
Ex-Obama Girl On “Hope And Change”

BURN, BABY BURN! Carey Wedler was one a self-described “hysterical” supporter of U.S. President Barack Obama. On the night he was first elected in 2008, she shed a “tear of euphoria” over his victory. Now Wedler has “googled the news …” and seen the light. In her latest video (watch, below)…


Carey Wedler was one a self-described “hysterical” supporter of U.S. President Barack Obama. On the night he was first elected in 2008, she shed a “tear of euphoria” over his victory.

Now Wedler has “googled the news …” and seen the light.

In her latest video (watch, below) Wedler has compiled a list of the “mayhem and crime” Obama has perpetrated since taking office – a litany that includes several items we’ve ripped Obama for in the past.

Speaking to her former hero, she says he is now “exactly like” former president George W. Bush …

• You bailed out bankers and placed them in your cabinet.
• You placed Monsanto in charge of your FDA
• You helped out pharmaceutical and health insurance companies with Obamacare
• You expanded Bush’s wars and started new ones with drones branding yourself a humanitarian war monger
• You bragged about crippling sanctions against Iran though they directly affected civilians
• You extended the patriot act and asserted your right to spy on the American people
• You asserted your right to detain them without trial
• You seized the authority to assassinate Americans without providing any evidence of their guilt or offering them due process of law
• You viciously punish journalists and pursue whistleblowers who expose your crimes though you vowed to protect them when you were running for office
• You arm al-Qaeda insurgents and refused to close Guantanamo, and you along with congress have criminalized protest


“Mr. Obama – you are the biggest fraud that has ever been perpetrated on the American people,” Wedler concludes, prior to removing her shirt and burning it.

Here’s the video …

(Click to play)

So hot … in more ways than one …

It always pays to “google the news,” but props to Wedler for her ability to read between the lines …

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Fuck The Kochs And Their Ilk April 10, 2014 at 2:24 pm

Yep, pols are all slime and keep the super rich’s buttplugs in place.

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 2:43 pm

LMAO…When you dirty Pieces of $#!* get caught…You immediately refrain with: Everybody does it…

No they don’t you F*#king idiot…YOU DO IT…You are Corrupt, your Scummy B@$*@rd….

Don’t try to deflect from the Vermin you are…by Sliming er’body else…

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 2:41 pm

So: Now when will FITS denounce his lord and god-Obama….

Smirks April 10, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Probably the same day you get checked into a mental health facility.

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 2:56 pm

It’s that all you got???…Hahahaha…LMAO…

For a liberal, you d@*n sure lack creativity…I hear “McCarthyism” is going to be the Catch Phrase you F*#kin’ idiots will use to try to squirm out of the IRS targeting scandal…

Just like a F*#kin democrat..you get caught playing McCarthy (persecuting political enemies, using the resources of the US Got.) ..and you blame everybody else for it…

I don’t think it’s all that creative, but the level of Dumb@$$ you’re trying to convince, I’m sure it’ll work. The GOP does not ahve the option to back, no matter what the media does to them…….

Also: FITS’ll be calling Conservatives McCarthy before the end of the week, probably…

Squishy123 April 10, 2014 at 3:38 pm

So have you ever been tested for Tourette’s Syndrome?

euwe max April 10, 2014 at 4:12 pm

It would be a wasted test – like is water wet?

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 11, 2014 at 11:34 pm


euwe max April 12, 2014 at 1:51 pm

It always amazes me that women with a great pair of breasts don’t just take their tops off to punctuate a salient point in debate.

I mean, lead with your most persuasive argument!

Buz Martin April 11, 2014 at 5:08 pm

Have you ever provided even one single piece of evidence that Will supports Obama? I don’t think so. You are one bizarre dude, GT.

GrandTango April 11, 2014 at 8:11 pm

Obama, and Obamacare, represent everything FITS claims he opposes. Yet FITS is very meek and infrequent in criticizing Obama, liberals or democrats, but harsh and angry against almost any Republican…FITS “liked” Gary “Global Warming” Johnson for President. but surmised Romney would be worse than Obama…

It’s the subtleties that expose FITS for what he is. You are dense. . Subtleties are certainly wasted on the dull, like you…If FITS tells you something, you buy it…never looking at what he says, after he dupes you into believing his initial declarations. You are why we have bad leaders in office. Stupid people, like you, believe lies…

That said: You and FITS hate someone like me. You think you can express yourselves in vague generalities, but act totally different, and everybody falls in line…

You hate to be called out on your actions…It’s called holding your feet to the fire. You and Obama despise people who do that…it exposes you for the dumb@$$ and liar you are…

erneba April 10, 2014 at 2:43 pm

Can’t blame her for burning the Obama t-shirt.
But, it would have been more interesting if she would have torched those little white shorts.

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 2:45 pm

If Obama has been there, you’re one Dirty Son Beech to try to go after him…No telling what disease that $!ut has after where she’s been…

Eutawville April 10, 2014 at 5:10 pm

She’s got nice legs. The rest of this story is worthless.

Mike at the Beach April 10, 2014 at 6:26 pm

…or had nothing on underneath the t-shirt when she shimmied on out of it…

JJEvans April 10, 2014 at 10:17 pm

She should make a porn movie. A lesbian porn movie.

Smirks April 10, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Seems like a laundry list of liberal complaints against Obama, many of which have merit. As much as conservatives bitch about “OH MAH GAWD MOST LIBRUL SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT EVUR,” it really entertains me considering actual liberals hate the dude for being a fraud for most of the causes they actually support.

A real progressive health care reform would have some form of public option at the very least. Either that, or we could have done what Switzerland does: You have to get basic coverage, but the insurance companies can’t make a profit on it. Insurance companies can only make profit on supplemental policies (and even countries with single payer have supplemental insurance companies). A few defenses of Obamacare I’d point out:

*It’s pretty much the only reform that Democrats would pass. Public option would’ve died on the table because they couldn’t have gotten everyone on it. Considering the cries of socialism with what we have now, single payer stood no chance.

*It does accomplish some good things. It isn’t nearly enough to fix our broken system, though, as we need a complete overhaul.

*If you’re worried about health care reform that serves the insurance companies’ profits, I’d be extremely worried about Republican reforms such as Medicare vouchers and tearing down state boundaries for selling insurance. These pose extreme risks to the American people in the name of profits.

Spot on with Obama basically being completely bought and letting industries decide how things are run. Goldman Sachs appointees, heavy influence by Monsanto, punishing whistleblowers, etc. Spot on with the war, detention, civil liberties complaints too.

Keep in mind that Congress is complicit in a good bit of what you’re complaining about, too. After all, the Patriot Act and NDAA came from them, as well as support for various other things. Also, keep in mind Hillary would not have been better. Romney would not have been better. McCain would not have been better. Most of the people who ran would not have been better. To put it simply: Neither the Republicans or the Democrats are your friends at the end of the day. The ones who get the spotlight are bought and the powers that be know they can control them; everyone else is shut out.

TL;DR: Welcome to the woooooorld of politics!

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 3:15 pm

So is that a vote AGAINST: Inferior coverage for quadruple the cost, with FORCED participation (taxation) even if you don’t need it…in a system that has already collapsed on itself???

One major difference between liberals and Decent, Honest and Sane Americans…You Can be the Biggest F*#k-up, Failure and buffoon on the face of the earth…but you’re so f*#king Brain Dead, you still don’t get it..So you Double Down on the Ignorance that makes you look like such a Total F*#king Fool in the first place…

I believe in reason and sensible persuasion…but you are like Nazis in WWII…We’re going to have to Beat the F*#k out of you Idiots to persuade you how dangerous, wrong and F*#ked up you are….You’re going to have Freedom Beaten into you…just like we did it to the democrat Slaveholders, and aforementioned Nazis…

Mistakes teach you nothing…except to F*#k up more….

Eff The Man April 10, 2014 at 5:44 pm

Tell us again about The Patriot Act, Haliburton, tax breaks for the rich…

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 6:33 pm

You mean the delusions of a Stupid MotherF*#king, paranoid liberal…????…like you….

truthmonger April 10, 2014 at 7:52 pm

Have you EVER entertained a SINGLE rational thought in your life, GT? Sick, twisted f_ck.

Native Ink April 10, 2014 at 8:27 pm

Great post. Looking back, I remember being troubled by a few glimpses of Obama’s insincerity when he was a candidate in 2008. For example, when Canada complained about Obama’s promise to renegotiate NAFTA to better protect American workers. One of Obama’s key advisers (Jarrett, I think?) quietly told the Canadians not to worry because Obama was just saying that to please the voters. He had no intention of reforming NAFTA. At the time, his duplicity seemed like a bad sign but I gave him a pass, thinking that nobody is perfect. Unfortunately, it seems that duplicity toward liberals is part of his political strategy, and he is actually more to the right than his public stance. He says one thing to cheering crowds and another to the powerful special interests that he knows could crush him if they wanted.

You’re also right about the Repubs and Democrats. They walk hand in hand on almost every issue that matters to the 1%. You are also, sadly, right that no one else would have done better than Obama.

The Colonel April 10, 2014 at 9:00 pm

Think what he might have accomplished had he not forced such a divisive issue as the ACA out there. I shudder at the thought, but he expended most of his political capital on what will likely have to be undone or legislated into obscurity in the coming years.

euwe max April 12, 2014 at 1:48 pm

Think what he might have accomplished had he not forced such a divisive issue as the ACA out there.

Yeah… just think.

euwe max April 10, 2014 at 3:57 pm

She didn’t say he was a Marxist, she said he was another Bush!

That’s much more condemning prose by far! I don’t know why the conservatives haven’t hit on that condemnation yet.

Bible Thumper April 10, 2014 at 4:01 pm

Yeah Yeah! Carey, I use to be a young idealist to. Our countries founders wisely made it very difficult for any one person to get anything done. It’s that pesky constitution with the “Bill of Rights” and those division of power, checks and balances doohickeys. It’s real annoying. It is amazing how well our institutions work in spite of our leaders incompetence. That’s how our founders intended it.

If you look around the world, you won’t find many countries or heads of state that meet your standards and yet their citizens enjoy the same freedom and prosperity that Americans do. Those closest to your ideal live under the protection of America’s military umbrella whether they choose to or not.

Not much of a fan of American exceptionalism, but we have responsibilities that Switzerland and Sweden do not share and we’ve been doing this democracy ‘thing’ longer than anyone else.

I wish their was a way of dealing with rouge governments without causing their citizens to suffer, but often it can’t be avoided. Rwandan genocide was allowed to happen from international inaction or Iraq from too much interference. Occasionally we get it right. We have liberated many countries that are now prosperous and happy.
Finally, you would probably be shocked at how much your life has been improved by Monsanto.

Gregory Geddings April 10, 2014 at 4:37 pm

“dealing with rouge governments”

…a little rouge, a touch of lipstick…even Idi Amin would be more appealing.

Bible Thumper April 10, 2014 at 5:09 pm

“Rogue” Thanks. Don’t get to hopeful. The bees with outlast Monsanto and man.

euwe max April 10, 2014 at 6:03 pm

Hey! I have an amputation fetish… you’re stepping on my territory there, boss!

Gregory Geddings April 11, 2014 at 8:12 am

Ha! Ha! That’s twisted but at least you don’t have a bee fetish. That could be very painful way to get a sexual buzz-on.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 11, 2014 at 11:32 pm

“dealing with rouge governments”

Pol Pot is still dead.

Karl Marks April 10, 2014 at 4:38 pm

Lots of peoples lives have been improved by Social Security too.I know you will agree right?

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 5:05 pm

Are you giving GOVERNMENT Credit for Social Security???…you do know that money is TAKEN from Earners by the Government, and SOME of it makes it back to them…To pat your lord-god Obama on the back for SSI.,..makes you loom like a Dumb@$$…

You're Covered, Bitch April 10, 2014 at 5:48 pm

How’s Medicaid treatin’ ya, Hoss?

LMAO! April 10, 2014 at 5:52 pm

“…makes you loom like a Dumbass…”


Gregory Geddings April 10, 2014 at 4:32 pm

Smart girl! I totally agree with her observations. God helps us if Hillary gets elected. It will mean more of the same.

euwe max April 10, 2014 at 6:02 pm

Hillary is too interested in establishing her war cred.

Yep! April 11, 2014 at 6:36 am

…and ducking shoes, shades of Bush in a freaky way.

By the way, the hot piece of ass in this vid is dating a prominent anarchist.

euwe max April 11, 2014 at 12:28 pm

well at least she’s not wasted on a Republican!

GrandTango April 10, 2014 at 6:39 pm

Hey FITS, you ignorant. Leftwing D!*ksucking F*#k….Sebelius to resign as health secretary…

Suck that @$$-hole///they are finally admitting they are admitting what a F*#k up you told us Romney would be…

TriggPalinsBrain April 11, 2014 at 9:39 am

have you ever, and i mean ever witnessed a guy talk about sucking cock or anal sex more in your life than the village idiot posting as Grand Tango? Just come out of the closet for the love of God and maybe all this bitter anger you project will disappear..praying for you (and try not to suck any cock on the way home from you counselling today!)

GrandTango April 11, 2014 at 9:52 am

So my sexual preference makes a difference to you???…I thought it’s irrelevant, so why do you care if I’m in the closet or not…???…I thought for “equality” it should not matter???

Are you a BIGOT, or a liberal lying sack of $#!*???…

PS: When I REALY Slap the $#!* out of you, and things are going bad to the point you cannot deny what’s happening…you leftwing dumb@$$#$ $#!t all over yourselves, and become bat-$#!* crazy trying to attack me…LMAO..I love it..

And if you don’t run and hide, like normal for you, when it collapses even more. I’m going to have A LOT of fun, cracking your leftwing @$$#$….Hahahaha…

TriggPalinsBrain April 11, 2014 at 10:00 am

how many times have others offered to take you up on your tough guy talk only to see you whimper like the coward you are? You are a walking joke son and the only one who feels different is you. Why do you hate women so much..because they have laughed at you your whole life? You call Sandra Fluke names as a typical sexually repressed freak tends to do..so why do you hate women so much or im guessing i nailed it on the head huh sad sack?

GrandTango April 11, 2014 at 10:20 am

You sound like some of the stupid rednecks out at the baseball park, where kids play…

You run your mouth, because someone told you you’re smart…and I slap the S#!* out of you, and shoot down all the little arguments that sounded so good, when they were fed to you…

Now it turns out, I’m right all along..and your brain is too small to handle the fact that you are STUPID, and have been duped by the people, building you up…

If you don’t have the intellect, or emotional stability to participate, why not keep your mouth shut???…if you’d take my advice, you’ll likely have a much more peaceful ride…

Not to mention: when people who think like you get power, look how you F*#k everything up (see Obama) for those of us pulling the wagon…

So if you STFU, you save yourself, from yourself…and that is a favor to all of us…you ignorant leftwing Dumb@$$…

zyxwwxyz April 11, 2014 at 9:21 am

Well well…

Local little wanna-be “urban” (Columbia SC metropolitan area encompassing Wilmington NC and Jacksonville FL or something like that, right?) … news rag / blog makes “google news placement”…

How LUCKY you guys are to get 15 minutes of fame; you should send the biggest check you can to google, as fast as you can…

west_rhino April 11, 2014 at 10:38 am

I guess she believed the promises that the check’s in your mouth and he wouldn’t come in the mail…

Buz Martin April 11, 2014 at 12:29 pm

/// • You placed Monsanto in charge of your FDA ///

REASON # 1 that I am by no means a true believer in the Cult of Obama. Monsanto is far ahead of every source of greenhouse emission in hastentening the doom of the earth. And politicians right and left, as well as media right and left, shit their britches in fear at the very thought of confronting them.

Buz Martin April 11, 2014 at 12:35 pm

Hell, even FITNews doesn’t ever directly confront them. Unless I’ve missed something.

tomstickler April 11, 2014 at 4:33 pm Reply

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