
SCGOP Event To Feature Ted Cruz

The S.C. Republican Party has landed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) as the keynote speaker for its 2013 Silver Elephant gala – the party’s biggest fundraising event of the year. It’s the second year in a row the party has welcomed a fiscal conservative as its keynote speaker – although…

The S.C. Republican Party has landed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) as the keynote speaker for its 2013 Silver Elephant gala – the party’s biggest fundraising event of the year.

It’s the second year in a row the party has welcomed a fiscal conservative as its keynote speaker – although based on the increasingly leftward bent of Palmetto State “Republicans,” it’s obvious the message isn’t getting through.

They’re clearly still following this guy‘s advice …

Cruz, 42, is the son of Cuban immigrants. He was born in Canada, though, where his father and mother worked in the oil business. A Harvard Law School graduate and clerk to former U.S. Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Cruz’ 14-point victory over sitting Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in last year’s GOP runoff election in Texas was viewed as a major upset for fiscal conservatives.

Was it? Cruz was accused by Democrats a week ago of flip-flopping on Second Amendment issues – a charge his office vigorously protested.

Along with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), Cruz is vowing to filibuster any attempt to impose new gun regulations on American citizens. However a video released by Senate Majority Leader Harry Ried showed Cruz backing one of the anti-gun provisions Democrats support.

“Right now, a lot of states, a lot of local jurisdictions, are not reporting criminal convictions, are not reporting mental health barriers to gun ownership, and so the federal database is not nearly as good as it should be,” Cruz said

Cruz’ visit to South Carolina immediately sparked talk of a possible 2016 presidential bid. Every four years, South Carolina hosts the “First in the South” presidential primary – an event which correctly picked the GOP presidential nominee from its inception until last year, when “Republican in Name Only” Newt Gingrich won the Palmetto State but then fell apart down the stretch against fellow RINOs Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.


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EOE April 2, 2013 at 10:03 am

Cuban? He’s perfect!!

EOE April 2, 2013 at 10:03 am

Cuban? He’s perfect!!

Liberal=Science=Equality April 2, 2013 at 10:08 am

“Cruz’ visit to South Carolina immediately sparked talk of a possible 2016 presidential bid…”

Not if he’s born in Canada…

shifty henry April 2, 2013 at 10:20 am

Don’t know – according to Wiki his mother was born and reared in Delaware, and his father came to the US as a Cuban immigrant. When he was born his parents were working in Canada in the oil business, but returned to the US when he was four years old.

Liberal=Science=Equality April 2, 2013 at 10:53 am

“Only native-born U.S. citizens (or those born abroad, but only to parents who were both citizens of the U.S.) may be president of the United States”

Okay, maybe so.

BigT April 2, 2013 at 11:42 am

Looks like we got a Dumb@$$ BIRTHER on our hands…I thought yall took that argument off the table, you F*#Kin idiot,….

Liberal=Science=Equality April 2, 2013 at 12:11 pm

You’re the dumbass birther, BigT. You and Trump are almost married. If you see my post below you might just get it.

Jay April 4, 2013 at 10:57 am

Did he ever produce ANY valid documentation?

cuvinny April 2, 2013 at 1:59 pm

You are forgetting some key facts here. Cruz looks kinda white while Obama looks kinda black.

See, totally different situation.

Hot Air Balloon April 2, 2013 at 10:08 am

“Cruz’ visit to South Carolina immediately sparked talk of a possible 2016 presidential bid…”

Not if he’s born in Canada…

shifty henry April 2, 2013 at 10:20 am

Don’t know – according to Wiki his mother was born and reared in Delaware, and his father came to the US as a Cuban immigrant. When he was born his parents were working in Canada in the oil business, but returned to the US when he was four years old.

Hot Air Balloon April 2, 2013 at 10:53 am

“Only native-born U.S. citizens (or those born abroad, but only to parents who were both citizens of the U.S.) may be president of the United States”

Okay, maybe so.

BigT April 2, 2013 at 11:42 am

Looks like we got a Dumb@$$ BIRTHER on our hands…I thought yall took that argument off the table, you F*#Kin idiot,….

Hot Air Balloon April 2, 2013 at 12:11 pm

You’re the dumbass birther, BigT. You and Trump are almost married. If you see my post below you might just get it.

Jay April 4, 2013 at 10:57 am

Did he ever produce ANY valid documentation?

cuvinny April 2, 2013 at 1:59 pm

You are forgetting some key facts here. Cruz looks kinda white while Obama looks kinda black.

See, totally different situation.

sanford worked for GS as well April 2, 2013 at 10:31 am

cruz’s wife is goldman sachs executive VP. that should tell you all you need to know.

BigT April 2, 2013 at 11:40 am

Obama insulted his grandmother (who raised his sorry @$$) as a TYPICAL WHITE WOMAN and Obama sat in Racist Jeremiah Wright’s church, praising hate and bigotry, for 20 years…(And Obama is ruining the country)….
And you didn’t give a F*#k about that that. So STFU now, you ignorant @$$hole…

dL April 6, 2013 at 6:46 am

Bigt u need therapy dude. Move to rec with Cruz and those nutsos

sanford worked for GS as well April 2, 2013 at 10:31 am

cruz’s wife is goldman sachs executive VP. that should tell you all you need to know.

BigT April 2, 2013 at 11:40 am

Obama insulted his grandmother (who raised his sorry @$$) as a TYPICAL WHITE WOMAN and Obama sat in Racist Jeremiah Wright’s church, praising hate and bigotry, for 20 years…(And Obama is ruining the country)….
And you didn’t give a F*#k about that that. So STFU now, you ignorant @$$hole…

dL April 6, 2013 at 6:46 am

Bigt u need therapy dude. Move to rec with Cruz and those nutsos

BigT April 2, 2013 at 11:37 am

Any Republican (Cruz-Rand Paul) that bolts from the FITS-Libertarian-Moderate mold of McCain-Sanford will be an American Hero, and will get elected to clean up the Obama Disaster…
FITS and Sanford think reaching out to Lady GaGa, to show how pop culture they can be, is a winning hand. They are Dumb@$$ Inc. The sooner we Obliterate the Karl Rove, Sanford FITS-McCain moderates…the sooner American can make a comeback…
Until then we all suffer under obama, because of the FITS-McCain moderates…

dL April 6, 2013 at 6:54 am

Good god this mother f***** is the reason this state is looked upon so terribly. You are a moron man. probably some backwoods dumb*** without a college degree. The govt is coming for your guns… You better post on websites like these how bad liberals are. Paha, u mustbe really insecure due to very small equipment where it counts

BigT April 2, 2013 at 11:37 am

Any Republican (Cruz-Rand Paul) that bolts from the FITS-Libertarian-Moderate mold of McCain-Sanford will be an American Hero, and will get elected to clean up the Obama Disaster…
FITS and Sanford think reaching out to Lady GaGa, to show how pop culture they can be, is a winning hand. They are Dumb@$$ Inc. The sooner we Obliterate the Karl Rove, Sanford FITS-McCain moderates…the sooner American can make a comeback…
Until then we all suffer under obama, because of the FITS-McCain moderates…

dL April 6, 2013 at 6:54 am

Good god this mother f***** is the reason this state is looked upon so terribly. You are a moron man. probably some backwoods dumb*** without a college degree. The govt is coming for your guns… You better post on websites like these how bad liberals are. Paha, u mustbe really insecure due to very small equipment where it counts

Ken E. April 2, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Senator “I get my information from blogs worse than this one.” Cruz. Yeah, can’t wait for his presidential run.

Ken E. April 2, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Senator “I get my information from blogs worse than this one.” Cruz. Yeah, can’t wait for his presidential run.

mph April 2, 2013 at 3:24 pm

“Cruz’ visit to South Carolina immediately sparked talk of a possible 2016 presidential bid.”

Putting aside the fact he was born in the Great White North, Eh, I can only pray you dingbats nominate this guy. He’s incredibly stupid, borderline mentally ill and can’t stop talking. Not a great combination for a presidential candidate (see Rick Perry). But I’m all for Republicans doubling down on the crazy.

mph April 2, 2013 at 3:24 pm

“Cruz’ visit to South Carolina immediately sparked talk of a possible 2016 presidential bid.”

Putting aside the fact he was born in the Great White North, Eh, I can only pray you dingbats nominate this guy. He’s incredibly stupid, borderline mentally ill and can’t stop talking. Not a great combination for a presidential candidate (see Rick Perry). But I’m all for Republicans doubling down on the crazy.

This just in . . . April 3, 2013 at 10:46 am

N.R.A. Defends Purchase of Former Congressman

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — The National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre today defended his decision to purchase the former congressman Asa Hutchinson, after an outspoken N.R.A. member complained that the organization should be using its funds to buy current congressmen only.

Shortly after Mr. Hutchinson appeared at a press conference in Washington to present the N.R.A.’s plan to arm teachers and other school personnel, N.R.A. dissident Tracy Klugian blasted the purchase of the former Arkansas representative.

“Members of the N.R.A. fork over millions of dollars to this organization,” he said. “That money should be used to buy people who are actually in Congress now, not some has-been like Hutchinson who doesn’t even have a vote anymore.”

Mr. Klugian said that as he watched former Rep. Hutchinson at the podium, “It made my blood boil, especially when I thought about all of the current congressmen out there who are totally for sale.”

Not long after Mr. Klugian made his comments, Mr. LaPierre pushed back: “The purchase of Asa Hutchinson did not and will not prevent the N.R.A. from buying a single additional congressman in the future. Period.”

While refusing to divulge the purchase price for Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. LaPierre reassured the N.R.A. membership, “We got a very good deal on Asa. There wasn’t exactly a bidding war.”

In a separate statement, Mr. Hutchinson said, “A free and lively exchange of views is what makes the N.R.A. such a great organization — and is why I’m so proud to be owned by it.”

This just in . . . April 3, 2013 at 10:46 am

N.R.A. Defends Purchase of Former Congressman

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — The National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre today defended his decision to purchase the former congressman Asa Hutchinson, after an outspoken N.R.A. member complained that the organization should be using its funds to buy current congressmen only.

Shortly after Mr. Hutchinson appeared at a press conference in Washington to present the N.R.A.’s plan to arm teachers and other school personnel, N.R.A. dissident Tracy Klugian blasted the purchase of the former Arkansas representative.

“Members of the N.R.A. fork over millions of dollars to this organization,” he said. “That money should be used to buy people who are actually in Congress now, not some has-been like Hutchinson who doesn’t even have a vote anymore.”

Mr. Klugian said that as he watched former Rep. Hutchinson at the podium, “It made my blood boil, especially when I thought about all of the current congressmen out there who are totally for sale.”

Not long after Mr. Klugian made his comments, Mr. LaPierre pushed back: “The purchase of Asa Hutchinson did not and will not prevent the N.R.A. from buying a single additional congressman in the future. Period.”

While refusing to divulge the purchase price for Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. LaPierre reassured the N.R.A. membership, “We got a very good deal on Asa. There wasn’t exactly a bidding war.”

In a separate statement, Mr. Hutchinson said, “A free and lively exchange of views is what makes the N.R.A. such a great organization — and is why I’m so proud to be owned by it.”

9" April 7, 2013 at 3:17 am

never had a gun in the house.if i’m sleeping really good ,i’d be tempted to shoot myself,rather than go take a piss.plus,my pee flow is so loud,it wakes up the neighbors,especially if i’ve been sounding that night

9" April 7, 2013 at 3:17 am

never had a gun in the house.if i’m sleeping really good ,i’d be tempted to shoot myself,rather than go take a piss.plus,my pee flow is so loud,it wakes up the neighbors,especially if i’ve been sounding that night


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