Lexington Sheriff’s Race Down To Four Candidates

|| By FITSNEWS || One of the five candidates running for sheriff of Lexington County, S.C. has dropped out of the race. Jim Crawford – a longtime law enforcement veteran who was running as an independent – announced his intention to suspend his campaign and endorse the candidacy of Justin…

|| By FITSNEWS || One of the five candidates running for sheriff of Lexington County, S.C. has dropped out of the race.

Jim Crawford – a longtime law enforcement veteran who was running as an independent – announced his intention to suspend his campaign and endorse the candidacy of Justin Britt, who is running as a “Republican.”  According to Crawford, his decision to suspend his campaign stems from his acceptance of a position in Kiev, Ukraine as “chief of staff of operations and logistics for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.”

“This was not an easy decision to make, but I believe this will better my future, my family’s future, and the people of Lexington County,” Crawford said.  “I want to thank my friends, family, staff and supporters who have given their time, effort and money for my campaign.”

Crawford added that Britt -a former congressional staffer to U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson – “will serve Lexington County well as it’s next sheriff.”

Britt and three other candidates are vying to fill the office vacated last month by James Metts – who spent forty-two years as sheriff before his career was undone by corruption.


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Squishy123 January 22, 2015 at 2:35 pm

Correction – Three candidates and one recently graduated cadet who has no leadership experience.

You Know My Name January 22, 2015 at 4:04 pm

As if there were any doubt, Crawford has shown his true colors (corruption) in endorsing Leon’s pawn for Sheriff. I wonder how much pressure Leon had to pour on Santiago to put in a word for Crawford at the mercenary corporation so Justin will have an easier time getting in place to do the Lott Family’s bidding.

You Know My Name January 22, 2015 at 4:14 pm

Of all the candidates thus far, Felix seems to have no ties to any established Midlands corruption. Barring a change in that status, he will be the one to get my vote.

Batman January 23, 2015 at 9:06 am

The problem that exist isn’t the candidates but the voters here in Lexington County. Just think, we have sat back for going on three years to rid Lexington county of James Metts, but yet we as voters are looking to vote Jay Koon into office.

Danny Frazier was found to the mortar between all of these corrupt bricks in our political circles here. Because of the tapes (by the way thank for getting the tapes and having the balls to release them) Danny Frazier, Jake Knotts, Mayor Halfwit, James Metts, Jason Amidio were all removed from their positions because we as voters got an inside look at what really is going on in Lexington County.

Jay Koon has always been known as the go-to-guy for Danny Fraizer to have tickets fixed. You say well it was only a little help on a ticket. The problem is that is the only evidence that is out in the open and has a paper trail attached to Jay and Danny together. It is the unknown that doesn’t have a paper trail to that concerns me. What is offered after the ticket was fixed? The same circles that James Metts and Danny ran in, Jay Koon is running in as well. The money and the people are the same and therefore the Sheriff’s Department will be the same. Jay is known for corruption on a small scale with Danny in the past, what is going to happen on a larger scale.

The easiest thing to do is have SLED go through and LPD court docket and tickets and see the dismissed tickets through the period of time Danny and Jay were there. Better yet, have the Feds talk to Danny and ask him if Jay fixed tickets, but be transparent on the answers. If Jay did fix the tickets he should be removed as running for Sheriff and fired from LPD. If he didn’t let him run for sheriff. It would be my bet that Danny will roll on him and we won’t be voting for him.

We as citizens have voted out Jake Knotts and Halfwit, and Danny, Jason Amidio, and Metts were arrested. Don’t vote another potential problem of the same mess we just cleaned up and lets move forward in a positive way.

I’m not here to promote one candidate I’m just saying don’t vote the same type of politician into office.

You Know My Name January 23, 2015 at 8:30 pm

Amen, brother!!!!!

ME TOO January 24, 2015 at 8:08 am

My problem with Britt and Tindle is connection to Wilson; thereby, connected too closely to the corruption, immorality and vice of the “Lexington Ring” and their associates:
Tim James
James Metts
Bob and Donna Peeler
Randy Halfacre
Joe Owens
and lastly the “Ring leader” DANNY FRAZIER

Scooter January 24, 2015 at 10:12 pm


Lewis Roberts January 26, 2015 at 7:58 am

Jay had had his head up Fraziers ass and did in fact “fix” tickets, usually the charge was changed to something with a smaller fine and no points. I saw this many times while working there. Jay is just as much a part of “The Ring” as Danny. My vote is for Britt.

Notvotingforakoon January 22, 2015 at 6:41 pm

Justin Britt all the way. But this is a 2 horse race between Britt and Koon.

Mike at the Beach January 22, 2015 at 7:55 pm

IF that’s the case, we’ll be congratulating Koon on March 3rd (or, worst case, two weeks later).

justme January 22, 2015 at 8:05 pm

Do not over look Justin. His support is growing every day

Mike at the Beach January 22, 2015 at 8:39 pm

I’m not, he seems like a nice enough kid. I just think that as more and more of the voters realize that he’s never supervised even a unit (much less a 7 or 8-figure budget), they will realize that this simply isn’t his time. That’s not meant in a pejorative sense. Lexington County obviously has some heavy issues- I don’t think most serious people believe that putting a guy with an utter lack of management experience (or a whole lot of life experience, even) in charge of a beast like the LCSD is a good idea right about now. I am just of the opinion that handing the reins to a department with hundreds of deputies, a dozen or more disciplines, a 700-ass jail, AND a raft of issues that need correction to a young man with his level of experience would be a recipe for disaster not just for the county, but for him as well. Resume-wise, he’d have problems catching a police chief job at any department with more than 5 or 10 officers; the LCSD is a little outside of his wheelhouse. You’ll note that none of this reflects negatively on him individually, but facts are facts.

Justme January 22, 2015 at 9:15 pm

I think he will bring the right people in to help him when he wins. My issue with Koo , and I know him, is that he is way to connected to the Lexington crowd. And for that matter Queen Niki. She hand picked him to do this. I wonder what the connection there is?

Squishy123 January 22, 2015 at 9:30 pm

You don’t lead by having no leadership experience and expecting to hire your expertise. I don’t know that much about any of the candidates but I do know that I’m not voting for some kid who’s never supervised anyone and never been in charge of a budget.

CALLHIM January 22, 2015 at 10:08 pm

You should do yourself a favor and call Justin or attend one of his town halls. Ask about his experience.

Squishy123 January 22, 2015 at 10:25 pm

Or you could save me the trouble and tell us all about his leadership and budget management experiences. I doubt it will take long.

You wouldn’t happen to be his old man who got bent out of shape the last time this came up on this blog?

callhim January 22, 2015 at 10:37 pm

I will let Justin answer that if you have the guts to call him. Let me say this the two other legitimate candidates, Koon and Tyndall, may have more leadership experience but no plan for what they will do if elected. Well Koon has a plan, keep doing it the same old way we have for years. Tyndall well his plan is no where to be found. He has no plan that I have seen.

confused January 23, 2015 at 12:14 am

You will let Justin answer it? Is he a Sheriff candidate that has people letting him answer to the voters. Seems like “callhim” might have the control here on what the candidate can or cant do.

Concerned citizen January 27, 2015 at 9:18 pm

I find it amazing that a young Officer without any experience supervising employees, balancing budgets or even having life experience thinks for one second he is qualified for this kind of position. What’s even crazier is that there are some who think putting a inexperienced Sheriff in office would benefit the people of Lexington County. I have yet to hear Detective Britt explain his departure from SLED. There are numerous rumors in reference to his departure and I’m sure the truth lies somewhere amongst them. The candidate has said nothing about the circumstances that forced him to resign from SLED.

Mike at the Beach January 23, 2015 at 2:05 am

No guts required…no phone call required. His resume and work history are public knowledge. This isn’t a race for Homecoming King, so I don’t think thousands of people need to call him and argue about his qualifications. That’s a little odd.

callhim January 23, 2015 at 6:47 am

So, by your criteria, who is qualified here? Koon? No he had someone always pulling his strings in the background. Not allowed to arrest a person without call the mayor or city coucil. Then there is Tyndall. He works a max of 20 hours a week and got his best officer fired because some in city wanted Tyndall fired. Both have strong ties to the Lexington ring and still may see something from that. Felix is not worth mentioning at this point. So tell why not vote for Justin ?

M326 January 23, 2015 at 8:06 am

You don’t vote for Justin because he clearly does not have the background and experience for the job. What is so difficult to understand about that?

Mike at the Beach January 23, 2015 at 8:11 am

So, now we’re getting somewhere…

My “criteria” are pretty much the same ones that most folks will use when deciding for whom they will vote. I was only discussing basic qualifications, but it would appear that you’re simply “anti-Koon” / “anti-Tyndall.” The simple fact is that Britt’s qualifications for this job just aren’t there, and my only point was that I am guessing that over the next five or six weeks the majority of voters will agree. Silly hyperbole like you’re now starting to throw sounds like just that, silly hyperbole. Is your position *really* that Lexington PD was also so crippled by corruption that they couldn’t make an arrest without calling someone? That’s just silly. Just based upon some of the comments on FITS, the Britt campaign seems a little immature and amateurish: thin-skinned angry retorts, accusations that we’re “gutless” if we don’t call the guy and talk to him ourselves, etc. Just like professional qualifications, the conduct of a campaign is another good way to judge the readiness, emotional/political maturity, and electability of a candidate. You guys should relax a little.

intheknow January 23, 2015 at 8:52 am

His best officer, are you kidding me. Matt Edwards was a nut, he would go crazy over the smallest issue. You have obviously never been behind closed doors with him. He was a cancer to the police department. Justin Britt was not even born when Tyndall started in Law Enforcement. He has no administrative experience, this is not catching bad guys, this is managing a $40 million budget. Now tell me how he is qualified to do that. He has promised Edwards a job and that shows what poor judgment Britt has, he does not know who Edwards really is. He should bring Joe Owens on as well.

Squishy123 January 23, 2015 at 9:24 am

intheknow, you don’t understand their case… Britt doesn’t need to know how to do any of this, he’s going to hire the best people to do this while he drives around in a Sheriff’s car catching bad guys. He won’t have time for meetings, personnel issues, budget management, etc., he’s going to put a white hat on and personally save Lexington County.

Just another example of the entitlement generation, they think they deserve to start out at the top rather than work their way there.

I don’t know who I’m voting for, but I do know who I’m not voting for.

Callhim January 23, 2015 at 9:50 am

I am not even going to offer a response to the Tyndall people except to say no way in hell he wins

Squishy123 January 23, 2015 at 1:59 pm

Who are you saying are the Tyndall people? I’m not tied to any particular candidate (like you are). I just know for a fact that I’m not going to vote for someone who has absolutely no business even trying to run for this office based on his experience (or lack of) in law enforcement.

callhim January 23, 2015 at 8:05 pm

Well you must be writing a name in if you feel that way.

Becky January 24, 2015 at 8:14 am

Tyndall’s ties to Joe Owens, Tim James, Bob Peeler, Danny Frazier should disqualify him immediately!

Squishy123 January 23, 2015 at 9:19 am

Why don’t you tell us why we should vote for him? Tell us about his extensive budgeting and management experience which is required for the position.

Has your friend ever supervised another full-time employee? Yes or No.

Squishy123 January 23, 2015 at 9:18 am

You seem tight with him, what’s your relationship with him?

So now to discuss a leadership candidate, we have to have “guts” to discuss him?

Face the facts, he’s not qualified for the position. He doesn’t have the time in uniform to run for this office, he’s just another wannabe hotshot like Lott who thinks he deserves the position.

Wendy January 23, 2015 at 6:53 pm

The guts you say? Should we be afraid of him? Is he going to beat us down? I heard he has a hot temper. Lott can’t protect him for ever.

Mike at the Beach January 22, 2015 at 11:20 pm

They are a sensitive crowd, to be sure. That’s another sign of in experience. Political races require big boy panties.

Squishy123 January 23, 2015 at 9:15 am

I suspect these guys are high school buddies and family members looking for jobs or to highlight their 2015 Christmas letter.

Mike at the Beach January 22, 2015 at 11:19 pm

I don’t have to- even taken in the light most favorable to him (from his own materials) his background is woefully inadequate for a job of this size. Being a “great guy” is only one of about 50 things one has to be or know to run an organization with hundreds of employees and a wide, critical footprint. That leaves this guy about 49 short. Nothing personal, but it’s just not mature to think otherwise. You can’t just “bring in the right folks” as someone said on one of these threads. That’s dangerous as hell, because without the requisite experience and expertise he wouldn’t know what he doesn’t know. Has he ever supervised the creation, care, and feeding of an eight-figure budget? I have, and it sucks. You have to know a little about a lot, and it’s like herding cats. I’m pretty good at it now, but I surely would not have been 25 years ago. Ditto for supervising high level, capable folks in key positions. If you don’t have the right amount of saddle time, you simply can’t be taken seriously by people who do. This is why in the military 23 year-old lieutenants run 30-man platoons (albeit under the watchful eye of an experienced, 35 or 40 year-old platoon sergeant) and the 50 year-old colonels run the 3,000 soldier brigades. Corporate America (generally) grooms their folks likewise. There are good reasons for all of this, which most people get.

You Know My Name January 23, 2015 at 8:52 am

… or just ask Daddy Leon. He’ll tell you how “great” Justin is. He’ll tell you what a great officer disgraced former CPD Chief and current Lott Family member, Randy Scott is. Probably say the same about disgraced former CPD Chief and (current/former ?) Lott family member Ruben Santiago, too.

Whoopie January 22, 2015 at 10:15 pm

A kid who takes his orders from Lott. I’d like to know why he bounced from one job to another. “Barman” gave a great reason why you should not vote for Britt, which is found on another FitsNews thread. Check it out.

John Wilson January 26, 2015 at 8:20 am

So you are gonna vote for corruption with a little leadership training??

County Voter! January 24, 2015 at 8:21 am

If he is connected to the “Lexington Ring” in any way:
James Metts, Timmy James, Bob Peeler, Joe Owens, jason Amodio, Danny Frazier in any way, any way at all! He should never be considered for any position!
The Ring will do ANYTHING AND I MEAN ANYTHING, to control power in Lexington County and will, in the words of Danny Frazier, keep “law enforcement on lock down” in order to continue their illegal activities, immoral activities and corrupt influence in the County!

bj January 24, 2015 at 9:30 am

You answered the question right there Tyndall and James are best friends. They actually had to figure out who would run between the two of them. They girl friend’s are inseparable. Koon is in with all of them expect Owens (who I still think is in this group by mistake and his lawsuit proves that). So who do you vote for?

Pissed off voter January 23, 2015 at 8:16 am

It is not the amount of experience one may have, it is a willingness to learn and surround yourself with the best to carry the department forward in a positive manner. Jay Koon was promoted by Danny Frazier for one thing only and it was not that he was the most experience, it was to fix traffic cases for Danny’s friends.

Tyndall is the very same as Jay Koon. Both have gross intergity issues.

Mike at the Beach January 23, 2015 at 8:24 am

If that’s true, you can bet that hard proof will come out over the next few weeks and that will solve that (not that I think that will happen). Back to my original point, though. Your contention that it’s not about experience is just plainly incorrect. Willing to learn?! Come on, amigo. Go to a job interview in ANY sector or field and say “I’ve never done most of the key aspects of this job, but if you hire me I will figure it out by finding some other, more experienced folks to help me out.” See if they hire you.

Squishy123 January 23, 2015 at 9:13 am

“I want to be Sheriff, if elected I promise to hire the most qualified individuals to teach me how to do the job.”

John wilson January 26, 2015 at 8:18 am

The qualified people are already working there, Britt can handle the job, at least he is not corrupt.

Squishy123 January 22, 2015 at 9:28 pm

Did he text all of his high school buddies for support?

Wendy January 22, 2015 at 10:08 pm

Another reason why I will not cast my vote for the establishments puppet, Jay Koon. Did he ever had a real job with a real police department? USC PD? That’s a joke. Lexington PD? Yep, real crime fighting there. Chasing shoplifters at Wal-Mart. Another joke. I wonder if he stirred his coffee with his silver spoon.

South West Lexington Ledger.

“He has already received the support of an impressive list of diverse county residents that include politicians, old Lexington power brokers and a who’s who of very recognizable area names that includes, but is not limited to Boozers, Harmans, Keislers and Shealys. ‘ ‘He has an uncle and a cousin that are career law enforcement officers and his aunt has served as a Magistrate in Lexington. ‘ “

astrocity January 23, 2015 at 8:57 pm

“I wonder if he stirred his coffee with his silver spoon.” – I don’t know what you are referring to, but if you knew anything about Jay Koon you would know that he didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Duncan Enoch January 26, 2015 at 8:00 am

I agree Jay has never even been to the scene of a real crime.

Terry Wagar January 24, 2015 at 1:44 am

Officer Eric Carlson gave Joan Wagar permission to be a serial killer and permission to poison off relatives for life insurance money’s!

Joan Wagar tries to hide the fact that officer Eric Carlson is a cop and lies about being a poisoner!

Joan Wagar admits to her motive of being a poisoner and admits in her diary to poisoning plasma donors!

Officer Eric Carlson of the Portland police department is calling Joan Wagar by the nickname Mrs. Dash in love letters!

Portland police and local hospitals cover up the poisonings by denying victims toxicology tests and by covering up Joan Wagar’s written confessions she is a poisoner and by covering up victims 911 calls and fakes and pretends to not know what is wrong with poisoned victim!

Sgt Walker of the Portland police outright admits in writing to covering up poisoned victims 911 calls and is outright threatening the poisoned victim for reporting Joan Wagar is a poisoner and reporting her motive being an affair with a Portland cop!

Multnomah county sheriff’s taunt the poisoned victim via email while the Portland police brag on audio deaths threats and threaten the victim in writing!

Portland police officer Eric Carlson and his partners and Joan Wagar made a audio death threat bragging to their debilitated poisoned victim in an attempt to blackmail the victim!

Portland police officer’s Eric Carlson and his partners paid several of their girlfriends with children TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to make their poisoned debilitated victim look like a “bad guy” and are directing the children’s words and actions outside the victims home, and the victim is catching them in the act on video and audio admitting their being paid to make him look like a bad guy and their admitting their going to kill the victim!

Portland police caught on video using TWO BODY DOUBLES, one to impersonate their poisoned victim Terry Wagar, and the other to impersonate Terry Wagar’s daughter Megan Wagar!
Neither of these people are Terry Wagar or Megan wagar, but their both look-a-likes and were deliberately hanging out in front of Terry Wagar’s apartment and the two were kissing!
Terry Wagar is the one bolting out his door with a camcorder to catch the DOUBLES on video before they left!

The Portland police that were paying children to vilify their poisoned victim and paid BODY DOUBLES to impersonate their poisoned victim are caught on video waiting in ambush to murder their poisoned victim outside the victims apartment!

Officer Eric Carlson and his partners in the police department as well as his girlfriend Joan Wagar are caught by the poisoned victim Terry Wagar on video waiting outside Terry Wagar’s apartment to shoot Terry Wagar!

Officer Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar were both hiding by Terry Wagar’s front door and they were armed with guns and recording devices and flashlights, and Terry Wagar is catching their ambush and attempted murder on video!

I already proved Joan Wagar was having an affair with officer Eric Carlson of the Portland police and proved she is a poisoner, and I proved officer Eric Carlson was openly referring to Joan Wagar in love letters by the nickname Mrs. Dash!

Well I also proved via officer Eric Carlson’s nickname he admits to in writing, Doubleclick, and I proved on video the Portland police was framing me using DOUBLES!

Their crimes were open knowledge at East Port Walmart in 2005 and it was Walmart employees there that coined their nicknames, and Joan Wagar and officer Eric Carlson obviously adopted and were using the nicknames!

Several people in the family died during Joan Wagar’s repeated use of poisons, and Joan Wagar was pressuring people she was poisoning to donate plasma!

On March 26th 2007 officer’s Eric Carlson and officer John Ray along with several other female officer’s and their girlfriends committed a early morning break in and raped, photographed, and killed a female child!

These several officer’s/operatives went straight to Clackamas Walmart where they bragged they were framing Joan Wagar’s husband as a pedophile and they needed people there to lie for them and they spent the next three hours bragging about how they use DOUBLES and PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S and bragged they poisoned Joan Wagar’s husbands coffee pot and they used Walmart printers to print flyers giving Joan Wagar’s husband the blame for their crimes and they were having celebration sex with female Walmart employees!

Officer Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar were discussing the female child they murdered while having sex, and one or two Walmart employees walked in on them in the back of the store having sex and the Walmart employees apologized to them and waited for Joan Wagar and officer Eric Carlson to finish their sex by waiting in the break room!

That’s how much power and influence cops have with EVERYONE working at Clackamas Walmart!

Terry Wagar January 24, 2015 at 1:45 am

In 1971 the Multnomah county sheriff’s and their civilian operatives the Dunham family framed a neighbor of the Dunham family as a pedophile by using DOUBLES and PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S and staged crimes of the DOUBLE throwing candy bars to the Dunham family’s children!

It was a sheriff officer that was acting as a photo DOUBLE and he was inside the home of the person their framing and he was tossing out the window candy bars to the children the Dunham family brought there, and the mother of the Dunham family was using a Multnomah county sheriff’s camera with seal of the county sheriff’s on the camera to take PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S of the DOUBLE tossing candy bars to HER OWN CHILDREN!

The county sheriff officer that was acting as a DOUBLE only allowed his hairy arm to be visible for the PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S so he was still in his sheriff’s uniform, and after they got done the Dunham family began celebrating and were openly referring to the person that lived there as a pedophile!

The mother of the Dunham family was grinning and laughing about all this with her children as she stuffed the PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S she took using a Multnomah county sheriff’s camera into an envelope!

After this one of the children not belonging to the Dunham family that witnessed all of this made mention to his mother about this, and that child along with his family became targeted by the Multnomah county sheriff’s and by the Dunham family!

The child that witnessed this crime was only six years old and too young to understand that he witnessed a crime and did not realize these people were framing a neighbor as a bad guy!

The mother of the Dunham family began befriending this child’s mother to gain access to this child, and tricked the childs mother into letting her take the child to the movies with her and her children!

The mother of the Dunham family was taking this six year old child to see very inappropriate movies with sex scenes and nudes scenes, and made the child sit one seat separate from the Dunham family, and at the beginning of the movies a plain clothed county sheriff officer would walk down the isle and get several feet ahead of this child, and would turn around and snap a PHOTOGENIC PHOTO of this child while he is seated and the movie was playing!

The child was subjected to movies from 1971 thru 1972 and had to sit, alone, and watch movies that started out with women on the beach with their tops undone while a dog takes off with the women’s top, and the women runs down the beach chasing after the dog for her top, and slow motion booby bouncing!

The child also had to watch a movie called Basket Case, alone, and each time the child was taken to the movies with the Dunham family he had to sit alone one seat separate from the Dunham’s, and each time a plain clothed officer would walk into the theater and get several feet ahead of the child and he would turn around and snap a PHOTOGENIC PHOTO of the child!

After being taken to the movies in this fashion several times by the Dunham family, the mother of the Dunham family invited the child’s mother to come along with them for the first time!

This time the Dunham’s brought the child and his mother to see a Disney movie with Don Knott’s and Tim Conway, and this time the child’s mom was now in that seat the Dunham family repeatedly insisted needed to stay empty, and as the plain clothed cop entered the theater to take his photogenic photo like he has done so many times by now, the mother of the Dunham family distracted the child’s mother telling her to look over at someone else on the other side of the theater, while the county sheriff officer took a PHOTOGENIC PHOTO!

After the Multnomah county sheriff’s and the Dunham family framed a neighbor as a pedophile they immediately began targeting and framing other neighbors as well, including very small young children!

The child was targeted and being framed because he was a witness, and the Multnomah county sheriff’s and the Dunham family treat framing people like it is a sport and enjoy doing this to people!

Now you know why law enforcement ALWAYS prefers PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S over video, because they can easily make innocent people LOOK guilty using PHOTOGENIC PHOTO’S!

By 1973 the children the Dunham family and the Multnomah county sheriff’s were targeting became poisoned after the Dunham’s found out the child still remembered what happened in 1971!

Terry Wagar January 24, 2015 at 1:46 am

Portland cops officer Eric Carlson and his partner Shannon along with some of their girlfriends with children are caught in attempted murder of Terry Wagar on video!

Officer Eric Carlson and his partners in the Portland police department took over several apartments surrounding Terry Wagar’s apartment and had their girlfriends drop off several children for them to use to frame Terry Wagar as a pedophile!

Officer Eric Carlson and his partner Shannon and a couple of female adults were directing the actions and words of these children in this operation!

They all as a group began hanging out in front of Terry Wagar’s apartment and the officers were coaching and directing the children to ring Terry Wagar’s doorbell!

This went on a couple of times, and Terry Wagar was inside his apartment and could hear officer Eric Carlson and his adult partners directing the children’s actions, knowing he is being framed and suspecting attempted murder on the part of the officer’s, Terry Wagar turned on his camcorder while being inside his apartment to record the harassment he was suffering from this organized group!

Terry Wagar’s camcorder caught the children asking the officer’s how much their getting, and the officer’s answered “TEN GRAND!”and the children said out loud “Why don’t Shawna kill him!” thus admitting at this point it is a murder attempt and for the next hour these officer’s directed these children to stay in front of Terry Wagar’s apartment and directed verbally to the children what to say and what to do!

All the directing the officer’s did with the children consisted with telling the children to make false pedophile accusations and to assault Terry Wagar’s apartment by slapping the window screen and by repeatedly ringing the door bell!

After an hour of this organized harassment and terrorism paid for and run by Portland police, officer Eric Carlson’s partner Shannon spoke up telling the children “Take a break,,,,were done with Terry for now!” and the children started jumping up and down chanting “Terry’s done Terry’s done Terry’s done!”!

The children began playing outside and laughing, and were discussing amongst each other the fact they were being paid to make Terry Wagar look like a bad guy, and admitted Terry Wagar will be shot if he goes outside!

All of this is caught on video and audio by Terry Wagar himself, who already knew he was surrounded by his wife Joan Wagar’s buddy’s/lovers in law enforcement!

Portland cops caught on video and audio trafficking and exploiting children and corrupting minors into murder conspiracy’s!

Two weeks later Terry Wagar caught the officer’s and female adults that paid those children TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to make him look like a bad guy outside his apartment waiting in ambush for Terry Wagar to step outside so the officer’s could ambush and murder Terry Wagar, and Terry Wagar caught this on video as well!

Officer Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar were waiting in ambush by Terry Wagar’s front door, their both armed with guns and recording devices!

Officer Eric Carlson’s partner Shannon is the officer wearing the baseball hat and using a flashlight and is not even hiding his face nor the fact he wants Terry Wagar dead!

Officer Eric Carlson was holding a camcorder and a handgun in his right hand when he revealed he was hiding by Terry Wagar’s doorway, and Joan Wagar is recording with her cellphone in her right hand while hiding her handgun in her left hand inside her shirt she took off!

After my wife Joan Wagar poisoned me and her lover officer Eric Carlson paid several children TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to make me look like a bad guy and after I caught my wife and her lover and his partners on video waiting in ambush to shoot me, I catch Portland cops paying not one, but TWO body doubles to impersonate me in front of my apartment, one impersonating me and the female was impersonating one of my daughters!

9" January 24, 2015 at 4:18 pm

If,Joe Wilson says he gives good service,I believe him.

Scooter January 24, 2015 at 10:17 pm

I would not vote for anyone who has or has had any connection t Lexington County government. They have to be corrupt.

John Stikea January 26, 2015 at 8:11 am

Jay was Danny’s poodle for years, Jay does not have the ability to run a sherrif’s office effectively. He finds a way to fire or get rid of good officers for challenging him, look at the turnover at LPD. All the top investigators were forced out, the remaining ones are miserable, working everyday under jays thumb.


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