Pond Scums In Lexington?

From our tip line … Better hurry to find out why and how a developer is pushing the buttons and getting Lexington (S.C.) Town Council to sell him Barr Pond to use as a holding pond (definition is to hold polluted runoff). Though assessed at over $293,000 a single offer…

From our tip line …

Better hurry to find out why and how a developer is pushing the buttons and getting Lexington (S.C.) Town Council to sell him Barr Pond to use as a holding pond (definition is to hold polluted runoff).

Though assessed at over $293,000 a single offer of $60,000 is going to get it without bid process or Council allowing ANY other bids.

There’s a lot more here than anyone’s telling and mayor Randy Halfacre’s feeble attempt to justify it is trash. A meeting is scheduled for May 20th for a FINAL reading.


FITS: If the city of Lexington, S.C. is involved, then you better believe something shady is going down. We’ll try and do some digging on this from our end prior to the May 20 deadline. And if you come upon any additional information, feel free to send it directly to our founding editor via email (


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King-Tut May 10, 2013 at 5:41 pm

How appropriate to use the words Town Council and “scum” in the same sentence.

Sam May 13, 2013 at 10:03 am

In the infamous words of Hazel, council member and mayor pro tem, “Love me some hooka shoes”. What do you expect?

King-Tut May 10, 2013 at 5:41 pm

How appropriate to use the words Town Council and “scum” in the same sentence.

Sam May 13, 2013 at 10:03 am

In the infamous words of Hazel, council member and mayor pro tem, “Love me some hooka shoes”. What do you expect?

shifty henry May 10, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Sounds “fishy” to me…………….

shifty henry May 10, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Sounds “fishy” to me…………….

jimlewisowb May 10, 2013 at 6:44 pm

So the developer is going to get the pond at $.20 cents on the $1.00

Given these facts then it is not possible that Mayor Halfwit and his band of DumbDumbs are involved

If they were involved the Town would be paying the developer $60,000 to take such a pristine site off their hands plus a written contract to provide all necessary drainage, curbing, roadways, water and sewer hookups at taxpayer’s expense

Of course once the deal is consummated every town official will receive free of charge a model home of their choice located on the edge of the pristine pond

jimlewisowb May 10, 2013 at 6:44 pm

So the developer is going to get the pond at $.20 cents on the $1.00

Given these facts then it is not possible that Mayor Halfwit and his band of DumbDumbs are involved

If they were involved the Town would be paying the developer $60,000 to take such a pristine site off their hands plus a written contract to provide all necessary drainage, curbing, roadways, water and sewer hookups at taxpayer’s expense

Of course once the deal is consummated every town official will receive free of charge a model home of their choice located on the edge of the pristine pond

katlaurenscounty May 10, 2013 at 7:29 pm

HAHHHAHAAHAHAH!!!! This poor citizen must be in the hospital with a head trauma. S/he’s hallucinating that FITS can do anything to ‘help’ (whatever that is).

Wait, I know!!! FITS can hire an ‘investigator’. One word. Wilson. BWAHHAHAHAHA!!!!

No, wait, here!!!I Publish allegations of inferences of what some unnamed source said about so and so (oh, I already said hooking). Here’s your ‘help’, citizen!!!

And here’s your sign, thumb sucker. You are these people’s boss, and responsible for finding the truth. Act like it. Is your brain in a diaper? Do the work. Ever heard of FOIA? Don’t whine someone else to give you a blankey. Get the applicable documents, like the town procurement, bid policies, history of property ownership, EPA, regulatory, etc. Make a written request to Council (or whoever, depending upon what you find out) asking appropriate questions based on info discovered.

No wonder we’re one of the most corrupt states and politicians act like they’re in charge. You act like you need a babysitter.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 8:04 pm

Well, since you seem to have all the answers about proper procedures here, why don’t you do it, instead of “whining for someone else to give you a blankey?”

katlaurenscounty May 11, 2013 at 11:29 am

I assume this post is meant as a joke. Proposing that I do the thing I blasted someone for not doing his/herself, is not rational. This post asks why I don’t give the citizen the blankey after I chastized him/her for asking for it.

Smirks May 10, 2013 at 10:51 pm

Reporting on a corrupt deal doesn’t sound like much, but often a little sunlight drives the shady deals back.

katlaurenscounty May 11, 2013 at 11:22 am

True, but irrelevant to my post. I directly attacked a citizen’s consideration of FITS reporting that I directly stated to be incompetent, as ‘help’. These direct attacks don’t even weakly imply an attack on all reporting (such as those I call competent), as useless to reduce corruption. The post does strongly imply, via attacking a citizen’s sissy helplessness, something like the following: ‘self governing’ means ‘self” can and must act when ‘self’ sees a problem, or ‘self’ isn’t governing. Per ‘late to the game’ the state already did a ‘real’ (and what I consider competent) although maybe not comprehensive report. Your own inference my post implies reports such as this are useless, is unwarranted. Hasn’t typically been your approach, in my observations.

katlaurenscounty May 10, 2013 at 7:29 pm

HAHHHAHAAHAHAH!!!! This poor citizen must be in the hospital with a head trauma. S/he’s hallucinating that FITS can do anything to ‘help’ (whatever that is).

Wait, I know!!! FITS can hire an ‘investigator’. One word. Wilson. BWAHHAHAHAHA!!!!

No, wait, here!!!I Publish allegations of inferences of what some unnamed source said about so and so (oh, I already said hooking). Here’s your ‘help’, citizen!!!

And here’s your sign, thumb sucker. You are these people’s boss, and responsible for finding the truth. Act like it. Is your brain in a diaper? Do the work. Ever heard of FOIA? Don’t whine someone else to give you a blankey. Get the applicable documents, like the town procurement, bid policies, history of property ownership, EPA, regulatory, etc. Make a written request to Council (or whoever, depending upon what you find out) asking appropriate questions based on info discovered.

No wonder we’re one of the most corrupt states and politicians act like they’re in charge. You act like you need a babysitter.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 8:04 pm

Well, since you seem to have all the answers about proper procedures here, why don’t you do it, instead of “whining for someone else to give you a blankey?”

katlaurenscounty May 11, 2013 at 11:29 am

I assume this post is meant as a joke. Proposing that I do the thing I blasted someone for not doing his/herself, is not rational. This post asks why I don’t give the citizen the blankey after I chastized him/her for asking for it.

Smirks May 10, 2013 at 10:51 pm

Reporting on a corrupt deal doesn’t sound like much, but often a little sunlight drives the shady deals back.

katlaurenscounty May 11, 2013 at 11:22 am

True, but irrelevant to my post. I directly attacked a citizen’s consideration of FITS reporting that I directly stated to be incompetent, as ‘help’. These don’t even weakly imply an attack on reports I call competent, as useless to reduce corruption. My post does strongly imply, via attack citizen’s sissy helplessness, something like this: ‘self governing’ means ‘self” can and must act when ‘self’ sees a problem, or ‘self’ isn’t governing. Per ‘late to the game’, a ‘real’ (and what I consider competent) although maybe not comprehensive report has already been published. Your inference my post implies I consider this report ineffective against corruption, is unwarranted. Using such inferences hasn’t typically been your approach, in my observations.

Lex Voter May 10, 2013 at 8:22 pm

I would wager certain members of the Council and lex Ring are involved. There are many rumors about the Water and Sewer taps, as well as the garbage collection and land fill. Follow the dots and you will find Ring members and associatess involved in these ventures, businesses and County servicess.

Lex Voter May 10, 2013 at 8:22 pm

I would wager certain members of the Council and lex Ring are involved. There are many rumors about the Water and Sewer taps, as well as the garbage collection and land fill. Follow the dots and you will find Ring members and associatess involved in these ventures, businesses and County servicess.

Late to the Game May 10, 2013 at 10:33 pm

One thing you will notice when you look at the tax map is that the developer,not lexington county, would own the dam if this sale goes through.

Has anyone considered that the dam might need repairs and that is why the county is willing to discount the price?

jimlewisowb May 11, 2013 at 8:17 am

If the damn dam is in dangerously bad damn shape, why not take a damn backhoe and dig a damn drain in the dam and drain the damn water out that is detained behind the dangerously damn dam

Surely if the current damn dammed property is worth $293,000 with a damn bad dam, it can’t be worth any less with the damn bad dam destroyed.and the damn dammed pond drained of its damn dammed water

No, me thinks the damn Fulltwit Mayor Halfwit and his band of Quarterwits are damn full of damn dam shit and the damn taxpayers are about to get a damn dirty dam deal shoved up their damn ass

Late to the Game May 11, 2013 at 9:01 am

I see someone is channeling Vegas Vacation…
Also The State ran an article on this over a month ago…Sic is late to the game once again…

Late to the Game May 10, 2013 at 10:33 pm

One thing you will notice when you look at the tax map is that the developer,not lexington county, would own the dam if this sale goes through.

Has anyone considered that the dam might need repairs and that is why the county is willing to discount the price?

jimlewisowb May 11, 2013 at 8:17 am

If the damn dam is in dangerously bad damn shape, why not take a damn backhoe and dig a damn drain in the dam and drain the damn water out that is detained behind the dangerously damn dam

Surely if the current damn dammed property is worth $293,000 with a damn bad dam, it can’t be worth any less with the damn bad dam destroyed.and the damn dammed pond drained of its damn dammed water

No, me thinks the damn Fulltwit Mayor Halfwit and his band of Quarterwits are damn full of damn dam shit and the damn taxpayers are about to get a damn dirty dam deal shoved up their damn ass

Late to the Game May 11, 2013 at 9:01 am

I see someone is channeling Vegas Vacation…
Also The State ran an article on this over a month ago…Sic is late to the game once again…

Something smells here May 11, 2013 at 9:01 am

Me thinks Halfwits knows his days are numbered and is trying to get all the goody he can before he’s gone. Everyone knows Frazzier is his right hand man and butt buddy. He also has very close and cosey ties to the trash man (Bob Peeler). I would be very suspicious of any activity these people are involved in.
The sluts they hang with smell like tuna, this smells more fishy than they do.

surfer, the web, that is May 13, 2013 at 10:06 am

I feel sorry for Angela.

Something smells here May 11, 2013 at 9:01 am

Me thinks Halfwits knows his days are numbered and is trying to get all the goody he can before he’s gone. Everyone knows Frazzier is his right hand man and butt buddy. He also has very close and cosey ties to the trash man (Bob Peeler). I would be very suspicious of any activity these people are involved in.
The sluts they hang with smell like tuna, this smells more fishy than they do.

surfer, the web, that is May 13, 2013 at 10:06 am

I feel sorry for Angela.

Mad Hatter May 16, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Lexington Mayor Randy Halfacre signed a contract with the developer to sell the 124-acre Barr Lake and 5 acres of shoreline for $60,000 on MARCH 4, 2013. Who knew? Probably not Council members, maybe not even the town attorney and certainly not Lexington citizens. In the published minutes of Lexington County work session of March 18 (two weeks after the contract was signed) Municipal Attorney Brad Cunningham said that an “offer” was received. Council voted 6/1 in favor of placing it on the 4/1/13 agenda for “consideration” THE PLOT SICKENS! On 4/1/13 “consideration” magically became the first reading approval, again using the term “offer”, WITHOUT ANY PRIOR PUBLIC INPUT. I don’t recall the word “contract” being mention then or in the aborted attempt for a second and final reading on May 6th. Now they will meet on Monday, May 20 for the second reading and, probably, approval. Expect more of the same. I believe we know who’s driving the bus and who’s getting a free ride and maybe more. If you disagree with what’s going on, speak up and be heard. If you don’t, you can’t complain when the dirty deal is done. Incidentally, there also was a Lexington Council Regular Town Meeting on Monday evening, March 4, 2013, the same day the Mayor made the contractual commitment. No word in the published minutes of that meeting about the “offer” or a contract…wonder if he even mentioned it to other council members or town attorney……

Mad Hatter May 16, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Lexington Mayor Randy Halfacre signed a contract with the developer to sell the 124-acre Barr Lake and 5 acres of shoreline for $60,000 on MARCH 4, 2013. Who knew? Probably not Council members, maybe not even the town attorney and certainly not Lexington citizens. In the published minutes of Lexington County work session of March 18 (two weeks after the contract was signed) Municipal Attorney Brad Cunningham said that an “offer” was received. Council voted 6/1 in favor of placing it on the 4/1/13 agenda for “consideration” THE PLOT SICKENS! On 4/1/13 “consideration” magically became the first reading approval, again using the term “offer”, WITHOUT ANY PRIOR PUBLIC INPUT. I don’t recall the word “contract” being mention then or in the aborted attempt for a second and final reading on May 6th. Now they will meet on Monday, May 20 for the second reading and, probably, approval. Expect more of the same. I believe we know who’s driving the bus and who’s getting a free ride and maybe more. If you disagree with what’s going on, speak up and be heard. If you don’t, you can’t complain when the dirty deal is done. Incidentally, there also was a Lexington Council Regular Town Meeting on Monday evening, March 4, 2013, the same day the Mayor made the contractual commitment. No word in the published minutes of that meeting about the “offer” or a contract…wonder if he even mentioned it to other council members or town attorney……

Mad Hatter May 16, 2013 at 9:00 pm


IF either OR both of the deals involving Barr Pond go through in favor of the developer, as they are now being pushed, there may be a fight between DATELINE NBC and 60-MINUTES to see which will get to air what will be a great human-interest story of big money and politics. BE ADVISED THAT THEY HAVE BOTH BEEN PUT ON NOTICE OF THIS SITUATION AND MAY BE VERY INTERESTED IN THE OUTCOME.

Mad Hatter May 16, 2013 at 9:00 pm


IF either OR both of the deals involving Barr Pond go through in favor of the developer, as they are now being pushed, there may be a fight between DATELINE NBC and 60-MINUTES to see which will get to air what will be a great human-interest story of big money and politics. BE ADVISED THAT THEY HAVE BOTH BEEN PUT ON NOTICE OF THIS SITUATION AND MAY BE VERY INTERESTED IN THE OUTCOME.


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