Saturday was an eventful birthday for South Carolina political consultant Kerry Wood, husband of S.C. Rep. Donna Wood (R-Spartanburg).
Don’t believe us? Head on over to Wood’s Facebook page, where over the weekend he updated all of us on the current status of their marriage.
“This is my house right now, on my birthday. I’m not there, just had the photo sent to me,” Wood writes, referencing a picture of a Spartanburg County Sheriff’s cruiser parked in his driveway.
Oh yeah … it’s about to get interesting.
“Donna left me months ago,” Wood continues, referring to his wife – a first-term state lawmaker. “I’ve kept quiet about this for the most part, but that wasn’t the first time she has left me, just the last of many times she has walked out on me. I just didn’t go chasing her this time. She walked out but has been telling people I threw her out. She tells people she wants to reconcile, but then she threatens me.”
Whoa … a public official? Making threats?
Or are those the lyrics to every country song … like, ever.
Seriously, though … what are the cops doing getting involved in this mess?

“Today, she is cleaning her stuff out of the house and called the police in an attempt to intimidate my daughter,” Wood writes. “I will take a lot of junk, but messing with my little girl crosses a line that I will not stand for.”
Whoa … now we’ve got allegations of police intimidation, too?
Next, Wood acknowledges that “airing stuff like this on Facebook” is in “poor taste,” but according to him “people need to know what they REALLY have as an elected official in House District 37.”
Want more?
(Cue Maximus screaming: “Are you not entertained?”)
Okay … in the comments section below Kerry Wood’s post, a woman named Kelli Kelleher offers her moral support – telling him “Omg. I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve that. You’re the nicest guy I know!”
His response?
“Thank you!” he writes. “She has accused me of having an affair with you Kelli Kelleher – never told you that because you are very much like a daughter to me, but when was the last time we actually saw each other?”
The two then begin a bizarrely public back-and-forth exchange about the last time they saw each other, eventually concluding the meeting took place at a 2008 event for S.C. Sen. Shane Martin.
“I was sitting in Groucho’s two years ago and sent you a text ‘think about you’ which even when I explained to her what that really meant, it became an affair that she threw in my face over and over,” Kerry Wood recalls.
“Thinking about you just means thinking about you, not I want you haha,” Kelleher responds. “You were a big part of my life and a great guy. At least we knew what you meant by that.”
Kerry Wood then says that his wife is demanding he admit to adultery in an effort to expedite their divorce, but that he is “not admitting to something that didn’t happen.”
Yeah …
Calls to Donna Wood were not immediately returned.
Ordinarily we wouldn’t have run an item like this, but Kerry Wood’s public airing of all this dirty laundry – and the involvement of local law enforcement in the case (pursuant to allegations of threatening behavior) tipped the scales.
What do locals make of all this?
“They’re both crazy as f*ck,” one Spartanburg, S.C. resident told FITS.
Capps is currently advising U.S. Senate candidate Det Bowers – among other clients.
Yeah, because random females I rarely ever see always text me saying “thinking of you” in a totally platonic way. The hilariously awkward pretending-they-don’t-fuck conversation is icing on this cake.
Pretty sure Nikki and Will had a similar exchange at some point…
I was about to say the same thing. They must think they’re pretty smart.
When a woman sends a text saying “thinking of you” it means “Lets Fuck!” I would take the bait.
Like, yeah. Let’s see some pics of the platonic interest.
Like, sure…
I have male friends that I would say that to, and it means just that. You men have to read so much into a simple couple of words. That’s all you guys think about – sex.
I am thinking of you, Karolyn. PS: Don’t let your husband see this.
So you’ve got some dicks in a jar… in case of emergency break jar – so what?
That’s all you guys think about – sex.
What’s your point?
Why are you thinking about so many guys all the time?
It is a familiar refrain. Didn’t K-eckstrom intimate the same around the time of his divorce? And Chapur during an infoBae interview tried to put their relationship down in the annals of history as platonic Christmas cards until he got divorced. And Haley’s 2 hour “business” chats st 2 am with Will? Platonic, my arse.
Wake up GOP with your claims of family values, high morals, and faith!
Mark Sanford, Richard Eckstrom, Nikki Haley, Bob Peeler, Ken Ard, Bobby Harrell, Thomas Ravenel, Kerry Wood, Thad Viers.. no morals, no ethics, sleeze, scum, slime!
Until we change the leadership in our Party, I’m finished!
You have to have character to admit that you’re a Democrat.
I’m still Republican; but, feed up with the leadership and officials elected by the party. I will vote as an Independent or the new American Party when possible, maybe even Liberatarian.
So you might as well not be voting then.
Now we have nothing on the Dems!!!!! At least we got rid of Ravenel, Ard and Viers- but when WE re-elected Mark Sanford, we prove to ourselves and to the state that the infection of low character and expectations has gone septic IN US!!!!! I join the club of Fed Up Republicans!!!
I had 2 hr. chats with “sic” willy after 2:00 am.
I see your point.
“Hey Kelli, I have an idea. We’ll have this seemingly organic, spontaneous conversation (wink, wink, nod, nod) on FaceBook and talk about how we don’t really screw. Then everyone will see that we’re just buds! I am freaking brilliant.” – Kerry Wood, 2014
Not to nit-pick, but it looks like he’s the one who sent the “thinking of you” text.
Other than that . . . what you said, yeah.
People have problems. We should pray for them to find their way.
One of your more lucid moments. Maybe this story touched a nerve. Or maybe you are Donna Wood?
No: I always pull for ALL people, on a personal level. Even my liberal friends (I have many.) It’s why I’m anti-Obama. He has so damaged the good people of this country…and he really does not care, as long he’s treated like a king…
The last 5 years have been stressful on Americans. We make less, have less opportunity…and Obama has robbed us of hope and the belief in good will…
Holy shit I want 2016 to get here so you will shut up!!!!!!
Do you really think he will shut up with Hillary in the White House in 2016
I expect his dogs will eat his carcass after his grand mal tango, and he falls off his chair in 2016.
“I ain’t in no way tired”…I still LMAO when I hear that ignorant yankee, silver-spoon white woman, trying to sound like she know what it like to be down and out….
Her version of the blues is if her yacht does not get the first slip at the Vineyard, ‘cuase Obama’s always va-caying @$$ beat her there….
“…I still LMAO when I hear that ignorant yankee, silver-spoon white woman, trying to sound like she know what it like to be down and out….”
Ahem…she KNOWS what IT’S like to be down and out…
You’re fuckin’ welcome, Mr. Journalism!
Whoosh…right over your cushy, liberal, cul-d-sac head…
You bored little suburban yuppies want hardship, because your pampered little @$$#$ ain’t never had it…
You are PERFECT for Hillary….
PS: Writing is about FAR more than sh!**ing all over yourself because someone steps out of your little syntax box…
Do you want me to fix those last sentences for you??
I’m curious, do the people at the grocery store complain when you sign your checks with crayon?
No: I always pull for ALL people
is this yet *another* gay metaphor?
Hell I’m making more, am less stressed, and have more opportunities now than I was 5 years ago, and I was doing well then.
And….boom, the moment is over.
Think that time has passed.
Nah, if we prayed for everyone who has a problem we would spend out entire day praying and never get a damn thing done.
It hasn’t worked on you, yet.
Why are the police parked on the grass and not the driveway?
Well, Mr. Holmes, it appears he parked there so others in the driveway could leave.
Is that normal when you come upon a police call, make it convenient for those at that address to leave? You’d think he’d just park on the street.
Actually it is common for set-outs by landlords and move-outs between feuding married couples to have a court ordered deputy presence to prevent people from killing each other. YES – it is common. Are you 12 or just fucking IGNERT?
If you have ever been on this site before you would know little Squishy is the biggest idiot on here. Even bigger than Big T/Grand Tango
Maybe he’ll run against her– I think that happened in the low country a few years ago when a legislator and her husband split. Our state sure has more than its share of tacky people!
Yep. Shirley Hinson and Jimmy Hinson. It was like watching a Jerry Springer show.
To bad Jenny Sanford did not run.
I’m just curious where she is living, specifically if it is within her district………
only need be in a motel room in the district for that day, kinda like Adam Clayton Powell…
Donna is a Family Values Conservative
Business Owner
Residing at 26 Angela Circle, Inman
Born June 28, 1960 in Spartanburg
Daughter of John W., Jr. and Nancy B. Hicks
University of South Carolina, B.S., 1998
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, M.Div., 2002, Th.M., 2006
Duke University Certification in Non-Profit Management, 2009
April 22, 2011 married Kerry S. Wood, 2 children
Community leader
Past President and Regional Director, Jaycees, 1982-86
Greek Reference editor and contributor, Women’s Evangelical Commentary on the New Testament, Holman Bible Publishers, 2005-06
Soil and Water Commissioner, 2010-12
Graduate, Leadership Spartanburg, 2012
And now a star on Facebook.
Real Housewives of the Uplands. Can’t wait.
Donna is the family values, conservative, Republican running for State House District 37.
Donna is the family values, conservative, Republican running for State House District 37.
Donna is the family values, conservative, Republican running for State House District 37.
Judgemental much???
Good boy. Democrat party is glad to have you as long as you reserve your hatred and bigotry for the right people.
while the Republicans will take you as long as you reserve your hatred and bigotry for the wrong people.
Your talking points bore me.
I had no idea you were reading my posts.
Is there a particular genre that you would like to see more of in my posts? I’d be happy to lean more heavily on the arts, or engineering.. perhaps my focus on the constituents of the political issues is a little wearing.
I try to keep my eye on the ball – who thinks that people are scum, and are basically grist for the mill, and who thinks that people have intrinsic worth…
My talking points have to do with my faith in God, and in the deep, personally held belief that whatever you do for the least of these, makes a country great – not firepower, blustering, spying, or killing.
And what makes good business, is doing the most you can for the workers without giving up your own quality of life… not scraping all of the food off of the plates of those who make your goods before they can eat it.
However, did you know that gold comes from the collision of two exotic stars?
Makes me glad I didn’t purchase in her subdivision (Chestnut Lake) a few years back when I was house hunting. They have had crazy politician drama, and a shootout, all in under 2 years.
So anyone whose husband cheats on them is not pro-family values?
“Ordinarily we wouldn’t have run an item like this, but Kerry Wood’s public airing of all this dirty laundry – and the involvement of local law enforcement in the case (pursuant to allegations of threatening behavior) tipped the scales.”
Say what??? You what?? LMAO!!
50 something year old men farting around on Facebook seems so pathetic. He probably uses “like” to begin every sentence.
Fer shuuuuuuuuuuur!
Like, fer shuuuuuuuuuuur!
We don’t hardly elect anyone to the SC legislature who is not trash.
This is interesting, but I’d rather hear about Thomas Ravenel having unprotected sex with Kathryn Dennis. When do you write about that please…
What’s Capps got to do with it?