“Race-Baiting” Coming Soon To SC House Race

COLUMBIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION AWAITS DETONATION OF “RACE BOMB” By FITSNEWS || On the morning of December 30, 2009, the city of Columbia, S.C. awoke to find racist graffiti spray-painted on its City Hall.  Like most rational people who witnessed this vandalism, we recoiled. In fact we referred to it as “another embarrassing…


By FITSNEWS || On the morning of December 30, 2009, the city of Columbia, S.C. awoke to find racist graffiti spray-painted on its City Hall.  Like most rational people who witnessed this vandalism, we recoiled.

In fact we referred to it as “another embarrassing incident for a city and state that can’t seem to escape reminders of its racist past.”

Well guess what … four-and-a-half years later, FITS uncovered the uncomfortable truth about this incident.  Turns out the racist graffiti – which targeted Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin – was nothing but a campaign trick.

In fact the individual accused of spray-painting the “N” word on City Hall was … wait for it … black.

No arrests were ever made (nor charges filed) related to the incident, which served its purpose for Benjamin … and was promptly forgotten.

So … why do we bring it up again this week?

Well, Democratic sources tell FITS another “race bomb” is about to detonate – this time in the increasingly contentious race for S.C. House District 75.  This race – which pits ethics champion Kirkman Finlay against ethically challenged trial lawyer Joe McCulloch – has already produced a bevy of broadsides.

McCulloch has demonstrated a willingness to say anything in an effort to attack Finlay … who in addition to having a unified GOP base is also receiving support from black leaders thanks to his community outreach efforts.

This black support is what irks McCulloch the most, we’re told … hence the dropping of a rumored “race bomb” in final week of the election.

Sad …

Some find him abrasive, but the bottom line is Finlay is a guy who has spent his own money trying to make life a little easier on needy families within his district.  More to the point, he’s been one of the few elected officials at the S.C. State House with the stones to propose real ethics reform – including income disclosure and the elimination of the S.C. General Assembly’s corrupt self-policing mechanism.

Frankly, he doesn’t deserve this sort of attack … but it’s not surprising given McCulloch’s emptiness in the idea department.


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Alfred E. Sharpton October 29, 2014 at 1:24 pm

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if a liberal used the race card.

John October 29, 2014 at 2:00 pm

Have you met my (dead) friend Lee Atwater? Not exactly a liberal.

The Colonel October 29, 2014 at 3:28 pm

Have you met my (brain dead) friends Jessie, Al and Barack? Exactly liberals.

John October 29, 2014 at 4:14 pm

Well there’s that…

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 29, 2014 at 5:19 pm

Have you met my friend Jesse Helms? Not exactly a liberal.

To allay panic among assorted leftist commenters on this site, TBG feels morally obligated to point out that:

Jesse Helms is still dead.

The Colonel October 29, 2014 at 11:08 pm

No he’s not, he and Elvis has a fish taco stand in Atlantic Beach…

John October 29, 2014 at 2:02 pm

Have you met my friend Karl Rove? Not exactly a liberal.

John October 29, 2014 at 2:02 pm

Have you met my friend Jesse Helms? Not exactly a liberal.

The Colonel October 29, 2014 at 1:45 pm

The Colonel is shocked, SHOCKED to hear that race is used as an issue in political races in South Carolina….

Where have you been Will? I know local school board races are generally below your radar but check out the Richland County School District 2 race. One of the coalitions involved is the aptly named “Richland Two Black Parents Association”. Their total reason for existence is to advocate for blacks to be placed in positions of authority on the board and district office. Nothing about education improvement, nothing about the problems within their own community – just this “…Richland School District Two’s student body is 68% Black? Most of the Administrative staff at the District
Office that makes decisions about our children are WHITE?…”

They make much ado about the Bi-Partisan Committee “..a group backing a slate of three white candidates and one black candidate…” claiming it is the reincarnation of the Citizens Councils from the 50s and 60s. Race baiting galore!

Soft Sigh from Hell October 29, 2014 at 7:42 pm

I do have to laugh a bit at all the white-flighters who moved out there years ago to avoid the–how should I say this?–the more-melanistic.

The Colonel October 29, 2014 at 9:30 pm

We moved out here to get out of the idiotic control of the city council, should have moved to Kershaw county…

Guero October 30, 2014 at 6:22 am

George Shitstorm taught Lee Atwater. He wasn’t the GM at White Peoples R Us Forest Lake CC for nothing.

Robert October 29, 2014 at 1:46 pm

I have known and liked Joe for years, but his campaign reeks of desperation. I live in the district and thought I was voting for Joe, but after the last 4 or 5 weeks of petty games I can’t see it soI will be voting for Mr. Finley.

Guero October 30, 2014 at 6:30 am

So what was it that attracted you to Kirkman?? Was it the 1%er welfare queen persona who has his so he could oppose Medicaid expansion and show his hypocritical side? Or was it the buttboy impression he perfected sucking up to Bobby Harrell?

Just curious too since I’ll wager you have been a consistent Repug voter

NOTFooled October 29, 2014 at 2:04 pm

Too bad Joe McCulloch didn’t pay to influence FitsNews, you are sometimes creative and clever on behalf of the candidates who retain your services. This site has lost all credibility, it’s more like political-fiction.

SC Political Digest October 29, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Denial Much???…LMAO….You, brain-dead racist Piece of $#!t….

When you get bent over, and reamed on Tuesday…it will be especially humorous….and it’s going to hit you upside the head with such force, your teeth will rattle for a week….You ignorant leftwing, bigot F*#k….You deserve it SO MUCH!!!

Guero October 30, 2014 at 6:26 am

Little Bitty Tea Bag is back w/,Billy Folks’ little bitty in his hand. How cute the wingnuts are when they service each other

SC Political Digest October 29, 2014 at 2:37 pm

Wow…another Journalistic BOMBSHELL dropped by FITS. This is up there w/ the danger of Halloween candy allergies, Ervin is an Independent Republican and there are bad people in prisons …

This is bigger than the need for awareness of the danger of wearing too tight underwear.

FITS Woodward-Bernstein, for SURE….LMAO…How much longer before the USC J-School for Liberal Indoctrination and GOP Persecution creates a special award for its prize protege, FITS???? ….You go Boy!!!!!

Republican Follies October 29, 2014 at 3:19 pm

It was about time for one of Fits “Race “articles and here it is.

And ,of course, the “usual suspects” are taking the bait.

Come on the rest of you boys join in on this “big ” story.

This one isn’t up to Fits usual standards though.Where in the NAACP angle?That really gets em going!

Cooter Brown October 29, 2014 at 3:50 pm

Race! Race! Racist! Race Baiting! Race!

What in da hail iz wrong with people?

As long as folks let words “hurt” or “offend” them instead of “sticks” an’ “stones” (like back in my day), thare can bee no honesty in thought, word, or deed, weather in politicks or in human relashuns in general.

Dont ye say it! Dont ye write dat “N” word!

Sheer foolishness!

The Colonel October 29, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Welcome back Cooter!

Cooter Brown October 30, 2014 at 9:44 am

Thank ye!

shifty henry October 29, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Hey! What’s going on here? My GrandDad always told us that Cooter Brown was a distant relative through the Cherokee and may have been half NEGRO…..

Cooter Brown October 30, 2014 at 9:44 am

Musta bin anutha Cooter.

vicupstate October 29, 2014 at 4:28 pm

Yes, your unnamed sources provided ‘proof’ that Benjamin set the whole thing up. A promised follow up story, that never appears.

Native Ink October 29, 2014 at 5:26 pm

You should check out the race baiting in the Charleston County Council race between Anna Johnson and Thomas Legare. A anonymous political action committee that just happens to be based in a commercial real estate office sent out fliers saying Thomas Legare is a racist because he once posted on Facebook supporting Clive Bundy (before Bundy came out with his racist comments).

Of course Anna Johnson is black. She also ran previously as an opponent of the I-526 boondoggle but then flip-flopped and cast the deciding vote to approve it.

Check out the race-baiting flier at

Geek October 29, 2014 at 5:49 pm

Why doesn’t Kirkman list FITSNews on his campaign disclosure forms? Will had to have received tens of thousands of dollars for this kinda over-the-top coverage. And what does that say about Mr. Finlay that he is willing to pay big bucks for favorable coverage on a blog?

Frustrated Voter October 29, 2014 at 8:00 pm

We do not need any more trial lawyers in the legislature.

Guero October 30, 2014 at 6:33 am

Yeah, we need more welfare queen repugs


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