
Northwestern Is The Enemy

We used to be down with the “Red, White and Blue …” you know, like our intrepid guest columnist Brocephus Jones. Now? Not so much … We live in an “Evil Empire,” people … one simultaneously bankrupting and spying on its people the name of perpetuating its crony capitalist, welfare…

We used to be down with the “Red, White and Blue …” you know, like our intrepid guest columnist Brocephus Jones.

Now? Not so much …

We live in an “Evil Empire,” people … one simultaneously bankrupting and spying on its people the name of perpetuating its crony capitalist, welfare statist, global interventionist definition of “freedom.”

Accordingly, we hope the maize and blue of Michigan – no doubt licking its wounds from last weekend’s loss to rival Michigan State – stomps all over the special “Red, White and Blue” uniforms Northwestern is wearing this weekend.

Seriously … if the Wildcats (4-5, 0-5 Big Ten) are going to put this offensive flag on their uniforms we hope they get “desecrated.”

And yes … we know these are “Wounded Warrior” jerseys. Our beloved South Carolina Gamecocks lost to Florida in similar threads back in 2009. At this point, anybody who enlists in the U.S. Armed Forces has to know they are not fighting “for our freedom.”

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Mike at the Beach November 4, 2013 at 3:41 pm

Dude…are you off your meds or what? I’m no flag worshipper, but this seems a little histrionic. besides, America’s “offensive flag” isn’t just a symbol for the gov’t; most folks just think of it as representative of the country (and our people) as a whole. Lighten up, Francis! Or, as “the kids” say these days…U mad bro?

By the way, our service members (regardless of their motivation for joining) defend our freedom by their very service alone. Anyone who thinks that we’d be as safe as we are today without a powerful standing military possessing the frightful offensive and defensive capabilities of our DOD is just a little delusional. I’m not into veteran worship either, but that’s not politics, it’s just common sense. Peace!

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 4, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Besides, America’s “offensive flag” isn’t just a symbol for the gov’t; most folks just think of it as representative of the country (and our people) as a whole.


Anyone who thinks that we’d be as safe as we are today without a powerful standing military possessing the frightful offensive and defensive capabilities of our DOD is just a little delusional.

TBG thinks that much of the “frightful…capabilities of our DoD” are bankrupting our nation. TBG also believes that the use of the offensive capabilities has put an unnecessary target on us. While TBG understands that it is waaayyyy better to have a bit too much national defense, as opposed to a bit too little…he believes that Ike’s warning about the military industrial complex has proved exponitially more prophetic than he could ever have imagined.

Mike at the Beach November 4, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Agreed on the military-industrial complex comment, friend. Contracting issues like the old $600 toilet seats in the 80’s used to be the big problem. Now it’s entire (ridiculously expensive) programs that we don’t need (but that Representatives and Senators love to fund when there’s a plant or base in their district). Several studies have stated that we could, by careful cutting of some of the more expensive nonsense, retain about 90% of our capabilty for about 75% of the funding. Fifteen percent may not sound like much, but have you looked at all of the zeroes in the DoD budget lately? You’re right; Ike called it.

CNSYD November 4, 2013 at 6:15 pm

Your ignorance is showing. $600 toilet seats were a media myth. DoD issues specs and then, horror of horrors, expects manufacturers to comply with them. Amazing how the price goes up when you require manufacturers to certify in writing that all required testing has been performed.satisfactorily.

shifty henry November 4, 2013 at 8:40 pm

Shifty accepts your post unconditionally. In fact, after reading it, Shifty subjected his main toilet to a rigorous testing procedure. It “passed” each test as designed by the manufacturer. Keeping detailed records the final cost analysis revealed that $ 0.025 of water was needed. Extrapolating the cost of wear and tear on the unit showed (approximately) that each use came to $0.000000032. These figures do not take into account the cost of writing and printing a 2.11 pound report. Posting the results here cost nothing but the satisfaction of a “job well done!”

Mike at the Beach November 4, 2013 at 10:21 pm

What in the hell is going on with this site? Are you off your meds too??? I’m a lot of things, but ignorant of the federal procurement system (which I lived in off-and-on from 1985 – 2005) isn’t one of them. The “$600 toilet seat” happened, although you are slightly correct in your characterization in that the media took the specialized toilet shrouds as simple toilet seats. I was merely using the well-known meme as shorthand for the ridiculous, bloated, and reckless overspending that is part and parcel of every single federal purchasing contract ever let. I could bore everyone here until their eyes bleed with examples, but I assume you all have the intergoogle at your trailers – research it. Most contracts I dealt with had anywhere from a dozen to more than 20 “cost categories” associated with whatever we were buying; things like marketing, training, administration, travel, and various other “overhead” items vendors were allowed to insert on a per-piece basis. Since they were allowed to do so, they did. I watched year after year as we bought $1,000 dollar items that 100%, no kidding, absolutely could have been purchased inside the beltway at a freaking hardware store for $100-200 bucks. No special engineering required, no high-dollar test regimens, just a dozen crazy cost categories that allow the gouging. Complaining to the appropriate channels got the standard “don’t rock the boat, jackass” responses. Don’t get me wrong, cost category accounting is used in business too, but not in the way the feds allow. The federal procurement system was a broken-ass beast back then, as it still is today. It’s not just a size thing, either. Ask Wal-Mart if a big, decentralized organization can beat the shit out of suppliers if they are holding the checkbook (the answer is “yes,” by the way).

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 4, 2013 at 3:46 pm

*pops popcorn*

TBG thinks FITSNEWS is gonna catch some flack for this one…

Smirks November 4, 2013 at 5:12 pm

Last week, this site posted an article from Manning about how leftist flag-burners were trying to tell good ol’ patriotic Murikan flag-wavers that they weren’t patriotic. Now we have an article saying that the American flag represents an evil empire and a team that dares have an American Flag-themed uniform should get stomped and desecrated.

What the fuck am I reading anymore?

sweepin November 4, 2013 at 8:41 pm

If it sells, it prints.

MashPotato November 5, 2013 at 12:09 am

It’s a very tough pill to swallow. As the government disobeys its own laws, it no longer represents its citizens.

So does the flag represent the freedom loving citizens of America? Or does it represent a paranoid government that destroys freedom wherever possible?

I enlisted in the military fifteen months ago. The reasons? School was too expensive, I was laid off and couldn’t find work, I gained forty pounds in less than a year while on food stamps, and I was living with my dad and grandmother. It is my understanding that many enlist because like me, they have few options.

Being a hardcore Ron Paul supporter since 2007, I had no illusion that the military fights for freedom. Politicians use the military to look like they are keeping their constituents safe so they can keep spending their money. That’s why senators like Lindsay Graham are such assclowns, shamelessly putting troops in deadly situations and reaping political rewards for it.

I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to obey only lawful orders. I will uphold that oath.

The Colonel November 5, 2013 at 5:42 am

Guess which number represents the total amount of US “Evil Empire” financial gifts (excluding military sales and grants) to the rest of the world:

A. $3.4 Billion
B. $9.7 Billion
C. $1.7 Billion
D. $4.5 Billion
E. $4.9 Billion
F. $47 Billion
G. $14.1 Billion
H. None of the Above
I. All of the Above

The Colonel November 5, 2013 at 6:44 am

The Answer is of course I – All of the Above
A is the total from US “Evil Empire” Private Foundations
B is the total from US “Evil Empire” Private and Voluntary NGOs
C is the total from US “Evil Empire” Universities and Colleges
D is the total from US “Evil Empire” Religious Organizations
E is the total from US “Evil Empire” Corporations
F is the total from US “Evil Empire” Individual remittances
G is the total from US “Evil Empire” US AID

The total is just over $85 billion – $71 Billion of which comes from the private sector vice the “gubamint” – yeah, we’re the “Evil Empire”.

Repeat after me in your best Darth Vader voice: “Will I’m not you father – I wouldn’t admit it if I was cause – you’re a dumbass son.”

idcydm November 5, 2013 at 7:57 am

On this one I have to call, Shit Bird. Good to see you’re not getting the play you wanted and being ignored.

SenseLikeChaps November 5, 2013 at 5:47 pm

WTF are you even talking about?


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