SC: Long Lines To Vote

Yet another study is confirming yet another piss poor national ranking for South Carolina … According to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology study, voter wait times in the Palmetto State averaged 25 minutes in 2012 – fourth-worst in the nation. The study – which was first reported by The Charleston…

Yet another study is confirming yet another piss poor national ranking for South Carolina …

According to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology study, voter wait times in the Palmetto State averaged 25 minutes in 2012 – fourth-worst in the nation. The study – which was first reported by The Charleston (S.C.) Post and Courier – mirrored the results of a New York Times survey released back in February.

Pathetic ..

Of course South Carolina would have fared much better were it not for the infamous “Richland County Robbery” – which we maintain was deliberate suppression of voter participation in predominantly white precincts in one of the state’s most populous counties. Wait … deliberate suppression? Why would anyone want to do that? Easy … “Republican” and Democratic leaders were pushing a $1.2 billion tax hike and didn’t want to leave anything to chance.

So they refused to place the required number of machines in predominantly white precincts … causing wait times of up to seven hours in some cases.

But hey … they stole that money fair and square, right? We should quit bitching and moaning about it, right?

Riiiiight …


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jimlewisowb April 15, 2013 at 11:57 am

image would not download

jimlewisowb April 15, 2013 at 11:57 am

image would not download

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 1:22 pm

This “robbery” crap is over and done with. People living in Richland county are just going to have to deal with it or get the fuck out of the county. It’s a dead horse, man.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 3:31 pm

Will you shut up? First of all, how in the hell are you able to comment on every single last story on here? Do you actually work? Unemployed? FITS should never never ever give up on fighting corruption and cronyism and subversion of the right to vote. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SHOULD GIVE IT UP. I was going to through cancer treatment and standing in line for three hours put in me in so much pain I was screaming a few hours later, so no, FITS should hammer these mother fuckers until they all are sued or ran out of government in disgrace. Lillian McBride is STILL EMPLOYED by the Election Commission, the legislative delegation should pay for what they’ve done to this county, hopefully with jail time. Joel Lourie–scum. John Courson–scum. Darrell Jackson–scum. Finlay, Bernstein, even Rutherford and McLeod need to form a power block and these bastards pay for what they’ve done. McBribe needs to be escorted out of the building by law enforcement. We must never give up and never give in fundamentals–the right to vote being as precious as the air we breathe. The bloody Venezuelans voted with their pinkies dipped in ink, and we can’t even get a voter ID law passed without bitching and crying about it. I saw with my own eyes the so-called ‘early voters’ bussed in to Dreher the Saturday before the election, and as I’ve posted before, they pulled a bus up in the hood and loaded up. McBride herself allocated 20-30 machines to two precincts that would vote for every damn nickel taxpayers make, they would vote to confiscate all of it if it means free phones and free bullshit for life so they can sit around on their fat asses. Maybe you don’t pay taxes you fucking loser. Smirks.

Sarge April 15, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Smirks: I agree with you quite often. However, you are off the mark on this one. Brigid says, “FITS should never never ever give up on fighting corruption and cronyism and subversion of the right to vote.” He/She is correct. Richland County is about as corrupt as one can get in this generation and time. Jean Toal is one of the biggest problems. She “ruled” that the election was okay, and therefore SLED backed off. Her deals with Bill Nettles are legendary. No, Smirks, as long as the corruption is so rampant and in your face as it is in Columbia and Richland County, Fits needs to continue. But don’t quit writing. Again, I agree with you most of the time. Thanks.

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 1:22 pm

This “robbery” crap is over and done with. People living in Richland county are just going to have to deal with it or get the fuck out of the county. It’s a dead horse, man.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 3:31 pm

Will you shut up? First of all, how in the hell are you able to comment on every single last story on here? Do you actually work? Unemployed? FITS should never never ever give up on fighting corruption and cronyism and subversion of the right to vote. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SHOULD GIVE IT UP. I was going to through cancer treatment and standing in line for three hours put in me in so much pain I was screaming a few hours later, so no, FITS should hammer these mother fuckers until they all are sued or ran out of government in disgrace. Lillian McBride is STILL EMPLOYED by the Election Commission, the legislative delegation should pay for what they’ve done to this county, hopefully with jail time. Joel Lourie–scum. John Courson–scum. Darrell Jackson–scum. Finlay, Bernstein, even Rutherford and McLeod need to form a power block and these bastards pay for what they’ve done. McBribe needs to be escorted out of the building by law enforcement. We must never give up and never give in fundamentals–the right to vote being as precious as the air we breathe. The bloody Venezuelans voted with their pinkies dipped in ink, and we can’t even get a voter ID law passed without bitching and crying about it. I saw with my own eyes the so-called ‘early voters’ bussed in to Dreher the Saturday before the election, and as I’ve posted before, they pulled a bus up in the hood and loaded up. McBride herself allocated 20-30 machines to two precincts that would vote for every damn nickel taxpayers make, they would vote to confiscate all of it if it means free phones and free bullshit for life so they can sit around on their fat asses. Maybe you don’t pay taxes you fucking loser. Smirks.

Sarge April 15, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Smirks: I agree with you quite often. However, you are off the mark on this one. Brigid says, “FITS should never never ever give up on fighting corruption and cronyism and subversion of the right to vote.” He/She is correct. Richland County is about as corrupt as one can get in this generation and time. Jean Toal is one of the biggest problems. She “ruled” that the election was okay, and therefore SLED backed off. Her deals with Bill Nettles are legendary. No, Smirks, as long as the corruption is so rampant and in your face as it is in Columbia and Richland County, Fits needs to continue. But don’t quit writing. Again, I agree with you most of the time. Thanks.

Chesterfield County Resident April 15, 2013 at 2:05 pm

We have 4 years advance notice of presidential elections. Seems sufficient time to plan and make necessary arrangements to get to the polling place and vote. Yet we complain about having to wait an average of 25 minutes? Sheesh! We have become a nation of wusses.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 4:42 pm

OMG, are you really that stupid? WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT 25 MINUTE WAIT TIME, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT 3, 4, 5 HOUR WAIT TIMES. The vote was stolen in Richland County, read up before you comment. People waited in line 5-6 hours and many gave up and left because the corrupt evil Lillian McBride who ran both the election commission and the voter registration office, and cannot even speak standard English, a woman who makes nearly 90k a year was bought and paid for by the Richland County legislative delegation, deliberately withheld voting machines from certain precincts and gave plenty to others. Most precincts that should have had 8 machines had two. Get it? The vote was robbed, and now we have 8 cent sales tax in Richland county. NOBODY is talking about waiting 25 minutes to vote but you.

Read_It_Again_Brigid April 15, 2013 at 10:54 pm

Read the first four sentences of this post. FITS calls an average wait time of 25 minutes “pathetic”. Its right there in black and white.

Chesterfield County Resident April 15, 2013 at 2:05 pm

We have 4 years advance notice of presidential elections. Seems sufficient time to plan and make necessary arrangements to get to the polling place and vote. Yet we complain about having to wait an average of 25 minutes? Sheesh! We have become a nation of wusses.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 4:42 pm

OMG, are you really that stupid? WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT 25 MINUTE WAIT TIME, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT 3, 4, 5 HOUR WAIT TIMES. The vote was stolen in Richland County, read up before you comment. People waited in line 5-6 hours and many gave up and left because the corrupt evil Lillian McBride who ran both the election commission and the voter registration office, and cannot even speak standard English, a woman who makes nearly 90k a year was bought and paid for by the Richland County legislative delegation, deliberately withheld voting machines from certain precincts and gave plenty to others. Most precincts that should have had 8 machines had two. Get it? The vote was robbed, and now we have 8 cent sales tax in Richland county. NOBODY is talking about waiting 25 minutes to vote but you.

Read_It_Again_Brigid April 15, 2013 at 10:54 pm

Read the first four sentences of this post. FITS calls an average wait time of 25 minutes “pathetic”. Its right there in black and white.

? April 15, 2013 at 3:10 pm

Voting is a waste of time anyway.

? April 15, 2013 at 3:10 pm

Voting is a waste of time anyway.

WorkingTommyC April 16, 2013 at 5:10 am

Why are we spending so much money on complicated electronic voting machines? There are paper ballot systems that have been used in other states along with optical readers that make it so quick to vote that the only time you spend is filling out the ballot. As long as there are enough tables or desks to sit at, there’s no line. You identify yourself at the door, are handed a ballot, sit down and fill it out, go to the optical reader, put your ballot inside it and you leave. This system also has the advantage of providing the legally mandated paper ballot in case there are disputes and recounts are needed. I know this system works as efficiently as as I’ve described because I’ve used it before on several occasions.

Oh, I know why we have complicated computerized voting machines: lawmakers in the general assembly were, I have no doubt, bribed to purchase them.

WorkingTommyC April 16, 2013 at 5:10 am

Why are we spending so much money on complicated electronic voting machines? There are paper ballot systems that have been used in other states along with optical readers that make it so quick to vote that the only time you spend is filling out the ballot. As long as there are enough tables or desks to sit at, there’s no line. You identify yourself at the door, are handed a ballot, sit down and fill it out, go to the optical reader, put your ballot inside it and you leave. This system also has the advantage of providing the legally mandated paper ballot in case there are disputes and recounts are needed. I know this system works as efficiently as as I’ve described because I’ve used it before on several occasions.

Oh, I know why we have complicated computerized voting machines: lawmakers in the general assembly were, I have no doubt, bribed to purchase them.


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