
Lloyd And Harry Are Back

The 1994 comedy hit Dumb and Dumber is one of our all-time favorite movies – a triumph of low-brow humor written, produced and directed by the Farrelly Brothers (the comedic geniuses who brought us There’s Something About Mary). Two decades later the brothers are back with Dumb and Dumber To…

The 1994 comedy hit Dumb and Dumber is one of our all-time favorite movies – a triumph of low-brow humor written, produced and directed by the Farrelly Brothers (the comedic geniuses who brought us There’s Something About Mary).

Two decades later the brothers are back with Dumb and Dumber To – a sequel slated for release next year.

Can they recapture the magic? And perhaps more importantly … should they be trying?

Dumb and Dumber To will make Universal Pictures tens of millions of dollars. That much was guaranteed the moment the Farrellys inked Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels to reprise their roles as Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne (former Boston Bruins’ star Cam Neely is also back, reprising his role as repressed homosexual truck stop bully “Sea Bass”).

Throw in bombshell Laurie Heldon (of The Walking Dead fame) as the film’s antagonist and all the ingredients are there …

Still, the original Dumb and Dumber strikes us as one of those movies that should have been permitted to stand on its own merit. After receiving ho-hum initial reviews it quickly became a cult classic – making a quarter of a billion dollars worldwide (on a $17 million budget).

There’s a reason for that, too. Seriously … unless you are offended by jokes about dead birds or bodily functions, Dumb and Dumber is the perfect comedy film: A masterpiece of misunderstanding and memorable one-liners.

Anyway … like most fans of the original, we will definitely watch (and probably enjoy) Dumb and Dumber To. But that doesn’t mean Hollywood should be making it.

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? September 25, 2013 at 8:44 am

“unless you are offended by jokes about dead birds or bodily functions”

My wife could only wish that were the case for me.

My inner “low brow” chi is very strong.

That’s what having man friends is all about, sparing the wife from having to pretend that she finds the Three Stooges, fart jokes, and Dumb and Dumber funny.

I’m a perpetual 10 year boy old deep inside.

BillC123 September 25, 2013 at 8:58 am

The first one was incredible, the second one sucked, this one will likely suck even more. Just another example of Hollywood’s lack of creativity for something new.

GaryJR September 25, 2013 at 10:10 am

Personal taste stories are so boring.

9" September 25, 2013 at 11:53 am

Hollywood is desperate.People don’t read anymore(except blogs and facebook) or go see ‘serious’ movies..

JJEvans September 25, 2013 at 4:05 pm

Anyone still find Jim Carrey funny?

9" September 25, 2013 at 5:55 pm

Never did.He’s annoying as hell.

For serious low brow humor,Christopher Guest raised it to an art form:


? September 25, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Not really any more, when he started in on all that political shit and started taking himself too seriously he got really unfunny, real fast. It happens to a lot of aging comedians.

He seem to be taking the Chevy Chase career path. (“Medium talent!”-lol…I love Bill Murray)

George Carlin got better with age because his social commentary was couched in funny idioms and he was exceptionally talented in both his observations and ability to work with the English language. Generally speaking, he seemed much brighter than both Carrey and Chase…that probably helps too.

Little Enos September 25, 2013 at 5:33 pm

I remember when STAR STUFF featured t & a and a little muff now and then. What the hell happened Will?

Aerator September 25, 2013 at 7:09 pm

It ain’t funny to publish a picture of them before they had makeup applied. The Bondo delivery was running late.

notfunny September 25, 2013 at 7:49 pm

Barry and Joe?

anon. September 25, 2013 at 9:08 pm

Have Dumb and Dumber tired of running the executive branch?

Beartrkkr September 25, 2013 at 10:57 pm

“Excuse me, Flo? Uh, what’s the Soup Du Jour?”

“It’s the Soup of the Day. ”

“Mmmm. That sounds good. I’ll have that.”


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