Liberal “Republican” Wants S.C. State To Stay Open

CHIP LIMEHOUSE: LOCAL ECONOMY CANNOT ABSORB SCHOOL CLOSING  || By FITSNEWS || Liberal South Carolina “Republican” lawmaker Chip Limehouse wants embattled S.C. State University (SCSU) to remain open … but his reasoning for supporting the historically black school is a troubling indictment of the extent to which the Palmetto State’s…


|| By FITSNEWS || Liberal South Carolina “Republican” lawmaker Chip Limehouse wants embattled S.C. State University (SCSU) to remain open … but his reasoning for supporting the historically black school is a troubling indictment of the extent to which the Palmetto State’s rural communities have become dependent on government.

According to Limehouse, Palmetto State taxpayers should continue bailing out the chronically mismanaged campus because “closing S.C. State would put the city of Orangeburg in dire financial straits.”

Really?  That’s his reason?  

Unbelievable … so by that logic, any government expenditure which supports rural economies should remain in place?

Sheesh …

The rotund “Republican” made this ridiculous comment during an interview with the Charleston Regional Business Journal – one of South Carolina’s many left-leaning, crony capitalist publications.  He’s also introduced an amendment which would put S.C. Rep. Jimmy Merrill‘s plan to shut SCSU down for a year on ice … giving S.C. governor Nikki Haley the authority to appoint a “receiver” for the school.

Ah yes, typical Palmetto State two-stepping (a.k.a. dancing around the obvious).

Anyway, to read our previous coverage of the latest SCSU drama (including a $12 million unconstitutional bailout last December), click HEREHERE and HERE.

What do you think?  Vote in our poll and post your thoughts in our comments section below …


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Dreams of Chocolate Waterfalls February 16, 2015 at 10:59 am

The only reason he wants it open is because they have a decent all you can eat buffet there.

Lenny Musso February 16, 2015 at 11:34 am

” . . . [S]o by that logic, any government expenditure which supports rural economies should remain in place?”

YES! While we’re printing money, why not? Deficit borrowing and spending are the foundation of fascist financing. We are a fascist state in a fascist country so we should continue along this line of action. It is only logical.

Austrian starving artist February 16, 2015 at 11:44 am

Fascism to the bitter end my friend.

Lenny Musso February 16, 2015 at 11:59 am

Chip is one of my heroes. He has been a corporatist WITH NO SHAME-I love that about him!

Austrian starving artist February 16, 2015 at 12:01 pm

I love that he doesn’t even bother to blather on about capitalism.
It’s refreshing to have a Republican actually tell us that government is the source of wealth instead of pretending otherwise.

Jobs Creator February 16, 2015 at 2:06 pm

As to “blathering on about capitalism,” you mean like Fits and the rest of his assorted Republican and socalled”libertarian ” buddies hereabouts ?

Austrian starving artist February 16, 2015 at 6:21 pm

Precisely. Because we all know that the government is the fountainhead of all prosperity.

shifty henry February 16, 2015 at 11:47 am


Marcus – Hey dad, I got into trouble today at school and it’s all your fault.
Dad – How’s that?
Marcus – Remember I asked you how much $500,000 was?
Dad – Yes, I remember.
Marcus – Well, “a helluva lot” ain’t the right answer.

Teacher – What ancient ruler was it who played on the fiddle while Rome was burning?
Marcus – It was Hector.
Teacher – No, not Hector. Hector was no ruler but a Trojan prince.
Marcus – Then it was Duke.
Teacher – Duke? What do you mean?
Marcus – Well, then it must have been Nero. I knew it was
somebody with a dog’s name.

Teacher – Marcus, tell me what it is when I say, “I love, you love, she loves.”
Marcus – That’s one of them triangles where somebody gets shot!

MashPotato February 17, 2015 at 8:54 am

This one is borrowed. Ok, stolen. But it’s too good not to share.

Timmy – Mrs. Baker, would you punish me for something I didn’t do?
Mrs. Baker – No, I’d never punish you for something you didn’t do.
Timmy – Good, because I didn’t do my homework last night.

shifty henry February 17, 2015 at 10:51 am

This is one I saved – just for you!
“Now, then, Tommy,” said the teacher, “I want to set you a little problem. Suppose there were five children and their mother had only four potatoes to share between them. She wants to give each child an equal share. How would she do it?”
“Mash the potatoes,” said Tommy.

MashPotato February 17, 2015 at 11:20 am

Shifty, sir, you are quite the gentleman. And Tommy’s got quite a future ahead of him!

Tunes'n'News February 16, 2015 at 11:52 am

Companies that are losing money and in extreme financial distress declare bankruptcy under chapter 11 don’t shut down and reopen later. A trustee is set up, management is removed, the entire company is reevaluated/cut sold/fired, debts are dealt with (written off according to legal priorities, etc.). But business continues and the company eventually emerges from bankruptcy. Why is this different, unless the unstated goal is really to close SCSU?

Apple & Orangeburgs February 16, 2015 at 12:14 pm

It might be that’s an unstated goal, but the problem with all gov’t funded institutions is a lack of market awareness/pricing signals because there is no profit motive.

So we can’t compare the losses sustained by SCSU to a free market bankruptcy because there’s not a profit motive to begin with and shareholders(in this case, the taxpayers) have no direct say(voting every 4 years doesn’t count) in a gov’t failed institution.

Tunes'n'News February 16, 2015 at 12:25 pm

Yeah, certainly different in some ways for the reason you state. But I do think there is a profit motive. Just a lack of consequences of the failures up due to poor leadership on campus, a poor board of trustees and failed state oversight until now. I wonder if it is financially viable going forward. Not familiar enough with it myself.

Apples & Orangeburgs February 16, 2015 at 12:34 pm

“But I do think there is a profit motive.”

Yea, I guess in the sense that some may be trying to profit in an unethical manner you have a point.

Bologna lover February 17, 2015 at 7:45 pm

Company’s don’t have the luxury of the government to bail the out with tax dollars. There is a difference.

okeedokee February 16, 2015 at 12:27 pm

So Limehouse’s reason to continue to fund SC State is not for the purpose of providing college educations; Limehouse’s reason to continue to fund SC State is to provide government jobs to the good people of Orangeburg. That makes perfect sense?

nitrat February 16, 2015 at 3:05 pm

When I saw that fat face, I thought it was the guy who called Katrina ‘a lesser cut of meat’.
I guess all morbidly obese people look the same to me.

TSIB February 16, 2015 at 3:20 pm

According to Fits News every Republican in South Carolina is a “Republican.”

Face it, dude. They are real Republicans. This is your party. These are the people your fellow Republicans have chosen to represent them.

nitrat February 16, 2015 at 3:23 pm

He’s a Libertarian who is a real RINO.

You're a Jerk February 16, 2015 at 6:44 pm

Fuck a party. This is not about a party. Its about our MONEY, fool.

Fat Boy Is a Criminal February 16, 2015 at 6:41 pm

The economy in Charleston ABSORBED the Naval Base closure. This guy is one fucked up sack of crap. Him and Bobby Harrell both should be in prison sharing a bunk with one another.

nitrat February 17, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Hhmmm, Charleston vs. Orangeburg…you’re saying there’s no difference in anything with those two counties?

Slartibartfast February 17, 2015 at 12:14 pm

On this issue, it is impossible to “follow the money.” And Jim Clyburn isn’t telling.

dsmith February 17, 2015 at 4:57 pm

I find it interesting that SC State is now blaming their indebtedness on….one..two…three…the legislature! That’s right it’s not State’s fault that they owe $11 million to food vendors, it’s because the legislature has not funded them properly. This only goes to show how unappreciative State is for all of the millions pumped into their coffers. Their attitude seems to be, “What have you done for us lately” and or “Don’t blame us for being $11 million in debt…It’s your fault!”


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