“Keckstrom” Is Off … Again

S.C. Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom’s toxic “on again, off again” relationship with former lover/ high school teacher Kelly Payne is once again “on the rocks,” sources tell FITS. And the oddsmakers take a beating, right? Riiiiiight … anyway, reports of the couple’s latest separation have been fueled by a bizarre…

S.C. Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom’s toxic “on again, off again” relationship with former lover/ high school teacher Kelly Payne is once again “on the rocks,” sources tell FITS.

And the oddsmakers take a beating, right?

Riiiiiight … anyway, reports of the couple’s latest separation have been fueled by a bizarre (and since removed) tweet from Payne – one which promoted the sale of a $4,900 diamond engagement ring on Craigslist.

Here’s the tweet …

Screen Shot 2013-03-13 at 5.47.45 PM

And here’s the ad …

Screen Shot 2013-03-13 at 5.48.04 PM

Hmmmm …

“Keckstrom”announced their first engagement last February – although less than two months later the wedding was off. Then in November the nuptials were back on again.

Wonder how long before Payne will announce (again) that the pair have re-re-reunited this time?

Set your stopwatches, people …

This “break-up/ make-up” pattern is nothing new when it comes to these “Kuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” lovers. After a high-profile split during the 2010 GOP primary season, Payne and Eckstrom got back together prior to the general election. Of course within weeks of reuniting they became embroiled in yet another public soap opera – this one ending with Payne filing a police report against Eckstrom.

Despite all of this drama, Eckstrom was reelected Comptroller in November 2010 – and placed in command of the South Carolina State Guard the following spring.

Gotta love having an “R” behind your name in South Carolina, huh?

Eckstrom’s creepy texts and emails to Payne have became the stuff of S.C. political legend – including one in which he referred to himself as a “fine specimen” and another in which he offered to be her “sexual guinea pig.” The 64-year-old “Republican” was married at the time these provocative messages were sent, although he has since gotten a divorce.

Eckstrom hasn’t said whether he is running for reelection in 2014, but sources tell FITS he was dialing for dollars at the S.C. “Republican” Party (SCGOP) headquarters earlier this month – which would seem to indicate a reelection campaign is in his future.

Oh well, more fun for us …

UPDATE: As of early afternoon Saturday (less than twenty-four hours after this item ran), Payne has restored her Facebook status from “Single” to “Engaged.” Take a look …



Hat Tip: Lola

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WTF March 15, 2013 at 1:33 pm


This pathetic bunch:

Mark and Maria on/off

Richard/Kelly on/off

Bob/Donna on/of
They have all flaunted their relationships and rings, in an effort to legitimize the illegitimate!
These are relationships made in Hell and sanctioned by SATAN himself.
Be afraid, Be very afraid!

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:43 pm

WTF……..did your MOMMA ever watch “Days of our Lives” when you were growing UP..?? How many commercials did you see on that show…?? WTF……how would you poach those advertising dollars for this website…!?!?

Fed up REPUBLICAN March 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm

These gals are truly screwed (pun intended). Who in their right mind would want to dive in after Sanford, Peeler, or Eckstrom! My god the thought makes me want to hurl.

Just look at these guys. They are double baggers all. Bad eyesight and very darkness of nights would be a necessity.

Gamercock March 16, 2013 at 10:19 am

I must be under a rock. What happened with Peeler? I know about Sandford and Eckstrom?

Republican Comitteeman March 16, 2013 at 10:08 pm

Dirty Southern Politics | Whole Reason
You +1’d this publicly. Undo

Power plays mark former lieutenant governor’s divorce | GoUpstate …
You +1’d this publicly. Undo
by Jim Davenport
Here are the stories. Peeler was caught red handed and on a vendetta set out to destroy those who caught him. He must be a pretty low scumbag.
As a Republican, I’m sick and tired of this kind of thing in my party. I hope NO one votes for Sanford or Eckstrom.

Curious March 15, 2013 at 10:57 pm

Did Bob and Donna split up?

Tiger Town March 16, 2013 at 7:21 am

Bob has always maintained J in the Greenville area.
I’ve seen him with another also.
Maybe they are just ok with it.

really.yall March 18, 2013 at 10:16 pm

EvERybODy in the “upstate area” knows what/who Bobbie does….and all the gals involved know they aren’t the only one…and if they don’t they’re just stupid! Wait! They are obviously stupid or they wouldn’t be with Bobbie Boy!!! On the flip side of the coin, he may be the stupid one. He has hooked up with mostly sluts who cheated on their husbands……Maybe he likes it that way.

WTF March 15, 2013 at 1:33 pm


This pathetic bunch:

Mark and Maria on/off

Richard/Kelly on/off

Bob/Donna on/of
They have all flaunted their relationships and rings, in an effort to legitimize the illegitimate!
These are relationships made in Hell and sanctioned by SATAN himself.
Be afraid, Be very afraid!

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:43 pm

WTF……..did your MOMMA ever watch “Days of our Lives” when you were growing UP..?? How many commercials did you see on that show…?? WTF……how would you poach those advertising dollars for this website…!?!?

Fed up REPUBLICAN March 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm

These gals are truly screwed (pun intended). Who in their right mind would want to dive in after Sanford, Peeler, or Eckstrom! My god the thought makes me want to hurl.

Just look at these guys. They are double baggers all. Bad eyesight and very darkness of nights would be a necessity.

Gamercock March 16, 2013 at 10:19 am

I must be under a rock. What happened with Peeler? I know about Sandford and Eckstrom?

Republican Comitteeman March 16, 2013 at 10:08 pm

Dirty Southern Politics | Whole Reason
You +1’d this publicly. Undo

Power plays mark former lieutenant governor’s divorce | GoUpstate …
You +1’d this publicly. Undo
by Jim Davenport
Here are the stories. Peeler was caught red handed and on a vendetta set out to destroy those who caught him. He must be a pretty low scumbag.
As a Republican, I’m sick and tired of this kind of thing in my party. I hope NO one votes for Sanford or Eckstrom.

Curious March 15, 2013 at 10:57 pm

Did Bob and Donna split up?

Tiger Town March 16, 2013 at 7:21 am

Bob has always maintained J in the Greenville area.
I’ve seen him with another also.
Maybe they are just ok with it.

really.yall March 18, 2013 at 10:16 pm

EvERybODy in the “upstate area” knows what/who Bobbie does….and all the gals involved know they aren’t the only one…and if they don’t they’re just stupid! Wait! They are obviously stupid or they wouldn’t be with Bobbie Boy!!! On the flip side of the coin, he may be the stupid one. He has hooked up with mostly sluts who cheated on their husbands……Maybe he likes it that way.

9" March 15, 2013 at 1:42 pm

why does love got to be so sad?

one who knows March 16, 2013 at 8:58 am

Because LOVE ………………… HURTS!

9" March 16, 2013 at 6:09 pm

sometimes that’s good,as with ,CBT..

9" March 15, 2013 at 1:42 pm

why does love got to be so sad?

one who knows March 16, 2013 at 8:58 am

Because LOVE ………………… HURTS!

9" March 16, 2013 at 6:09 pm

sometimes that’s good,as with ,CBT..

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Wil Folks……stop beating around the BUSH with articles like this. BE direct…!! SO….just how much funding for the SCNG comes from DC…!? Which donors making contributions to the candidates in the SC-1 race are laying cash on who..!? Wil do you really think that Kelly Payne and Candace Bessinger are that dumb…?? Well, Jenny Sanford isn’t either and she is not going to be pimped…! Just exactly how much Foreign Diesel does Eckstrom buy in his National Guard budget every year…!?! How many BLACK Farmers are producing Local Algae OIL to energize our SCNG force…!? Why would Eckstrom and Hugh Leatherman NOT want to fund BLACK Farmers to produce LOCAL energy TAX revenue…!? We highly suggest that Jenny Sanford start calling someone at the SC-DOT about a certain piece of property that has just been SOLD right behind the subway and the RED DRUM Gastropub and ask about GROUND WATER contamination from leaky gas tanks…..!!!!! (Fist POUNDzzz…..!!!)

Wil FOLKS……we are FED up with YOU….!!!!! Let’s hope to heavens that the water that is sprinkled on Moultrie Middle School is NOT pumped from ground water….!!! Chip Limehouse and Tim Scott and Curtis Bostic are going to have a lot questions to answer from Jenny Sanford…! Let’s hope that Jenny is not smart enough to CALL Mayor Billy Swails or Mt Pleasant Parks and Recreation and find out just how certain FIELDS are watered…!! Do we have to mention who on the school board knows who at SM&E that is not conversing with Nancy McGinley and Colberrt-Busch….!?!?!

Wil Folks………do you know how to use Google EARTH..?? Maybe you need to get yourself down to the RED DRUM and valet your car ….and walk around…and THINK..!!!

Will Folks aka Sic March 15, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Man, you are awesome. Just awesome … I love you.

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:08 pm

Willie…… need to realize that the Post and Courier just held up the comment section to Brian Hicks article. I don’t know if you have been following Brian Hicks or NOT…..but he holds the key to the heart of the Post work force. I laid out in specific terms and talked directly to Pierre Manigault and just waited to see just how fast it would take. Mr FOLKS….you are the exact tool that is needed in every state to triangulate both parties in every election. May I offer this suggestion……the next time you get lectured by anyone concerning how you take steps to curate and “Use” your article and website…….you smile and say….

“I have so many valued comments and thoughts form readers that I would greatly appreciate if you would go on my website and offer your perspective so I can re-call it at any time, because honestly, my brain is only so big. I value your input and I feel sure that any fine lawyer would LOVE to be able to use your thoughts and wisdom when needed in a court of LAW…!! You never can tell when FACEBOOK will decide to yank comments and we here at FITSNEWS want to make sure you have a backup proven record of what you said and when..!”

Wil, just sit back and look at what FACEBOOK is not doing..?? Can you tell..?? Then look at the Post and Courier and the State. Then look at your website….why do you and The State use Disqus.? What mistake is the Post and Courier making..!? Then when you understand why FACEBOOK does not allow easy curating…….wow..! Most of what needs to be done to allow social awareness should have been done a decade ago. Facebook and Fitsnews is like a NASCAR race. Wil you are the track owner but none of the “drivers” in the comment section understand or are being told how to ACT like a driver….DRESS like a driver…….or do do-nuts like a DRIVER..!! Track advertisers and comment “Sponsorships” love that…!! (….and so does PRIVATE education..)

Mr. Folks………its not what you do….its how your fellow taxpayers understand how to USE you to drive web hits and the ….”truth”..!!

Wil….just look at the topics that are being covered in any political science class…!! …or Psych classes…!! Heck, most students sitting in class have no earthly idea how valuable their inputs from class to Facebook and Fitsnews would actually be to their future JOB prospects..!! What employer would NOT want to hire a savvy person who knew that no matter if they worked at Andy’s Deli or Bo-Jangles or BOEING..? Much like ESPN… may want to consider a FITsU sister page to start actually bringing in a series of website tutorials for USERS…!! (Advertiser “drivers”)

Wil….as a public servant informational-ista…..your sitting on more than DYNAMITE….!!

If your ever down in Charleston……..I’m sure we could find some politician that needs a designated driver and sidekick for the night….!! Never can tell just what you might find out…(Ha) One thing is for sure…would it make the front section of the Post …??

MyDaddyIsRich March 15, 2013 at 9:07 pm


Why? March 15, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Why do you want Jenny to do the questioning? Can’t you do it yourself?

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Wil Folks……stop beating around the BUSH with articles like this. BE direct…!! SO….just how much funding for the SCNG comes from DC…!? Which donors making contributions to the candidates in the SC-1 race are laying cash on who..!? Wil do you really think that Kelly Payne and Candace Bessinger are that dumb…?? Well, Jenny Sanford isn’t either and she is not going to be pimped…! Just exactly how much Foreign Diesel does Eckstrom buy in his National Guard budget every year…!?! How many BLACK Farmers are producing Local Algae OIL to energize our SCNG force…!? Why would Eckstrom and Hugh Leatherman NOT want to fund BLACK Farmers to produce LOCAL energy TAX revenue…!? We highly suggest that Jenny Sanford start calling someone at the SC-DOT about a certain piece of property that has just been SOLD right behind the subway and the RED DRUM Gastropub and ask about GROUND WATER contamination from leaky gas tanks…..!!!!! (Fist POUNDzzz…..!!!)

Wil FOLKS……we are FED up with YOU….!!!!! Let’s hope to heavens that the water that is sprinkled on Moultrie Middle School is NOT pumped from ground water….!!! Chip Limehouse and Tim Scott and Curtis Bostic are going to have a lot questions to answer from Jenny Sanford…! Let’s hope that Jenny is not smart enough to CALL Mayor Billy Swails or Mt Pleasant Parks and Recreation and find out just how certain FIELDS are watered…!! Do we have to mention who on the school board knows who at SM&E that is not conversing with Nancy McGinley and Colberrt-Busch….!?!?!

Wil Folks………do you know how to use Google EARTH..?? Maybe you need to get yourself down to the RED DRUM and valet your car ….and walk around…and THINK..!!!

Will Folks aka Sic March 15, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Man, you are awesome. Just awesome … I love you.

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:08 pm

Willie…… need to realize that the Post and Courier just held up the comment section to Brian Hicks article. I don’t know if you have been following Brian Hicks or NOT…..but he holds the key to the heart of the Post work force. I laid out in specific terms and talked directly to Pierre Manigault and just waited to see just how fast it would take. Mr FOLKS….you are the exact tool that is needed in every state to triangulate both parties in every election. May I offer this suggestion……the next time you get lectured by anyone concerning how you take steps to curate and “Use” your article and website…….you smile and say….

“I have so many valued comments and thoughts form readers that I would greatly appreciate if you would go on my website and offer your perspective so I can re-call it at any time, because honestly, my brain is only so big. I value your input and I feel sure that any fine lawyer would LOVE to be able to use your thoughts and wisdom when needed in a court of LAW…!! You never can tell when FACEBOOK will decide to yank comments and we here at FITSNEWS want to make sure you have a backup proven record of what you said and when..!”

Wil, just sit back and look at what FACEBOOK is not doing..?? Can you tell..?? Then look at the Post and Courier and the State. Then look at your website….why do you and The State use Disqus.? What mistake is the Post and Courier making..!? Then when you understand why FACEBOOK does not allow easy curating…….wow..! Most of what needs to be done to allow social awareness should have been done a decade ago. Facebook and Fitsnews is like a NASCAR race. Wil you are the track owner but none of the “drivers” in the comment section understand or are being told how to ACT like a driver….DRESS like a driver…….or do do-nuts like a DRIVER..!! Track advertisers and comment “Sponsorships” love that…!! (….and so does PRIVATE education..)

Mr. Folks………its not what you do….its how your fellow taxpayers understand how to USE you to drive web hits and the ….”truth”..!!

Wil….just look at the topics that are being covered in any political science class…!! …or Psych classes…!! Heck, most students sitting in class have no earthly idea how valuable their inputs from class to Facebook and Fitsnews would actually be to their future JOB prospects..!! What employer would NOT want to hire a savvy person who knew that no matter if they worked at Andy’s Deli or Bo-Jangles or BOEING..? Much like ESPN… may want to consider a FITsU sister page to start actually bringing in a series of website tutorials for USERS…!! (Advertiser “drivers”)

Wil….as a public servant informational-ista…..your sitting on more than DYNAMITE….!!

If your ever down in Charleston……..I’m sure we could find some politician that needs a designated driver and sidekick for the night….!! Never can tell just what you might find out…(Ha) One thing is for sure…would it make the front section of the Post …??

MyDaddyIsRich March 15, 2013 at 9:07 pm


Why? March 15, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Why do you want Jenny to do the questioning? Can’t you do it yourself?

Buz Martin March 15, 2013 at 2:02 pm

These sickos are starting to be quite boring. Find us some more.

Boz Martin March 15, 2013 at 2:02 pm

These sickos are starting to be quite boring. Find us some more.

CNSYD March 15, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Please tell me why I should care.

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:40 pm

BECAUSE……ECKSTROM has the purchasing power to APPROVE foreign diesel fuel for our state National GUARD…!! Anyone who understand federal fuel purchasing understands the battle between small ALGAE Bio-Diesel and BIG OIL Hugh Leatherman….!!!

CNSYD……….if you know anyone down at the Post and Courier or Moutrie News……give them a call and email and have a stern…”Chat”…!!

CNSYD……..its time to make some money from this website my friend…!!

CNSYD March 15, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Please tell me why I should care.

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:40 pm

BECAUSE……ECKSTROM has the purchasing power to APPROVE foreign diesel fuel for our state National GUARD…!! Anyone who understand federal fuel purchasing understands the battle between small ALGAE Bio-Diesel and BIG OIL Hugh Leatherman….!!!

CNSYD……….if you know anyone down at the Post and Courier or Moutrie News……give them a call and email and have a stern…”Chat”…!!

CNSYD……..its time to make some money from this website my friend…!!

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Dear Kelly PAYNE…………yes YOU….!!

How does it feel for you to be used by Wil Folks..!?!?

Mrs Payne… long does property have to “perk” after gas tanks are taken out of a SC-DOT filling station that have had leaking tanks and benzene ground water run off…!?!?

Mrs Payne YOU need to get ….MAD….!!!!!! (fIST poUNDZ….!)

Mad as Jesus in the Fits news TEMPLE….!!!!!!!!!

Mrs Payne……how would you feel if you were not told about leaky gas tanks next to a school playground…!?!? What would you do to every candidate running for SC-1 that is not asked this question…..!?!?! Mrs Payne, how does water runoff from ANY service station effect the GROUNDWATER over 20 years,….30 years…….??? We have fine geologists at USC that can tell YOU…!!!

Kelly, read this article…..


Mrs Payne…..have you ever had Wil Folks buy you a fine meal before…?? Maybe you could meet him down at the RED DRUM Gastropub and have a walk around….!!!

Mrs Payne…..for God’s SAKE….you could hi-jack the entire SC-1 election on this ONE issue alone……!!!!!

Mrs Payne….stand UP for all military kids in the great State of South Carolina….!!!

…..stand up against every candidate in the race for not doing WHAT….!!!!

….stand up to the Post and Courier for not reporting WHAT….!?!?!?!

……stand up….stand UP… our state’s Hugh Leatherman and Eckstrom Foreign OIL Slavery…..!!!!!

Revenge is…..what…!!!

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Dear Kelly PAYNE…………yes YOU….!!

How does it feel for you to be used by Wil Folks..!?!?

Mrs Payne… long does property have to “perk” after gas tanks are taken out of a SC-DOT filling station that have had leaking tanks and benzene ground water run off…!?!?

Mrs Payne YOU need to get ….MAD….!!!!!! (fIST poUNDZ….!)

Mad as Jesus in the Fits news TEMPLE….!!!!!!!!!

Mrs Payne……how would you feel if you were not told about leaky gas tanks next to a school playground…!?!? What would you do to every candidate running for SC-1 that is not asked this question…..!?!?! Mrs Payne, how does water runoff from ANY service station effect the GROUNDWATER over 20 years,….30 years…….??? We have fine geologists at USC that can tell YOU…!!!

Kelly, read this article…..


Mrs Payne…..have you ever had Wil Folks buy you a fine meal before…?? Maybe you could meet him down at the RED DRUM Gastropub and have a walk around….!!!

Mrs Payne…..for God’s SAKE….you could hi-jack the entire SC-1 election on this ONE issue alone……!!!!!

Mrs Payne….stand UP for all military kids in the great State of South Carolina….!!!

…..stand up against every candidate in the race for not doing WHAT….!!!!

….stand up to the Post and Courier for not reporting WHAT….!?!?!?!

……stand up….stand UP… our state’s Hugh Leatherman and Eckstrom Foreign OIL Slavery…..!!!!!

Revenge is…..what…!!!

trailer trash March 15, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Heard Kelly and Richard live at Myrtle Manor……..second trailer on the right.

Latfor Deiner March 18, 2013 at 8:11 am

Carville got it right, drag a C-note through a trailer park and you can catch all sorts of things.

trailer trash March 15, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Heard Kelly and Richard live at Myrtle Manor……..second trailer on the right.

Latfor Deiner March 18, 2013 at 8:11 am

Carville got it right, drag a C-note through a trailer park and you can catch all sorts of things.

jimlewisowb March 15, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Don’t know why I thought NumbNusts would have shopped at Sylvan’s to purchase a ring for his soul mate. Sylvan’s has only been in business since 1897

Cheap bastard went to a 1980’s online retailer who is also a big Ebay, buy it now or best offer lister. Odds are he bought the ring on Ebay

Nothing like going first class, General

jimlewisowb March 15, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Don’t know why I thought NumbNusts would have shopped at Sylvan’s to purchase a ring for his soul mate. Sylvan’s has only been in business since 1897

Cheap bastard went to a 1980’s online retailer who is also a big Ebay, buy it now or best offer lister. Odds are he bought the ring on Ebay

Nothing like going first class, General

You know me March 15, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Tacky, tacky, tacky. Selling an engagement ring on Craigslist? Really?

You know me March 15, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Tacky, tacky, tacky. Selling an engagement ring on Craigslist? Really?

Grandparent March 15, 2013 at 3:04 pm

So just what are his chances of being re-elected? Are there any qualified challengers in either party?

Grandparent March 15, 2013 at 3:04 pm

So just what are his chances of being re-elected? Are there any qualified challengers in either party?

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Hey…TEACHER Kelley Payne……listen up. !!! (from the back of FITsU )

We aren’t sure just how digitally connected you are after five O’clock but considering you understand the value of conversation and that you are obviously a woman….you LOVE drama…!!!

Well……do you Kelley..!?

We have no clue whether you are “on” or “off” again in your romantic senses with the General; but wouldn’t you love to have some questions for him to scratch his old noggin on…!? Really drive him nutz….!!!? Kelley, being a woman, you need to look out for Nancy Mace and her political future…!! She needs a dirty old man to beat up on during her campaign to make her look good to the SKIRT magazine readers of our fine state…!!! Nancy Mace is no dummy when it comes to ground water contamination and the lack of reporting DUTY by the Post and Courier either…!! So Ms. Payne, you need to ask some serious questions of General Eckstrom concerning the amount of FOREIGN OIL Diesel fuel he has approval to purchase for our South Carolina National Guard and watch him squirm. Really give him a mean look like the one his old high school coach would have given him. Ask him about the leaky tanks that he knows about..!! Ask him if he knows any developers that offer campaign donations and then ask him how easily it is to curate those donations over a timeline that is linked to specific articles in newsprint…!?

Kelley …..your smart…….you do have a Reese Witherspoon rolodex don’t you…!? Call a few lifelines if you have too….!!!

Philip Branton March 15, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Hey…TEACHER Kelley Payne……listen up. !!! (from the back of FITsU )

We aren’t sure just how digitally connected you are after five O’clock but considering you understand the value of conversation and that you are obviously a woman….you LOVE drama…!!!

Well……do you Kelley..!?

We have no clue whether you are “on” or “off” again in your romantic senses with the General; but wouldn’t you love to have some questions for him to scratch his old noggin on…!? Really drive him nutz….!!!? Kelley, being a woman, you need to look out for Nancy Mace and her political future…!! She needs a dirty old man to beat up on during her campaign to make her look good to the SKIRT magazine readers of our fine state…!!! Nancy Mace is no dummy when it comes to ground water contamination and the lack of reporting DUTY by the Post and Courier either…!! So Ms. Payne, you need to ask some serious questions of General Eckstrom concerning the amount of FOREIGN OIL Diesel fuel he has approval to purchase for our South Carolina National Guard and watch him squirm. Really give him a mean look like the one his old high school coach would have given him. Ask him about the leaky tanks that he knows about..!! Ask him if he knows any developers that offer campaign donations and then ask him how easily it is to curate those donations over a timeline that is linked to specific articles in newsprint…!?

Kelley …..your smart…….you do have a Reese Witherspoon rolodex don’t you…!? Call a few lifelines if you have too….!!!

lowcorider March 15, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Should’ve went to Jared’s.

Lowcorider March 15, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Should’ve went to Jared’s.

Squishy123 March 15, 2013 at 7:56 pm

I bet she has nice knobs for an older lady.

Squishy123 March 15, 2013 at 7:56 pm

I bet she has nice knobs for an older lady.

Robert March 16, 2013 at 9:06 am

Just a month ago, she posted a picture of her white bridal gown (yes, white) and said “the perfect dress, and the perfect man”. Love these looney political people, Dem and GOP. She can spout Bible verses and proclaim to be high and mighty conservative as she keeps her ankles high…..

Robert March 16, 2013 at 9:06 am

Just a month ago, she posted a picture of her white bridal gown (yes, white) and said “the perfect dress, and the perfect man”. Love these looney political people, Dem and GOP. She can spout Bible verses and proclaim to be high and mighty conservative as she keeps her ankles high…..

bt1 March 16, 2013 at 9:35 am

She needs to show those canons to a few more folks before she rolls around with that creep star

bt1 March 16, 2013 at 9:35 am

She needs to show those canons to a few more folks before she rolls around with that creep star

shifty henry March 16, 2013 at 10:03 am

The word on the street is that Eckstrom is really 9″ —-

9" March 16, 2013 at 6:14 pm

i’ve done some stuff that included him,and he is large and quite bulbous(the german helmet),but i assure you ,he is someone else..

shifty henry March 16, 2013 at 10:03 am

The word on the street is that Eckstrom is really 9″ —-

9" March 16, 2013 at 6:14 pm

i’ve done some stuff that included him,and he is large and quite bulbous(the german helmet),but i assure you ,he is someone else..

nitrat March 16, 2013 at 10:33 am

Trashy people. Trashy, trashy, trashy people.
And, that a school district tolerates this level of moral turpitude from a school teacher certainly makes clear that playing the political card certainly keeps one’s job safe.
Every single public or political personality who appears in this woman’s class to “speak” (like Brad Warthen trying to generate blog hits) is providing her with cover to continue to be the abysmal kind of example for young women that she is.

Right March 18, 2013 at 12:19 am

FITS gave a presentation in her class, so…

Brett March 18, 2013 at 2:10 pm

That is exactly what this is, “playing the political card.” There are school Board members on her face book page. And all of this played out in front of high school kids. This District has so many problems perpetuated by school board members who serve to benefit themselves and their families and who stay in year after year after year.

nitrat March 16, 2013 at 10:33 am

Trashy people. Trashy, trashy, trashy people.
And, that a school district tolerates this level of moral turpitude from a school teacher certainly makes clear that playing the political card certainly keeps one’s job safe.
Every single public or political personality who appears in this woman’s class to “speak” (like Brad Warthen trying to generate blog hits) is providing her with cover to continue to be the abysmal kind of example for young women that she is.

Right March 18, 2013 at 12:19 am

FITS gave a presentation in her class, so…

Brett March 18, 2013 at 2:10 pm

That is exactly what this is, “playing the political card.” There are school Board members on her face book page. And all of this played out in front of high school kids. This District has so many problems perpetuated by school board members who serve to benefit themselves and their families and who stay in year after year after year.

Jimmy March 16, 2013 at 10:45 am

She has to sell the ring to keep up with her insane spending at goodwill.

Jimmy March 16, 2013 at 10:45 am

She has to sell the ring to keep up with her insane spending at goodwill.

yuck March 16, 2013 at 11:04 am

At least she’s sleeping with an old fool instead of one of her students……Brain fries just thinking about this guy naked,Kelly must wear blinders at bedtime.

yuck March 16, 2013 at 11:04 am

At least she’s sleeping with an old fool instead of one of her students……Brain fries just thinking about this guy naked,Kelly must wear blinders at bedtime.

Dr. D March 17, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Isn’t Ms. Payne a wonderful example for our children?

What about our elected officials involved in this kind of activity?

Where are our children to get their role models?

Sports figures…..I hardly think so.

Our elected officials….God help us, NO.

Their parents…certainly not, in cases such as these.

Clergy…with the sexual abuse youngsters by church officials..Not.

Hollywood, movies, TV, Stars and Starletts…anything but?

We wonder why our country and society are so screwed up. So much drug use and violence.

Who is hurt the most..our children. It is proven children fare much better in a home with a Mother and Father. I’ve seen too many children who try to self medicate and turn to a life of drugs and alcohol, in an attempt to cover the pain.

Ask Sanford’s 4 little boys. Ask Maria’s children, Payne’s. Peeler’s. Donna’s. Even the grown children of Eckstom and you will find the answer. No matter the age. They feel their homes and lives were a lie and their importance is as a used condom…discarded after the fun is over.

It is seen daily in the headlines. These self serving, narcisisstic egos, with their personality disorders and character flaws destroy

many lives. But, after all it is always about them and that is all that matters!

Brett March 18, 2013 at 2:15 pm

I agree that the children end up paying the price for the self serving interests of the parents.

barbie March 27, 2013 at 12:42 am

But I’m sure these homewrecking parents are as proud as punch about their new lives and see no wrong in what they have done to their “previous” families….

Dr. D March 17, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Isn’t Ms. Payne a wonderful example for our children?

What about our elected officials involved in this kind of activity?

Where are our children to get their role models?

Sports figures…..I hardly think so.

Our elected officials….God help us, NO.

Their parents…certainly not, in cases such as these.

Clergy…with the sexual abuse youngsters by church officials..Not.

Hollywood, movies, TV, Stars and Starletts…anything but?

We wonder why our country and society are so screwed up. So much drug use and violence.

Who is hurt the most..our children. It is proven children fare much better in a home with a Mother and Father. I’ve seen too many children who try to self medicate and turn to a life of drugs and alcohol, in an attempt to cover the pain.

Ask Sanford’s 4 little boys. Ask Maria’s children, Payne’s. Peeler’s. Donna’s. Even the grown children of Eckstom and you will find the answer. No matter the age. They feel their homes and lives were a lie and their importance is as a used condom…discarded after the fun is over.

It is seen daily in the headlines. These self serving, narcisisstic egos, with their personality disorders and character flaws destroy

many lives. But, after all it is always about them and that is all that matters!

Brett March 18, 2013 at 2:15 pm

I agree that the children end up paying the price for the self serving interests of the parents.

barbie March 27, 2013 at 12:42 am

But I’m sure these homewrecking parents are as proud as punch about their new lives and see no wrong in what they have done to their “previous” families….

Right March 18, 2013 at 12:23 am

$100 says there’s a sex tape out there. She’ll shop it to FITS fist when they finally break up. Actually, $200 says he’s already seen it and is just waiting for the right time to drop it.

Right March 18, 2013 at 12:23 am

$100 says there’s a sex tape out there. She’ll shop it to FITS fist when they finally break up. Actually, $200 says he’s already seen it and is just waiting for the right time to drop it.

Latfor Deiner March 18, 2013 at 8:09 am

All I can say is I spent $2800 in 1985 dollars for my wife’s ring and I think I was making about $9.50 an hour. It looks a helluva lot better than that and in today’s money it cost about twice as much. Cheap bastard or dumb bitch or both?

amazed November 1, 2013 at 8:37 pm

And to think I got let go something small in comparison to this crap.

dumbfounded November 1, 2013 at 8:41 pm

How do these people keep their jobs? It must be a state agency thing that if you work harx, care, and say wHt you mean, they fire you.

Latfor Deiner March 18, 2013 at 8:09 am

All I can say is I spent $2800 in 1985 dollars for my wife’s ring and I think I was making about $9.50 an hour. It looks a helluva lot better than that and in today’s money it cost about twice as much. Cheap bastard or dumb bitch or both?

Lord neck beard August 16, 2013 at 10:43 pm

That girl is poison

Lord neck beard August 16, 2013 at 10:43 pm

That girl is poison

TheTruthIs December 15, 2013 at 7:29 pm Reply

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