curtis Loftis to the doctor and have him evaluated and committed to Mental Health., psychiatric services. He should be off the street… Plenty of mental health services…some in Lexington County… some in Richland County… Quick , take him…. If you cannot take him, call the police… and 911.

Nojoke August 29, 2015 at 2:47 pm

Truce.. Read your post… Curtis Loftis has awaken in very bad shape this morning. You are afraid of him and for him,,, and he has scared the (bleep) out of you… Call the police… call 911. You are afraid of him and for him… Call 911, the police .. Call the FBI , Homeland Security… SlED… Plenty of help .. no joke.

Jake August 29, 2015 at 9:54 pm

Mr. NoJoke, I believe you are high. If not, you must be stupid.

Do you ever think how foolish your post are? is there 1 chance in 10,000 that someone would believe anything you say?

Please, seek mental health assistance. Your obsession with you-no-who has taken over your pathetic life. I know you did not have much of a life before this obsession, but this sickness is not the way out to normalcy.

Enoughcrap August 29, 2015 at 8:58 pm

” He is dreaming about doing something outrageous to make himself famous.”.
He = Curtis Loftis.. Call the police now… If you do not call the police, you will be responsible for his behavior… Call the FBI, call SLED , call me … Hell . I will call the FBI on this insane man.. Enough of this crap,,, Enough of Curtis Loftis

Jake August 29, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Silly rabbit. You seem insulted. Don’t be. A person of your ilk can’t be insulted because you have no character. You are a dead soul so do not worry. You are as low as anyone can be. Insults can not hurt you.

Jake August 29, 2015 at 9:48 pm

So, when you are at table with family, do you brag about being an excellent liar? Do you say: I have exceeded my wildest dreams and I can now lie in an instant. Without hesitation I can be deceptive, vengeful, even vulgar with no notice?

You should take ownership of your dark talents. You should be proud. Ted Bundy was proud of his ability to commit multiple murders and remain free. The Charleston shooter is very proud of his accomplishments. You should be proud of yours abilities. There are not many people that can lie, libel and deceive with your ease.

Likethem August 29, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Are you like them? ..Curtis Loftis . are you like them?

Jake August 29, 2015 at 10:17 pm

Silly little damaged soul. Please, get your rest. Try, try, try to get mental health treatments so you can have a life free of unhealthy obsession hate and jealousy.

life can be better. You do not have to be a total loser all your life.

ScaryCurt August 29, 2015 at 11:18 pm

CML, you are one scary MF.

Cary August 30, 2015 at 8:00 am

This is interesting. A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 29, 2015 at 10:28 pm

I pity the poor handful of damaged souls that have devoted their life to hating and libeling the treasurer. They have committed their being to this negativity. They have cast away the positive and the healthy to attack a man that easily wins election and could care less about these malcontents.

He flourishes, and these crazed detractors are tied to their hate and obsessions like a ball and chain to a prisoner. They have chosen a sad life. The handful of them are to be pitied.

My purpose is to keep them posting so that everyone can see their sickness. A sickness that is obvious to everyone. A sickness that will torment them to the end. A sickness that explains the crazed, deceptive and hate filled attacks on an elected official just trying to do his job.

Veins August 29, 2015 at 10:39 pm

Fired by the comptroller general, fired by Andre Bauer, Office of aging.after a few months on the job.. an elected official with an high school degree and the brain of a roach… No one wants , no one can work with Curtis Loftis. Violent temper, walking out of meetings with red face and veins popping all over… Exposed by Senator Ryberg… See his report… Well researched and with pictures of Loftis and his face with veins popping all over.

Ken August 30, 2015 at 6:33 am

Such a nasty little man you are. Crazy is as crazy does, and your work on this thread is a wonderful illustration of crazy.

Cary August 30, 2015 at 7:56 am

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

CrazyCML August 29, 2015 at 11:15 pm

Curt, you are definitely one dumb fuk.

Ken August 30, 2015 at 6:32 am

Silly rabbit, you are a most unpleasant little person.
So sad for you

Rabbits&Curtis August 30, 2015 at 11:21 am

Ken (Curtee), what is it with this rabbit fettish of yours? Getting a little concerned about the poor little bunny rabbits out there. And your obsessive use of the word “silly.” Your vocabulary is a little too effeminate. You silly little rabbit boy!

ken August 30, 2015 at 11:24 am

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

This smear campaign has been ongoing for 3 years, yet the treasurer is doing very well. Perhaps your paymaster should ask for a refund.

Rabbits&Curtis August 30, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Last time I saw you, Curt, you didn’t appear nor sound like you’re doing well at all. Looked like a sick, fat man stuffed into a suit and then stuffed into a $90,000 black Lexus. Not becoming of a politician who declares he identifies with the little people. Can’t pay your property taxes, but can buy that car? Very fishy, rabbit man! The cat (or someone) must have your tongue today. You keep repeating the same old “I do no wrong” self-righteous posts.

Ken August 30, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Smear campaign roles on. Lies, deception, filthy talk.

You sad little person.

Rabbits&Curtis August 30, 2015 at 1:41 pm

Saw you pulling your gut out from under the new Lexus steering wheel to squeeze yourself out of it one day in the state parking garage.

You shouldn’t tell so many people what you’ve done or are planning to do. That mouth of yours gets going and you can’t shut up. Thus, everyone knows of your shortcomings! Just saying!

Ken August 30, 2015 at 3:53 pm

Silly rabbit thinks the rabbit is omnipotent. Can see and hear and know everything. Oh silly rabbit. Your sad soul is looking for meaning, for a reason to exist. Do you really think posting hate on the internet is the proper way to go through life?

Your smear campaing, paid for by the Investment Commission, damages your soul far more than the treasurer.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Mike Hitchock should put a stop to this.

Silly Rabbit August 31, 2015 at 4:59 am

“Silly rabbit.” A term used by Elmer Fudd to describe Bugs Bunny. However, if I remember correctly, Bugs outwitted Elmer every time. So Ken Fudd (CML), be careful of your literary references, you silly rabbit! HA!

Cary August 30, 2015 at 7:25 am

This smear campaign on the state treasurer, financed by the SC Investment Commission, really is despicable. Mike Hitchcock should stop this nonsense now. I worked too hard for my retirement to have the Investment Commission involved in such foolishness.

cary August 30, 2015 at 8:08 am

To shine a bit of light on this tactic:

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Shinethelight August 30, 2015 at 11:14 am

A sociopath is someone who lies incessantly to get his way and does so with little concern for others. Self-centered and does anything to avoid admitting guilt. Even describing truths as “smear” tactics. You can keep on lying, CML, but it will catch up with you!

ken August 30, 2015 at 11:16 am

I realize you are but the “help” in this smear campaign of the treasurer. . But perhaps you should read the below.
A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

ParanoidTreasurer August 30, 2015 at 8:16 pm

To see how paranoid CML is, read his posts below. He posts using the name “Ken ” I have known him for a number of years and have observed his paranoia continually escalating. You won’t believe his latest efforts to track and control his staff in the Treasurer’ Office. In addition to using taxpayer dollars to install cameras, he has spent more money on access cards for all employees. They even have to swipe the card to enter the Executive Suite and the HR Department. Can you imagine! His employees must swipe before going into the area where Loftis works. Astounding and unbelievable! What ever happened to open door policies? For someone to be that paranoid, he must have lots of secrets. Where are you SLED and FBI? I feel so sorry for the people who work in that office.

Ken August 30, 2015 at 8:51 pm

Thanks for upgrading me to the status of a state wide constitutional officer! I wish I was, but alas, I am but a retired state government employee.

The treasurer’s office has swipe cards for its entire area. Both floors and all office are now protected.

Why you would tell a lie that is so obviously false is beyond me. Perhaps your well of lies is drying up?

The treasurer’s office is now in compliance with the the Blatt, Dennis and Gressette building. That is a good thing.

For some reason you think the treasurer’s office should not be protected as most state, county and city offices are.

Hate much?

ParanoidTreasurer August 30, 2015 at 9:14 pm

Knew that you would try to cover up your paranoia. I also knew that the swipe cards are required for the second floor glass doors and the stairwell doors. I’m all for employee security, but I heard that you’d made the statement that you would find out who’s leaking information from your office even if you have to get rid of everyone. I believe you’re trying to protect your own hide. It’s obvious that you could care less about your employees. More than 90 percent turnover. Unheard of!!!

I work for you, not the RSIC. You silly rabbit!

Ken August 30, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Please don’t try to play above your payroll. You are to lie and spread hate. You are not paid to think. You are paid to lie.

This smear campaign is based on you following the script.

ken August 30, 2015 at 9:54 pm

PT, you have forgotten your task. Please see the below.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 30, 2015 at 9:03 pm

Hey PT,

Does running a smear campaign come with health and retirement benefits?

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

ParanoidTreasurer August 30, 2015 at 9:21 pm

You just said you’re retired. If that was a true statement, you should know the answer to your question. My guess is that you’re Curt and that the statement was a lie. You have a very short attention span, don’t you? A very short temper too!

KEN August 30, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Sad little person, PT.
Whatever are you talking about?
Telling foolish lies and spreading your hate is taking quite a toll.
Perhaps you will avail yourself of the free mental health clinic. It is your only way out of self-imposed shit hole.

Staffer August 31, 2015 at 6:56 pm

Your post is not true. I work at the Treasurer’s office and I am thankful that will now have some security.
Every school, city, county and state office has security, and now so do we!

Ken August 30, 2015 at 8:52 pm

The smear campaign continues. Mike Hitchcock and the Investment Commission are paying for this effort.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

ken August 30, 2015 at 10:28 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Sad fools participate in these smear campaigns. Very sad fools indeed.

Kelly August 31, 2015 at 8:14 am

The haters are just liars and cowards that lack human decency. What kind of person would devote their life to posting such nasty comments? A seriously deranged person, thats who. And when 3 or 4 of them get together they feed off of each other. Hate becomes hate squared.

Mental illness comes in many forms and self-destructive activity such as running a smear campaign is proof positive of the low character of those involved.

Unfortunately, those trying to make this stop will never be effective. Hate is an emotion that consumes the hater.

taxes August 31, 2015 at 5:31 am

Our state treasurer, Curtis Loftis, trustee of a house at Folly Beach, has over $14,000 in delinquent taxes unpaid. How can we trust him with our money when he fails to pay his own taxes. We don’t get that option, why should he? $14,000 in back taxes??? Curtis, you are not doing your job as trustee of this home. The trustee takes care of business. Obviously you have not. Wish I could get by with not paying $14,000 in taxes. How about income from the place? How is that reported–or not??? Shame on you, Curtis.

ken August 31, 2015 at 6:16 am

Stupid is what stupid does. Taxes, you are just stupid.

The treasurer does not own a house at the beach.

Mike Hitchcock and the Investment Commission should stop this smear campaign against the treasurer.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

KenIsCurtis August 31, 2015 at 10:27 am

Again and again you are projecting onto others your very own thoughts and wishes. Ken is Curtis Loftis. It’s okay little silly silly rabbit if you use your real name. The emails are so illustrative of your behavior in the office. You rant and rave and throw things when someone disagrees with you or when things don’t go your way. Poor baby! You have a couple of staff, CA and CD who continue to pamper you and validate your inappropriate behavior. That number may dwindle. I heard a rumor just yesterday that CA may be leaving. You’ve even lashed out at her numerous times I hear. You will end up with no one to pamper you.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 10:53 am

Silly little person. So sad to see you continuing in your hateful, indecent pursuit.

You spread your lies and discontent. Does this make you feel good about ourself? Or is it just to make your paymaster happy?

Smear campaigns are indecent, just like you,

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 10:58 am

PS I am retired. I am home most all day, and frankly I miss you when you are not online posting your filth.

I think it is because I win every time you post. You soul swivels up a bit more with each lie. Yes, I love seeing you self-destruct with each post.

Was is Shakespeare that said “hate is a poison you make for your enemy but drink yourself?” Ole Will was a smart man.

Winning is nice. Especially against the bad guys.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:14 am

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:20 am

Liars and cowards engage in:

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

SillyWilly August 31, 2015 at 11:59 am

Hilarious that Loftis pays Wiil Folks to not post the negatives on him and Loftis still gets exposed on Fits! Loftis gets so enraged when he is outed for his wrongs. Read his posts below. He must have the last word. Go for it now, cause the truth will win in the end no matter what you write here. Poor bunny rabbit!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:21 pm

Part of the smear campaign continues….

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:22 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Silly rabbits.

Curt likes cock August 31, 2015 at 12:43 pm

Curt has been on a smear campaign against the investment commission for four years.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:57 pm

That must make you so happy to say such hate filled, nasty things.

No mother dearest to say no. No half drunk father to slap you.

Little person, you are an adult and can be as vulgar and nasty as you want to be!

Own your filthy soul, don’t run from it!

Nutcase August 31, 2015 at 12:25 pm

Only a delusional homosexual like Curt would think there are state employees being paid under the table with tax dollars to comment on a blog. What kind of fucking idiots vote for a loser like that?

Tin foil August 31, 2015 at 12:28 pm

He thinks anyone against him is paid to do so. Narcissism at its finest.

Pest August 31, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Why do you expect from a family bug men?

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:55 pm

That’s right, show your hate for honest work and the people that do it.

Maybe you could go Dylan roof on a plumber or surveyor. Or anyone that works for a living instead of posting all day on the Internet.

Own your rage. Be your hate.

After all, it is better than looking in the mirror and seeing the inconsequential nobody that you are.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:52 pm


Release your hate. Release your sexual frustration.

Own your rage. Dylon Roof is your sort of person and he owns his hate.

Be the person you were mean to be. Show your true inner self… Rage, obsession, dysfunction and hate!

Curtisandhiscrap August 31, 2015 at 4:39 pm

Loftis is a danger to the people of SC.. He must be stopped.. Placed in evaluation in psych wards in Columbia or West Columbia.. SLED, FBI wake up and go after CURTIS LOFYIS AND HIS CRAP..

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:12 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.
Scum suckers.

Shitheis August 31, 2015 at 5:22 pm

STF.. Loftis.. Your attorney should tell you to STFU.. Insane., unbalanced and crazy… Your IP is exposed and you should STFU The IP show that all these posts come from the computers paid for by tax payers, in offices paid by tax payers… A Elected official , State treasurer of SC. using the money of tax payers to post on FITS… Shit he is and shit he will be

Rear end August 31, 2015 at 12:32 pm

Curtis needs to quit the treasurers office and go back to fucking teenage boys in Ukraine. He was better at that than he is as a politician.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Rear end,
Very nice. Your true hateful self is coming out. Let the rage show! Let us know what a Dylan Roof wannabe you are!
Your hate owns you. Please get help with these mental issues.
The smear campaign is killing you.

Curt <3 cock August 31, 2015 at 12:57 pm

I thought he likes his men hung? Teenagers may do as he commands, but the dick that he craves isn’t big enough yet.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Yea, get nasty. Show us you know how to spell nasty words.

Own your filth.

Public info August 31, 2015 at 1:03 pm

Ken = Curtis. I just called the treasurers office and the lady said he isn’t in the office today. That creep is at home pounding his chubby fingers away on a key board. That’s your tax dollars hard at work! If you don’t believe me then call for yourself.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 2:46 pm

I just called the Treasurer’ office and he is in. He said you should call him.

Liar, your rage is understandable. Even a fool knows when their soul has gone too far.

CurtisNot In August 31, 2015 at 3:52 pm

Someone should check to see if he turns in annual leave when he stays home to post on Fits! I doubt it. We already know he doesn’t follow information technology protocol that’s required of his employees. He thinks he’s above the rules he imposes on others.
Oftentimes I see his $90,000 Lexus parked in the state parking garage and it isn’t moved for days at the time. I’ve visually measured it’s position as I walk by just to see. He wants people to think he’s in the office when he is actually out. Curtis, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Lots of people are on to your crookedness.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:18 pm

Such a lie. You tell them so well. Were you trained? Mother a liar and a deceiver too? Or father?

Did you learned as papa was diddling you? Or covering up mom’s sexual affairs?

I would like to know where you perfected the art of living.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:21 pm

I just realized that you are not using your real name. Wow, what a shock. You post under an anonymous name as you peddle your lies and hate. I suppose that shows what a coward you are, but then again that is consistent with being a liar.

How degrading your life must be to others. U know, I feel dirty just thinking about your filthy soul.

Love August 31, 2015 at 4:25 pm

So now Curt is responding to his own posts! Get a life CML!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:29 pm

Hahaha…you are so silly, you sad, deformed soul.

Love August 31, 2015 at 4:33 pm

Gotta go, Curt. Can’t stand to see you disintegrate any further. Silly Willy Curtee Boy! Goodbye.

EasyCurtis August 31, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Curtis you are so easy. I could eat you up and spit you out in a debate. Getting to you, silly willy rabbit?

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:28 pm

I love how to promote me to treasurer. But alas, I am not.

But you should call the treas, no doubt he would be willing to debate you.

9.5" cut August 31, 2015 at 4:31 pm

Curtis is so transparent when he posts on here. If only he conducted his official duties in such a transparent way.

Alas! For he is undergoing a criminal ethics trial in 16 days!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:11 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Faye August 31, 2015 at 5:39 pm

What a vulgar, nasty little person you are.

Projection August 31, 2015 at 4:40 pm

There goes Curt projecting again. I didn’t know his mother had all those affairs and his daddy beat him. No wonder our bugman treasurer behaves so crazily!

Comeclean August 31, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Projecting again, Loftis? Your mother is a liar and a deceiver.. Your Papa was diddling you as you are covering up to mom’s sexual affairs.. Is that your problem.. Curtis Melvin Loftis. $90.000 Lexus ,. Delinquent taxes… over $14.000 . annual leave, Curtis or are you cheating the tax payers of S.C. Better come clean…

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Silly, silly u. Screaming the same lies into a computer screen for 2 or 3 people to see is hardly worth your time.

Face it, you are acting against every known religion. You are acting against every societal norm (except for the prison society) and for what? No one hears you!

You are selling your soul and selling it cheap.

Mark August 31, 2015 at 5:38 pm

Jealous much?

Jake August 31, 2015 at 6:19 pm

The nasty vulgar smear attack continues.

Linda Champion Gamble ought to demand it stop!

Money man August 31, 2015 at 1:09 pm

803-734-2131 call now and ask why Curtis is spending your tax dollars on fitsnews!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 2:44 pm

There u go! Tell those lie!

Own that hate. Love your deception.

You are a sad, shriveled soul so you might as well embrace the dark and negative emotions as your own!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 2:48 pm

How boring it must be for you to scream filth and lies into a computer screen all day.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Love August 31, 2015 at 3:41 pm

Advice for Curtis: Love more, hate less.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 3:46 pm

Running a smear campaign is tiring for you. It must be as deciet and hate will consume your life and energy.

So sad for you that your life centers around hate and deciet and jealousy.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Love August 31, 2015 at 3:58 pm

How can one Curtis Loftis aka Ken get so angry and enraged over a positive statement. Incredible! You are so full of hate. Man, I have never met the likes of you. Just want you to know that I will soon resign from your office.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:15 pm

Oh how you twist and turn. deception, as a life style, is wearing you out.

Your sad soul must be swiveled and shredded. That, of course, is between you and your maker, who is most probably Satan. There can’t be much positive or healthy in you or you would find another profession other than peddling hate.

Look for the light, my friend, and try to find goodness, not hate.

UPP & PR August 31, 2015 at 4:36 pm

Get in line behind the 5 people who left his office in August!

Pete August 31, 2015 at 5:26 pm

Linda Champion Gamble and that flamboyant guy Daniel Brennan both worked in unclaimed property.

I heard money was missing and they both lawyered up! That can’t be good.

CheckFunds August 31, 2015 at 6:08 pm

Pete, someone should audit the unclaimed property fund. Loftis made a deal to transfer $49.5 million of the funds to the General Fund for the Legislature to spend if he could get $19.5 million to pay lending services (aka Bank of NY). The Senate did not give him the $19.5 million but allowed the $49.5 million to be transferred to the General Fund. Three of the top staff in Unclaimed Property have resigned from the Treasurer’s Office since April 1st – the Director, Assistant Director and Audit Manager. Who’s guarding the henhouse now? Daniel Brennan was the Legislative Liaison who resigned in January. He worked in Unclaimed Property during just one summer.

Loftis seems desperate to find millions to pay Bank of NY. For what, no one is able to find out. All funds managed by Loftis should be audited to find out whether funds have been illegally used. Specifically, has Bank of NY been paid anything since the lawsuit settlement?

Pete August 31, 2015 at 6:13 pm

SLED is looking into the actions of the three staffers that were forced out. They simply will not allow any misbehaving.

Linda Champion Gamble spent 27 years at the treasurer’s office and Lord knows what she was up too. Billions go through state government and it will be interesting to see if any went missing.

I heard she lawyered up. Also heard Daniel Brennan lawyered up too. Hope they got a good lawyers because SLED can be very aggressive.

Jimbo August 31, 2015 at 6:31 pm

Pete, sounds like Loftis has lawyered up. When he posts, he projects his own behavior onto others. He should definitely get a lawyer. Just saying!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:37 pm

Just saying stupid stuff is what you should have said.

The treas lives his life in public. You claimed he was home today but he was at work today doing the people’s business. I called him twice, through the offie switchboard, and got him both times.

You are a liar and it is my job to tell everyone. It is my job to remind everyone you are a filthy nasty person trying to hurt someone I like.

You are a fart that is running a smear campaign and I want everyone to know it.

Jim August 31, 2015 at 6:14 pm

Linda Champion Gamble-is that the women involved with Richard Eckstrom’s office affair?

Eric August 31, 2015 at 6:17 pm

I think that is why the three staffers forced out. There is an ongoing audit. Is money missing from Gamble’s time as head of department? Was any of it traced to the purchase of her expensive Lincoln? Was that how she was able to take several weeks vacation last fall?

We need to know the answers to these question? These people that are given trust should not be able to do as they place with out money!

Shityouare August 31, 2015 at 6:31 pm

We need to know the answers … Curtis Loftis never gives any answers.. Just vile comments… sick comments. This is how Loftis treats his staff and long time staffer of the STO… 99%00 of the staff has gone because they could not take Loftis and his shit any longer.. You accused the staff of the STO for your wrong doings ..Loftis you are responsible for your crap.. You can not wipe your ass very well. So, here you are… clean your butt a little better.. a lot off better. Shit you are Loftis..

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:34 pm

You vulgar little person.

You post on both sides of the argument so you can feign outrage. You are a vulgar nasty person. I do not know if you are Linda Champion Gamble or Daniel Brennan or others because I don’t know those people. They may be vulgar nasty people too, or maybe not. I don’t care. I just don’t think they should be on line posting nasty things about the treas.

Changemyshit August 31, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Curtis Loftis.. answer these questions… Is Teresa Loftis your sister? Is the income of the house in folly Beach reported? Did you pay the taxes on the house since you are the trustee? over $14,000 in taxes due… Curtis,,are you a vulgar, nasty person? There is a urgent need to make Curtis Melvin Loftis sing the truth about tax payers and the truth about the retirees trust fund in SC.. A sick, dangerous man.. With no respect for the staff he hired and staff with the knowledge of the working of the STO.. Curtis Loftis destroyed the STO… No one wants to work for him or with him.. I think that Curtis Loftis is shitting his pants now… Time for a change. Ooh I can smell now.. I can smell Loftis and His shit now.. .Loftis and Daniel Brennan ,we have many pictures with Daniel singing Loftis and His praises… Same with Linda.. Remember, Loftis she resigned because she could not stand your shit .. Daniel resigned because he could not stand your shit..

Ken August 31, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Hate is such an unattractive quality, don’t you think? Linda Champion Gamble and Daniel Brennan, do you think hate is unattractive?

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ellen August 31, 2015 at 7:21 pm

How much money went missing when Linda Champion Gamble was director of that office?

GoawayCurt September 2, 2015 at 8:01 am

STFU Loftis. False accusations and lies are your trade mark. You should not be able to do what you want with the tax payers and their money. Yes, SLED, FBI, The Inspector General, the Attorney should audit the unclaimed property funds and the other funds under the STO. You have failed completely as a custodian of the trust fund of retirees and wasted so much from other funds. Go away…

Jim August 31, 2015 at 7:18 pm

Your comment does not make sense

Converse Chellis lost the money in 2009, not Loftis.
The State owes the debt, not Loftis.

Your comment must be part of the smear campaign. Does this mean Linda Champion Gamble is part of the smear campaign?
Did you lawyer up?

Ken August 31, 2015 at 7:44 pm

Smear campaigns are run by people that are overtaken with hate.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 7:44 pm

Smear campaigns are campaigns of hate.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Curt <3 younghung August 31, 2015 at 4:28 pm

Advice for Curtis: show up for work and do your damn job.

Don’t take the day off to play on fits and look for sexual favors on craigslist.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Smear campaign always mirror the person that debases himself with the lies and deception used in the campaign.

Craigslist reference would mean that the writer is gay homosexual deviant Daniel Brennan, personally hired by gay Pete Hegseth for the Concerned Veterans for America.
(Ask Pete what happened to his first wedding-wink wink)

Perverts casting allegations against good people are so tiresome. Like 4 year olds.

Sam August 31, 2015 at 5:02 pm

I heard Daniel Brennan was sidling some young fellow named Wright. HS type.

Anyone know if this is true?

Seth August 31, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Oh yea, for sure. Daniel Brennan likes them young!

A little cash goes a long way with the HS boys.

Can someone find out the Wright boy’s first name?

Sam August 31, 2015 at 6:29 pm

How disgusting Daniel would be piddling a younger boy. That can’t be legal, is it?

Thedevilinyourheart September 2, 2015 at 7:47 am

Curtee, you know all about young boys in Ukraine… Don’t you? Projecting your own personal behavior, on others. How sick, you are…. You are a pervert with a perverted mind… Sick of it. Go away, you are not a public servant but a violently possessed man with the devil in your heart and soul.

Pervert August 31, 2015 at 10:48 pm

Loftis, you are very sick and a violent pervert. I call on the FBI , Sled to come get you out of this public forum… An elected official … corrupt , pervert.. Get out of my sight.. You are a pervert..

Inquiring mind August 31, 2015 at 4:34 pm

Is Loftis’ ethics trial going to be held in public? Or is he going to demand it be hidden from the public behind the cloak of secrecy?

no honor August 31, 2015 at 4:37 pm

Rumor has it that he’s already told the ethics commission he will hold it in executive session. What a coward!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:07 pm

Deviants run such filthy smear campaigns.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 4:54 pm

Smear campaigns attract such a low class of person. I wonder…are you proud of your deviant behavior? Or is a dirty little pleasure?

ken August 31, 2015 at 6:28 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group of low life scum.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:06 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Diane August 31, 2015 at 5:07 pm

I wish the ethics commission would look into more than the crime they’re currently charging Curtis with. He was terrible to do business with 20 years ago and it looks like his trademark anger and threatening behavior are still present. It’s a real shame too.

Terry August 31, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Daniel Brennan and homosexual mafia friends are running a smear campaign against the treas. Gay Pete Hegseth might be helping.

Whatdidyoudo August 31, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Curtis,, you hired Daniel Brennan,,, many posts and pictures with you and Daniel Brennan.for several years.. He is singing your praises… Elect him.. vote for him.. He is the best.. Till that trip to WASHINGTON and you were not talking and … What did you do and what did he not want you to do to him and what he did not do… Sordid Loftis, with your gay men and underage boys in the Ukraine.. . Loftis and your gross ass and infected penis… No one wants you! No one..

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:08 pm

Such filth you spew. I have said nothing about Daniel Brennan. You have. I confine my post to the sad condition of the souls that are conducting a smear campaing on the treas.

Others may talk about Daniel Brennan and his sexual lifestyle, but I want no part of it.

I suspect you are just trying to anger Brennan so he will post more against the treas.

The web of deception you people are weaving is a waste of time. Anyone reading your thread of filth, vulgarities, lies and deception will certainly think the treas is the good guy and the haters are the bad guys.

Infected August 31, 2015 at 10:44 pm

STFU Loftis and your fat infected ass …

jerry September 1, 2015 at 5:10 am

Nice vocabulary.
A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Randy August 31, 2015 at 6:48 pm

Daniel Brennan is out of the closet now. When he worked for the state he claimed to date women. No one knew he was sucking pecker until he came out of the closet. No one knew he was making dates with anonymous men on Grindr until after he left the state. o one knew he was in his office watching videos.

Being gay helped him get his job because the Concerned Veterans for America needed a token homosexual. It may backfire if he goes after younger veterans that are suffering PTS and are susceptible to such things as an embrace that suddenly turns sexual. No one wants a young man, in a time of need, to be taken advantage of, either sexually or otherwise.

FedUp August 31, 2015 at 7:03 pm

Randy (CML), you are a sick SOB! Sicker than I realized.

Randy August 31, 2015 at 7:13 pm

I am Randy. I am not anyone else.

I can tell you a lot more about Daniel if you want. I know him well.

Wanna here about his “black daddy” over in Eau Claire? I can tell you-just let me know.

Wanna know about Daniels arrest in City of Columbia? Spending time in jail? I have the records-jut let me know if you want to see them.

Dont tempt me.

Idiotloftis September 2, 2015 at 11:32 am

Please do….Idiot, Loftis I have your records and do many people. LOL…

Hestinks August 31, 2015 at 10:25 pm

Curtis is a gay man.. Period. The worst of the worst, the one who give gay men a vile reputation.. I hate you Curtis Melvin Loftis for all you have done to so many people, gay and strait because you are a vile man, vicious and dangerous… You must be responsible for your idiotic posts, your racist posts . You are living out of the law, the laws of SC and the Federal Laws… Yes, I hate you Curtis Loftis.. You stink…

jerry September 1, 2015 at 5:09 am

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

People that run smear campaigns are the lowest

Ken August 31, 2015 at 7:42 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Smear campaigns are acts of hate.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 5:10 pm

People that run smear campaign are such low life degenerates.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Jerry August 31, 2015 at 5:40 pm

I agree. But it makes them feel better about themselves.

ken August 31, 2015 at 6:27 pm

What type of lo life would engage in a smear campaign?

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

LoftisCaught August 31, 2015 at 6:23 pm

Loftis must be in s real bind because he is now bashing two of his former employees. The exact behavior of a guilty deviant. Nothing gives away guilt like this.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:26 pm

You probably posted those things yourself. You won’t use your real name yet you attack Loftis at every turn. You claim he post things which you wrote. You are a nasty vulgar person. go away.

Checkmypockets August 31, 2015 at 8:12 pm

Did Julie and Bob Abrahamsson pay their taxes on their Myrtle Beach Home.
Are they still entitled to their 4% tax rate even though they live out of state?
Are their car’s license plates is compliance with SC state law?
Who can find this out?

Checkmypockets August 31, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Yes, Curtis Loftis is in a bind… a real bind.. Ethics Violations coming soon..What a great man to work with or to work for ! What a honest man ! What has Curtis Melvin Loftis done for the people of SC? Lies, false allegations and conspiracies,” going through my mail . going through my trash..” Bashing black men. bashing women, bashing employees and former employees.. people with a lot more than a High School degree.. and a bigger brain than the one of a roach.. Curtis Melvin Loftis is a nobody… . He has violated the funds of the STO and has put million in the pockets of his intimate friends.. Mike Montgomery and others.. .

Pat August 31, 2015 at 7:51 pm

I love these fantasy post.

Was Linda Champion Gamble the women involved with Eckstrom on the sofa in his office?

How much money went missing while Linda was in charge?

Did Daniel Brennan make extra money when working at state government?

What lawyer did Gamble hire?

How much money is missing?

Who is Sam and was he involved?

Injail August 31, 2015 at 10:08 pm

Loftis .. Fired by Eckstrom , after a few months on the job..
Loftis. Fired By Andre Bauer after a few months on the job… Fired by the bugman of West Columbia… Loftis and his violent paranoia about the office of the STO. has destroyed the office of the STO. Loftis is sick, inept and must be put in a mental supervision… Loftis will and has violated the very people that work with integrity for the STO. Loftis does not know what integrity and loyalty mean.. He knows lies, vicious and heinous accusations… Loftis will never be governor of SC and he will never be anybody but another Anthony Weiner.. And that means a nobody.. Stupid is and stupid does. You cannot buy intelligence.. That is a fact. Loftis is a Dum Fuk.

Ken September 1, 2015 at 5:06 am

Nasty people run smear campaigns.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Jerry August 31, 2015 at 8:35 pm

You Loftis haters should think about this.
Matthew 12:36 ESV / 211 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,

Ken August 31, 2015 at 7:48 pm

Smear campaigns are the stuff of a vicious mind. Notice how someone brought up Linda Champion Gamble and Daniel Brennan and he anonymous post became more vulgar and more hate filled!

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Hal August 31, 2015 at 7:52 pm

This is the kind of thing Obama supporters do. Why would republicans be doing this low life stuff?

Her neigbor August 31, 2015 at 7:56 pm

Did Linda Champion Gamble pay her taxes in Lexington County?
They seem very low. Is that kosher? Is that a case of not what you know but who you know?

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:24 pm

People like Linda Champion Gamble and Daniel Brennan ought to have better things to do than harass people with a smear campaign.ought to do. They both work for Pete Hegeseth at the Concerned Veterans for America. You would think Pete would make them quit. But guess not.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 6:26 pm

What joy can come from swift bating a person? Only a vulgar nasty person could do that.
A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Attorney August 31, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Loftis, I would advise the Treasurer’s Office employees about whom you’ve written such filth to lawyer up to sue your ass.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 8:02 pm


You post filth about everyone then try to blame Loftis. That is so funny.

You are liar, so keep posting under false names. Keep using the fakes name s such as attorney, Cock, Ken James…you name it you use it.

You are a filthy little person.

Ian August 31, 2015 at 8:19 pm

It is against the law to impersonate a lawyer. Attorney, you are busted.
Go straight to jail. Do not pass go.

Guilty August 31, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Loftis, better have an attorney and more to cover your ass. You have violated the law and you will be guilty.. The shit will come down your pants.. Big time.. Curtis Melvin Loftis… I believe that you need a diaper.. Extra size for you…

Bob. August 31, 2015 at 8:40 pm

This must be the high schooler again. Nice to have you back from the malt shop.
You are not the kid Daniel is diddling, are you?
I loved the young ones too.

Dumfuk September 2, 2015 at 9:02 am

Curtis Loftis is ” a dum fuk” A dum fuk in 2003, a dum fuk in 2010, a dum fuk in 2015. And he will be forever a dum fuk…

Mark August 31, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Everyone is a lawyer, or scholar, or genius when they are posting on line.
Losers with very active imaginations believe posting makes them relevant. But it does not.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 8:03 pm

Fake names make it possible to run a smear campaign.

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Ken August 31, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Sick people employ the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Jerry August 31, 2015 at 8:34 pm

People in this thread to read and think about this.
Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 618 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Publiciswelcome August 31, 2015 at 9:22 pm

Curtis Loftis ,, beware.. you are an asshole and corruption comes out of your month and your ass.. and it sure does not bring grace to those who hear.. Hope that you go to hell… You have cause so much pain to people and you have pissed off so many people. We are willing and ready to engage in a pissing contest with a skunk. A vile skunk … we are ready.. the tax payers of this state..the honest citizens of this state are ready for a pissing contest with Curtis Loftis… First, he must have this Ethics Violation opened to the public.. September !6.2015. Loftis . Public is welcome. come on . I want you to hear this…

Jerry September 1, 2015 at 5:03 am

Exodus 23:1 ESV / 105 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.

Jerry September 1, 2015 at 5:04 am

How filthy your mouth.
A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Jerry August 31, 2015 at 8:42 pm

A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

Bill August 31, 2015 at 8:49 pm

It is just amazing to me that a Constitutional Officer spends his time on Fits News. Can you imagine such immaturity and foolishness. Makes you wonder if he can actually do his job. Just astonishing!!!!

Ken August 31, 2015 at 8:54 pm

Just because you, an anonymous poster, proposes an identity for me does not make it so. You are wrong, but of course you know that.

You are a self-professed liar. You have admitted you are running a smear campaign. Why would you think anyone would believe a word you say?

ken August 31, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Lets stop the liars and their smear campaigns.
A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a political tactic that is an unfair or untrue political attack. It employs the logical technique of conflation in which separate concepts, identities, or reputations of individual or groups are combined into one word or concept, losing individual meanings and differences as in swiftboating. Sometimes the use of the term “smear campaign” is used more generally to include any organized reputation-damaging activity by a group.

ken August 31, 2015 at 8:56 pm

to those that run a smear campaign:
Exodus 23:1 ESV / 105 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.

Sam August 31, 2015 at 9:08 pm

These anti-Loftis posters are really sickos. They are completely out of the bounds of human decencies.

Time to stop September 1, 2015 at 7:00 am

I am friendly with most of the people mentioned and posting on this thread. This stuff needs to cease. It is not good for anyone and it will have long lasting affects in respect to future employment, present jobs, and social stigma. Some of this stuff is people tweaking others to get yet a third party attacked. Lots of it is just made up out of thin air and lots of it is anger and hurt feelings. But is is all counterproductive and I ask my friends to stop all lot this. Having worked with many of you and having had a drink or two with others I think you are all better than this and hope you will stop all of this before more damage is done and before innocent people and family members are hurt.

Psychologist September 2, 2015 at 9:28 am

Take Curtis Melvin Loftis to see the psychologist . He needs to go away.. He needs to resign. Period… He is a danger to you and me… So take him to the doctor and have him locked up.

william September 2, 2015 at 5:50 am

Ex-state Sen. Robert Ford of Charleston gets probation, ordered to pay $70,000 in restitution on ethics conviction

willy September 2, 2015 at 5:51 am

OLUMBIA — Former state Sen. Robert Ford said the way he was treated over the past two years was “unhuman” and unnecessary after his sentencing Thursday to five years of probation and nearly $70,000 in restitution for his ethics-related conviction.

Fifth Circuit Judge Robert Hood said he took into account the punishment other lawmakers have received for similar violations. He also ordered Ford, of Charleston, to do 350 hours of community service.

Ford, 66, insisted in court that he had gone above and beyond conducting his duty as a public servant, adding that the campaign money he tapped into was to help his programs for veterans.

will September 2, 2015 at 5:54 am

Outside of the Richland County courtroom, Ford said everyone but Hood and his Charleston attorney, Bill Runyon, had been “brutal” to him. Runyon added that they were pleased to “close this chapter in the senator’s life and move on to something new now.”

“When (Waters) said personal use on clothes? That’s for veterans,” Ford said. “What they did to me in the last two years was totally unhuman and unnecessary.”

Ford resigned his seat in Columbia in June 2013 while the Senate Ethics Committee was reviewing his spending habits. He declined to name other lawmakers who could have committed similar offenses. He said he’d “see” about a future run for office, if “the citizens” call for it.

When asked if he was sorry for his actions, Ford responded with a resounding “no.”

“Sorry for what I did? Serving the public? No,” Ford said. “I serve the public.”


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