SCAG Employee Suspended After CDV Arrest

By FITSNEWS || An auditor in the securities division of the South Carolina Attorney General’s office has been suspended indefinitely without pay after being arrested this week on criminal domestic violence (CDV) charges. Why is this newsworthy?  The staffer, Michael Haley (no not THAT Michael Haley), participated in his office’s “Silent…

By FITSNEWS || An auditor in the securities division of the South Carolina Attorney General’s office has been suspended indefinitely without pay after being arrested this week on criminal domestic violence (CDV) charges.

Why is this newsworthy?  The staffer, Michael Haley (no not THAT Michael Haley), participated in his office’s “Silent Witness” ceremony earlier this month.

That’s a ceremony held annually to honor victims of domestic violence in South Carolina – which leads the nation in the number of women killed by men.

The issue of CDV has been in the news lately after “Republican” S.C. comptroller general Richard Eckstrom bailed his 38-year-old son, Brad Eckstrom, out of jail earlier this month after he allegedly assaulted his pregnant fiancee.

Eckstrom’s son is hoping to have the arrest expunged from his record via a pre-trial intervention program.  No word yet on whether such a program would be made available to Haley.


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I've got an idea! October 23, 2014 at 4:29 pm

Maybe we should issue a punching bag to each employee/official of government in the hope it relieves their wives of the burden of helping their husbands cope with the stress of public service.

Soft Sigh from Hell October 25, 2014 at 4:37 pm

I thought the AG office stress-relief tradition was with a teenage hooker and sex toys in a car in Elmwood Cemetery at noon.


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