
One Nation, Under Surveillance

In a dystopian Big Brother moment ripped straight from the pages of George Orwell’s 1984 – or from the wildest dreams of fascist dictators like Adolf Hitler – the federal government has been maintaining a secret database of Americans’ internet search history, phone records, emails, live chats, social media posts…

In a dystopian Big Brother moment ripped straight from the pages of George Orwell’s 1984 – or from the wildest dreams of fascist dictators like Adolf Hitler – the federal government has been maintaining a secret database of Americans’ internet search history, phone records, emails, live chats, social media posts and file transfers.

In fact they’ve been doing it for the last six years – with the most recent reauthorization for this unprecedented domestic spying program coming in December 2012.

According to top secret documents leaked this week, the secret database relies on “collection directly from the servers” of major providers like Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Skype, Yahoo and YouTube, among others.

Wow … welcome to the occupation, people. Further proof we live under the thumb of an “Evil Empire.”

What does this mean? Simple: Anything you’ve ever done on your computer – or your laptop, tablet or smart phone – was observed. And not just observed, saved as part of a massive searchable database.

Ponder that for a moment …

The existence of the government’s vast electronic spying program – operated by the National Security Administration (NSA) under the code name PRISM – first leaked out this week after a British newspaper revealed that wireless provider Verizon had been complying with an order to turn over millions of its phone records.

That revelation prompted public outrage – as well as a full-court press from anti-liberty politicians and the anti-liberty mainstream media in support of the program.

The administration of U.S. President Barack Obama also rushed to defend its domestic spying, calling PRISM a “critical tool” in prosecuting the so-called “War on Terror.” Obama’s administration also claimed that members of Congress were being provided with regular updates regarding the program.

Is that true though?

Last time we checked Obama’s administration flat out lied to Congress about PRISM’s very existence.

“Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden asked Obama’s intelligence chief James Clapper three months ago.

“No, sir,” Clapper responded.

“It does not?” Wyden continued.

“Not wittingly,” Clapper responded. “There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect — but not wittingly.”

Yeah … that’s called perjury, people.

We can’t believe we actually have to write this but listen up, people: There is never any excuse for your government to monitor and collect your private internet search history, phone records, emails, live chats, file transfers or any other personal information posted in any electronic format.

Obama must immediately call for the discontinuation of the PRISM program – and any other domestic spying initiatives – and destroy any and all files associated with it. Furthermore, in prosecuting the “War on Terror” moving forward, our government must obtain warrants based on probable cause if it wishes to begin collecting the private information of American citizens.

This is not some “at the margins” point that’s up for negotiation either. This is the very fabric of our freedom that’s being ripped apart …


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jimlewisowb June 7, 2013 at 9:27 am

I would like to send an encrypted message to the boys and girls in Washington who are half a step away from brown shirts, arm bands, black boots, a stiff right arm, crotchless underwear and a little patch of hair under their goddamn mother fucking noses:

Fuck you, fuck the horse you ride, fuck you all

Oh, just in case you want to pay me a visit I sometimes go by the drag title of BigT or GrandTango

Finius Nullis June 7, 2013 at 10:48 am

GrandTango – an interesting alias, eh? I now officially give him the new code name of “SEVEN-TEN” to be referred to as “7-10” based on the Urban Dictionary—
GRAND — definition #7 calls it “stuck up, big-headed, self-important, arrogant”
TANGO — definition #10 calls it “new age douche-bag”

shifty henry June 8, 2013 at 1:08 pm

HA-HA —– that’s good!

Boz Martin June 7, 2013 at 11:40 am

OK, I’m gonna call you on the crotchless underwear bit. You just threw that in to be salacious, didn’t you? It gave me a much-needed laugh today, though. So thanks!

jimlewisowb June 7, 2013 at 9:27 am

I would like to send an encrypted message to the boys and girls in Washington who are half a step away from brown shirts, arm bands, black boots, a stiff right arm, crotchless underwear and a little patch of hair under their goddamn mother fucking noses:

Fuck you, fuck the horse you ride, fuck you all

Oh, just in case you want to pay me a visit I sometimes go by the drag title of BigT or GrandTango

Finius Nullis June 7, 2013 at 10:48 am

GrandTango – an interesting alias, eh? I now officially give him the new code name of “SEVEN-TEN” to be referred to as “7-10” based on the Urban Dictionary—
GRAND — definition #7 calls it “stuck up, big-headed, self-important, arrogant”
TANGO — definition #10 calls it “new age douche-bag”

shifty henry June 8, 2013 at 1:08 pm

HA-HA —– that’s good!

Boz Martin June 7, 2013 at 11:40 am

OK, I’m gonna call you on the crotchless underwear bit. You just threw that in to be salacious, didn’t you? It gave me a much-needed laugh today, though. So thanks!

9" June 7, 2013 at 9:45 am

will trade for some kirkman finlay


9" June 7, 2013 at 9:45 am

will trade for some kirkman finlay


CL June 7, 2013 at 10:13 am

Reasonable people can disagree on the Verizon warrant (it is probably legal since, as Andy McCarthy has pointed out at NRO Online, they are not capturing the content of communications, although we can argue over whether it is good policy), but PRISM is a truly astonishing violation of our most basic freedoms. The best defense of conservative principles regarding limited government are the ways governments always act when you give them more power. The IRS scandal, PRISM, etc., these strike at the heart of the progressive worldview. Obama’s defense to the IRS scandal has been that he did not know. But that is actually a greater indictment of the progressive state, that it is so big and intrusive that even those we elect to be responsible cannot control its activities.

Thomas June 7, 2013 at 10:32 am

I’ve always thought that one of the biggest political advantages of conservatives is their ability to take a program created by them, under their worldview, and blame it on someone else when it blows up in everyones face.

CL June 7, 2013 at 10:47 am

LOL. I actually was about to put something preemptively dealing with the “Bush did it” nonsense but decided against it. It is truly sad how predictable the liberal lemmings are. Tu quoque is not an argument. It is a logical fallacy. Yet time after time it is the knee jerk response of liberals who cannot really craft a legitimate argument.

Lets assume Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan crafted the program with an assist from William Buckley, my response would be “does that make it right?”

CL June 7, 2013 at 10:49 am

And by the way, Republican is not synonymous with conservative. I could go on for quite a while about my conservative complaints about W., and there is nothing conservative about this program.

Thomas June 7, 2013 at 5:52 pm

Well if your original comment had been about the program your later response would be appropriate, and we could have simply agreed the program is bad, should go away, and the President should not have such power. But that isn’t what your post was about, was it? Your post was degrading people you disagree with and shifting blame for a program set up by people who call themselves conservatives to the only people who bitched when this program was set up in the first place. Where were all the so called conservatives who found this program overreaching? Fox, Rush, Beck, Drudge, etc. etc. All on “the President’s number one job is to protect the country” band wagon. All denigrating and mocking people they labeled some Big T or CL insult du jour.

I think a lot of us are pretty fed up with you so called “conservatives.” You can’t even agree on what it means to be a conservative. You say you are a conservative but Bush wasn’t. Bush says he is too a conservative, You say Romney was not conservative enough, but Romney says he’s severely conservative. Cheney says he is a conservative, but you say his policies are not conservative. So we find out you have social conservatives, you have religious conservatives, you have fiscal conservatives, you have libertarian conservatives, your have conservative conservatives and neoconservatives. You all call yourself conservatives but in the end you only have two things in common. You all vote for Republicans and you all agree that anyone who does not agree with you is a stupid libtard, or lemming.

Well guess what, Bush was your guy. Bush got us into this mess, Bush created the war on terror, and Bush expanded the power of the Presidency by creating a perpetual state of war that can have no end, all to the cheers of people who call themselves “conservatives.”. So you conservatives, regardless of stripes, get stuck with him and every dumb thing he did. Because the rest of us, whom you consider stupid, have come to believe you are all just nuts.

Simple Simon June 7, 2013 at 7:28 pm

This is probbly the best post Ive read here.Hey Fits,why not publish this as an article?But wait youre a “conservative” too,except when youre not!

CL June 7, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Did you even read what I wrote? I did not blame any particular person, i said this type of abuse was inherent in government itself. I also assumed that Obama is telling the truth that he did not know about some of the abuses of his administration.

You obviously have nothing other than the hypocrisy fallacy, which is quite sad. Doubling down on this idiocy does not disguise your pathetic inability to make an actual point. But lets talk hypocrisy if you are so focused on it. First, please cite where i have given unquestioned support of Bush. I was against the Iraq War and the “you broke it, you bought it” mentality that has led to our never ending Afghanistan War. I strongly criticized No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D, neither of which is remotely conservative.

And while there were certainly neocons supportive of many of the known Bush initiatives, who specifically was supportive of Prism, the super secret program we did not know about until now, under Bush, but is now bashing Obama? Point out this fictional creature and will gladly condemn them as hypocrites. But until you can put flesh on that strawman, lets talk about the most glaring example of hypocrisy.

It really is astounding that you can even bring up hypocrisy without addressing Obama, who made such overheated attacks on Bush for setting up the very programs Obama has not just maintained but often put on steroids (such as drone strikes). You would think given Obama’s gall, you would want to avoid the hypocrisy attack all together. The fact that this is all you have is just sad.

dwb619 June 7, 2013 at 11:48 am

Please don’t besmirch the memories of Goldwater and Buckley by bringing up Ronnie “ouiga board” Rayguns.

Smirks June 7, 2013 at 11:00 am

I don’t believe this is a “conservative” or “progressive” thing at all. Yes, the Patriot Act was pushed under a Republican-controlled government, but a lot of Democrats supported it then, and a lot of Democrats have supported expansions of these abused powers under Obama (with heavy support from Republicans as well). And no, Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, just as Democrats aren’t necessary progressive. Very few of either party are what they claim to be.

Obama spoke out against these powers and a lot of what was going on under the Bush administration, but has done a complete 180 since his election. Among the people backing him up is McCain, his 2008 opponent. Honestly, I don’t think Romney would’ve done anything different either. I’m sure in 2016 we’ll get two more status quo candidates that won’t do anything about this stuff. The executive branch is lost as far as this stuff goes, but honestly, even if the powers weren’t abused, they still shouldn’t exist simply because they CAN be abused. There’s a reason why we have due process, require warrants, and give people privacy when they’ve done nothing wrong.

This shouldn’t be a right versus left thing. It should be something that conservatives, progressives, libertarians, what have you, all stand up against. This isn’t an issue about the size of government, it is an issue with the scope of what powers it has been granted. As long as the government is permitted to enforce laws, there is always going to be a danger of it overstepping its bounds and oppressing the people.

How many people who voted for the Patriot Act are still in office today, and of those who are too new to have voted on it, how many voted yes on extending its powers, or voted yes on NDAA? Will they lose their seats for it? Will the people running against them run on ending these powers? Will they actually follow through if elected?

Government isn’t representing the people, but why should it if the people don’t force it to serve them?

Possum June 7, 2013 at 12:08 pm

“Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice,”

by Barry Goldwater, Delivered at the 1964 Republican National Convention at San Francisco, California


Indeed, this is not a Democrat versus Republican issue.

major major June 7, 2013 at 12:45 pm

I’ve always thought that one of the biggest political advantages of liberals is their ability to rail against a program created by someone else, then turn around and put that same program on steroids when they are in a position of power to use it for themselves. (Obama, as a senator, co-sponsored legislation that would have banned the mass collection of phone records).
Is this the “Hope and Change” you voted for? Is this the “most transparent administration in history” you were promised?

CL June 7, 2013 at 10:13 am

Reasonable people can disagree on the Verizon warrant (it is probably legal since, as Andy McCarthy has pointed out at NRO Online, they are not capturing the content of communications, although we can argue over whether it is good policy), but PRISM is a truly astonishing violation of our most basic freedoms. The best defense of conservative principles regarding limited government are the ways governments always act when you give them more power. The IRS scandal, PRISM, etc., these strike at the heart of the progressive worldview. Obama’s defense to the IRS scandal has been that he did not know. But that is actually a greater indictment of the progressive state, that it is so big and intrusive that even those we elect to be responsible cannot control its activities.

Thomas June 7, 2013 at 10:32 am

I’ve always thought that one of the biggest political advantages of conservatives is their ability to take a program created by them, under their worldview, and blame it on someone else when it blows up in everyones face.

CL June 7, 2013 at 10:47 am

LOL. I actually was about to put something preemptively dealing with the “Bush did it” nonsense but decided against it. It is truly sad how predictable the liberal lemmings are. Tu quoque is not an argument. It is a logical fallacy. Yet time after time it is the knee jerk response of liberals who cannot really craft a legitimate argument.

Lets assume Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan crafted the program with an assist from William Buckley, my response would be “does that make it right?”

CL June 7, 2013 at 10:49 am

And by the way, Republican is not synonymous with conservative. I could go on for quite a while about my conservative complaints about W., and there is nothing conservative about this program.

Thomas June 7, 2013 at 5:52 pm

Well if your original comment had been about the program your later response would be appropriate, and we could have simply agreed the program is bad, should go away, and the President should not have such power. But that isn’t what your post was about, was it? Your post was degrading people you disagree with and shifting blame for a program set up by people who call themselves conservatives to the only people who bitched when this program was set up in the first place. Where were all the so called conservatives who found this program overreaching? Fox, Rush, Beck, Drudge, etc. etc. All on “the President’s number one job is to protect the country” band wagon. All denigrating and mocking people they labeled some Big T or CL insult du jour.

I think a lot of us are pretty fed up with you so called “conservatives.” You can’t even agree on what it means to be a conservative. You say you are a conservative but Bush wasn’t. Bush says he is too a conservative, You say Romney was not conservative enough, but Romney says he’s severely conservative. Cheney says he is a conservative, but you say his policies are not conservative. So we find out you have social conservatives, you have religious conservatives, you have fiscal conservatives, you have libertarian conservatives, your have conservative conservatives and neoconservatives. You all call yourself conservatives but in the end you only have two things in common. You all vote for Republicans and you all agree that anyone who does not agree with you is a stupid libtard, or lemming.

Well guess what, Bush was your guy. Bush got us into this mess, Bush created the war on terror, and Bush expanded the power of the Presidency by creating a perpetual state of war that can have no end, all to the cheers of people who call themselves “conservatives.”. So you conservatives, regardless of stripes, get stuck with him and every dumb thing he did. Because the rest of us, whom you consider stupid, have come to believe you are all just nuts.

Simple Simon June 7, 2013 at 7:28 pm

This is probbly the best post Ive read here.Hey Fits,why not publish this as an article?But wait youre a “conservative” too,except when youre not!

CL June 7, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Did you even read what I wrote? I did not blame any particular person, i said this type of abuse was inherent in government itself. I also assumed that Obama is telling the truth that he did not know about some of the abuses of his administration.

You obviously have nothing other than the hypocrisy fallacy, which is quite sad. Doubling down on this idiocy does not disguise your pathetic inability to make an actual point. But lets talk hypocrisy if you are so focused on it. First, please cite where i have given unquestioned support of Bush. I was against the Iraq War and the “you broke it, you bought it” mentality that has led to our never ending Afghanistan War. I strongly criticized No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D, neither of which is remotely conservative.

And while there were certainly neocons supportive of many of the known Bush initiatives, who specifically was supportive of Prism, the super secret program we did not know about until now, under Bush, but is now bashing Obama? Point out this fictional creature and I will gladly condemn them as hypocrites. If you are going to call someone a hypocrite for criticizing a program, you bear the burden of showing they formerly supported that program. Otherwise you are just attacking a strawman (one of Obama’s specialities). But until you can back up your rhetoric, lets talk about the most glaring example of hypocrisy.

It really is astounding that you can even bring up hypocrisy without addressing Obama, who made such overheated attacks on Bush for setting up the very programs Obama has not just maintained but often put on steroids (such as drone strikes). You would think given Obama’s gall, you would want to avoid the hypocrisy attack all together. The fact that this is all you have is just sad.

dwb619 June 7, 2013 at 11:48 am

Please don’t besmirch the memories of Goldwater and Buckley by bringing up Ronnie “ouiga board” Rayguns.

Smirks June 7, 2013 at 11:00 am

I don’t believe this is a “conservative” or “progressive” thing at all. Yes, the Patriot Act was pushed under a Republican-controlled government, but a lot of Democrats supported it then, and a lot of Democrats have supported expansions of these abused powers under Obama (with heavy support from Republicans as well). And no, Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, just as Democrats aren’t necessary progressive. Very few of either party are what they claim to be.

Obama spoke out against these powers and a lot of what was going on under the Bush administration, but has done a complete 180 since his election. Among the people backing him up is McCain, his 2008 opponent. Honestly, I don’t think Romney would’ve done anything different either. I’m sure in 2016 we’ll get two more status quo candidates that won’t do anything about this stuff. The executive branch is lost as far as this stuff goes, but honestly, even if the powers weren’t abused, they still shouldn’t exist simply because they CAN be abused. There’s a reason why we have due process, require warrants, and give people privacy when they’ve done nothing wrong.

This shouldn’t be a right versus left thing. It should be something that conservatives, progressives, libertarians, what have you, all stand up against. This isn’t an issue about the size of government, it is an issue with the scope of what powers it has been granted. As long as the government is permitted to enforce laws, there is always going to be a danger of it overstepping its bounds and oppressing the people.

How many people who voted for the Patriot Act are still in office today, and of those who are too new to have voted on it, how many voted yes on extending its powers, or voted yes on NDAA? Will they lose their seats for it? Will the people running against them run on ending these powers? Will they actually follow through if elected?

Government isn’t representing the people, but why should it if the people don’t force it to serve them?

Possum June 7, 2013 at 12:08 pm

“Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice,”

by Barry Goldwater, Delivered at the 1964 Republican National Convention at San Francisco, California


Indeed, this is not a Democrat versus Republican issue.

major major June 7, 2013 at 12:45 pm

I’ve always thought that one of the biggest political advantages of liberals is their ability to rail against a program created by someone else, then turn around and put that same program on steroids when they are in a position of power to use it for themselves. (Obama, as a senator, co-sponsored legislation that would have banned the mass collection of phone records).
Is this the “Hope and Change” you voted for? Is this the “most transparent administration in history” you were promised?

L I'll Be June 7, 2013 at 10:17 am

Did you ever wonder why UK newspaper picked this up first???? Hmmmn, maybe because of a place called Menwith Hill……been doing the NSA monitoring thing for a lonnnnnnnnnnngggggg time there, longer than 6 years. Google it! Stick to politics, out of your league on military and NSA stuff…….

L I'll Be June 7, 2013 at 10:17 am

Did you ever wonder why UK newspaper picked this up first???? Hmmmn, maybe because of a place called Menwith Hill……been doing the NSA monitoring thing for a lonnnnnnnnnnngggggg time there, longer than 6 years. Google it! Stick to politics, out of your league on military and NSA stuff…….

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 10:20 am


“…..What does this mean? Simple: Anything you’ve ever done on your computer – or your laptop, tablet or smart phone – was observed. And not just observed, saved as part of a massive searchable database.

Ponder that for a moment ……”

Wil Folks, do you understand how this makes you look like and IDIOT…!!

You mean you peck away at your keyboard and burn your candles so that your readers can NOT access your information and understand YOU…??

As you and your wife sit in bed and laugh all the way to the BANK..!!???

Wil, come on……..who would your readers be able to “verify” better? ….YOU….or Lindsey Graham…??

So Wil, when your readers go to the polls then why do they NOT write your “verify-able” name into every office to send a signal to those in office..??

Who can you verify most MR. Wil Folks…..think….Me or Elizabeth Colbert-Busch or Mark Sanford..??

Wil……..have you ever taken a “pencil” into a “voting” booth…!!??

Why not…..your a “smart” man aren’t you? We feel certain your wife is?

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 10:20 am


“…..What does this mean? Simple: Anything you’ve ever done on your computer – or your laptop, tablet or smart phone – was observed. And not just observed, saved as part of a massive searchable database.

Ponder that for a moment ……”

Wil Folks, do you understand how this makes you look like and IDIOT…!!

You mean you peck away at your keyboard and burn your candles so that your readers can NOT access your information and understand YOU…??

As you and your wife sit in bed and laugh all the way to the BANK..!!???

Wil, come on……..who would your readers be able to “verify” better? ….YOU….or Lindsey Graham…??

So Wil, when your readers go to the polls then why do they NOT write your “verify-able” name into every office to send a signal to those in office..??

Who can you verify most MR. Wil Folks…..think….Me or Elizabeth Colbert-Busch or Mark Sanford..??

Wil……..have you ever taken a “pencil” into a “voting” booth…!!??

Why not…..your a “smart” man aren’t you? We feel certain your wife is?

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 10:37 am

Dear Nancy Mace,

As you sit there and read this on your stinkin’ smart phone, when you type in your name to Google…..what results come back..?

Now, my dear “Scarlett”, type my name into Google and see what “verify-able” information is listed.!! (Fist Poundzzz…!!)

Nancy, …next,… I would like for you to think about how smart your Father is and what his response would be if you were to ask him in your very “daughter” way if he realizes what information is NOT listed for either one of us in the Google searches and WHY..??

Nancy….do your really want to be SENATOR…!!??

How would any campaign “advisor” for your opposition in 2014…”use” …..me?

Nancy……we hope you have picked up the phone and called a woman who understands Judge Titus..!! http://burkepllc.com/firm/

Nancy, have you been out to the Citadel Beach house lately..?? Would Ted Kennedy (if he were still alive) say that there is “wind” blowing..?

We pray that YOU do not make the same mistake that ECB did with Sanford..!

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 10:37 am

Dear Nancy Mace,

As you sit there and read this on your stinkin’ smart phone, when you type in your name to Google…..what results come back..?

Now, my dear “Scarlett”, type my name into Google and see what “verify-able” information is listed.!! (Fist Poundzzz…!!)

Nancy, …next,… I would like for you to think about how smart your Father is and what his response would be if you were to ask him in your very “daughter” way if he realizes what information is NOT listed for either one of us in the Google searches and WHY..??

Nancy….do your really want to be SENATOR…!!??

How would any campaign “advisor” for your opposition in 2014…”use” …..me?

Nancy……we hope you have picked up the phone and called a woman who understands Judge Titus..!! http://burkepllc.com/firm/

Nancy, have you been out to the Citadel Beach house lately..?? Would Ted Kennedy (if he were still alive) say that there is “wind” blowing..?

We pray that YOU do not make the same mistake that ECB did with Sanford..!

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 11:03 am

Dear Senator Lindsey Graham’s staff……….

When you all listen to this youtube clip


What do you say to yourselves…?? We wonder if any “smart” reader to FITSNEWS actually know who you are…and why they should know you..!!? Obviously, Senator Graham takes YOU seriously enough to hire you to run his office…..we just wonder if Nancy MACE is smart enough to use this websites readers to ASK you some very good questions so that YOU can get information “verified” before Senator Graham opens his freakin’ mouth..??

We wonder just how many of Senator Graham’s staff have ever “used” this website’s comment section in a meaningful “way”….!!!?

We wonder if Senator Scott’s staff has ever done the SAME…??

Boz Martin June 7, 2013 at 11:42 am

Full-bore fucking rant mode today, eh Phil?
What scares me about you is that sometimes you do make sense.

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 11:58 am

“Boz”……you where great when you played “linebacker” for Oklahoma..!!

Mr. Martin, your a smart “comedian”, you do realize that evidence entered in court is not a RANT..?? We are sure that Senator Lindsey Graham’s staff take you very seriously….your “vote” does matter….doesn’t it..!!?

So “Boz” ….which one do you think knows “Bo” voterz better…Lindsey or Nancy …or You..?


Thanks for the tackle ….”Boz”

Genny June 7, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Someone get Friday off?

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 12:44 pm

“Genny” ……great question..!

We wonder just how many State House “personnel” in Columbia are working by using their fingers like you did in the comment section to help “solve” a problem..?

We wonder if Fitsnews can identify how many web hits come from a certain server “serving” the statehouse and immediate lobby “firms” across our state..??

“Genny” how informative would that graphic be to the readers of FITSNEWS…..and of course….advertisers..??

How could that info be used by “citizens” on a consumer battlefield..?? …or troops serving at various locations world wide..??

“Genny” thanks for working to prove that I am “serving”….

Genny June 7, 2013 at 1:32 pm

No problem…I about to leave early.

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 11:03 am

Dear Senator Lindsey Graham’s staff……….

When you all listen to this youtube clip


What do you say to yourselves…?? We wonder if any “smart” reader to FITSNEWS actually know who you are…and why they should know you..!!? Obviously, Senator Graham takes YOU seriously enough to hire you to run his office…..we just wonder if Nancy MACE is smart enough to use this websites readers to ASK you some very good questions so that YOU can get information “verified” before Senator Graham opens his freakin’ mouth..??

We wonder just how many of Senator Graham’s staff have ever “used” this website’s comment section in a meaningful “way”….!!!?

We wonder if Senator Scott’s staff has ever done the SAME…??

Boz Martin June 7, 2013 at 11:42 am

Full-bore fucking rant mode today, eh Phil?
What scares me about you is that sometimes you do make sense.

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 11:58 am

“Boz”……you where great when you played “linebacker” for Oklahoma..!!

Mr. Martin, your a smart “comedian”, you do realize that evidence entered in court is not a RANT..?? We are sure that Senator Lindsey Graham’s staff take you very seriously….your “vote” does matter….doesn’t it..!!?

So “Boz” ….which one do you think knows “Bo” voterz better…Lindsey or Nancy …or You..?


Thanks for the tackle ….”Boz”

Genny June 7, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Someone get Friday off?

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 12:44 pm

“Genny” ……great question..!

We wonder just how many State House “personnel” in Columbia are working by using their fingers like you did in the comment section to help “solve” a problem..?

We wonder if Fitsnews can identify how many web hits come from a certain server “serving” the statehouse and immediate lobby “firms” across our state..??

“Genny” how informative would that graphic be to the readers of FITSNEWS…..and of course….advertisers..??

How could that info be used by “citizens” on a consumer battlefield..?? …or troops serving at various locations world wide..??

“Genny” thanks for working to prove that I am “serving”….

Genny June 7, 2013 at 1:32 pm

No problem…I about to leave early.

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 11:19 am

Dear South Carolina Adj. General……….

Good Morning Sir………..we feel certain that YOU and a long list of Citadel Grads have read the “Art of War”.

So……..what does the picture associated with this article from the P&C tell YOU..??


…look very closely (a picture tells a 1000 stories)…

General, do you want to scare the citizens your trying to protect or the ENEMY..?? We wonder just how many SC National Guardsman actually understand why the Editor of the P&C would “pick” such a picture to be tagged to this photo…??

General……why did SIc Willie not use the same photo for this article ..??

CNSYD June 7, 2013 at 11:19 am

“There is never any excuse” Never is one of those words you should never use as it is seldom, if ever, true.

There is this pesky document that contains the following: “provide for the common Defence”. Apparently it has been deemed necessary to gather intelligence to accomplish this provision. As an another reader has noted, read up on Menwith Hall. You and your utopian ideas are way behind.

Philip Branton June 7, 2013 at 11:19 am

Dear South Carolina Adj. General……….

Good Morning Sir………..we feel certain that YOU and a long list of Citadel Grads have read the “Art of War”.

So……..what does the picture associated with this article from the P&C tell YOU..??


…look very closely (a picture tells a 1000 stories)…

General, do you want to scare the citizens your trying to protect or the ENEMY..?? We wonder just how many SC National Guardsman actually understand why the Editor of the P&C would “pick” such a picture to be tagged to this photo…??

General……why did SIc Willie not use the same photo for this article ..??

CNSYD June 7, 2013 at 11:19 am

“There is never any excuse” Never is one of those words you should never use as it is seldom, if ever, true.

There is this pesky document that contains the following: “provide for the common Defence”. Apparently it has been deemed necessary to gather intelligence to accomplish this provision. As an another reader has noted, read up on Menwith Hall. You and your utopian ideas are way behind.

Vanguard16 June 7, 2013 at 11:28 am

WOW!! Ya’ll must have missed the 1998 film, Enemy of the State!!

Vanguard16 June 7, 2013 at 11:28 am

WOW!! Ya’ll must have missed the 1998 film, Enemy of the State!!

Okay June 7, 2013 at 11:45 am

Oh well. Vote the politicians out who voted to allow this kind of thing. We have no right to privacy, constitutionally, which is why time after time, all these actions are upheld by courts, so voting in people who take privacy more seriously is the only way to fix this.

It’s frustrating when politicians who supported theses kinds of measures by voting to authorize them are now crying foul when the Admin is exercising its authority.

dwb619 June 7, 2013 at 11:46 am

Typical. No memory. Some would call it “Romnesia”.

Okay June 7, 2013 at 11:45 am

Oh well. Vote the politicians out who voted to allow this kind of thing. We have no right to privacy, constitutionally, which is why time after time, all these actions are upheld by courts, so voting in people who take privacy more seriously is the only way to fix this.

It’s frustrating when politicians who supported theses kinds of measures by voting to authorize them are now crying foul when the Admin is exercising its authority.

dwb619 June 7, 2013 at 11:46 am

Typical. No memory. Some would call it “Romnesia”.

lawzoo June 8, 2013 at 2:30 pm

“Under surveillance …. by the Ceeeee……I.A.

on a blanket with your baby……….is where I’ll lay”*

sung(?) to the tune of Under the Boardwalk….I tried damnit !

lawzoo June 8, 2013 at 2:30 pm

“Under surveillance …. down at the Ceeeee……I.A.

on a blanket with your baby……….is where I’ll lay”*

sung(?) to the tune of Under the Boardwalk….I tried damnit !

Polyphemos June 11, 2013 at 12:02 am

Break the backs of PRIZM and prove all the arrogant liars to be the liars they are. Every time you answer a phone, don’t say, “Hello!” say,”Al-Queda!” It will swamp the discretionary software and mess up the software protocol. Promise.

Slartibartfast June 11, 2013 at 12:02 am

Break the backs of PRIZM and prove all the arrogant liars to be the liars they are. Every time you answer a phone, don’t say, “Hello!” say,”Al-Queda!” It will swamp the discretionary software and mess up the software protocol. Promise.


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