Report: Lexington Sheriff’s Candidate Linked To “Ring” Leader

JAY KOON DISMISSES CLAIM …  || By FITSNEWS || With the support of S.C. governor Nikki Haley, State Senator Katrina Shealy and interim county sheriff Lewis McCarty in his back pocket, Jay Koon‘s election as the next sheriff of Lexington County, S.C. appears to be a foregone conclusion. Hell, we’ve even had…


|| By FITSNEWS || With the support of S.C. governor Nikki Haley, State Senator Katrina Shealy and interim county sheriff Lewis McCarty in his back pocket, Jay Koon‘s election as the next sheriff of Lexington County, S.C. appears to be a foregone conclusion.

Hell, we’ve even had family members urge us not to rock the boat related to his candidacy …

And to be fair, there may be nothing to “rock.”  The 42-year-old law man could very well be the clean-cut, family values candidate he holds himself out to be … just as he could very will win the March 3 “Republican” primary election for this local office outright.

However, buried within an otherwise glowing story about Koon published this week by The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper was a very troubling reference.

Specifically, Koon was accused by one of his challengers of being “connected” to former Lexington, S.C. town councilman Danny Frazier.

Frazier, of course, was one of several individuals indicted last year in connection with the “Lexington Ring” – a cabal of corrupt politicians and crooked cops accused of running an illegal video poker operation (and other for-profit schemes) in the county.  In fact Frazier was surreptitiously recorded describing the inner workings of the “ring’s” illegal operations in early 2012 – although Haley’s administration failed to act on this evidence.

Koon dismissed the allegation, telling reporter Tim Flach of The State that it was “political hyperbole.”

But is it?  Multiple sources have told FITS about the “connection” between Koon and Frazier – although in fairness to Koon nothing we’ve seen nothing at this point which would lead us to believe he had anything to do with the “ring’s” activities.

Still … given the scandal that befell the most recent occupant of this office (and the erosion of public trust which followed), any proximity to the “ring” is cause for real concern.  And further investigation.

Koon and three other candidates (Richland County deputy Justin Britt, veteran criminal justice instructor Ed Felix and West Columbia, S.C. police chief Dennis Tyndall) are all vying to fill the office vacated in December 2014 by James Metts – who spent forty-two years as sheriff before his career was undone by corruption related to the “ring.”



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ELCID February 16, 2015 at 12:02 pm

I can’t support anyone, even Mr. Koon, that is being pushed for Sheriff by the crook Tricky Nicky Haley. Just being associated with that Stripper Clothes salesman, bribe taking crook and out right liar; should be warning enough for any voter not to support Mr. Koon for Sheriff. The Fox in the Hen House: for sure.

Fashion Police February 16, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Exotica? Stipper clothes? I thought they sold ridiculous looking pant suits and other stuffy old lady shit. Perhaps you’re confusing Exotica with erotica?

Squishy123 February 16, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Maybe he prefers his strippers dress like Hillary Clinton.

Webb Hubbell February 16, 2015 at 12:33 pm

lol…that’s some funny shit right there.

Victorious Secret February 16, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Well done, sir!

biff February 17, 2015 at 11:00 am

Her body is morphing into Hillary as we speak. Step away from the fork, girl.

Lenny Musso February 16, 2015 at 12:04 pm

As long as federal agents are allowed free reign within the county to do as they please, I have no problem with any of the candidates who allow this.

Pappy O'Daniel February 16, 2015 at 12:16 pm

Can we put the word “cabal” to rest?

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 2:15 pm

Okay Will, thank you for bringing this into the open. How about equal time for Dennis Tyndall, who was mentioned prominently in the infamous Danny Frazier tapes and Justin Britt, who not only is connected to the Lexington Crime Ring via Joe Wilson, but appears to be one more effort by The Lott Family to gain control of all counties bordering Richland County for The Family’s greater good. This should make Britt as unacceptable as Koon or Tyndall, by association.

Ed Felix is the ONLY candidate thus far with no discernable ties to The Lexington Ring and/or other undesirable, questionable elements.

nitrat February 16, 2015 at 3:02 pm

Maybe, Felix can use “no discernable ties to The Lexington Ring” as a campaign slogan.

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 3:46 pm

It’s better than lots of clear-cut ties that even Stevie Wonder could see but these blind ass fools in Lexington County won’t open their eyes to.

Mike at the Beach February 16, 2015 at 4:23 pm

Stop it…just stop. You know facts and rational analysis have no place in stories here. You’re gonna get moderated if you’re not careful…

Friend of mine February 17, 2015 at 12:48 pm

Let me first start out saying I am a little nervous even talking or telling stories on anyone connected to the Lexington Ring.
Let me tell you a little background. I used to be a dancer at Platinum Plus here in Columbia from 1998-2005. During this time I have seen a lot of people come and go from the club including politicians and police officer. More police than politicians. The cops would come in because they were either dating one of the dancers or met one of the dancers on traffic stops or during the course of their business and came to the club to follow-up. I left dancing in late 2005 and never returned. I’m not proud of the things I did during those years but I don’t regret them either.
I became a little pissed the other week when I read an article concerning a candidate running for sheriff for Lex county. It was on Jay Koon’s Facebook page. A group called “The Patriots of Lexington” asked all the candidates I guess a question. “Where do you stand on the 2nd amendment rights? And, lastly what are your thoughts on the strip clubs that have relocated to Lexington County from Richland . and how do you think they impact our community? Thank you for your input.”

Jay Koon’s response: “……The establishments you are referring to do not reflect the Lexington County values of faith and family that I know:.

Here lies my problem, I knew Danny Frazier and yes he frequented the club a lot. The one thing I will say is that Danny always said that he liked him some whores publicly. At least he was honest from that point but crooked everywhere else, but I liked him for that. It is the self righteous like Jay Koon that bother me. I have been laughing since I heard he was running for sheriff and saying on his fliers that if you break the law you will face justice. But, when he answered the question and took the position of holier-than-thou position-it set a fire under me.

Let me give you a history take on Jay Koon:

I have seen him in Platinum Plus on a couple of times and he usually traveled in a group of about 5-8 cops visiting together. There was one night specifically that really stands out about Jay Koon. They must have been celebrating a promotion or something, because he was extremely drunk. He got up on the stage with the dancers and his group got loud cheering him on. While on stage and I was present, the girls pulled his shirt up, pulled his belt out of his pants and spanked him with it while one of the girls was riding him like a horse while he was on all fours, the other girls opened his pants and ripped his underwear off him. I am from Lexington and have heard his name through the grapevine from friends that have had run-ins with the cops and from Danny Frazier. The reason I know it was him without a doubt is the DJ called him by name on the speaker. Now I know what people will say is that who is going to believe a whore compared to a cops word. They don’t have to. The kicker, one of the cops who was with him is now the current chief of police at Lexington PD. My friend pointed this out to me when I was telling the story to her and told her that there was one black guy with him at the time. She showed me the picture of the chief and it was him. He was the one giving the money to the girls that night at the table and the lap dances. The group was at one of the tables and had girls all around them, I remember because some of the others in the club were complaining.

I think this group of lexington cops are always treated well in the club because Danny Frazier calls him his boy and Danny knows the owner from Lexington and the manager. I saw Jay Koon in the club a couple times but just once on the stage extremely drunk

These girls are just trying to survive and they don’t have a dog in the political race, so why talk down to them. He has the position of a church going christian guy-until the sun goes down and mom ma isn’t around. He likes the strip clubs and he should either refrain from comments about the girls and move on. I still have a soft spot for the girls and keep in contact with some to help them out if they need it. Yeah I know that there are drug deals that take place at the clubs , drug dealers hangout and throw some cash to the girls, and yes there is prostitution that goes on. The point is that it is cops/politicians like Jay Koon that are associated with Danny Frazier, Jake Knotts that are hanging out in the clubs that keep the clubs open because the cops don’t want them closed for the favors that happen.

I know you are probably sitting back wondering how the hell to confirm this or just believe this lady. There were several cops in the club that one night and one of them was the current chief. If you dig you can probably figure out the entire group. I’m sure they have stories also.

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 2:11 pm

Sooooo, cops aren’t allowed to date strippers? Ooops…

You Know My Name February 17, 2015 at 2:36 pm

Friend Of Mine, I don’t doubt you for one second. I have known cops who chased after the girls who worked in your former profession. I wonder if the good Chief you spoke of still lives in the Harbison area RWF neighborhood with the wife and kids. I know from experience that the more someone bleats the Gawd, church, and Jeebus, crap; the more “dirt” they are probably doing when they think no one is looking. Hell Jake Knotts, the king of pervs as one of his last official acts in office, got a stupid and unnecessary law past which makes it a felony and sex offense for a teacher is 21 to have sex eith a student who is 19. I gave those ages to highlight the utter stupidity of the law, but people like Jake pass this shit to cover their tracks with the gullible church peeps.

I’m sure those good church peeps voted faithfully for Sheriff Jimmy despite common knowledge in the community of his official county suv being parked overnight with frequency at his gifriend’s home.

Thank you for sharing your story and for coming on here. Good luck to you and your former co-workers in life!

You Know My Name February 17, 2015 at 2:48 pm

passed, not past

Paco Sanchez February 16, 2015 at 2:24 pm

The lies continue. ONE candidate has tried to make the connection. But why would Lewis McCarty – he of impeccable reputation – and Katrina Shealy who took down Jake Knotts – a man who is also Nikki Haley’s enemy – why would any of them support the “ring” in Knotts and his cronies ran?

There is no “link” here, but rather the whispers of a desperate candiate.
I hope Koon sues your nasty ass.

Jakey The Naked February 16, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Why would Katrina Vote for Jean Toal for another term as SCSC Chief Justce? Her vote does not necessarily equal honesty or integrity on the part of the recipient.

Sam February 16, 2015 at 2:34 pm

Lewis McCarty ain’t no angel. He was Mett’s right hand man and knew, or should have known, what a crook Metts was.

Lewis did well for himself. Good salary, consulting fees, and high retirement. Too bad he could not catch the crok in the next door office.

Kerry February 16, 2015 at 3:33 pm

Lewis was compromised decades ago., and it was a poorly kept secret.

His primary value to Metts was he let jimmy wonder the countryside making a small fortune leaning of pols and businesses to hire him as professor, consultant and partner. Lewis minded the store and looked the other way when complaints came in.

Video poker was another level of bad behavior, but since I don’t have first hand info I will leave it at that.

Vote whoever you want, they are all cut from the same cloth. Just don’t expect any of them to be boy scouts.

Alto February 16, 2015 at 3:57 pm

He also covered for Jamie Lucas’ wife when she was a dispatch supervisor at LCSD. She used department phones to sell Pampered Chef products and was generally incompetent. She resigned when Lewis retired because no one would be there to cover up for her with him gone.

Blofus February 16, 2015 at 2:34 pm

Stories are already circulating with some straight from the horse’s mouth about Jay cutting deals with shady characters tied to Metts for decades to hire their friends and family for their support if elected.

Katrina is no different February 16, 2015 at 2:58 pm

Katrina Shealy did not take down Jakie knotts. She seized the information provided from the Frazier tapes to gain the advantage over jakie. Katrina is as two faced as jakie knotts. How can she sit there and expect people to treat her like a victim over a sexiest comment and demand a public apology from a male senator when she is openly supporting jay koon who goes to strip clubs with other cops and degrades strippers for doing what they have to do to make ends meet for themselves then stands on the holyer than thou platform. Jay is a fraud and so is Katrina. If anyone needs to apologize it is Katrina for calling one person out for a sexiest comment made to her and tolerating another for their sexiest display for strippers. I guess Katrina only cares about sexist comments and action when only directed toward her and don’t care about other women even though they strip for a living. Let me guess Katrina, strippers are a lesser cut of meat than you are.

Jill February 16, 2015 at 3:28 pm

Katrina ain’t no saint. If you think otherwise you are a chump.

Take a look into her background and you will find a scheming, lying opportunist.

me February 17, 2015 at 5:16 pm

You mean like Haley.

David February 16, 2015 at 6:56 pm

I met Shealy when she was running, canvassing my neighborhood, I told her I would vote for her if she promised to only serve two terms, she told me change will take more than two terms, she did not get my vote,,,,

be afraid February 16, 2015 at 9:53 pm

Katrina is directly tied to the Peelers, who are directly tied toMetts, Toal, and the Fraziers!

rdj February 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Your very wrong

Tom February 16, 2015 at 2:32 pm

Jimmy Metts got great press for 40 years till the house fell in on him. His right hand man, Lewis McCarty enjoys the same great press.

How good of a cop could mccarty be seeing as his boss and friend was a crooked sheriff?

Leon Lott gets the same great press, but look at all of his officers that have been forced to resign, fired or jailed!

The media likes these sheriffs because they leak great crime stories. Hey media peeps, why don’t you report the truth on these guys!

Koon might be a good guy, might not. But we sure as hell can’t count on the press to tell,us.

nitrat February 16, 2015 at 2:59 pm

Hell, even I can see the logic of what you say from half across the state.
But, voters never learn.

Legal eagle February 16, 2015 at 3:26 pm

I have a front row seat and I can tell you these life long law enforcement types are the worst. Hypocrits, bullies and scammers all.

The voters should change these fools out every 4 or 8 years, otherwise be prepared to be fleeced.

Scooter February 16, 2015 at 9:59 pm

I have never known one who, served more than two terms ,who was not compromised. Many before the first term is up.

Blue Light retired February 16, 2015 at 8:46 pm

McCarty kept Metts in check!
I worked with McCarty and he is a straight arrow.
I also worked with Steve Smith and I saw here he feels Koon is above board.
There have NEVER been two better men, in Law Enforcement, or outside law Enforcement. i would trust their judgement without question. If they say Koon is OK, bank on it!

nitrat February 17, 2015 at 10:00 am

Uuhhh…if McCarty ‘kept Metts in check’, he failed abysmally.

Walker Aguila February 16, 2015 at 2:34 pm

So where is the “link” as your headline so boldly proclaims if you have zero evidence of such a “link”??? Sounds like the young, no leadership experienced Britt got you to support his baseless attack either because you don’t mind mindless dribble or you want to play dirty politics…

Joe February 17, 2015 at 1:18 pm

read up top. It just got posted by “friend of mine”

You Know My Name February 17, 2015 at 2:44 pm

And a good post she made. Much respect to her.

nitrat February 16, 2015 at 2:57 pm Reply
Proctologist February 16, 2015 at 2:59 pm

“– although in fairness to Koon nothing we’ve seen nothing at this point which would lead us to believe he had anything to do with the “ring’s” activities.”

Then why the piece, asshole?

rdj February 16, 2015 at 3:32 pm

Jay Koon , “do you know who Danny Frazier calls to get these things taken care of … me!”

Mike February 16, 2015 at 3:39 pm

Everyone that has lived in Lexington county for more than 10 years knows Danny Frasier or his dad in one way or another. I would be amazed and more suspicious if Koon said he didn’t know him. I’m voting for Britt but when it comes down to it, Britt or Koon is fine with me. Dennis Tyndall will be Metts 3.0. The guy is a total scumbag. Perhaps someone should tell him being sheriff is a 40+ hour per week job and he’ll lose interest.

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 3:42 pm

So, Leon Lott calling the shots and pulling the strings from Richland County is good with you?

Pissed off voter February 16, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Justin Britt lives in lexington county as I do Leon will not be calling the shots. Just because justin Britt works for him does not mean Leon will be doing anything none the less calling the shots. But using your line of thinking, you good with the lexington ring to continue calling the shots in lexington county?

I know I wont. I am voting justin Britt!!

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 4:18 pm

I am voting for Felix, the ONLY guy in the running with no apparent or obvious ties to The Lexington Crime Ring or other low lifes. I don’t think you can honestly make the same claim. Leon is seeding his plants in an efgort to control everything adjacent to RC. Open your eyes!!!!!

Mike February 16, 2015 at 5:05 pm

So Leon Lott wants to run Lexington county? How many fairies and unicorns do you see on an average day? lol

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Again, open your damn eyes! Leon wants to have contro of the SO’s in adjoining counties almost as much as he wants to contro CPD. Were you asleep or in a cave somewhere during the years that Lott’s golden boyz, Scott and Santiago, were ru(i)nning CPD with his help and blessings? Were you in a cave when Scott resigned before city council could fire him, with his tearful bullshit story of not being able to do the job because of PTSD? Were you around when ol Leon hired Scott back almost immediately and soon after, promoted him to Lieutenant and “Ethics” Officer? What about his boy Santiago, the Signal 9 (auto breaking) King, who left CPD under a cloud of suspicion regarding his alleged plot to plant drugs and a stolen gun on a city manager so he and scott could climb the ladder, faster? Were you asleep when Jimbo Crawford resigned his candidacy when Santiago suddenly got him a cush job at his mercenary corporation in Eurasia so Britt wouldn’t have as much competition? Did you not see Crawford throw his support to Britt as he was leaving?

Are you unaware that “former” Lott people in the last year have been installed or re-installed as Sheriffs in Fairfield and Kershaw Counties and the current LexCo Coroner is one of his former deputies?

Wake up and smell the corrupt, power grabbing, dog shit!!!!!!!

Lt. February 16, 2015 at 5:44 pm

In the late 70’s and early 80’s Leon Lott was the go to go to buy drugs. Then he became a cop and everyone laughed and figured he would end up in jail. But now he runs the midlands with his Department of criminals/turned policemen friends!

I don’t care who gets elected because it does not matter. It is all window dressing. The crooks are running the place and laughing like clowns while we waste our time on this stuff.

Jesus H. Christ February 16, 2015 at 5:53 pm

Don’t they teach people how to connect the dots in elementary school? Good post.

Steven A. Smith February 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm

This sounds like SC politics and likely started by one of the other candidates. Frazier was on Lexington Town Council and Jay was the Deputy Chief, so I am sure they had business interactions, but I never heard his name mentioned on the infamous Jamie Lucas tape of Frazier, he has never been targeted, and there has never been the slightest mention of Jqy in any negative manner. Especially as it relates to the “Lexington Ring” or any of the alleged participants.
Give Jay a fair shake and I think you will agree that he is the most qualified person running.

Pissed off voter February 16, 2015 at 4:09 pm

Who in the hell do you think pushed for jay koon to be deputy chief? Danny Frazier did boldly and vocally!! He always referred to Jay as his boy and his go to guy for tickets and criminal charges.

Give jay a fair shake my ass. He had his shake but did nothing as a cop, as a town employee, or a voter to expose Danny Frazier or any of the lexington ring when he had a chance and a duty to. Jay simply turned the other way and accepted his position as Danny’s boy as long as he was getting. It is because of his lack of action is one of several reasons why I, my family or my friends and business associates will not be voting for jay koon.

To hear jay say now that he will enforce the law against anyone regardless if they are law enforcement or a politician is very weak response and just talk because he had the chance to prove himself and show those very same intentions with the lexington ring members like Danny and jakie but did zero. Now that his friends and associates of the lexington ring are being dealt with no help from him, he now wants people to believe he will from this point enforce the law with equality. That is a crook of shit people and to you too jay.

rdj February 16, 2015 at 4:31 pm

New leadership is a must. Saying you didnt know is a crock. Never heard anything about the town chief but he needs a close looking at also.

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 4:28 pm

Yeah, give him a chance and we’ll be stuck with him until he’s almost 70 or older, just like we were with Metts. Damn fools in this state vote the incumbent Sheriff back in until he is removed, quits, or dies. Hell, tons of them voted for Metts, who was unopposed, even after the mess that got him removex was already bubbling to the surface.

Paco Sanchez February 17, 2015 at 5:37 pm

Y MN your writing style is very much like Will’s.

Springdale Same February 16, 2015 at 4:47 pm

This is the same Jay Koon that says hiring will be “fair” for the department. There is nothing “fair” about him being the frontrunner in this race. He says your name will not matter when hiring and execution of the law comes to be. If his name wasn’t Koon then he would be a nobody. This is THE consummate politician in the race.
Britt is Lott’s boy and well-known to be an adultering hot-head. Tyndall is part of the ring and also a Frazier man.
Felix is the only option here.

Boatwright February 16, 2015 at 5:25 pm

Shut up and go away Steve Smith. No one cares what you say or think. You’re supporting him because he’s president of your little so-called elitist club. And your silly tag bragging about the national academy. Who cares?

Bullseye February 16, 2015 at 6:48 pm

Which elitist club is that? Mid Carolina Rifle Range and Computer Club?

rdj February 16, 2015 at 7:11 pm

I have never shown any support for any of the candidates. So my take on Koon is definitely not being started by one of the other candidates. My take on Koon comes from personal experience. Unfortunately …
I trully hope we get the best candidate for the job. But my experiences with Koon show him to be hot headed, power abusive and his statement to me was directly that he was the guy that fixed traffic violations for Fraziers buddies. I just dont think it’s right for some people to get away with things because of there political connections no matter how small or big the offense. For gods sake your being paid to uphold the law … and not just for people who arent in the loop with the Lexington affluent and established b.s.

SLEDboy February 17, 2015 at 2:29 pm

Steve, Steve, Steve. We all know who you are and better yet what you are. You hang with the people who are in the ring. Tim James is your best bud along with Chip Johnson. We all know who and what they are also. So, in short we really dont care who you back it only supports our belief to stay further away from Koon now we know you are backing him

rdj February 16, 2015 at 4:04 pm

This will be my last comment about this …
If you want a sheriff who takes care of problems for politicians then renigs if you call to express your concern about something “busting my balls” now your gonna pay that ticket kinda guy. Then Jays your guy. I wish i had followed through with my report to SLED about it. SLED told me they would legally have to look into it if i filed the report but they were awful busy trying to solve murders and stuff. So i let it go.
Anyway, I’ve said it once ill say it again … phone records. Koon stated to me on the phone from his office in Lexington that he was the guy Frazier called to get these things taken care of.
Also, I’ve read a lot of things on fitsnews that made me question the sources but the fact that Will has stated he has no hard facts to back up these claims gives me more respect for him. Hyperbole by definition is not a complete an utter dismissal of the claims which leads me to believe some may be stretching the truth in his opinion but … I am not.

SLED Doesn't Care February 16, 2015 at 4:14 pm

You would have only wasted your time in filing a complaint with SLED. Like everything else they “investigate” that involves crooked officials backed btvpowerful machines, your complaint would have been swept under the rug with all haste.

Fed up Lexington Voter February 16, 2015 at 4:47 pm

This term for sheriff is for 14-18 months so I would vote for Felix. He’s NOT an insider. And for that reason alone would be enough to vote for him. In 18 months we can decide if he can handle the job.

I wouldn’t give two cents for the establishments choice -Koon. And what bull shit! The “powers to be” moved him from the boy scout police department to the Sheriff’s office for exposure people! What experience can he get from a police department where the only real crime is catching speeders. And look at his donor list. Bought and paid for. He’s a local boy whose family has been here since the beginning if time. He boasts about the support of the intern sheriff. I read somewhere the same sheriff’s son, Robert J., is/was best friends with Danny. On another Fits post “Batman” gave compelling reasons why NOT to vote for him.

Britt is a bag full of problems. Ask anyone from the state police why he went back to Leon so quickly. Protection? Hot tempered, inexperienced, immature and connected to Joe Wilson and Leon Lott. On another Fits post “Batman” gave several compelling reasons why NOT to vote for him.

Tyndall, because Danny had him on lock down.

Blind Lexington County sheep will do as they are told.

You Know My Name February 16, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Thank you for being one of the very few who gets it and sees things the way they really are!!!!

Cyndi Reentz February 16, 2015 at 5:41 pm

Britt is a bag of problems!!! People, please wake up!! He is a wet behind the ears clone of Metts… Parents have a little money, so they buy their child an election! Britt is s BRAT, with a very bad temper!! And, has anyone asked who his wife was married to when young Britt swept her off her feet?? He might be Christian now, but he had no problem with his (wife) committing adultery before she was his wife!! I just hate hypocrites!! I’m no Koon fan either, he might be all the news say, but he is a DICK! But better an experienced dick than a fraud!

Leon Deon February 16, 2015 at 7:33 pm

Are you saying he violated the “you shall not screw another man’s wife” rule?

Stay classy Britt’s……..

Andrea February 16, 2015 at 8:41 pm

Sounds to me Britt fits right in with the adulterous Peelers and Fraziers. There are none lower and more immoral anywhere.
They ALL threw their children into the sewer with their shameless public affairs and attempts to destroy their xs! Sickening bunch!

frog February 16, 2015 at 9:26 pm

Britt, Bob Peeler, and Frazier must be brethren , or birds of a feather. Doesn’t say much for his wife either!

facts February 16, 2015 at 9:57 pm

Any proof? Why not show us proof of this? Any of this?

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 3:34 pm

They don’t do the “proof” thing on this little blog, friend.

roger February 20, 2015 at 6:20 am

Cyndi, don’t hold a little bed swapping against Britt. You have done a hundred slutty things in your life, threesomes, one night stands, bar pick ups, gave me oral while driving. come on. Vote Britt, Jay Koon can’t manage a paper bag.

Mike at the Beach February 16, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Wow. How great it must be to make a living by publishing nonsense (as long as you tuck a little disclaimer in there somewhere).

“Hey everyone! Here are some wholly unsubstantiated allegations made by bitter political opponents who are getting their asses whipped fair and square in the political process! Now, don’t you worry that the federal and state investigations BOTH missed the connection, and that no involvement popped up on any tapes, or that none of the hundreds of thousands of folks in Lexington County have provided a single shred of evidence. ***Insert tiny disclaimer here*** Of course, we’ve seen nothing at this point which would lead us to believe he had anything to do with the ‘ring’s’ activities. ***End disclaimer*** I would ‘investigate,’ but ain’t nobody got time for that. Sincerely, FITS News.”

rdj February 16, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Its startling to me that your so quick to protect our local establishment politicians who have been proven over and over again to be untrustworthy … the evidence is there.
I would imagine that the Feds dont know what there end game would be if they started taking out every Barney who does favors for the councilman who got him a job. But is Koon the kinda guy we need to replace Metts. I dont think so ….

GrandTango February 16, 2015 at 8:17 pm

Protect them from WHAT???…Ignorant Bull-S#!t from deficient Liberal-Tarians, envious of political success by anyone but them..and their flawed leaders…???

You Super-Sleuths see criminality in every eye, but yours…yet you NEVER prove anything, but how libel and stupid you are…

rdj February 16, 2015 at 8:23 pm

Wow you’ve added so much to the conversation …
Thanks for sharing.

Guest February 17, 2015 at 6:34 pm

You left out some letters there, SuperPol.

Is it…

libelOUS or libeRAl or … […] ???

Mike at the Beach February 16, 2015 at 9:03 pm

Uhmmmmmmm…I’m pretty sure I was only commenting upon the fact that even as FITS admitted (in the fine print) that there was absolutely NO EVIDENCE of the inappropriate connection to the bad actors in Lex Cty he was pumping out a nice long article to throw the mud for the crybaby opponents. I’m not in a position to politically defend or protect anyone in the fight for Sheriff up there, although (since you brought it up) it seems pretty common sensical that Koon is in fact the guy for the job. Remember that sheriffs’ elections are basically job interviews- these are executive positions with heavy responsibilities, and real-world heavy consequences for failure. In looking at the field from my point of view, the only guy with the experience, temperament, and training (all three are critical) for this gig is Koon. Nothing against the other folks, but this isn’t a beauty pageant or a nice guy contest. It’s a job interview, and Koon has never proven untrustworthy in his personal or professional life, amateur-hour mudslinging notwithstanding. I am easily able to discount unsubstantiated rumors perpetuated by small-time, bitter political opponents because I’m old and I’ve seen this dance a bunch of times. This is what desperation smells like.

rdj February 17, 2015 at 6:51 am

Unfortunately you are wrong this time.
Koon is unpredictable at best.
Ive known him all my life as we attended the same local public small schools. He stated clearly to me that the ticket i called Frazier to complain about what is what you do you call a town councilman that you know when you feel you’ve been wrongly fined.
He says dont worry about it. I call Koon to express my opinion on the situation he says,”do you know who Frazier calls to get these things taken care of, me” then i get a call from Frazier and since i jumped the sheep fence and called what i thought was an old friend to try and better my community i was told guess what fence jumper now your gonna pay that ticket. Personal vendetta against me?
Possible, but im not gonna just stand idly by and not let people know about it. I am a nobody. Can only imagine what they were doing for supporters, donars politically connected.

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 10:21 am

You obviously have your beef with Koon, and that’s fine. I couldn’t really discern exactly what you were talking about from the kinda disjointed rant, but you are well within your rights to rant on. That doesn’t change the fact that most folks are looking at backgrounds and experience, and those issues are winners for Koon, period. If you are talking about Koon (or any police executive) potentially going to jail for helping folks with tickets, that’s pure nitwittery (regardless of what some retired judge told you). Summary and Municipal level cases of all types get worked out among the officers, supervisors, attorneys, elected officials, pastors, bosses, mommas, and an even longer list of folks who constantly try to intervene on someone’s behalf. As long as it’s done correctly the world doesn’t stop spinning. That’s the system- prosecutors can drop cases and officers can drop cases. I get that your ticked off, but that doesn’t make Koon a crook and it’s crappy to make that logical leap because he wouldn’t help you get your ticket eaten. If you really think he broke the law (which it doesn’t sound like he did), call SLED. See how that works out for ya. That’ll be a couple of months of your life you’ll never get back.

Blofus February 17, 2015 at 11:14 am

I guess if the bitch who was partially responsible for the Sponseller disappearance and suicide answered an ad by you for a bookkeeper, you would hire her because of her experience?

Those nasty allegations of theft by her weren’t very well substantiated and after all, prosecutors and a judge saw fit to keep whittling her joke of a sentence down more and more.

I know for a fact that Koon has promised jobs for family and friends of people with strong ties to Metts if he is elected. Rdl has made a good link to Koon and Frazier, something which should not be acceptable, given what this county has just been through.

Meanwhile, from your fairy castle at the beach, you pooh-pooh what people around here know.

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 11:41 am

Don’t drive angry, people. Relax. Y’all can get all spun up and rant about how crooked people are, but it just makes you look kooky. I’m not going to follow you through the looking glass on the logical leap you’re making here. Because a vocal little group is trying (unsuccessfully) to link Koon to the big Metts Ring Conspiracy he is, therefore, to be shunned? That’s just silly. That’s not “fairy castle” stuff, whatever that connotes (although my house is pretty kickass, it has no moat- city zoning prohibits it because I’m in that 500′ from the ocean zone thing), it’s just the real world. You guys stay angry if you like but I try to be more execution / results oriented, so I would suggest that if everyone “knows” how crooked Koon is, jot on down to the US DOJ and make something happen. I won’t be holding my breath, though, because it’s just political pettiness and small-time character assassination.

rdj February 17, 2015 at 1:20 pm

You are naive and happy in your little moat-less castle. I’m happy for you.

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 2:19 pm

Ha! I’m many things amigo, but naive isn’t one of them. I would posit that pointless jousting at political windmills is the penultimate form of naiveté (second only to genuine ignorance), but that’s just my two cents’ worth. Namasté!

rdj February 17, 2015 at 3:22 pm

By chance are you british

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 3:42 pm

Uhhhh, no, I’m a ‘Murrican. Why? “Amigo” is Spanish and “namaste” is an old Sanskrit word commonly used in the modern Hindi language. I did stay in London for about three weeks a while back when was with the feds, does that count? ;-)

rdj February 17, 2015 at 3:55 pm

Enjoy the beach

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 4:39 pm


rdj February 17, 2015 at 7:17 am

Oh and by the way other than i didnt hand Frazier some cash when we spoke this is the same kinda thing thats gonna send Metts to jail.
Not as bad as exchanging cash for letting people out of jail but basically the same thing and unless a retired judge lied to me “illegal” what they both did.

GrandTango February 16, 2015 at 8:14 pm

Your post applies to 95% of the crap FITS posts…

If libel laws fairly protected EVERYBODY…there would be no FITS…

No More Corruption! February 16, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Be very careful of Tyndall and Britt!
The reasons:
Mayor Halfacre=…the Bob Peelers….Frazier…Owens
Mayor Owens.=..Tim James…The Bob Peelers…Frazier
Former Sheriff= Metts…Frazier…Wilson…Halfacre…Wilson…Tim James
Cong. Jope Wilson=…the Bob Peelers…Frazier…Metts…Owens…Halfacre
The Bob Peelers=..Toal…Wilson…Metts..Frazier..Tim James
Tim James=…Metts…Owens…The Bob Peelers…Metts
Jean Toal =…Knotts…The Bob Peelers
All of the above names lead directly to Frazier and taint anyone they touch.
Whom ever, any of the above support, STAY CLEAR and VOTE for anyone but!

GrandTango February 16, 2015 at 8:11 pm

Illuminati Much?

Totally Blind To Crooks February 16, 2015 at 8:21 pm

Blind to in-your-face corruption, much.

Scooter February 16, 2015 at 10:04 pm


Scooter February 16, 2015 at 10:07 pm

There is not a decent candidate on the ticket. Not a one.

Buck Farack February 17, 2015 at 3:51 am

Fed up Lexington Voter “Britt is a bag full of problems. Ask anyone from the state police why he went back to Leon so quickly. Protection? Hot tempered, inexperienced, immature and connected to Joe Wilson and Leon Lott. On another Fits post “Batman” gave several compelling reasons why NOT to vote for him”

Fed up: the reason he “ran” back to Leon is because he was fired from SLED after only one year on the job. Justin Bratt has also promised positions to Rich Co sheriff’s deputy buddies and an Irmo Sgt. in exchange for their votes. “Vote buying?”. Yep!!

Kim February 17, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Wasn’t Jay having an affair with someone in Lexington here a short time ago. Does anyone have an idea or heard the name of her?

???? February 18, 2015 at 5:20 pm

Was it Donna?
That one gets around.

Worked there February 20, 2015 at 6:11 am

As I recall it was a girl he met at a Chief’s convention in Myrtle Beach. One of his lead detectives had knowledge of it and was one of the reasons Jay forced him to resign, that’s how Jay rolls.

Batman February 17, 2015 at 4:08 pm

Wouldn’t it be nice if the main stream media asked Jay the Question about the strip club event told on this page. Because the local news is talking about the sexiest comment that the senator stated about Katrina, why not ask a candidate about using women as sex objects one night and going to a human trafficking class the next day. Why not ask the candidate about narcotics in the county and what he is going to do about it, while he sits in the establishments that breeds narcotics deals. Why not ask the candidate what he is going to do about the issue of prostitution in the county, while he sits in the establishments that generate prostitution. Why ask the candidate about the strip clubs in general and the clientele they attract, as he sits in there and is the clientele. I REALLY THINK JAY KOON SHOULD BE CALLED ON THE CARPET AND ASKED THE HARD QUESTION SO WE CAN KNOW WHO WE ARE REALLY VOTING FOR. STEP UP WIS, WLTX, WOLO, THE STATE PAPER (TIM FLACK)

rdj February 17, 2015 at 5:08 pm

Excellent idea. I would LOVE to hear him say he didnt fix tickets for Fraziers friends. Then i would at least know that he knew it was wrong. He knows if he admitted it end game so i assume he would lie.

Guest February 17, 2015 at 6:03 pm

Great idea! I have often wondered how a certain restaurant on Main Street got away with the drug deals. Did not know about prostitution. But, after I found out that after the town meetings most from the group would head over to this establishment to kick back. Now I know how they never got caught.

Deputy Dog February 18, 2015 at 3:45 am

Jay Koon and the current Lexington Town Council were deeply connected to Danny Frazier. Until he got caught and they all distanced themselves. I used to work with Jay Koon so I know this to be true. The comment posted by “Friend of Mine” is also true. Jay Koon is no boy scout. Lexington County voters please wake up! We can do better than this!

Guest February 18, 2015 at 2:49 pm

If you know this to be true and have evidence you need to somehow come forward. Otherwise with the whole sheriff’s department backing Koon he will get elected.

Orical February 18, 2015 at 10:47 am

Did anyone see the report on WIS on Jay Koon and the amount of money he raised. If this isn’t a warning sign of things to come. This is the same as Jimmy Metts, I looked through the contributors and the same people pop up as giving money to Jay as they did to Jimmy Metts. One particular person, Senn-from from Senns Produce. Any one knows out there that it was SENN Brothers produce at the state farmers market where all the tailgaiting was done with Jimmy Metts and his Boys. Danny Frazier, Jake Knotts, Jimmy Metts, Howard Rawl, Peeler and his girl, Jay Koon, Michael Gantt, Kermit, all their whores. SENNS Brothers produce spot was where Jake, Jimmy, Danny tag teamed on a prostitute there named Angel. That is where Jake Knotts got the nickname bulley on the playground. I guess through the times at the tailgating Jay got to know SENN through Danny and therefore received his contribution.

Lets mention the Rawls that have given to Jay, one has to wonder if they will call on Jay or will he go out to the farms and detain all of the illegals they have employed or will he turn a blind eye the same as Jimmy Metts did. We shall see

Oh my February 18, 2015 at 6:33 pm

I heard the “tail” gate parties got so risque and raunchy with this bunch, they were run off from the spot, at the Farmers market!
This bunch gives a whole new meaning to the term “Tail Gate”, as in a piece of tail, a little tail, strange tail, etc. And from the list of characters and their infamous reputations, I can see why.

Neo February 19, 2015 at 3:20 pm

But Senn Brothers has the greatest produce in the universe!! As an ORACLE you should already know that. I will let that slide but I can never forgive you for letting Morpheus die!! You must have taken the red and blue pill, you were supposed to pick one. Also its pronounced “An-hel” and she is he and my dad.

In The Know February 18, 2015 at 7:23 pm

Lets connect the dots. Justin Britt – his campaign is run by RJ Shealy. RJ is best friends with…….wait for it…….Jake Knotts. He ran all of Jakes campaigns to include the one where he hired an African American to run a dirty campaign as an “opponent” so the white folks would vote for the white guy, who RJ was also managing a campaign for. This is the quality that Justin hired to run a “Christian” campaign. There is Justin’s tie to the ring. Fact 2 – Justin was fired from SLED because he unlawfully tased someone and ended up not arresting them because ……wait for it…..they never broke the law. Is that the man you want as a Sheriff? SLED wiped their hands of him and so should everyone else. Fact 3 – Britt, a self proclaimed Godly Christian met and dated his wife while she was ……wait for it……..married. She divorced her first husband after she was caught cheating with Justin. And yes, Justin was fully aware she was a married lady. Some Christian man there. Aside from not having the moral standards to hold the office, Justin is inexperienced and way in over his head. His number 3 that he would bring with him, is a Leon Lott boy that was demoted years ago for failing to report and document an incident where his K9 unlawfully bit someone. Where is the transparency there? The above are not rumors or tales, they are facts. I don’t know who the best man for Sheriff but I do know it certainly isn’t Justin. He has no moral compass nor do the people he associates with, and yes, he associates with people close to the Lexington Ring. Focker – Out.

rdj February 18, 2015 at 7:55 pm

Again … Where’s the proof?

In The Know February 18, 2015 at 8:25 pm

See the other post. Of course, proof won’t come in the form of a blog. But it will give you reason to start digging and file some freedom of information act requests. But, keep in mind, nobody has ever denied that Justin slept with another mans wife. Many things have been accused and denied, but that fact has never been denied.

Guest February 18, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Well if he did sleep with another man’s wife, that is bad. But, to not vote for him based on that well hell we would have no cops to vote in as sheriff!

rdj February 18, 2015 at 9:16 pm

I dont like the idea of my sheriff having a shady personal life but no ones perfect. Personally im much more concerned with the fact that Koon told me he fixed tickets for Frazier. What else was going on ???

gommer February 18, 2015 at 9:37 pm

Koons camp must be getting pissed off to come on this link to stir stuff. This is funny shit. Hey Jay here are some ones go play at the club.

In The Know February 18, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Also, if you want to test the validity of my claim, do your research on RJ Shealy. The campaign I am referring to happened several years ago, I believe in the low country. If I’m lying Im dying.

Mad February 18, 2015 at 10:38 pm

Don’t be pissed off because a stripper that jay and other law enforcement officers paid came forward and told the truth.

If true, at lease justin Britt married the woman he was seeing. Can’t say that about jay koon who is married and was married during his visits to platinum plus and paying for ladies company there.

y'all r crazy February 19, 2015 at 8:30 am

Wow I read All the comments and 80% of y’all have absolutely no idea what your talking sbout. So many blowhard douche bags spreading lies and misinformation. I’m just shocked…..

Jack Rothberg February 24, 2015 at 6:30 am

Koon and Tyndal need to step down and let Lexington County Heal from the resent cooruption. We as a county will never remove th stain if they get in, and we will continue to be a joke in SC…

tracy withers February 24, 2015 at 6:32 am

Our families agree, we will no be voting for them.

tracy withers February 24, 2015 at 6:34 am

We need honest good men who do not think of themselves. These two only think of themselves not the county.


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