More Consumer Discomfort

IT’S TOUGH OUT THERE, PEOPLE …  || By FITSNEWS || For the first time in its nearly thirty-year existence, Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index (CCI) dropped for the ninth time in a row this week.  The index measures consumers’ comfort level on a scale of zero to 100.  Last month it…


|| By FITSNEWS || For the first time in its nearly thirty-year existence, Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index (CCI) dropped for the ninth time in a row this week.  The index measures consumers’ comfort level on a scale of zero to 100.  Last month it stood at 43.7 – this month (.pdf here) it has dropped all the way to 40.1.

“While it’s still far better than its level in the doldrums of the Great Recession and its aftermath, about 60 percent of the CCI’s rapid 12.5-point rally from late September to late January has evaporated,” analysts noted.

In the South, the index stood at 38.2 – up from last week’s 38.0 reading but down from last month’s 39.7 reading.

Published weekly since December 1985, the CCI records Americans’ ratings of the national economy, the buying climate and their personal finances.

This week the buying climate subindex stood at 33.5 – down 2.0 points in the last two weeks alone and down 10.3 points since early April.  That’s 5.5 points below its 2015 average, as well as 2.2 points off of its full average.

The national economy subindex was essentially unchanged at 32.1 – but has dropped by 7.4 points in the last nine weeks and is 4.8 points below its 2015 average (and 2.0 points off its full average).

The personal finances subindex actually ticked up to 54.7 this week – but has lost 5.8 points during the recent downturn.

Produced by Langer Research Associates,  CCI data is based on 1,000 national random-sample landline and cellular telephone interviews, 250 per week (in a four-week rolling average).


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Quietus June 11, 2015 at 12:47 pm

What will we see first? Will BT bring in a load of rainbows and unicorns or Will Flip/Pogo/Festus bring in a load of crap about Obamacare, the Obama-Economy, and Lazy Good For Nothings.

The race is on good people of FitsNews.

Bible Thumper June 11, 2015 at 1:16 pm

“The index measures consumers’ comfort level on a scale of zero to 100”
1. NOT TRUE! The scale goes from -100 to +100. So +40.1 looks a lot better. Any value above 0 represents net positive view of the economy.
2. It is a 4 week moving average that only polls 250 people each week. Three of these weeks were before the latest 280,000 new jobs reported last week.
3. The two much more widely watched and more significant economic stories are that “Unemployment Claims” were again under 300,000, which is a positive indicator and the Retail sales are also up 1.2% for the month of May. Retail sales are up in every major category except healthcare.

Bible Thumper June 11, 2015 at 1:29 pm

How much do you bet that Fits repeats the error about the scale again next time he reports this or that he doesn’t even report it if the Index goes up?

Quietus June 11, 2015 at 1:38 pm

Here’s the source. It’s written to be scary.

ABC news is their primary client and the other clients look to be organizations that have fear as part of their business model.

Bible Thumper June 11, 2015 at 1:51 pm

Yes, That link says the scale is 0 to 100, but here is a link showing negative values in 2011. See second chart.

SYNTwist June 11, 2015 at 4:48 pm

I think you should work for FITSnews. You have a great ability to dissect information, break it down into common terms, obviously something you are very interested in and do very well. If I were FITS, I’d be trying to hire you.

a home school retard June 11, 2015 at 10:05 pm

Hire him as a babysitter since you fucking don’t spend anytime with your daughter.

Flip Always Goes Full Retard June 12, 2015 at 1:53 am

Jesus you stalker creep stay away from these posters, what are you some sick pervert hiding in the bushes peeping on people?

SYNTwist June 11, 2015 at 6:26 pm

Is it an error if it is a strong held belief? There are sources to dispute most anything. Trust me, I can find them too, if I take a hardline position on something. So media is really about opinions, and yes, sources that are linked in. I try to link both sides to my comments, which comes across as contradictory, but…there are source to be found regardless where we stand.

Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator

Bible Thumper June 11, 2015 at 6:38 pm

I believe the source fits used was in error based on several sources. Several sources say that positive economic responses count as pluses and negative responses count as minus. The responses of three questions are totaled separately then averaged.

SYNTwist June 11, 2015 at 6:45 pm

I am glad you are here BT, but I don’t expect many on this page to dig into sources. Most are happy with what they think. Facts don’t seem to matter to more than a few.

Having said all that, without looking at all the data, truth is, I can extract data from BLS or any other source and use it to prove my point. I try not to do that, but present facts.

In today’s media, facts are loosely used. You and I both know an election year is upon us. We both know the numbers are massaged even in it’s most pure form. It’s a matter of who is massaging the numbers and where they stand politically.

That is the sad part of it all. The People are misled, because the data is prone to error, based on who is massaging it.

I do prefer your methods, because the party odds of finding your data are – against all odds.

Bible Thumper June 11, 2015 at 7:01 pm

I’m glad you’re here, Twist. I don’t support most of Obama’s policies, but I don’t let that effect the way I analyze facts. Fits searches for data that confirm his opinion and ignores contradictory data.
I do believe that BLS data has errors but don’t believe they are politically motivated. The first quarter GDP has already been revised from +.2% to -.7%. They are civil service employees and too many are involved and were hired under different administrations.

SYNTwist June 11, 2015 at 7:09 pm

I too, try not to allow any particular policy to to effect my analysis, and BLS is probably the most accurate we can find, but it is politically motivated IMHO. However, they can only massage it for so long, before it starts catching up. I think it’s catching up, but it isn’t accurate – trending at best. That is just my opinion, but it is likely the best benchmark we have. The best I have found.

I agree Fits does search for data to confirm his opinion and does ignore data that is contradictory.

FYI – I am about 100% certain when the data on BLS has been massaged, it certainly has not been in a positive way for SC. I seriously doubt our current POTUS has much love for our Gov. However, as his term comes to a close, those who support him, will be more likely to massage. It’s just a fact in my mind. I spent years chasing the data, including our budgets and all the vetoes, it’s one big circle jerk.

At this point there is anything positive to report on the Republican side – time to draw attention to it – it certainly has been buried in the shuffle and all the partisan politics.

Bible Thumper June 11, 2015 at 7:07 pm

Zerohedge: Look! the dollar is falling. It’s going to calapse. Look! Look! the dollar is rising. It’s a bubble and going to burst.

Good People June 11, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Are you saying Bible Thumper and Flip/Pogo aren’t good people?

Well, I agree with Flip/Pogo at least.

SYNTwist June 11, 2015 at 6:20 pm

I also agree with assessment of flip/fc/pogo/GT or whatever other aliases they have, but BT does have some knowledge, is diplomatic and I enjoy his feedback, unlike the former.

I am sure fc is out fcing around somewhere, while FITS is on vacay.

BT Isn't All That Bad June 12, 2015 at 1:50 am

BT is pretty rational and backs up their sources so even though I don’t always agree I don’t have a problem with them.

Flip/Pogo on the other hand is just backed up sewer scum inching its way along the bathroom floor, spreading its vile fecal creep as it spreads, enveloping everything and tarnishing it with a foul-smelling slime that isn’t simply washed away. He is the vomit of a maggot eating the dead flesh of a mange-infested coyote that has been out in the sun for a week after washing up down river. He is a stalker-like creep, a filthy pervert defender, an unwashed asshole, a douche of the highest order, king of crap, worst of the worst, a blight of the internet upon mandkind. The kind of guy you could lock in a cell with Lucifer and within minutes Lucifer would be begging to repent of all his sins if just to get a momentary reprieve from the punishment of sharing a room with that guy.

In short Flip/Pogo is the worst.

SYNTwist June 12, 2015 at 9:31 am

Flip/Pogo play on emotions. Makes an effort to find something personal about others, so that he can exploit it, to evoke angry, thereby making himself feel relevant. He knows that people are more likely to respond to anger, especially if he can make it personal, and that is all he knows how to do. Nothing relevant there.

Go to Hell Flip/Pogo June 11, 2015 at 11:08 pm

Yeah.Flip/Pogo ain’t “Good People” like Boz and SYNTwist. Ole Boz and SYNTwist are such “Good People” and caregivers they can post 24/7 on Fits while an elderly mother and child apparently take care of themselves.

Now they are “good people”! Fuck Flip/Pogo.

Flip/Pogo Eat A Bowl Of Dicks June 12, 2015 at 1:41 am

I don’t know who Boz and SYNTwist are but at least they aren’t being the brainless jackass that Flip/Pogo is being on a daily basis on this site. That guy posts day in and day out at all hours of the night, clearly has nothing better to do than to try and ruin a good site like FITS for everyone else. Worst thing to ever happen to this place. He is the most hateful person I have ever seen and this is the internet we are talking about, that guy is straight up messed up in the head. What a loser.

Fuck Flip/Pogo, the cancer of FITS.

Poor Folks June 12, 2015 at 10:20 am

I think Will keeps publishing these articles, because they’re aimed at his wife. “Look Honey, it isn’t me, it’s the economy. Obama is the reason we can’t keep up with the joneses.”

E Norma Scok June 12, 2015 at 2:40 pm

Is this article part of the drinking game too? Everytime Will says “we’re doomed”, drink up!

And watch Will take a Lexapro.

Bible Thumper June 12, 2015 at 11:33 pm

Friday June 12
University of Michigan Consumer Confidence up in May.

Don’t expect Fits to report it though.


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