
Mande Wilkes: Are Genetics Behind Our Elections?

NATURE VERSUS NURTURE IN THE VOTING BOOTH … By Mande Wilkes || Brace yourself, because I’m getting ready to paint with a broad brush, and make generalizations, and perpetuate stereotypes: Republican parents raise Republicans, and Democratic parents raise Democrats. Don’t say I didn’t warn you – that’s of course a…


By Mande Wilkes || Brace yourself, because I’m getting ready to paint with a broad brush, and make generalizations, and perpetuate stereotypes: Republican parents raise Republicans, and Democratic parents raise Democrats.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you – that’s of course a purposefully over-the-top characterization, and it’s not true all of the time. For instance, I’m the political black sheep of my family: My husband and parents and siblings can’t stomach socialism, while authoritarianism is what pushes my buttons. To use a sports metaphor, I prefer coaches who hand out trophies for participation, and my family values awarding achievement.

These black-sheep scenarios notwithstanding, it seems broadly true that kids follow their parents’ political leanings. And now science bears this out, at least indirectly.

If we think of our two-party system as the choice between blind generosity and raw meritocracy – and that’s an overly-simplistic characterization, to be sure – then niceness is the basic difference between the parties. Though there’s more to politics than just the economics of giving versus taking versus keeping, those constructs do seem to be its foundation.

Genetic studies indicate that our propensity for generosity is inherited. Between one-quarter to one-half of our inclination toward “niceness” is no choice at all, according to genetic research.

While “niceness” isn’t a plank of either party’s platform, I think it gets at the core of political affiliations. Essentially, if you’re genetically inclined to be open-handed, then your genes also compel you to identify with liberalism. And if you value meritocracy over magnanimity, then your genes drive you toward conservatism.

Not for nothing, four years after the fact I’ve kept my old campaign signs. The other day my toddler happened upon one of those signs. As he played with it, flapping it back and forth in his floppy little grip, I wondered how he might politically identify himself in the future. I thought of how incredibly giving he is – extraordinary, really, for a kid. He loves handing strangers his toys or sticks or teddy bears, and (knock wood!) he’s always eager to share.

Does this indicate within him some ingrained, inherited penchant for generosity? And if so, will that altruism trump self-interest, causing him to affiliate with one political party over the other?

The thing about writing an opinion column is that it’s easy to get stuck in the trap of trying (and failing) to change minds. It’s the lazy way out, really, because it presumes that a person’s politics can be amply molded out of a few hundred words on a newspaper page. But what if we’re simply wired one way or the other – generous or rigid – and impervious to outside influence?

Much ado has been made of some research suggesting that conservatives donate more money than progressives. While that would seem to fly in the face of what I’ve written today, a closer look in fact reinforces the genetic link.

According to an MIT study, conservatives are more likely to donate to churches while liberals prefer giving to nonprofits for the needy. That’s hardly surprising — Democrats like to give directly to people, and Republicans like to support entities and organizations. Maybe it’s hardwired in conservatives to trust in structures and systems, and hardwired in liberals to sympathize on a personal level.

If that’s true, it backs up that age-old gem about not talking politics in polite company. It might be that you’re no more likely to change someone’s mind than you are likely to change his DNA.

(Also it’d explain why Fox News and MSNBC have built whole empires by preaching to their respective choirs).


Mande Wilkes is a former FITS News contributor and current cultural commentator for The (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) Sun News. She lives in Myrtle Beach with her husband and toddler. Her column – originally published here – is reprinted with permission.

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GrandTango April 22, 2014 at 10:49 am

Molested children, are more likely to be molestors. Same w/ homosexuals… Same for smokers and alcoholics. Bad traits can be forwarded to children…

So yes: you can abuse your child by raising them as democrats.

Look at the cyclical poverty and under-acheivement in democrat-voting districts…and they still keep voting the same way…Stupid people often keep doing the same things…despite the folly…

But as The Bible teachhes about the sins of the father, curses can be broken…

South Carolina used to be a democrrat-laden state. We were backwards, racist and poor under democrat rule…Someone had to break the yoke of bondage…

Thank God, we matured away from democrat failure, in many parts of the state…and South Caroinians now have hope, and prosperity, instead the ignorance passed down by generations and generations of democrats…..

Smirks April 22, 2014 at 1:26 pm

Nothing like blanket generalization of people on the other side of the aisle to child molesters, “them gays,” and drug abusers to persuade them to trust in your own ideals.

GrandTango April 22, 2014 at 2:13 pm

Liberals routinely support homosexuals, who have a higher propensity for child molesting. You also are very much in favor of more drug use, and legalization of drugs…

Why in the F*#k do you dishonest B*$t@*ds RUN from what you are, when it is presented to you…???…

Also: I noticed you cowered from addressing the cyclical failure that is rampant in democrat districts, and the deliverance of districts that elect more Conservative leaders…

Don’t worry, you don’t have to endure the embarrassment of answering…I think we already know…

Deo Vindice SC April 22, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Buy some socks and relieve youself.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 22, 2014 at 5:07 pm

Buy some socks and relieve youself.

Some imagined visuals cannot be unimagined, Hoss.

Even worse, TBG’s visual comes with soundtrack of GrandTango moaning, “thousand points of light…. not gaaaa do it….wouldn’t be prudent….read my lips….thousand points of light….”.

Deo Vindice SC April 22, 2014 at 6:51 pm

Molesters and homos, you sure you want to go there?

GrandTango April 22, 2014 at 7:32 pm

I don’t use bigoted language, like you…So I’m not sure what your Bigoted liberal @$$ is implying. I don’t use HATE SPEECCH…BIGOT…

LMAO! April 23, 2014 at 10:53 am



You win “most stupid comment of the day.” Please forward me your address so I can mail you your honorary dunce cap.

GrandTango April 23, 2014 at 11:19 am

So you condone what the derogatory term for gays, your fellow BIGOT used above???

Dakota Erikson April 22, 2014 at 12:02 pm

So far it means that his right amygdula has grown correctly without any damaged or mutated cells. Unlike GrandTango whose right amygdula is probably a gangly mess.

John April 22, 2014 at 12:04 pm

Mande! Welcome back. Fits has gotten all boring and stuffy, so hopefully you’ll lighten things up around here.

Like this:


or this:


John April 22, 2014 at 12:22 pm

“Democrats like to give directly to people, and Republicans like to support
entities and organizations. Maybe it’s hardwired in conservatives to
trust in structures and systems, and hardwired in liberals to sympathize
on a personal level.”

Interesting analysis, since most Republicans was as few structures and systems as possible, it seems. Or maybe they just don’t want government structures and systems. I guess the structures and systems are okay as long as they are privately run and their friends are profiting from the structures and systems.

GrandTango April 22, 2014 at 12:54 pm

Democrats like to give OTHER PEOPLES’ MONEY…and democrats like to give to THEMSELVES, most of all.

Deo Vindice SC April 22, 2014 at 6:49 pm

Nikki man, you jest !

Boner Courson April 22, 2014 at 1:15 pm

So, Mande, how about an update on your blog. You know where you reported:

“My 85-year old neighbor, who requests a viewing of my boobs please-pretty-please-and-let’s-see-’em-now, is as it turns out, too old. Occasionally I consider throwing the poor old thing a bone, as it were – just a flash, you know – but then… no, I just can’t ever quite bring myself to do it.”

Smirks April 22, 2014 at 1:28 pm

Poor guy probably doesn’t have that new-fangled “internets” or whatchamacallit, so he’ll never know just how close he is…

Hickory Dickory Dock April 22, 2014 at 5:05 pm

Perhaps she should have considered letting the poor old thing throw her a bone.


TontoBubbaGoldstein April 22, 2014 at 5:00 pm

…conservatives are more likely to donate to churches while liberals prefer giving to nonprofits for the needy.

OK. Makes sense to TBG. Conservatives skew towards religious. Liberals skew toward secular….

That’s hardly surprising — Democrats like to give directly to people, and Republicans like to support entities and organizations.

Huh? “Non-profits for the needy” are not “entities” or “organisations”?

Maybe it’s hardwired in conservatives to trust in structures and systems, and hardwired in liberals to sympathize on a personal level.


Nice try, though.

Touchin' myself April 22, 2014 at 5:06 pm

Yep, it’s BS analysis. I want to see her in Lazenby kiss while we are all naked though.

euwe max April 23, 2014 at 10:14 am

It was a polite attempt to say “Dems want government charity” and “Republicans don’t” – or possibly the weaker “Republicans give at church”

Soft Sigh from Hell April 22, 2014 at 6:57 pm

Interesting take.
And nice picture.


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