CSOL Censorship

LAW SCHOOL LOOKS TO SILENCE DISSENT AT GRADUATION CEREMONY The student body president of the Charleston School of Law (CSOL) has been prohibited from speaking at the school’s graduation ceremony next month – allegedly for opposing the proposed sale of the school to diploma mill InfiLaw. Daniel Cooper – president…


The student body president of the Charleston School of Law (CSOL) has been prohibited from speaking at the school’s graduation ceremony next month – allegedly for opposing the proposed sale of the school to diploma mill InfiLaw.

Daniel Cooper – president of the CSOL student bar association – was slated to speak at the event, but will now no longer be authorized to address his classmates.

The official reason? A desire to “shorten the program.”

But that’s cover for the real reason, we’re told …

According to our sources at the school, Cooper’s remarks were taken off the graduation ceremony program at the request of former U.S. magistrate judges Robert Carr and George Kosko – the two founders of the school who stand to reap a financial windfall from the controversial InfiLaw deal.

“How on earth could they allow any student to speak at graduation!” one CSOL student told FITS. “Since 100 percent of the student body opposes (selling the school) to InfiLaw.”

That’s correct …

Our sources also say Carr and Kosko were fearful that Cooper would lead students in a demonstration of support for founder Ed Westbrook, who has proposed several alternatives to selling the school to InfiLaw.

Exclusively reported on by FITS last summer, the takeover of CSOL by InfiLaw created a meltdown on campus – with the vast majority of students, teachers, staff and alumni coming out in opposition to the deal.

That opposition has only intensified in recent months …

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Fuck em April 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm

Hahaha tried of the asshole tht loves to speak from two sides of his mouth & no matter Abrams hates em they are so much alike. Hide the booze he might get drunk and show up screaming he works for the Solicitor !!!!

john dozier April 4, 2014 at 3:33 pm

But FITs is all in favor of private education with no government regulation or funding!

Fits Aint No Republican April 6, 2014 at 12:58 pm

Except when he’s not!

A common affliction of Republicans ,particularly when they live near a high performing public school,then their demands for MORE public funding would make the most liberal Democrat blush!

Jackie Chiles April 4, 2014 at 5:44 pm

Students should just not participate in the graduation at all then.

Silence_Nogood April 4, 2014 at 8:52 pm

I can understand wanting to shorten the ceremony. Diploma mills have to maximize the turnover.

Former staffer April 4, 2014 at 9:20 pm

Westbrook champion of the students?
That’s a laugh, he and his law firm cronies have milked the students
tuition dollars of millions, with his dividends and shady lease deals, All the
while putting his paramours, and exes on the payroll. Now the school can barely
pay it’s bills. He is as fake as the beauty shop curls on his head. Close this
Ponzi scheme diploma mill, posing as a sad excuse for a law school now, and go
to a real one.

shifty henry April 5, 2014 at 10:27 am

Memo to Will: Offer to post Mr.Daniel Cooper’s speech on Fitsnews. This would not only allow Mr. Cooper to expand on his remarks but also increase the prestige of Fitsnews. Preferably it should be posted about 3-4 days before the graduation ceremony to allow time for “The Buzz” to get around the campus.

truthmonger April 6, 2014 at 1:49 pm

Excellent idea.

Inciteful April 6, 2014 at 3:42 pm

I’ll bet Leatherman and Toal could get McConnell to speak at the commencement. The subject should be “Why the C of C should take over the law school as an apetizer before swalling MUSC.”

Philip Branton April 7, 2014 at 11:50 am

LOL……….SHIFTY, dare to wager that I could write the speech that would bring CSOL and Mayor Riley and Tru-Luck “construction” to their knees in front of Wil Folks..??

Heck, Shifty………dare to wager how Mr. Daniel Cooper could take a print out of this article and comment section and go down to have a chat with BRIAN HICKS at the Post and Courier with a big ol’ smile.

Matter of Fact………how would “sparks” fly to burn the CSOL if you and GRAND TANGO were to have a question and answer session with Mr. Cooper for Wil Folks to report and tag to SPAWAR Atlantic’s “School of LAW”..??

Dare to wager how much George Kosko understands about RAIL line easements and real estate in Georgetown County….??


Gtown law April 5, 2014 at 1:41 pm

George Kosko. Now there is a tool. He got fired as a US magistrate because of complaints about his sexism and racism. Good old George Kosko. If it weren’t for Fritz Hollings “loving” his wife he would still be in the a hole in the wall office in Georgetown County doing property closings for a living. Sux to be you George Kosko.

anonymous April 5, 2014 at 10:58 pm

Is CJ Jean Hoefer Toal the commensement speaker?

John Doe April 7, 2014 at 1:12 pm

Don’t be so sure this is all about censorship folks. If is right, Daniel Cooper, the Student Bar president, has had a few brushes with the law in recent months, including a disorderly conduct charge in January. Maybe that’s why they don’t want him on the stage. ID: 70928103
Arrest Date: 1/19/2014 at 00:34
Location: 381 KING ST/CALHOUN ST

hack April 9, 2014 at 9:30 pm

Why all the hate for the gentrification gang? All you hipsters can walk past O’Malley’s after dark now. Charleston machine vs. Columbia machine, Columbia has their panties in a wad.


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