More On SC State House Corruption Probe

INVESTIGATORS SAID TO BE ZEROING IN ON HOUSE BUDGET PANEL By FITSNews  ||  Multiple sources familiar with an ongoing federal investigation into corruption at the S.C. State House tell FITS the main focus of the probe is the S.C. House of Representatives’ powerful budget-writing committee. In fact two members of the…


By FITSNews  ||  Multiple sources familiar with an ongoing federal investigation into corruption at the S.C. State House tell FITS the main focus of the probe is the S.C. House of Representatives’ powerful budget-writing committee.

In fact two members of the influential S.C. House ways and means committee have confirmed being questioned by federal agents in connection with the probe – which was first reported on a week ago by FITS.

Plot. Thickened.

On the advice of counsel – and in accordance with the forcefully stated wishes of an investigator with intimate knowledge of the ongoing probe – FITS is not naming the lawmakers we spoke with, or any of the other rumored targets of the investigation.

At least not yet …

All we can say at this point is the probe is focusing on two main areas – misuse of campaign funds and abusing one’s public office for personal gain.  “Numerous” lawmakers are said to have been ensnared on the campaign finance side of the probe, while the abuse of power allegations are said to be more tightly confined to the House’s top budget writers.

Twenty-five lawmakers currently sit on the ways and means panel – the entity responsible for preparing the first legislative draft of the state’s annual spending plan.  All of the members were appointed by S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell – who suspended himself from office earlier this month after being indicted by a county grand jury on nine public corruption charges.

 S.C. ways and means chairman Brian White – a liberal “Republican” from Anderson, S.C. – had some campaign finance issues which were glossed over in 2011 by the same corrupt legislative “ethics” panel that whitewashed Gov. Nikki Haley‘s corruption case in 2012.

Is he among the targets of this investigation?

Stay tuned …

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Guest September 22, 2014 at 4:52 pm

When is Haley going to be indicted by income tax evasion? Did not her purchase of an expensive home, vehicles, etc., with virtually no income (losing biznazz ventures from the First “Man”) raise red flags at the IRS? Wait, if she’s indicted next year Henry Mac will be gubner. OK, I can wait.

WW September 22, 2014 at 5:35 pm

The House and Senate Ethics panels, are themselves UNETHICAL!!!
The foxes guard the hen houses!
Term Limits
Recall Elections
The people need their Government back and the people (taxpayers) need control.
Start with our unethical Governor Haley, a true disaster!

nitrat September 22, 2014 at 8:21 pm

I would rather see Glenn McConnell governor.
Henry McMaster is Rick Perry, more stupid and a bigger grandstander.

Power Master September 22, 2014 at 9:00 pm

At least McConnell knows how to work the levers of power. He’s a proven factor in that respect.

Damn a Governor who doesn’t understand how to make shit happen, and it begins with appointing people who are capable of their appointments.

SC Political Digest September 23, 2014 at 7:31 am

Look what Obama has done to the country..and your successor wannbe is Hillary “What difference does it make” Clinton……It SUCKS to be you Dumb@$$…especially when you see that Texas is most prosperous, despite a miserable Obama-conomy.
Who shepherded Texas into first???…

Sailor September 23, 2014 at 11:53 am

So are you endorsing Rick Perry?

SC Political Digest September 23, 2014 at 1:10 pm

I will endorse ANY Republican (who is really a Republican) who gets the nomination. Our country CANNOT suffer anymore HORRIBLE leadership. And you’re a Stupid, anti-American SOB, if you don’t vote as I vote. And you need your @$$ kicked if you don’t vote like I vote…for what you’ve already done, and for not waking up.

PS: I like Ben Carson too. I think he is such an outsider (and politically clean) and he thwarts any sympathy minority edge Hillary or Cory Booker has. His integrity is unquestionable, at a time when all integrity has been STRIPPED from the office. He could bring it back.

euwe max September 23, 2014 at 5:21 pm

I will endorse ANY Republican (who is really a Republican) who gets the nomination.

so, basically no one.

Soft Sigh from Hell September 22, 2014 at 4:55 pm

Oh, Lord, let it be.
Smite them, smite them mightily, we beseech You.

euwe max September 23, 2014 at 8:47 am

Leave not a stain… a spot.. a smudge of their passing behind as a testament to their depravity dear Lord… decrease the dimensions of hell for them, intensify their agony and lengthen time… let infinity be folded and compounded for their sake… for their depravity and for the innocents they have betrayed… have used so despicably.. have broken for trifling entertainment…. for the oxen they have approached unnaturally…

Let their torments always be as the whispering wind in our ears, the comforting sound, proof of your undying love for us, and unrelenting punishment for them… so that we may know we are truly the Sons of the Most High.

Native Ink September 22, 2014 at 5:02 pm

Here are the committee members:

White, W. Brian, Chairman
Limehouse, Harry B. “Chip”, III, 1st V.C.
Pitts, Michael A., 2nd V.C.
Smith, J. Roland, 3rd V.C.
Allison, Merita A. “Rita”
Anthony, Michael A. “Mike”
Bales, Jimmy C.
Barfield, Liston D.
Bingham, Kenneth A. “Kenny”
Clyburn, William “Bill”
Cobb-Hunter, Gilda
Edge, Tracy R.
Hayes, Jackie E. “Coach”
Herbkersman, William G. “Bill”
Hosey, Lonnie
Huggins, Chip
Loftis, Dwight A.
Merrill, James H.
Neal, Joseph H. “Joe”
Simrill, J. Gary
Skelton, B. R.
Smith, G. Murrell, Jr.
Smith, Garry R.
Stavrinakis, Leonidas E. “Leon”
Whitmire, William R. “Bill”

A Little Birdie September 23, 2014 at 3:36 am

Slimehouse and Snobb = In The Web

Yawsa September 23, 2014 at 4:11 am

It’ll be the white people who get slammed. The darkies get their left-over, day-old corn bread and cole slaw. I hope Merrill is nailed.

SC Political Digest September 22, 2014 at 5:25 pm

Anyone picture Holder, FITS and Boz – all super-liberal sleuths – creeping around the Statehouse, Speedo-clad, with magnifying glasses, looking for Republicans spending money, like the government says they can’t…Look-out Holderman and Erlichman… (: …You’ve met your match…LMAO…

FITS, if campaign finance is all you Dull Bast@*d$ can manufacture, it shows you have nothing, but leftwing hate for non-liberals…

And when you look at the mess you’ve made of this country, most people would rather have an elected official buying a computer for his office w/ campaign funds, than put your Corrupt and Dangerous @$$#$ in office.

Buz Martin September 22, 2014 at 6:44 pm

You are one sick motherfucker with this whole Speedo fixation, man.

9" September 22, 2014 at 6:50 pm

He’s even sicker than me.He paints a picture too ugly to imagine…

Buz Martin September 22, 2014 at 7:02 pm

It’s gonna give me bad dreams tonight, so I hear ya.

SC Political Digest September 23, 2014 at 6:44 am

Many people fit a category. You certainly do.

I’m hated because I can read ’em, and I say what I know. Most of you, like FITS, just say what everybody else wants to be true, and you say it. You’re wrong a lot. I’m not.

Buz Martin September 24, 2014 at 8:45 am

You’re wrong 3 times before you even get out of bed each morning. And you’re not hated because you “can read ’em.” You’re hated because you’re an obnoxious dillhole.

SC Political Digest September 24, 2014 at 9:36 am

I’m only hated by leftists, and the idiots in the middle who are used by them, because you want to show how “open-minded” you are (in their eyes.)

PS: MB cops to undergo Obama-sponsored racial diversity training….I bet you are on your knees w/ service to chief over that. That’s just the kind of ‘solution’ you, FITS and your ilk, render; is it not?

Centrist View September 22, 2014 at 5:30 pm

How will this be timed with the election cycle, with a Democratic Justice Dept. looking at mostly GOP politicians a few weeks prior to the Nov. 4 election?

Native Ink September 22, 2014 at 5:44 pm

Nice theory except that none of these politicians are in danger of losing in November. Even Harrell will be re-elected.

I'll Believe It When I See It September 22, 2014 at 5:55 pm

If there are not federal charges and arrest from all of this “probing” within the next few months, then the citizens of South Carolina will know for certain that there are really big players in all of this corruption and lawlessness that has been running wild in the statehouse. House Speaker Harrell is getting off too lite, as it currently stands.

SC Political Digest September 22, 2014 at 6:44 pm

How many has Boz gotten arrested in Myrtle Beach after all of his years of “exposing” all of the corruption only he and FITS see?

What happened to the proof, after FITS’ Hard Drive went limp???…Set yourself up if you want…but don’t bank on FITS’ “investigator with intimate knowledge of the ongoing probe” coming up with anything.

Remember: This is the source that told us USC would have to vacate CWS wins. Only liberals w/ convenient amnesia would buy this crap at this point…

Buz Martin September 22, 2014 at 6:42 pm

Way to name somebody without naming anybody, Will.

SC Political Digest September 22, 2014 at 6:45 pm

What does it matter? You’ll hang on every word as if it were Das Kapital to you, because you SO WANT to believe those you hate are what the liberals tell you they are…

Buz Martin September 22, 2014 at 7:01 pm

Oddly enough, in the real world, liberals are not the only ones who see the SC State House as hopelessly corrupt. Harrell has NO support down here among those in the Tea Party and other right-wing groups. That is not my opinion, that comes from their statements on many different forums, blogs and FB groups. It’s just the truth. Something that is entirely foreign to you.

SC Political Digest September 22, 2014 at 7:21 pm

Harrell????? You and your super-sleuth Speedo-crony are BREAKING the HARRELL story? LMAO… (: …That’s the name you are protecting???..LMAO….You are about as original as I accuse you of being…Hahahaha…2 TRUE geniuses you are, for sure…(:…

Hey: You think they’ll get Mason for the Tate murders???? -LMAO -..if anyone would know, it’s you… (: …

Buz Martin September 22, 2014 at 7:36 pm

Perry Mason killed Sharon Tate? Who knew?

Idjit. Harrell is known to be someone being investigated, so he is just a touchstone. Point is, AS STATED, it is not only “liberals” who see the corruption in South Carolina. Liberals are a part of it, too, but not all of it. Neither are conservitives or moderates all of it. It is widespread, deep, all-pervasive, non-partisan and non-ideological. A fact you work hard to obscure, but nobody buys your version of the truth, except for a handful of other pathetic sociopaths like Sandi and … um … Sandi’s sock-puppets.

Native Ink September 22, 2014 at 8:07 pm

I don’t know, dude. I think Grand Tango might have been called Mason when he lived in L.A. circa 1969.

euwe max September 23, 2014 at 8:43 am

You mean “Manson?”

Smirks September 23, 2014 at 6:11 am

except for a handful of other pathetic sociopaths like Sandi and … um … Sandi’s sock-puppets.

Sandi “people” ride in single file to hide their numbers.

SC Political Digest September 23, 2014 at 6:42 am

The Paranoid Speedo.

Corruption is “It is widespread, deep, all-pervasive, non-partisan and non-ideological.”

Everybody is guilty, but Boz, FITS, Obama, Ravenel and Sheheen. And only Boz knows it…LMAO…You need to get a job at the CIA. They need a pure-omniscient.

9" September 23, 2014 at 9:14 pm

So,THIS is GT? I’ve been looking for your hot ass,boy.Gotta stick of butter that’s wanting to melt.You ready? Bite the pillow,and whimper.

Buz Martin September 22, 2014 at 9:31 pm

Tried to read Das Kapital once. It put me to sleep. I got the Cliff Notes version. It’s a snooze-fest, too. But I got the gist of it, and I reject it.

I HATE damned few of these people, actually. I don’t like Obama being POTUS, but I don’t hate him. Shit, I don’t even hate Nikki Haley or Tom Rice. I just want them gone from public life. Just as I do Obama — who, btw, I started warning people about in 2009.

Why is this a difficult concept for you?

Smirks September 23, 2014 at 6:13 am

Why is this a difficult concept for you?

This is GrandTango we’re talking about here, everything is a difficult concept for him.

Scooter September 22, 2014 at 9:56 pm

Sick, Sick, Sick

nitrat September 22, 2014 at 8:15 pm

I would think that Trikki Nikki’s activities with Wilbur Smith and LMCF while she was in the House would fall in the “abusing one’s public office for personal gain” category.

Just another guy September 22, 2014 at 8:27 pm

Would it not be considered Tax Evasion for taking money from your campaign account and not pay taxes on it? Also, by going by what Senator Ford said as he was getting the boot, “They all do it” I hope Ford rolls and turns all those bastards in.

Thomas September 22, 2014 at 8:49 pm

In SC, there is no statute of limitations when a crime can be investigated. To be fair, there is a limit on how long an investigation can last…three years. Once an investigation begins, an arrest must be made before the end of three years.

Btw, Michelle is still a Tranny and Obama is not legally married to him. Where are the Feds on this? In this recent photo of Michael/Michelle, the ring finger is longer than the index finger. This is an exclusive male characteristic. Wow, what an ugly thing. Look how age is destroying all those hormone therapies.

Area 51 September 23, 2014 at 3:39 am

Murder investigations have been left open for decades – stay open until solved. Bank robbery investigations, same. Many others, same.
Check you law.

Scooter September 22, 2014 at 10:00 pm

You know that if all of these accusations and innuendoes came from someone other than Will, I might think that there might be a grain of truth to it. But after having followed this idiot, for awhile, I can tell you that he lies and is lower than whale chit.

Discovery September 23, 2014 at 3:33 am

Prove it.

Halfvast Conspirator September 23, 2014 at 9:16 am

Scooter is stung because his boy Bobby got indicted and ejected

Ha Ha! September 23, 2014 at 12:16 pm

Welcome back Scooter! We all missed you on the indictment article. What happened? Where you out boating?

CNSYD September 22, 2014 at 10:31 pm

I assume that the counsel who “advised” Sic Willie to not name names is the same one who advised him to not publish his “book” and to deep six his story recently about the T-Rav ad. What did he advise Sic Willie to do about his Watkins family vacation story and the Wingo SAT accusations. Those stories seem to have disappeared also.

Smirks September 23, 2014 at 6:20 am

I see nothing! I know nothing!

euwe max September 23, 2014 at 8:42 am

I hunted on google maps and hotel views to see if I could find the site where the pictures were taken.

ScrewedNSC September 23, 2014 at 4:15 am

Wire fraud easier to prove. Maybe FITS is being investigated for this one too. LOL

Smirks September 23, 2014 at 5:59 am

All we can say at this point is the probe is focusing on two main areas – misuse of campaign funds and abusing one’s public office for personal gain.

They’re going to bust 90%+ of the legislature?

euwe max September 23, 2014 at 8:41 am

who are the other 10%?

are they ghost workers?

Philip Branton September 23, 2014 at 11:02 am

LOL….LOL…….so Mr. Folks is not naming names..? Classic example of media “sock puppetry” tactics 101…!! (It is right before …November elections)

Well, as an illustration, when one reads and watches the video in this article, what is not being TOLD..? WHO is not being named…?

Why would there be a JUDGE and Court inside a National Park ( Geo-thermal Energy Source)…? How would the names be known..? Wil does mention in this article that the appointees were Harrell picks..Right..?

This article is classic by Mr. Folks. He writes with a sock on his keyboard hand so that he can say that he never touched a keyboard…!!

Geez…..does he stop to consider how this article could be used in class action lawsuit because he failed to name ….NAMES? How much time will pass before action is taken..? How much will this time cost taxpayers in corruptive financial abuse..?

Heck, does Wil or SMIRKS or Grand Tango not understand how this type of information can be used against the Post and Courier and its PENSION Investments alone..?

LOL…..”…In fact two members of the influential S.C. House ways and means committee have confirmed being questioned by federal agents in connection with the probe – which was first reported on a week ago by FITS…..”

Just think how only ONE player named Ray Rice was videoed in a Domestic Abuse Action …BUT…the entire NFL organization, sponsorship and advertising “team” is on trial for SLAVERY to Fossil Oil that our troops are bombing Syria over this very day…!?

ESPN does not talk about Slavery to OIL and neither does Fitsnews or the Post and Courier or our State Legislators…!!

Classic media brainwashing……..classic Psyops media tactics 101…..

You Think U Know, But U Do Not September 23, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Its because he does NOT know the names. And that’s a fact. Seen enough of him to know when he is full of it, and when he is not.


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