Finally … Somebody Gets It

NATIONAL PRESS ZEROES IN ON NIKKI HALEY’S ECONOMY …  For months, this website has relentlessly documented how South Carolina’s “economic miracle” – the one touted ad nauseam  by our state’s “Jobs Governor” Nikki Haley – is pure fiction. Unlike the mainstream press we’ve been tracking the Palmetto State’s labor participation…


For months, this website has relentlessly documented how South Carolina’s “economic miracle” – the one touted ad nauseam  by our state’s “Jobs Governor” Nikki Haley – is pure fiction.

Unlike the mainstream press we’ve been tracking the Palmetto State’s labor participation rate – which has plummeted to an all-time low of 57.9 percent (more than five points below the God-awful national rate) – explaining how South Carolina’s shrinking unemployment rate is “almost exclusively the result of a stagnant workforce that isn’t expanding along with the state’s growing population.”

We finally got some company this week when The New York Times – which typically occupies the opposite end of the ideological spectrum as we do – showcased South Carolina in a story exposing the lack of yeast in our “recovery.”

“South Carolina’s unemployment rate dropped to 5.3 percent in April, lower than in December 2007, when it stood at 5.5 percent on the eve of the Great Recession,” the Times  reported. “The share of South Carolina adults with jobs, however, has barely rebounded.”

The Times is measuring “employment-to-population” – not labor participation – but the gist is pretty much the same. Only five states fare worse than South Carolina in this particular measurement of economic vitality, while only three states have lower labor participation rates.

Oh, and let’s not get into how much money citizens make – or don’t make – in the Palmetto State. We’re scraping the bottom of the barrel in that category, too.


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GrandTango June 17, 2014 at 5:42 pm

FITS and NYT on the same page…LMAO…

You F*#king Idiot. They think she could be a national player (I don’t think she is)…and the liberals are scared to death of a female, non-European (discrimination story) Republicans ascending…


tomstickler June 17, 2014 at 6:16 pm

We’re all waiting for the Haley/Jindal ticket in November 2016.

GrandTango June 17, 2014 at 6:25 pm

Bigot Much?

You Miserable Shit, Get A Job! June 17, 2014 at 8:23 pm

You just “Much” all day, huh?

Smirks June 17, 2014 at 8:23 pm

How is he a bigot? He’s just proposing a President/VP ticket with two shitty Republican governors on it.

Manray June 17, 2014 at 11:15 pm

Probably a Jindal/Haley ticket. Then they could challenge Alf Landon for the worst ass-kicking taken by a Republican ticket ever.

Yay! June 18, 2014 at 9:20 am

Free Slurpees for everyone!

euwe max June 17, 2014 at 6:26 pm

liberals are scared to death of a female

Like Hillary? I can see that liberal Boner, RINO Limbaugh, Mormon Beck and Romney, and that liberal nigger loving Christie… hiding behind brick fortresses… with their piles of frying pans, washing machines, and baby strollers in circled wagon train formations.

Smirks June 17, 2014 at 8:36 pm

On the bright side, Hillary does get the more humorous trolls: Iron my shirt! Iron my shirt! Iron my shirt!

Deo Vindice SC June 18, 2014 at 10:11 pm

Vote R and shut up faggott.

euwe max June 17, 2014 at 6:19 pm

The share of South Carolina adults with jobs, however, has barely rebounded.

Sounds like they’re claiming jobs has rebounded.

Disgusting June 18, 2014 at 8:50 am

Two things stand out to me on your link(and thank you!):


“The blitz of announcements came one after another Monday. Haley and S.C. Commerce Secretary Bobby Hitt said they couldn’t recall a day when more new jobs were announced in South Carolina.”

ANNOUNCED?! The track record for SC commerce on actual versus announced is not good at all….


“Lassiter said the state was hamstrung in pursuing Giti by the fact that it doesn’t have a so-called “closing fund” like the one South Carolina used for the $37.8 million it is spending on the tire factory site.”

$37.8 million of taxpayer money to bribe an Asian company to come here….the moral bankruptcy is astounding….

All that has to be done is to strip out state payroll taxes, the UI fund, & property taxes and you’d get a flood of companies scrambling to set up shop in SC….

Instead we have corrupt bureaucrats & pols playing “let’s make a deal” with taxpayer money and hoping that the taxpayer comes out ok in the end(long after they are gone for the most part). Disgusting.

Even further, what’s to stop Giti from doing the same thing again with the incentives dry up?

“North Carolina, like most states, gives incentives only on the projected new employees, he said. Since they are new to South Carolina, they can get incentives there based on both their current and projected new employees.”


jimlewisowb June 17, 2014 at 7:22 pm

In the next few months the Governor is going to move the Headquarters of DOT to Jasper County – her press release will read

Tireless efforts on behalf of the great Governor of the State of South Carolina has resulted in over 5,000 jobs being located in one of the fastest growing counties in the State

That’s how you win an election

Smirks June 18, 2014 at 8:17 am

Oh, I get it. We’re getting so many tire manufacturers because we let our roads go to shit. Makes it more convenient when a pothole on I-95 destroys your tire, they’re making your replacement one just down the road!

Manray June 17, 2014 at 11:12 pm

It doesn’t matter. She’s the Republican and will be re-elected. Nothing here will change. All the sheep say “baaa…”

Deo Vindice SC June 18, 2014 at 10:10 pm

Your point is made, Republicon ALL the way.

Manray June 17, 2014 at 11:17 pm

Yeah, “finally…somebody gets it.” Just not the voters of SC.

Roberto June 18, 2014 at 7:59 am

If they get it, have the done the same analysis on a national level?

Friend of Yancey June 18, 2014 at 9:46 am

There are a lot of people I would wish this kind of turmoil on and its consequent embarrassment, though only temporary. Having known Yancey since our late teens/early twenties, he isn’t one of them.

Yancey is a better man than I in steady temperance and calm demeanor. I’m here to state that his friends and family who went to Columbia yesterday to celebrate his ascension know these things better than I and that they “have his back” regardless.

Yancey McGill is top notch.

aikencounty June 18, 2014 at 10:34 am

NIMRATA is on the verge of a traumatic life event.
The new nuclear units SCE&G are building have been fraught with poor installation and repeated “rework” due to poor installation practices.
Georgia Power is presently building two units in Waynesboro ,Georgia that are ‘twins’ of SCE&G units.
The units in Georgia are a little ahead of the South Carolina units, however they are on budget and on schedule.
After SCE&G management questioned the difficulties of the construction In South Carolina, a few visits were made to the Georgia site.
They finally realized that the difference was the skill set and expertise of the Georgia projects labor pool.
Alas, the SCE&G leaders are presently in the final stages of signing a Project Labor Agreement with the craft unions having jurisdiction over the South Carolina project.
Imagine that?
A work force where EVERY craft person is covered under his own health and welfare insurance, plus a pension
None of these employees will be on public assistance.
How is NIMRATA going to live with the “tainted” work force in her back yard?
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers!

Jim June 18, 2014 at 3:11 pm

Your union made you post that didn’t it? That makes you their whore.

aikencounty June 18, 2014 at 3:16 pm

Nope I did.
Remember, when it hits the main stream, you heard it hear first.
From a 43 year retired member.
Can you rebut any of what I said?
I left out the fact that UNION ELECTRICIANS are in the data centers being built in the Charleston area, Duke Powers three units in Oconee.Nice, cheap shot though. Ya’ learn that at school?

consider June 18, 2014 at 8:32 pm

Union no union – don’t care – real issue is that the SCEG project in SC is front loaded paid for by the public and read my lips – there is absolutley NO incentive what so ever for the SC project to be on time w/in or outside of the budget et cetera. It is financed in such a way that it is quite arguably in the utlities best interest NOT to save monies on expenses et cetera. It costs them nothing. That why Santee Cooper is/was trying to get out of it – they dont have that much extra demand and may loose money once its up and running. So why not delay?

aikencounty June 18, 2014 at 8:49 pm

I remember when the first units of VC Sumner came on line. We were hit with a 25% rate increase at one whack!

General Assembly at It's fines June 18, 2014 at 10:57 pm

That was only your first right – there have multiple PER years since then – only our legislature would pass such a stupid program.

aikencounty June 18, 2014 at 11:09 pm

Didn’t say that was the only rate increase.
I said it was 25% all at one time.

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