US Senate Fundraising: Nobody’s “Showing Us The Money”

None of the candidates for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in South Carolina are tipping their hands when it comes to their latest fundraising efforts. With the Federal Election Commission (FEC) “out of commission” as a result of the partial government shutdown, candidate filing for the fundraising quarter which ended…

None of the candidates for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in South Carolina are tipping their hands when it comes to their latest fundraising efforts.

With the Federal Election Commission (FEC) “out of commission” as a result of the partial government shutdown, candidate filing for the fundraising quarter which ended on September 30 is expected to be delayed.

In the interest of transparency we gave U.S. Sen Lindsey Graham and his three announced primary opponents – social conservative attorney Richard Cash, S.C. Sen. Lee Bright and Lowcountry businesswoman Nancy Mace – the opportunity to voluntarily disclose their campaign finance totals.  We didn’t ask for exact numbers or even a list of donors, either: Just each campaign’s best guess as to the amount of money it has raised to date.

Guess what … not a single campaign was willing to provide us with that information. Mace and Bright’s campaigns politely declined our request, while Graham and Cash’s campaigns did not respond to our inquiry.

Oh well … we tried.

We’ll be sure to let you know in the event any of these candidates release this information to … well, anybody.


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Gillon October 3, 2013 at 2:48 pm

Looks like they voluntarily declined to release this information so that it could be included in your “free market of ideas.”. Just wondering if you think requiring them to would fit into your libertarian view of a “core function of government.”

Philip Branton October 3, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Dear Nancy MACE,

WHat are YOU doing…? It does not matter whether you have 1 Million or in the hole; but your efforts in getting your staff to be proactive is very telling..!!

If you do NOT play to win then why are you playing to make all SC voters out to be foolz.?

You lead by example.

Matter of fact, what does this say about the MEN that trained YOU at the Citadel..!!! Any alumni of the Citadel should be looking their wives in the eye tonight and asking them if they know how to fight for anything…!?!

Nancy, we know your better than Lindsey Graham but you sure do have a way of showing it……mostly NOT..!!

MaceSucks October 3, 2013 at 4:33 pm

You think her pathetic little campaign actually has “staff?” You’re even crazier than you appear.

Philip Branton October 3, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Dear Citadel Alumni,

Considering that I attended the lowly University of South Carolina, does it not seem rather dumb for Nancy Mace to not be pro-active in being as forth coming as possible in her campaign!!

Heck just read this article…..


How are any SC taxpayers to expect that when Nancy Mace is elected to the office of US Senator that she will do any better than Lindsey Graham is NOW…!?!?

My backside…….CADETS…!!

Lets hope you all do a better job of communicating on your battlefield than Nancy Mace is doing right now in her fight to defeat that bucket of lead called Lindsey Graham….!!

Heck at least Mrs Sic Willie understands how to rant on FACEBOOK to get her husband to write something about her…!!!

Cadets………if you think Fly boy Graham has a clue about “Citadel Energy” then you need to seriously think again.

Philip Branton October 3, 2013 at 4:04 pm

Dear US Senator Lindsey Graham,

Hello there. Is it going to take you as long to submit your campaign audit as it did for the Board of Directors at South Carolina State University…!?

What’s the matter Mr. Graham? You sent your info to the Post and Courier but they did not print it..?

WHat’s the matter Graham…….Washington DC does not run on SAP…? Well, just look at where they spend their campaign and contract LOOT..!!

Mr. Graham, we know that Mr Tim Scott is smiling as he reads this but someone on his staff is telling him right now to wipe that SMILE off…!!!!

Its clearly evident that your not the right person to be Senator if it takes you this long to log on to your checking account and print out a few months of records. I bet I can do mine in less than five minutes…..you IDIOT..!!

Mr Graham, how long do you think it would take me to print out some phone records to BENGHAZI if I was in your shoes…?? Matter of fact, Senator Graham, when you first got word of the fiasco in Benghazi, can you print out your personal phone records for Wil FOlks so we can all see how fast YOU respond to important NEWS and events…!?!


MaceSucks October 3, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Graham has millions in the bank and doesn’t care. The other three are embarrassed.

Slartibartfast October 4, 2013 at 9:00 pm

Will, I think this has more to do with your former affiliation with Sanford than anything else.. I don’t don’t think they dislike you. I also think, except for Cash who IS raising money, the big bucks are waiting for somebody else to enter the race.. as you noted in another story.


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