
What Cops Should Be Like

We’ve praised our friends over at Reason.com for their amazing work in the past … and the group’s latest video highlighting a shocking U.S. Border Patrol stop (above) is no exception. Too bad this is an April Fool’s joke … because this is exactly how things should be in the…

We’ve praised our friends over at Reason.com for their amazing work in the past … and the group’s latest video highlighting a shocking U.S. Border Patrol stop (above) is no exception. Too bad this is an April Fool’s joke … because this is exactly how things should be in the “land of the free.”

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Mark J April 1, 2014 at 2:07 pm

I spent 6 months in El Paso on a project year before last and passed through these check points many times that were set up 50 miles from the border on the state and interstate system. Every time I went through one they would ask me if I was a US citizen and every time my response was just what this guy said. Never got hassled or detained in any way.

I ? compliance April 1, 2014 at 2:26 pm

Congrats on your obedience.

Mark J April 2, 2014 at 12:50 pm

Oh, trust me they do not like it when you respond by asking ”
am I being detained” but they were all smart enough to know they were asking a question I was not required to answer.

shifty henry April 1, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Very Good!! … oops, I’m sorry, I don’t have to respond—

truthmonger April 1, 2014 at 3:28 pm

Funny. Truth is, the vast majority of cops don’t give grief unless someone first gives them a reason. They serve the public as a WHOLE and are not there to make individuals happy, nor are they there to be a doormat. Treat them with respect, get it in return. Give them an attitude, and they don’t have to help you out any on that ticket….

euwe max April 1, 2014 at 3:55 pm

That really didn’t do justice to how their soul searching questions makes you feel like they can read your mind… especially when there’s an ounce of cocaine in the backpack lying conspicuously but innocently on the passenger seat.

CorruptionInColumbia April 1, 2014 at 9:25 pm

That kind of enforcer at those stupid “border” checkpoints fifty or so miles from the border would do so much more to make citizens feel like their government was at least not trying to get them. Those checkpoints are so pointless and stupid. The hordes of illegals are coming in at the border, unchallenged. What is the point of hassling citizens with stupid, TSA-style, questions, when they are fifty miles inland from the border?

Good video!

Can't fix stupid April 2, 2014 at 9:03 am

Exactly, they have floods of illegals crossing deserts to the number of thousands a day and yet they set up checkpoints on highway to hassle citizens inside the border.

If they wanted to do something useful with drones they’d have them circling our borders, some place nobody would bitch about them.

Instead they have them flying over metropolises and the like, because it’s about revenue generation-and catching illegal border crossers is anything but revenue generating.

By the way, you know what they call the 50 miles inside most of the continguous border now?

“Constitution free zone”

Isn’t that something else? No need for the Constitution, funny thing is when you look at what that covers it’s a significant % of the US population even though not land mass:


GrandTango April 2, 2014 at 8:03 am

It’s VERY well-known that FITS has been arrested. NEVER take demands from law-breakers on how law enforcement should act…They have no respect for the law…

Also: Criminals are running wild and getting worse these days…because of naïve racist idiots like FITS, Obama Steve Benjamin and the Kooky RonPaul. If everyone were moral and honest, like the people who actually WORK and BUILD this country into greatness…no problem…but we all know that’s not how it is…

I’ve found that Yuppies, and cushy cul-d-sac suburbanites, who have it handed to the since birth, have no problem giving away what others produce. So now we not only have to combat the criminals, we need to Slap the $#!* out the FITS of the world, w/ lessons in reality…

FudgePackerAtChocolateMonkey April 2, 2014 at 9:13 am

Sweetcheeks I picked up some alum to smear on your starfish. Maybe that will tighten it up enough so I can get enough friction to get some pleasure out of it for a change. When are you going to be home?


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