DeMint Group: Just Say No To Medicaid Expansion

Days after releasing a poll showing South Carolinians evenly split on the question of Medicaid expansion, a conservative-leaning think tank has released a new report urging policymakers to reject this “free money.” “This allegedly good deal will only bring turmoil to the state’s budget in the future,” former U.S. Sen….

Days after releasing a poll showing South Carolinians evenly split on the question of Medicaid expansion, a conservative-leaning think tank has released a new report urging policymakers to reject this “free money.”

“This allegedly good deal will only bring turmoil to the state’s budget in the future,” former U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint writes in a foreword to the report. “For one thing, Medicaid expansion is not ‘catch and release’ for the states. Once such an expansion has occurred, it is politically difficult if not impossible to roll back enrollment. It becomes a permanent entitlement – and one that is completely unaffordable. If South Carolina expands Medicaid, taxpayers would be on the hook for millions. According to our research at The Heritage Foundation, the expansion would begin costing the state just four years from now and would cost $612 million over the next 10 years — outstripping any purported ‘savings.'”

DeMint is absolutely correct …

The Obamacare expansion would add approximately 545,000 new beneficiaries to the state’s already bloated Medicaid rolls over the next seven years – sixty percent of which would likely go on the taxpayer dole within the first year.

That is unsustainable growth … but then again so is the Medicaid expansion that’s occurring under “Republican” S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley. In the coming fiscal year, Haley’s administration is set to expand the state’s Medicaid rolls by more than 130,000 new beneficiaries – while incurring an additional $600 million in Medicaid funding in the coming FY 2013-14 budget.

Where’s the alarm over this expansion?

Yeah … there is none.

As of 2011, more than 1.1 million South Carolinians (roughly a quarter of the state’s population) received Medicaid benefits. Meanwhile 43 percent of the state’s children and 52 percent of its live births are covered by the program.

Seems like we should be subtracting people from those rolls during a “recovery,” not adding to them …

Anyway, to her credit Haley has pledged to veto the Obamacare Medicaid expansion, assuming it passes the S.C. General Assembly. It didn’t this year, although the budget process is still far from over.

According to the Public Policy Forum – the group which published the new report – 44 percent of South Carolinians support the expansion and 44 percent oppose it.


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GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 3:20 pm

Duuuhhhh…I tried to tell you this weeks ago…I wonder why Demint has to Tell FITS (the self-called fiscal Conservative) there ain’t no Santa Claus…

Expanding the Medicaid program just means putting more COSTLY, irresponsible would-be patients in a system we already OVER-Pay for…

One of the things the media has done, on purpose, is not make it clear that the Money the Obama says he is going to “GIVE” us REQUIRES SC to add hundreds of thousandsof high-cost, low responsibility patients…

These are the people who can afford to wait ’til they finish playing Madden 2013 on X-Box to go to the ER for a sniffle, because YOU are paying for it…Whereas I have to take responsibility for me and my childrens’s healthcare, nd go to the Dr. because I have to PAY for it…

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 3:36 pm

I’d rather pay for proper care of the poor and fucked over than pay for improper flooding of the ER by the poor and fucked over.

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 3:50 pm

The poor and EFFED over are people like me, Conservatives…by Greedy, corrupt Theives like you and the Obama voters…

So will you send me my check, or can you do PayPal????..since you’re so “compassionate” and volunteering to pay for the Effed over…

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 4:52 pm

I love how the morons of the Republican party bash the “victim mentality” of the left but then proceed to complain that they are victims themselves.

If broke people healthcare is so great, why don’t you quit your job? Assuming you have one, anyways. From everything you tell us, the lazy poor have it made! Section 8 housing, food stamps, a free cell phone, free health care, “luxuries” like refrigerators and microwaves… If you’re so broke you’re asking some stranger on FITS for money, it sounds like you need some of that glorious welfare living! At least you won’t have to complain about working for a living anymore!

And if we start running out of money, we can get some torches and pitchforks together and force all the elderly, disabled, mentally handicapped, invalids, and children to get a damn job. I mean, it isn’t like welfare is helping anyone who actually needs help, right?

Say What? May 14, 2013 at 9:10 pm

Where ya go, Biggs?

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 3:34 pm

Yeah, the states pays millions while the feds pay 9 times that. Oh no, what a horrible deal for the states! Come on, DeMint, put forth a plan that counters the Medicaid expansion and does a better job of covering the lower-middle and lower classes! Don’t sabotage something that tries to fix the system, give us something that fixes it better! Draft up some legislation! Sponsor it!

Oh, wait. You fucking deserted your job for a big fat paycheck at the Heritage Foundation. Why the hell should anyone listen to your ass now?

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 3:57 pm

How bout getting gov’t out of it…
It’s not like they have a sucess record of ever running anything efficently…
Look at the post office, social Secuirty, Benghazi, Fast & Furious and the IRS…F$%*ked up and going broke, despite Trillions and Trillions of our money to pay for them…
Gov’t control is pretty much of an EFF up…don’t you agree…

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 4:43 pm

“getting gov’t out of it” = letting people who can’t pony up die in the streets.

BTW, you still haven’t addressed why Reagan signed a bill that got government involved in the first place, making hospitals treat the broke people who flood the emergency room. Reagan was a socialist commie liberal anyways if you listen to anything the modern-day Republicans say.

I’m glad you extend the same caring you give to unborn fetuses to the disadvantaged living. Oh great and noble Big(o)T, teach us your ways!

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 5:37 pm

Liberals made a Lot of promises in bills Reagan signed, but they did not keep them…
Remember the Immigration bill he signed, and the Left got all the concessions, but lied like H#!!…as usual…
I’m not going to blame Reagan because corrupt leftwingers failed to honor their pledges…He did a lot for this country, despite a democrat Congress that was corrupt then, too….
I choose to salute President Reagan for the prosperity, pride and his ending of the USSR…He had a mess to clean up that Carter left…almost as bad as Obama has made, now…
As I am still sickened by the House Banking Scandal, Ft. Worthless Jim Wright, Lying and Spending Tip O’Neil and the eternal immoral and spring-breaking Raper Ted Kennedy…
Liberals never they???…except to get worse…

2big2fall May 14, 2013 at 10:25 pm


9" May 15, 2013 at 2:39 am

Why are you trying to replace ,T as Fits’ resident psycho?

Smirks May 15, 2013 at 7:07 am

What are you even talking about?

bogart May 16, 2013 at 8:44 am

Like he would even know.You give him too much credit Smirks.

southmauldin May 15, 2013 at 9:13 am

Sorry, 9″. Smirks is one of the most reasonable posters here, even though I don’t agree with him on occasion. I read every post he has, unlike some other posters who foam at the mouth every time they post.

Uncle Remus May 15, 2013 at 8:12 am

Do you think the government just prints this money? You are clearly not understanding the costs that lay forward for accepting the carrot. The state is on the hook for so many more mouths. There are no more teats at the government for everyone to suckle. Get for real!

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 3:34 pm

Yeah, the states pays millions while the feds pay 9 times that. Oh no, what a horrible deal for the states! Come on, DeMint, put forth a plan that counters the Medicaid expansion and does a better job of covering the lower-middle and lower classes! Don’t sabotage something that tries to fix the system, give us something that fixes it better! Draft up some legislation! Sponsor it!

Oh, wait. You fucking deserted your job for a big fat paycheck at the Heritage Foundation. Why the hell should anyone listen to your ass now?

9" May 15, 2013 at 2:39 am

Why are you trying to replace ,T as Fits’ resident psycho?

Smirks May 15, 2013 at 7:07 am

What are you even talking about?

bogart May 16, 2013 at 8:44 am

Like he would even know.You give him too much credit Smirks.

southmauldin May 15, 2013 at 9:13 am

Sorry, 9″. Smirks is one of the most reasonable posters here, even though I don’t agree with him on occasion. I read every post he has, unlike some other posters who foam at the mouth every time they post.

Uncle Remus May 15, 2013 at 8:12 am

Do you think the government just prints this money? You are clearly not understanding the costs that lay forward for accepting the carrot. The state is on the hook for so many more mouths. There are no more teats at the government for everyone to suckle. Get for real!

obamabentdemintover May 14, 2013 at 3:46 pm

how is demint anything other than a pathetc quitter on the scale f a sarah palin.: a loud mouth idiot right wing clown ho, with his self promoting tea party phony act, helped USHER IN the era of obama. while demint was using the tea party to hawk his boring book-instead of fighting for america-‘s heart andsoul, the socialist/marxist/muslim was takking ovr the country. then when obama was on the verge of implementing his dystopian neo-marxist caliphate, fucking jimmy D up and quits. LOL. whata fucking bitch. thatnks lot jim. now please stfu.

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Palin quit amidst an ethics probe, so there’s that.

EJB May 14, 2013 at 4:17 pm

The ethics probes (yes, plural) continued after she resigned. I believe there were a total of 17. But it wasn’t that she did anything bad, in fact she was cleared in ALL cases (all 17 ran their course), but you, as an Alaska resident, can file a complaint with a piece of paper, regular letter (not even a formal form) and a stamp. The ethics complaints were all political BS trying to cause bad ink for the governor. Too bad people weren’t smart enough to see it for what it was, she would have been better than either of the bozos holding the top two seats now.

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 5:06 pm

she would have been better than either of the bozos holding the top two seats now.

This is how I know not to take you seriously. Thank goodness America was bright enough to figure out that a bumbling moron who still had no fucking clue about foreign relations despite being given a crash course in it doesn’t deserve to be one step away from replacing an old guy with massive health problems.

The probes lost steam after her resignation, once she was out of office they didn’t pursue it nearly as hard. Lucky her. But hey, let’s just ignore the fact that she resigned due to the “distractions” of the probes and then immediately joined McCain for a run as VP. Yep, can’t stick around for an ethics probe, but go ahead and sign me up for an even higher position!

Jesus Christ, why do you guys still give this attention whore so many kudos? At least most Democrats treat Biden appropriately: like a red-headed stepchild.

EJB May 15, 2013 at 7:01 am

Ummm, jeez Smirks, you’re killing your own credibility here. She didn’t resign as governor of Alaska until AFTER the election. You can Google it if you truly cared about facts, which you don’t. Also, you claim Palin’s defenders are stupid yet even though you acknowledge the deficiencies of Biden you guys elected him, twice. I would say it is your kind that is clueless.

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 1:08 pm

Don’t bother. Of course you are right, but the left are rabid ideologues. Facts or justice mean nothing to them.
Hate and Political power is all they are interested in…

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 4:20 pm

I don’t live in Alaska, but now it seems we’re finding out the left is perpetuating covert persecution operations w/ Obama’s help. And Palin was an opponent of Obama-Biden.
So what are you NOT telling about this. you’ve already proven to be LIARS (see Benghazi)…so maybe it’s time to own up….

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Wow, Obama perpetuating covert prosecution operations, that’s totally relevant considering Palin ran with McCain in the first election Obama won, meaning Obama had no power to “perpetuate covert prosecution operations.”


GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 5:28 pm

So you’re admitting Obama CHEATED to win in 2012…but not in 2008, right???…
Nice democratic people, for sure…

surfer, the web, that is May 15, 2013 at 9:44 am

Hear that Haley paid Palin a big chunk of money for the endorsement of Haley. Is this true? Is this legal?

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 3:54 pm

I don’t think I ever heard that Sen. DeMint CHEATED to win his electeion into office. We, the people, put him there gladly. And I love his service at Heritage.
While Obama attacked his enemies and spied on the media to manipulate them, in addition to voter fraud, to get in office. That’s Un-American…
I’ll have to give Sen. DeMint the nod for not being Corrupt, don’t you???

bobbymac May 15, 2013 at 12:05 pm

I am not a Demint fan but I do agree (for the 1st time ever) that he is not corrupt. I believe that he is a principled person. I just disagree with his principles! GrandTango, we in the legal field have a saying…you can disagree without being disagreeable. Do you think it is possible for you to debate an issue without name calling, cursing or questioning the motives of people who disagree with you? Do you admit there are a lot of folks who are not corrupt but who disagree with you or who are liberal based on their beliefs and principles?

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 16, 2013 at 8:39 am

Do you think it is possible for you to debate an issue without name calling, cursing or questioning the motives of people who disagree with you?

I’ll handle this one for ya, GT…..

“HELL F@#KING no, Dumb@$$.!!! You’ve got your head so far up your lord and savior, OBumma’s A$$ that you could be Chris Matthew’s Doppler– Ganger. YOU are the cause for the fall of western civilization, Christianity and all that was GOOD in the world because of your PORN addled, Mark Sanfraud, Liberal-Tarian perverted ,DELUDED hedonism. I HOPE YOU DON’T HAVE CHILDREN, You corrupt B@$$-turd!!!”

How did I do?

obamabentdemintover May 14, 2013 at 3:46 pm

how is demint anything other than a pathetc quitter on the scale f a sarah palin.: a loud mouth idiot right wing clown ho, with his self promoting tea party phony act, helped USHER IN the era of obama. while demint was using the tea party to hawk his boring book-instead of fighting for america-‘s heart andsoul, the socialist/marxist/muslim was takking ovr the country. then when obama was on the verge of implementing his dystopian neo-marxist caliphate, fucking jimmy D up and quits. LOL. whata fucking bitch. thatnks lot jim. now please stfu.

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Palin quit amidst an ethics probe, so there’s that.

EJB May 14, 2013 at 4:17 pm

The ethics probes (yes, plural) continued after she resigned. I believe there were a total of 17. But it wasn’t that she did anything bad, in fact she was cleared in ALL cases (all 17 ran their course), but you, as an Alaska resident, can file a complaint with a piece of paper, regular letter (not even a formal form) and a stamp. The ethics complaints were all political BS trying to cause bad ink for the governor. Too bad people weren’t smart enough to see it for what it was, she would have been better than either of the bozos holding the top two seats now.

Smirks May 14, 2013 at 5:06 pm

she would have been better than either of the bozos holding the top two seats now.

This is how I know not to take you seriously. Thank goodness America was bright enough to figure out that a bumbling moron who still had no fucking clue about foreign relations despite being given a crash course in it doesn’t deserve to be one step away from replacing an old guy with massive health problems.

The probes lost steam after her resignation, once she was out of office they didn’t pursue it nearly as hard. Lucky her. But hey, let’s just ignore the fact that she resigned due to the “distractions” of the probes and then immediately joined McCain for a run as VP. Yep, can’t stick around for an ethics probe, but go ahead and sign me up for an even higher position!

Jesus Christ, why do you guys still give this attention whore so many kudos? At least most Democrats treat Biden appropriately: like a red-headed stepchild.

EJB May 15, 2013 at 7:01 am

Ummm, jeez Smirks, you’re killing your own credibility here. She didn’t resign as governor of Alaska until AFTER the election. You can Google it if you truly cared about facts, which you don’t. Also, you claim Palin’s defenders are stupid yet even though you acknowledge the deficiencies of Biden you guys elected him, twice. I would say it is your kind that is clueless.

surfer, the web, that is May 15, 2013 at 9:44 am

Hear that Haley paid Palin a big chunk of money for the endorsement of Haley. Is this true? Is this legal?

Howie Richs Neighbor May 14, 2013 at 3:52 pm

Your boy Demint aint doing too well in his new role Fits.First ,his anti immigration “study” gets slammed by putative GOP presidential frontrunner Marco Rubio and everybodys good ol bo and Republican moneyman Haley Barbour,but then one of the key authors is revealed to be some kind of eugenics warrior with tones of racism thrown in.

heritage hasnt gotten much for their money from this overrated blowhard.Indeed Fits, even you ought to wonder why in the Hell would any decent “think tank” hire some politicain from South Carolina of all places to run the show?

Howie Richs Neighbor May 14, 2013 at 3:52 pm

Your boy Demint aint doing too well in his new role Fits.First ,his anti immigration “study” gets slammed by putative GOP presidential frontrunner Marco Rubio and everybodys good ol bo and Republican moneyman Haley Barbour,but then one of the key authors is revealed to be some kind of eugenics warrior with tones of racism thrown in.

heritage hasnt gotten much for their money from this overrated blowhard.Indeed Fits, even you ought to wonder why in the Hell would any decent “think tank” hire some politicain from South Carolina of all places to run the show?

EJB May 14, 2013 at 4:07 pm

“According to the Public Policy Forum – the group which published the new report – 44 percent of South Carolinians support the expansion and 44 percent oppose it.”

The other 12% want to buy popcorn and watch the battle.

The solution is to let people take care of themselves. Deregulate the medical field (this will scare the crap out of a lot lobbyists). Ever read some of the regulations these people have to follow. There are so many “ifs”, “ands” and “buts” its no wonder the doctors get sued so much. No database on doctors so a person can check on who is good or not so good.

Lexington hospital had to pay Palmetto Health (I think) a $10M bribe to have their heart surgery unit. This whole thing of “certificate of need” is crap, just politics and “rent seeking” garbage. These are the kinds of things, and the regulations are poluted with them, that increase costs of medical care and do nothing make things better at all, just another way to fatten the politicians and favored weasels wallets. The whole process of bringing new drugs to market is another abismal state of regulations driving up costs.

Get the government out of medicine. Let people have Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and let them pay for their medical care out of that. Direct pay by the people getting the medical care will do more o bring down the costs than anything in the 0bamaCare law. There is a lot more that can be done but there is only so much space here.

EJB May 14, 2013 at 4:07 pm

“According to the Public Policy Forum – the group which published the new report – 44 percent of South Carolinians support the expansion and 44 percent oppose it.”

The other 12% want to buy popcorn and watch the battle.

The solution is to let people take care of themselves. Deregulate the medical field (this will scare the crap out of a lot lobbyists). Ever read some of the regulations these people have to follow. There are so many “ifs”, “ands” and “buts” its no wonder the doctors get sued so much. No database on doctors so a person can check on who is good or not so good.

Lexington hospital had to pay Palmetto Health (I think) a $10M bribe to have their heart surgery unit. This whole thing of “certificate of need” is crap, just politics and “rent seeking” garbage. These are the kinds of things, and the regulations are poluted with them, that increase costs of medical care and do nothing make things better at all, just another way to fatten the politicians and favored weasels wallets. The whole process of bringing new drugs to market is another abismal state of regulations driving up costs.

Get the government out of medicine. Let people have Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and let them pay for their medical care out of that. Direct pay by the people getting the medical care will do more o bring down the costs than anything in the 0bamaCare law. There is a lot more that can be done but there is only so much space here.

MyDaddyIsRich May 14, 2013 at 5:04 pm

Why would the Christian Heritage Foundation be against helping the poor. I thought Jesus was into that?

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 5:41 pm

Why are you turning to Jesus. I thought your god, Obama, was all-powerful…You hate Jesus and Christians, don’t you? …

Or is Obama’s power limited to only when he can use stolen personal info. on people so the government can take them down???

Sarge May 14, 2013 at 9:15 pm

That’s funny.

MyDaddyIsRich May 14, 2013 at 5:04 pm

Why would the Christian Heritage Foundation be against helping the poor. I thought Jesus was into that?

Sarge May 14, 2013 at 9:15 pm

That’s funny.

mph May 14, 2013 at 6:39 pm

Jim-Bo’s tenure at the Heritage has gone about as expected. That study they just released is doing wonders for that “outreach” effort. Keep it up, Jim.

mph May 14, 2013 at 6:39 pm

Jim-Bo’s tenure at the Heritage has gone about as expected. That study they just released is doing wonders for that “outreach” effort. Keep it up, Jim.

LaGloriaCubana May 14, 2013 at 8:45 pm

Let’s end Medicaid and set up hospitals strictly for the “poor” where the poor can get their basic health care needs met and the pain killing drugs that they may need. Let foundational and charity money pay doctors/nurses with a tax free salary for the hours they put in in these hospitals. Also, exempt drug manufacturers and medical suppliers from any taxes associated with supplying these hospitals. Finally, require that the poor provide some level of co-payment for each visit. There, problem solved, and most importantly, they’ll be the h@ll out of my way when I need to go to the hospital.

Marie Harrison May 15, 2013 at 9:41 am

You know, that really makes sense,

LaGloriaCubana May 14, 2013 at 8:45 pm

Let’s end Medicaid and set up hospitals strictly for the “poor” where the poor can get their basic health care needs met and the pain killing drugs that they may need. Let foundational and charity money pay doctors/nurses with a tax free salary for the hours they put in in these hospitals. Also, exempt drug manufacturers and medical suppliers from any taxes associated with supplying these hospitals. Finally, require that the poor provide some level of co-payment for each visit. There, problem solved, and most importantly, they’ll be the h@ll out of my way when I need to go to the hospital.

Marie Harrison May 15, 2013 at 9:41 am

You know, that really makes sense,

Martha Guzman May 16, 2013 at 6:40 am

Sounds like we need to return to the good old days….its all about money now and all folks seem to do now days is whine, moan, and complain. Does the President and the other Fat Cats pay for health care or is that one of their benefits???

Mguzman May 16, 2013 at 6:40 am

Sounds like we need to return to the good old days….its all about money now and all folks seem to do now days is whine, moan, and complain. Does the President and the other Fat Cats pay for health care or is that one of their benefits???

bogart May 16, 2013 at 8:51 am

When DeMint walked away from his elected job as Senator for a bigger paycheck,did he have to give up his room at C Street ?

bogart May 16, 2013 at 8:51 am

When DeMint walked away from his elected job as Senator for a bigger paycheck,did he have to give up his room at C Street ?


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