Problems At John De La Howe

South Carolina taxpayers shelled out $5.4 million last year on a “school” for at-risk children who have serious behavioral problems – despite the fact that numerous other state agencies are tasked with the care and treatment of these children. Not only that, the John de la Howe School – which…

South Carolina taxpayers shelled out $5.4 million last year on a “school” for at-risk children who have serious behavioral problems – despite the fact that numerous other state agencies are tasked with the care and treatment of these children.

Not only that, the John de la Howe School – which boasts of being “a first-rate, child caring agency” – apparently has no established methodology for determining the successfulness of its programs.

Board members at the school were blasted for their lack of accountability during a legislative hearing in Columbia, S.C. last week. And last Friday the school fired its president – Thomas Mayer – in response to that hearing.

Good … now the rest of the staff needs to be sacked along with him.

The John de la Howe school has been the focus of scrutiny for more than a decade – dating back to former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford’s determination that the agency was “greatly underutilized.”

That’s an understatement as far as we’re concerned …

Lawmakers need to do away with this school … and place the money they save (and make from selling its assets) into a rebate fund for taxpayers.




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jimlewisowb February 10, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Want to sell it ? Contact cockroach Williams and cockroach Ryberg.

They will buy it with State Pension Funds and turn it into an upstate retreat for their families and friends

dwb619 February 11, 2014 at 8:42 am

McCormick is UPSTATE?

jimlewisowb February 11, 2014 at 11:27 am

A fair number of “maps/charts” divide the State into 4 regions

Upstate(Piedmont), Midlands(Sandhills) Pee Dee, Lowcountry(Coastal)

Most, if not all place McCormick County in the Upstate

Jeremiah February 11, 2014 at 10:09 am

And Ryberg will have SCDOT make any “infrastructure improvements” at the school, just like he did with the “private road” in his neighborhood. The hypocrite.

Mike February 10, 2014 at 4:05 pm

Wow! I worked there and didn’t know you were an “expert” on the place. And as for other at-risk children you speak of, I assume you are referring to DJJ.

euwe max February 10, 2014 at 4:52 pm

South Carolina taxpayers shelled out $5.4 million last year on a “school” for at-risk children who have serious behavioral problems – despite the fact that numerous other state agencies are tasked with the care and treatment of these children.
Fuck those kids! Tax payers have suffered for them enough already! What do they want? Electric motors on their wheel chairs? Free meds? Professional treatment??? I thought abortion was supposed to take care of this!

Let the churches take care of them – keep the crippled with the blacks, it’s an infirmnia! They’re animals anyway – let them lose their souls!

Smirks February 10, 2014 at 5:07 pm

Government just needs to make sure those kids aren’t aborted. After that, they’re on their own, amirite?

euwe max February 10, 2014 at 5:11 pm

on their own
it’s a cold world out there! don’t give anyone a hand up, or they’ll come to expect it!

Don’t feed stray cats.

Don’t give anyone a ride.

Don’t look at people as you pass, or smile at them – they’ll take it as an invitation to panhandle.

Give 10% to your church – they’ll know how to spend it.. the Vatican needs constant repair.

Slim Pickens February 11, 2014 at 10:27 am

A sublime observation.

Robin Hatch December 7, 2015 at 3:02 pm

I went to De La Howe for three years while Sanford was in office. This report is a lie. It was the school and staff who helped change my path. The entire staff left a huge imprint on my heart. You should really do your homework and not believe everything you read on the internet. And I am no animal. I am a successful mother of four. It seems maybe you should have attended a few years to handle your anger issues! Have a good rest of your day ?

nitrat February 10, 2014 at 6:50 pm

Gee, if only Sic had been sent off to John de la Howe maybe we wouldn’t be reading a hate filled blog from the sociopathic product of a warped upbringing.

Beartrkkr February 11, 2014 at 1:20 am

Hooray! A rebate for the taxpayers! Where can I get my $1.50?

Abolish Everything February 11, 2014 at 8:22 am

There’s a lot of 1.50’s out there…

Murray_Lake February 11, 2014 at 10:47 am

I see that cockroach Ted McGee, Haley’s bag man is on their board. She already appointed his kid to public service commission (although he has no experience) and another McGee got job working with Alan Wilson. Watch and see–McGee and his cronies will wind up getting a big commission for selling this dump while rest of us get screwed.

idiotwind February 11, 2014 at 11:22 am

successfullness! yay! we have a new word for success! it’s a great day in South Cackalacky.

Concerned February 13, 2014 at 10:47 pm

I can’t believe some of these comments. There are innocent children involved here. CHILDREN! They are human and did not ask to be brought in to this world. You people are sick. JDLH is mismanaged. Period. There are very good people who work there and continue to keep the children’s best interests at heart. Clean house on upper management and the place can, once again, be a safe haven for these children. It is all that some of them have in the world. Have a heart!

CarlDuane February 27, 2014 at 3:14 pm

Mismanaged? Because they don’t have a “scorecard” for how successful they are? I can tell you from my own experience that they are no less successful than anything that the DJJ or any other state agency has to offer. Shut them down and it’s one less option for at-risk children who are headed for incarceration or death.


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