Jasper SC Teacher Rant: Instructive

There’s a lengthy rant in this week’s editions of The Jasper County Sun that reads a lot like a (bad) pizza-induced Jerry Maguire “mission statement.” (Oh come on … you’ve seen that movie, right?) The rant’s takeaway? That teachers in this government-run district – one of the worst-performing, most corrupt local…

There’s a lengthy rant in this week’s editions of The Jasper County Sun that reads a lot like a (bad) pizza-induced Jerry Maguire “mission statement.”

(Oh come on … you’ve seen that movie, right?)

The rant’s takeaway? That teachers in this government-run district – one of the worst-performing, most corrupt local governments in South Carolina – are working their fingers to the bone and parents need to get more involved if they want to see their kids’ academic standing improve.

It’s not that cut and dried, in our opinion, but that’s not the point. Sprinkled within the column – written by Jasper County teacher Terri James-Moss – are some nuggets we would commend to your attention.

“The average student in Jasper County schools reads between three to five grade levels below (their grade),” Moss writes. “In some extreme instances, children have not achieved reading levels above K-5.”

Wow …

Later, James-Moss describes what happens when she tries to hold her students accountable.

“When I tell a student that he reads on the third grade level, sometimes that student goes home and asks for his parent to remove him from my class,” she writes. “And do you know something? Often times, that parent follows up by signing a transfer slip.”

Of course it’s not just poor academic performance, James-Moss describes the attitude of some of her young charges.

“When a student berates me and calls me curse words that I have never used, even in adulthood, I have never had a parent come to school to apologize and demand an apology from the child who committed the lewd act,” he writes.

Then there’s this line which would seem to indicate there is some serious social promotion going on in Jasper County.

“We will have to stop passing Johnny whether or not he has met the academic requirements,” she writes.

Again, wow …

You can check out the whole rant for yourself here.

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Soft Sigh from Hell November 13, 2013 at 7:15 pm

When one of “the help” speaks up–even privately, or god-forbid publically as here–to point out weaknesses, dysfunctions, inefficiencies, failures, or what not in an organization, there is often fresh hell to pay. Especially be it a governmental agency where show outranks performance and bureaucratic poseurs so often prevail in management levels. The truly dedicated and motivated way too often get branded as troublemakers. And the stooges succeed.

From Russia with Love November 14, 2013 at 4:58 pm

This teacher will end up being the “Edward Snowden” of the SC public education establishment.

OK November 13, 2013 at 8:34 pm

It’s no big thing. The SC Government is doing all it will do. As long as the handful of voters vote them in this what you get.

Gillon November 13, 2013 at 8:39 pm

According to FITS’s view of things, the solution here should be simple: Take these dysfunctional students out of the “government-run schools” and place them in a “competitive, free market” private school, finance it with a voucher, and we will have a transformation overnight into educated, well-behaved, responsible students. Obviously, the “one-size fits all” public schools are not meeting their needs.

nyuknyuknyuk!!! November 13, 2013 at 9:37 pm

You could stand in the hall of the school for nine months and beat your head against the wall six hours a day. Results would be about the same. Better the f’ing school boards give each negro kid 50 grand after “graduating” from 6th grade and tell them to get lost. Plus, it would stimulate the economy. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!

The Colonel November 14, 2013 at 9:42 am

These are exactly the kids who would not benefit for Howie the “Voucher Clown’s” plan. “Mommy and baby daddy” don’t care where the kid goes to school as long as he/she eats breakfast and lunch there and it doesn’t cost them anything.

JJEvans November 14, 2013 at 12:27 pm


jimlewisowb November 13, 2013 at 9:11 pm

States are very much like the human body

Take South Carolina:
Richland County is the Brain
Charleston County is the Heart
Greenville County is the Balls
Florence County is the Pecker
Beaufort County is the Vagina
Horry County is the Taint

Jasper County is the Anus

Without all the shit coming out of Jasper County the whole State would die from constipation in a matter of days

shifty henry November 14, 2013 at 8:24 am

Somehow, thinking about your “SC Body”, you could be on the right track. Shifty imagines the above on conjoined twins with the ability to breed, but only with each other. It makes me s-h-u-d-d-e-rrrrr…..

disqus_BBDFSfiBQF November 14, 2013 at 10:41 am

Richland = Armpit

JJEvans November 13, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Parental involvement is the best chance for a child’s success in school and life, PERIOD.

nitrat November 14, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Some parents are not able to.
They have IQs 1-15 points above what would qualify them as mentally retarded. People with IQs in the mid 80s can have problems with multi-step job tasks.
What kinds of problems can we imagine they have with parenting?
It doesn’t matter whether or not they SHOULD breed. They HAVE bred and will continue to do so.
If we as a society don’t do everything we can to try to help the (average/normal/margina) children of parents like this to do better and get out of the hell hole lives that they are being raised in, we will ALL continue – continue – to pay the price.
I don’t understand how so many people can be so short-sighted on this issue.

Free markets=Liberty November 15, 2013 at 9:56 am

“They have IQs 1-15 points above what would qualify them as mentally retarded. People with IQs in the mid 80s can have problems with multi-step job tasks.”

Yet people continue to push “minimum wages”, making these type of people virtually unemployable. Better to leave them on the public dole I suppose.

Harry November 15, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Yeah, but they’ll all vote for Vinny Sheheen and that’s what counts to these Democrats down here. It is so sad.

Rhett November 13, 2013 at 10:36 pm

The solution is to have a voucher system so the few students whose parents want to rescue them from the general run of po’ white trash and porch monkeys can do so. Most students will be vermin like their backward parents.

Bad parents who had children by mistake or to get mo’ welfare breed more bad humans. Their betters, who have initiative, should be able to NOT burden the system with their offspring and take their tax money to better schools. We need economic segregation, not racial segregation, and should do everything to facilitiate that.

The schools merely reflect real Southern poor culture. Cultivated Southerners are different and superior. The folks who are worthy to move upward should be allowed to take their taxes with them. Bubba and LaQueefa would end up smoking rock or pushing brooms or on the dole where ever they went to school, so hang it up.

johnq November 14, 2013 at 6:56 am

Agreed Rhett, we need to segregate people like you with poisoned minds from decent society. Preferably on an island….far out at sea…..that is sinking.

Why South Carolina continues to create vile hateful human abortions such as yourself is one of the great mysteries of our time.

One thing for sure, until your kind is eradicated from our state it will remain a pure shithole that only inbred teafucks such as yourself are happy with. You are about as cultivated as a pile of steaming shit. One thing for certain though, if you were to speak out like this in public Bubba and LaQueefa would shove your balls down your throat via your asshole.

It is good though that the school voucher crowd has a spokesperson that speaks the truth behind their real motives

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 8:47 am

One thing for sure, until your kind is eradicated …

*Andy Rooney voice*

Did you ever notice that conservative right wingers and libertarians favor voluntary segregation/separation from those who think differently….while liberal leftists seem to always favor “eradication”?

Why is that?

Ass Blow November 14, 2013 at 12:35 pm

Because he is a fucking nigger!

Soft Sigh from Hell November 14, 2013 at 7:19 pm

These products of Lexington’s schools always oversimplify any problem down to this same answer. Have for over a century.

Rhett November 14, 2013 at 11:10 pm

You seem proud that the “people” you adore would use force instead of reason in an argument. That’s what I expect of them, why I look down on them, and why it makes sense to permit those who want something better for their kids than to be trailer trash or hood rats to VOLUNTARILY and AT NO COST to anyone else (remember when they send their offspring to private schools that’s less burden on an overwhelmed public system) separate from them.

No one is forcing Bubba and LaQueefa to be backward, but they drag down others by their toxic presence. I’m not suggesting doing anything bad to them, for they have rights as do all citizens. Separation of classes is good. We can’t all amount to something but the current system COERCES the best to conform to the rest. If parents who didn’t make their children by mistake want to enhance this country and benefit everyone by making the effort to rescue their children from the thuggish mob, and do so at zero cost to you or me, reasons do not exist to stand in their way.

Your type is classic. You want to kill me for advocating a fair education system with a superior return on investment for the nation which by the way includes your Bubba and LaQueefa, and delight in the prospect of my assault by them. Thank you for so effectively supporting my point.

The Colonel November 14, 2013 at 8:13 am

Is this the same Jasper that you keep touting us to build that port in? Do you really want these mouth breathers handling containers of toxic materials?

5 of “Jasper 1’s” 6 schools are listed as “At Risk”. The sixth is listed as “Below Average”. The district is rated overall as “At Risk”.

Their SAT scores are 300 points below the state average and 350 point below the national average.

Interestingly they have an “average” 4 year graduation rate. (Average for South Carolina that is).

I recruit all over the state but only rarely visit any schools in Jasper County – there simply aren’t enough college quality students to make it worth the trip. (Although the promise of a side trip for a sandwich at Alvin’s in Port Royal, seafood at Fiddler’s in Ridgeland or BBQ at Jim and Nick’s in Bluffton will cause me to visit from time to time.)

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 9:06 am

Recruit in Orangeburg on Thursdays and Fridays.

Dukes BBQ.

The one by the fire station is strictly meat and sauce,rice and hash and slaw. Antley’s and the Dukes by the Pepsi plant have more selections (TBG recomends the fried chicken and mac & cheese), but are pricier. All are all-you-can-eat buffet style with great sweet tea in pitchers on your table.

The Colonel November 14, 2013 at 9:14 am

I somehow manage to be in Orangeburg (pro tip: pronounce it – O range burg) around lunch time 2-3 times a month during the school year to make a quick swing through of the Duke’s on Whitman Street (near the Pepsi plant). I usually have to make a pitt (piss) stop 30-minutes later cause I take a pitcher of tea with me (in my belly!).

Pradaxa November 14, 2013 at 10:12 am


TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 10:24 am


shifty henry November 14, 2013 at 8:27 am

Thanks Sic, for that photo – it’s a reminder for me to clean out my fridge and pantry.

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 9:09 am

TBG has younguns. It’s a reminder for him to check under the sofa cushions, under the beds, in clothing drawers…..

shifty henry November 14, 2013 at 9:26 am

HAH! been there, done that…………and it brings up memories of Shifty dating women with young children……..ugh!

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 8:55 am

…written by Jasper County teacher Terri James-Moss…

Moss writes…

… she writes.

James-Moss describes…

…he writes.

…she writes.

*TBG’s head explodes*

Smirks November 14, 2013 at 9:05 am

Clearly those parents have failed their children. Pretty shameful behavior to be going on in an elementary school, not to mention the extreme lagging behind of their academic abilities.

Since other commenters are bringing up the whole “school choice” thing, does anyone honestly, truly believe that sending these students to a private school is going to do ANYTHING to improve their lot in life? You can go to the best classes with the best teachers and the best curriculum in the best private school in the country, but if you go home to a broken house with crappy parents who clearly have no interest in your real well-being, it won’t make a lick of difference. Not unless they are sending them to boarding schools, and even then I wonder.

What private school would take these kids? Not one that wants to protect its reputation, I can almost guarantee that.

Ass Blow November 14, 2013 at 12:29 pm

The little hell raisers would be off to DJJ before second period.

idiotwind November 14, 2013 at 10:09 am

If you don’t name names, everyone gets a free pass. “boy these OTHER parents are really screwing up”. it’s like whining about “gridlock” in congress or “overspending”. if you aren’t willing to name the problems, then you aren’t saying anything worthwhile. i understand why she can’t criticize the super and the board – she’d be out of a job today. but the super is actually paid to run the district and pretty well paid. she needs to be fired. and replacing the school board is much easier than replacing the entire community and is worth a try.

poo November 14, 2013 at 11:47 am

As a parent who had their child in jasper County public schools…and was…and is concerned about my child’s education, I can honestly say…it does matter if you are a concerned parent or not…JCSD does not want parents involed. I tried to get involved,especially when I questioned why my child was not learning,bringing assignments home and one of his teachers informed me she had another student, “do his work for him so standards could be met”. I informed the district,they removed him from that class and teachers called him names,such as ignorant,troublemaker and I was not to question what they were doing. I was loosing my child and no one would help me. The teachers can blame the parents as much as they’d like, but one thing is certain…my child was not being taught and no one would help me. They do not care whether a parent cares or not, I experienced this first hand. A huge majority of the teachers graduated from JCSD and barely can speek proper english and constantly tell the children to shut up on a daily basis. I took my child out and put him in the charter school as soon as it opened…he started out in the 4th grade…on a second grade level…he is on level now! Whether you are a parent that is concerned or not,it does not matter here in JCSD. People have no idea of what they are doing to the children and what they tried to do to mine. You can’t fight the SYSTEM JCSD…it is built only for those in authority to prosper financialy and to pump out an ignorant society that will not question it’s wrong doings…”they” have been doing it this way for decades and they think they can continue, but their lies are catching up with them. People don’t uderstand how deep this runs and who all is involved and when it starts to unravel,as it is now… I do believe it will make national headlines ; )

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 12:47 pm

TBG gets it. The Three “R”s.

Reading, wRiteing, and Repitition.

poo November 14, 2013 at 11:49 am

As a parent who had their child in jasper County public schools…and was…and is concerned about my child’s education, I can honestly say…it does matter if you are a concerned parent or not…JCSD does not want parents involved. I tried to get involved,especially when I questioned why my child was not learning,bringing assignments home and one of his teachers informed me she had another student, “do his work for him so standards could be met”. I informed the district,they removed him from that class and teachers called him names,such as ignorant,troublemaker and I was not to question what they were doing. I was loosing my child and no one would help me. The teachers can blame the parents as much as they’d like, but one thing is certain…my child was not being taught and no one would help me. They do not care whether a parent cares or not, I experienced this first hand. A huge majority of the teachers graduated from JCSD and barely can speek proper english and constantly tell the children to shut up on a daily basis. I took my child out and put him in the charter school as soon as it opened…he started out in the 4th grade…on a second grade level…he is on level now! Whether you are a parent that is concerned or not,it does not matter here in JCSD. People have no idea of what they are doing to the children and what they tried to do to mine. You can’t fight the SYSTEM JCSD…it is built only for those in authority to prosper financialy and to pump out an ignorant society that will not question it’s wrong doings…”they” have been doing it this way for decades and they think they can continue, but their lies are catching up with them. People don’t uderstand how deep this runs and who all is involved and when it starts to unravel,as it is now… I do believe it will make national headlines ; )

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 12:45 pm

You can say that again!

poo November 14, 2013 at 11:56 am

• a few seconds ago• 0 0
• a few seconds ago• 0 0
As a parent who had their child in jasper County public schools…and was…and is concerned about my child’s education, I can honestly say…it does matter if you are a concerned parent or not…JCSD does not want parents involed. I tried to get involved,especially when I questioned why my child was not learning,bringing assignments home and one of his teachers informed me she had another student, “do his work for him so standards could be met”. I informed the district,they removed him from that class and teachers called him names,such as ignorant,troublemaker and I was not to question what they were doing. I was loosing my child and no one would help me. The teachers can blame the parents as much as they’d like, but one thing is certain…my child was not being taught and no one would help me. They do not care whether a parent cares or not, I experienced this first hand. A huge majority of the teachers graduated from JCSD and barely can speek proper english and constantly tell the children to shut up on a daily basis. I took my child out and put him in the charter school as soon as it opened…he started out in the 4th grade…on a second grade level…he is on level now! Whether you are a parent that is concerned or not,it does not matter here in JCSD. People have no idea of what they are doing to the children and what they tried to do to mine. You can’t fight the SYSTEM JCSD…it is built only for those in authority to prosper financialy and to pump out an ignorant society that will not question it’s wrong doings…”they” have been doing it this way for decades and they think they can continue, but their lies are catching up with them. People don’t uderstand how deep this runs and who all is involved and when it starts to unravel,as it is now… I do believe it will make national headlines ; )

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 12:45 pm

…and again!

poo November 14, 2013 at 1:18 pm

• a few seconds ago• 0 0
• a few seconds ago• 0 0
As a parent who had their child in jasper County public schools…and was…and is concerned about my child’s education, I can honestly say…it does matter if you are a concerned parent or not…JCSD does not want parents involved. I tried to get involved,especially when I questioned why my child was not learning,bringing assignments home and one of his teachers informed me she had another student, “do his work for him so standards could be met”. I informed the district,they removed him from that class and teachers called him names,such as ignorant,troublemaker and I was not to question what they were doing. I was loosing my child and no one would help me. The teachers can blame the parents as much as they’d like, but one thing is certain…my child was not being taught and no one would help me. They do not care whether a parent cares or not, I experienced this first hand. A huge majority of the teachers graduated from JCSD and barely can speek proper english and constantly tell the children to shut up on a daily basis. I took my child out and put him in the charter school as soon as it opened…he started out in the 4th grade…on a second grade level…he is on level now! Whether you are a parent that is concerned or not,it does not matter here in JCSD. People have no idea of what they are doing to the children and what they tried to do to mine. You can’t fight the SYSTEM JCSD…it is built only for those in authority to prosper financialy and to pump out an ignorant society that will not question it’s wrong doings…”they” have been doing it this way for decades and they think they can continue, but their lies are catching up with them. People don’t uderstand how deep this runs and who all is involved and when it starts to unravel,as it is now… I do believe it will make national headlines ; )

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 4:23 pm

You can say that again!

poo November 14, 2013 at 1:23 pm

As a parent who had their child in jasper County public schools…and was…and is concerned about my child’s education, I can honestly say…it doesn’t matter if you are a concerned parent or not…JCSD does not want parents involved. I tried to get involved,especially when I questioned why my child was not learning,bringing assignments home and one of his teachers informed me she had another student, “do his work for him so standards could be met”. I informed the district,they removed him from that class and teachers called him names,such as ignorant,troublemaker and I was not to question what they were doing. I was loosing my child and no one would help me. The teachers can blame the parents as much as they’d like, but one thing is certain…my child was not being taught and no one would help me. They do not care whether a parent cares or not, I experienced this first hand. A huge majority of the teachers graduated from JCSD and barely can speak proper english and constantly tell the children to shut up on a daily basis. I took my child out and put him in the charter school as soon as it opened…he started out in the 4th grade…on a second grade level…he is on level now! Whether you are a parent that is concerned or not,it does not matter here in JCSD. People have no idea of what they are doing to the children and what they tried to do to mine. You can’t fight the SYSTEM JCSD…it is built only for those in authority to prosper financialy and to pump out an ignorant society that will not question it’s wrong doings…”they” have been doing it this way for decades and they think they can continue, but their lies are catching up with them. People don’t uderstand how deep this runs and who all is involved and when it starts to unravel,as it is now… I do believe it will make national headlines ; ) I pray it is sonn so the children can get help.

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 14, 2013 at 4:24 pm

You can say that again!!


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