Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s 2012 presidential campaign was all the rage … until it wasn’t.
After opening up a 20-point lead on the GOP field in the fall of 2011, Perry stumbled badly in a series of early debates – and by the time the Iowa Caucuses rolled around in January he had become a second tier candidate.
Perry dropped out of the race just two days before the pivotal (or formerly pivotal) “First in the South” presidential primary – endorsing the failed bid of former U.S. Speaker (and socialized medicine supporter) Newt Gingrich.
Anyway, Perry is headed back to South Carolina this month … and local Republicans are greeting him like a conquering hero.
“Governor Perry’s strong record on jobs and economic growth is one that Washington D.C. should strive to emulate. His conservative leadership in a large, diverse state is impressive,” SCGOP chairman Matt Moore said in announcing Perry’s December 3 visit to Spartanburg, S.C. for a party fundraiser.
Perry is helping raise money for the 2014 Republican “victory” effort – which is the party’s general election voter registration, identification and motivation campaign.
And based on the SCGOP’s cash crunch, every penny is critical.
At least Rick Perry knew who to turn to when he needed help:
The blind leading the blind.
Tomstickler who do you support or like? Don’t just throw rocks. Show us the way!
The SC GOP love them some Rick Perry. Actually, they just love dumb motherfuckers. What do you expect when the average South Carolinian reads on an 8th grade level.
He just reminds them of Dumbya.
Although he has a very small penis,he’s a bottom.I like a cute guy who bottoms.
He likes the rod,and is a ‘moaner’.I want some of that.
Do you know where he’ll be staying? I care.Please keep us updated.
I was lambasted for supportiong Perry, among many some other true (Platform) Republicans, in 2012. I bet you ignorant son of a b!*c*hes are on your knees begging forgivness that Perry did not make through. He would have AT LEAST ridded our country of the Ugly and Filthy disease named Obama.
Big T was RIGHT, unless you are so F*#k!*g stupid to believe FITS and Co., and think you can insure 30 million more pople, for less money w/ the government in charge. What total F*#K!*g dumb@$$#$ you people are…
A sucker’s born every minute. But if you read the Mountain of Total ignorance presented by 90% of the FITS reader, I’d say A total f*#k!*g idiot is born ever second, beginning w/ FITS himself…Dumb@$$ No. 1…
This public service announcement was brought to you by the makers of Depakote.
You need to take care of that ticker, Hoss and double down on dem meds. Perry will never be Le Prez, so you just better just keep collecting that Medicaid and shut the fuck up hipocrite.
Do you dumb @$$ #$ ever get tired of being a trite F*#king brain-dead Cliche like the FITS-god you suck-off???…
Try creating an original thought, for once…and maybe you’ll abandon the worthless pieces of $#!t yall put in office over and over…
“A sucker born every minute…”
Funny, I’ve never heard that before. Very original, very original. Bravo, Dipshit!
This is one of those dumb motherfuckers I was referring to.
Uh oh. The FITSNEWS Spam trap must be full…