Vincent Sheheen Ad Hits Nikki Haley Again On Data Breach

SECOND TELEVISION SPOT SLAMS “REPUBLICAN” GOVERNOR FOR #SCHACKED SCANDAL S.C. Sen. Vincent Sheheen‘s gubernatorial campaign has launched a second television advertisement slamming incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley for her administration’s #SCHacked debacle. Guess they’ve found an issue that’s moving public opinion … Last month, Sheheen’s campaign released “Protect” – a thirty-second…


S.C. Sen. Vincent Sheheen‘s gubernatorial campaign has launched a second television advertisement slamming incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley for her administration’s #SCHacked debacle.

Guess they’ve found an issue that’s moving public opinion …

Last month, Sheheen’s campaign released “Protect” – a thirty-second television spot featuring a suburban couple lamenting Haley’s botched response to the 2012 theft of 3.8 million Social Security numbers, nearly 400,000 credit and debit card numbers and tax info for as many as 650,000 businesses from the S.C. Department of Revenue (SCDOR).

The governor initially claimed “there wasn’t anything where anyone in state government could have done anything” to stop the breach – and that the Palmetto State used “industry standard” data security methods to protect this sensitive information.  Both of those claims turned out to be completely false.

Sheheen’s latest spot – entitled “Responsibility” – features a small businessman named Dan Cox criticizing Haley’s handling of the breach.

“I think government should run like a business and be accountable,” Cox says in the spot. “Like when criminals hacked into Target and stole millions of credit card numbers, their CEO stepped down.”

Here’s the spot …

(Click to play)

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Dave Chappelle September 5, 2014 at 10:31 am

“I think government should run like a business and be accountable,” Cox says in the spot.”

Well then, we might just need to figure out a way to run the government without politicians. I’m pretty sure when the majority puts their flavor of politician in office (D, R), accountability somehow seems to always disappear.

Yes, I am skeptical. How couldn’t I be skeptical?

Smirks September 5, 2014 at 10:31 am

Expecting Haley to step down for covering shit up because a Target CEO did is like expecting Mark Sanford to step down for his affair because he told Bill Clinton to.

Dave Chappelle September 5, 2014 at 10:32 am

Well played, sir.

Jamie Crater September 6, 2014 at 9:20 am

Change your name to “Smutz”!

Manray September 5, 2014 at 11:17 am

Haley should be attacked on the data breach. The DOR works for her. It was gross incompetence and she should be held accountable.

mark September 5, 2014 at 11:45 am

Nikki just doesn’t understand that she’s just not capable of the job. Just the fact that she supposedly graduated Clemson with an accounting degree and never became a CPA spoke volumes.

CorruptionInColumbia September 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm

Who cares that she is not capable of doing the job? She’s making shitloads of money at every turn since becoming SC Governor. That’s what it’s all about (apparently).

Tired and retired September 5, 2014 at 1:13 pm

Haley ad exploits a teen age girl who threatened suicide by putting her and her mother on TV to announce “Governor Haley has my back!” Ervin ad portrays a very creepy funeral which the multimillionaire trial lawyer popped a few bucks for.

Unless the Democrat comes up with an ad that is equally tacky or creepy, he is going to get my vote.

E Norma Scok September 5, 2014 at 1:30 pm

At least that proves the Democrat hired the right ad agency.

I guess thats one way to judge a politician.

tired and retired September 5, 2014 at 1:36 pm

That is the only way that a lot of us have to judge the candidates. It is regrettable I am sure, but all most of us know is what we hear from the print news and electronic media. I do think a sensible politician [is that an oxymoron?] should at least know the difference between an ad that is informative and an ad that is tacky or creepy.

idcydm September 5, 2014 at 2:11 pm

” It is regrettable I am sure, but all most of us know is what we hear from the print news and electronic media.”…yes it is regrettable because all political adds are biased even the ones you think are informative.

tired and retired September 5, 2014 at 5:35 pm

Good point. I would not expect political ads to be “biased against the candidate” who is paying for the ad. I do think, however, that it might be nice if the ads dealt with matters that actually involve the duties of a sitting governor. Is Governor Haley going to offer body guards for bullied students? Would Governor Ervin propose that South Carolina taxpayers foot the bills for veterans’ funerals? Both ads seem to say “Vote for me, because I am a good person.” I would rather the ads stick to real issues and tell us the candidates’ position with regard to those issues.

idcydm September 5, 2014 at 11:25 pm

What you want you will never get. If you want the candidates position you listen to the candidates words, not “…the sound bites…” or ,,,paraphrasing… in adds but the entire contents of what is said or written.

The Colonel September 5, 2014 at 1:41 pm

“…Vincent Sheheen Ad Hits Nikki Haley Again On Data Breach…” and he’s still lying about it. Haley didn’t hide anything for “weeks” as the ad claims, she was advised by SLED to not release any details and she followed their advice – as she should have.
Tell the whole story Vince – one of the reasons the breach occured was because you ambulance chasers in the State House hadn’t bothered to author any legislation requiring or authorizing state agencies to improve their systems or software – the one law you’ve passed (DSS) you’ve allowed to sit in limbo for several years.

idcydm September 5, 2014 at 2:15 pm

As you’ve pointed out political adds are geared to the low information voters.

Saluda Rapids September 5, 2014 at 4:32 pm

True. That is why we have people like Haley and Sanford in the first place. Our state is home to the low information voter.

idcydm September 5, 2014 at 10:06 pm

That’s also why we have Obama.

The Colonel September 5, 2014 at 10:26 pm

I’ve contemplated the whole Harry Reid thing a few times, can’t figure out how the hell he gets re-elected time after time.

CorruptionInColumbia September 6, 2014 at 8:17 am

People there fall into the “seniority” trap. “He’s been in office forever and has seniority and clout. He can do wondrous things for our state and us if we keep him there.”

That is a piss poor reason for keeping any politician in office and another reason we need term limits.

Jamie Crater September 5, 2014 at 3:24 pm

Don’t you dare tell the truth Buddy!

FatMan&Robin September 5, 2014 at 1:42 pm

“features a small businessman named Dan Cox criticizing Haley’s handling of the breach.”

Um, that guy isn’t a “small” businessman at all, looks like he ate a dump truck before that commercial shoot.

ReElect Nikki September 5, 2014 at 3:43 pm

Hey the Dems have this guy and you Republicans have Chris Christie!

Jamie Crater September 6, 2014 at 4:13 pm

No,no! The Dems have Reid,Pelosi and Obama!

CorruptionInColumbia September 5, 2014 at 7:33 pm

I thought it was Jean Toal during that “water retention” time of the month.

MeanJean September 6, 2014 at 10:09 am

Close, but his ears don’t look enough like worn out vaginas.

bqueen September 5, 2014 at 2:06 pm

A disingenuous ad by a very dull and unimaginative campaign.

ReElect Nikki September 5, 2014 at 3:42 pm

Yeh one thing Nikki’s got Is


Tired and Retired September 5, 2014 at 4:38 pm

It must be in someone’s imagination that “she [the Gov] has got my [the bullied teenager’s] back”. What the Gov going to do the next time the poor girl is bullied at school? Send in the National Guard?

bqueen September 5, 2014 at 5:23 pm

I don’t disagree with any of what you said. :) Not a Nikki Fan. But Vincent’s campaign is pathetic. Needs some political miracle worker at this point he’s blown it so bad. Where is Dick Harpootlian when you need him?

The Colonel September 5, 2014 at 6:29 pm

“…Where is Dick Harpootlian when you need him?…”I’m sure I don’t want to know but I’d bet it involves other criminals, hookers, liquor or gambling. Probably all four.

The Colonel September 5, 2014 at 6:26 pm

Compared to Gilligan, she’s freaking Alexander Graham Bell…

idcydm September 5, 2014 at 2:35 pm

Imagine that, a democrat complaining about a republican not being held accountable and transparent.

idcydm September 5, 2014 at 2:35 pm

Imagine that, a democrat complaining about a republican not being held accountable and transparent.

Something smells September 5, 2014 at 4:59 pm

An issue I would like to hear discussed by the candidates is why Governor Haley chose to appoint Mike Campbell, a politician with no known workers’ compensation education, training, or experience, to be a workers’ compensation commissioner, an administrative law judge who awards compensation and medical benefits to injured workers.

Why haven’t you heard either Ervin or Sheheen say anything about this appointment? Could it be that both are trial lawyers who depend on good relationships with the Workers’ Compensation Commissioners to receive liberal awards for their clients?

bqueen September 5, 2014 at 5:24 pm

Ding Ding.

Harry September 5, 2014 at 6:19 pm

Haley will not be reelected. ..too much shit has come out.

Jamie Crater September 6, 2014 at 9:20 am

Obamacare had a Data Breach in July that we are just now hearing of. The US Justice Department has had numerous Data Breaches a that are coming to light in the IRS Investigation. Wow what news!

Jamie Crater September 6, 2014 at 10:20 am

Just the Facts:


Black Unemployment Hits 11.4%…

Record Number of Foreign-Born Hold Jobs in USA…

author-image by Thomas SowellEmail | Archive

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution in Stanford, Calif. He is the author of 28 books, including “Dismantling America” and “Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy.”More ?

When I first saw a book with the title, “White Girl Bleed A Lot” by Colin Flaherty, I instantly knew what it was about, even though I had not seen the book reviewed anywhere, and knew nothing about the author.

That is because I had encountered that phrase before, while doing research for the four new chapters on intellectuals and race that I added to the revised edition of my own book, “Intellectuals and Society,” published this year.

That phrase was spoken by a member of a mob of young blacks who attacked whites at random at a Fourth of July celebration in Milwaukee last year. What I was appalled to learn, in the course of my research, was that such race riots have occurred in other cities across the United States in recent years – and that the national mainstream media usually ignore these riots.

Where the violence is too widespread and too widely known locally to be ignored, both the local media and public officials often describe what happened as unspecified “young people” attacking unspecified victims for unspecified reasons. But videos of the attacks often reveal both the racial nature of these attacks and the racial hostility expressed by the attackers.

Are race riots not news?

Ignoring racial violence only guarantees that it will get worse. The Chicago Tribune has publicly rationalized its filtering out of any racial identification of attackers and their victims, even though the media do not hesitate to mention race when decrying statistical disparities in arrest or imprisonment rates.

Such mob attacks have become so frequent in Chicago that officials promoting conventions there have recently complained to the mayor that the city is going to lose business if such widespread violence is not brought under control.

But neither these officials nor the mayor nor most of the media use that four-letter word, “race.” It would not be politically correct or politically convenient in an election year.

Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities across America.

Flaherty’s previous writings have won him praise and awards, but this book has been met largely with silence or abuse. However much ignoring the ugly realities his book reveal may serve the interests of the media or politicians, a cover-up is a huge disservice to everyone else – whether black, white or whatever.

Even the young hoodlums who launch these mass attacks on strangers would be better off to be stopped now, rather than continue on a path of escalating violence that can lead to a lifetime behind bars or to the execution chamber.

The dangers to the nation as a whole are an even bigger problem. The truth has a way of eventually coming out, in spite of media silence and politicians’ spin. If the truth becomes widely known, and a white backlash follows, turning one-way race riots into two-way race riots, then a cycle of revenge and counter-revenge can spiral out of control, as has already happened in too many other countries around the world.

Most blacks and most whites in the United States today get along with each other. But what is chilling is how often in history racial or ethnic groups that co-existed peacefully for generations – often as neighbors – have suddenly turned on each other with lethal violence.

In the middle of the 20th century, Sri Lanka had a level of mutual respect and even friendship between its majority and minority communities that was rightly held up to the world as a model. Yet this situation degenerated over the years into polarization and violence that escalated into a civil war that lasted for decades, with unspeakable atrocities on both sides.

All it took were clever demagogues and gullible followers. We already have both. What it will take to nip in the bud the small but widely spreading race riots will be some serious leadership in many quarters and that rarest of all things in politics, honesty.

Race hustlers and mob inciters like Al Sharpton represent such polarizing forces in America today. Yet Sharpton has become a White House adviser, and Attorney General Eric Holder has been photographed literally embracing him.

Saturday night flash mob takes over Jacksonville Walmart

By Dan Scanlan

A huge Saturday night house party broken up by police in a North Jacksonville subdivision ended with one man shot in the leg as he and hundreds of other partygoers fled the officers’ arrival.

But the party didn’t stop at the home in the 12000 block of Sampson Road, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Hundreds of its teenage partyers ignited a flash mob about 90 minutes later at the Walmart Supercenter at 12100 Lem Turner Road. They took over the produce section and caused havoc that was recorded and posted on YouTube.


Wisconsin police searching for Radcliffe Franklin Haughton, who shot seven peopole at Azana Salon & Spa(Black Male)

Posted in October 21st, 2012

by Cee L R in crime, criminal, Domestic Dispute, News

Police in Wisconsin are searching for a 45-year-old man who walked into a spa in a suburban Milwaukee mall and shot at least seven people.

Authorities said Radcliffe Haughton was searching for his estranged wife, who works as a stylist at the Brookfield day spa.

Lifelong Horseman September 6, 2014 at 12:19 pm

I wish that Nikki would incorporate her parents in her campaign travels. I see Sheheen has his Mom and dad out on the campaign trail. It would really help Nikki to get Mom and Dad out with her. You know, the family thing. C’mon Governor!

Jamie Crater September 6, 2014 at 4:14 pm

Wonder when Vince is going to play the DNC shot with the crowd booing the name of God?

Jamie Crater September 6, 2014 at 4:19 pm

The IRS has lost 5 more emails from folks involved in the scandal! Do you have them Vince?

ELCID September 8, 2014 at 8:05 pm

Sheheen has a complete idiot running his campaign as a manager.
All he does is talk about “Hacker Gate.” Something Haley might easily be excused for not being directly her fault. While at the same time Sheheen completely ignores the massive number of real mistakes Haley has made, i.e., Charleston harbor sell out to Savannah for campaign donations, Darla Moore kicked off USC Board of trustees for a campaign donor’s purchase of her seat, Amazon location in Lexington County she tried to stop with a bogus sell out to Walmart, numerous fools put into place to run SC’s various Departments: Highway, DHEC, etc., etc., etc., fixed ethics investigations less than 3 months after getting into office, bribes from Lexington Hospital and various contractors, illegal campaigning on the State House Floor, complaints from the State House’s Women’s caucus about Haley’s sexual exploits, the fact that her only job prior to elected office was running a clothing store for Strippers in Lexington County.



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