
Missed Connections

If you’ve never read the “missed connections” section of Craigslist, you truly are “missing out” on some laughs. Some of the entries are hilarious, like this one from a 50-year-old South Carolina man “wookin’ pa nub” in Sumter … are you still in sumter, last time i saw u, u…

If you’ve never read the “missed connections” section of Craigslist, you truly are “missing out” on some laughs. Some of the entries are hilarious, like this one from a 50-year-old South Carolina man “wookin’ pa nub” in Sumter …

are you still in sumter, last time i saw u, u were a waitess, ur father was a truck driver, u hung out with steve from the base, u were marry to a preson in the heat shop on base so if u r still alaive say hey

“Heat shop,” eh? Then there’s this entry from a gentleman who is obviously quite smitten with one of the waitresses at The Flying Saucer, a Columbia, S.C. bar …

You worked last night.

I cant get you out of my head. The glow of your olive-toned skin, the paleness of those soft and delicate pink lips and the grasp of your deep brown inquisitive eyes. 

what I wouldnt do to you.

you were stunning.

Hmmm. Next up? A missive from a 64-year-old “man seeking man” in Columbia …

we were exercising Wednesday afternoon. you were wearing a white tee shirt and black slacks with nike sneakers. sure would enjoy getting naked with u. tell me what I was wearing.

Ewwwwww. Anyway, here’s some younger gayness from the Upstate region of South Carolina …

We both have Psychology Class together at Spartanburg Community College. Class is on Monday and Wednesday from 8 am till about 9:20 am. You sit one up and to the left of me. I feel like there’s something about you that’s interesting, hopefully some gayness, haha. If this is you message me the name of our Psychology teacher. I’d be cool to get to know ya :)

Women are looking for their “missed connections” too, like this Ladson, S.C. lady who thinks she found love at a gun and knife show …

U were a dealer in the corner near the rest rooms. I have really long strawberry blond hair and cowboy boots on. My bro bought a gun from u and he made a joke about u taking me for trade lol. I’d give u every bit of this lol. What r the chance that ur a weird pervert who looks thru Craigslist like me hah. I’m tall for a chick. Send me a pic so I’ll know its u

Good stuff, huh? Yes … although we suspect it will get even better now that dozens of horny South Carolina lawmakers are aware of this online meat market.

Happy hunting …

Missed Connections: Charleston/ Cola/ Florence/ Greenville/ HHI/ Myrtle Beach


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Smirks March 11, 2013 at 4:38 pm

The scary thing would be to recognize one of the “missed connections” people describing you eerily well, and having no clue what kind of hideous beast you had a near miss with.

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 4:38 pm

The scary thing would be to recognize one of the “missed connections” people describing you eerily well, and having no clue what kind of hideous beast you had a near miss with.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 4:40 pm

You missed this one from Sullivan’s Island:
Hey Yo, Wat up?: Since i last hiked yo’ Lappa-chan Trail: things done got a off-da-chain all up in da Ess-Cee. I done had to hire some ‘porters to make sure I don’t get the big Peach… i know how Tricky-Dicky felt..w/ Slick Willie Too (haha, you get dat?)…
Still, cuppin’ yo’ peaches worth er’ bit of it.
I’m finta run deese rubes in the lowcountry fo’ fools and get ‘lected agian. Dat how stupid dey is…
When i get back in…we gone be on da Guvm’t cheese again,. look out Bamma, here we comes…and I’m gone be wantin’ to go ridin’ dirty on dat trail one mo” time.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 4:40 pm

You missed this one from Sullivan’s Island:
Hey Yo, Wat up?: Since i last hiked yo’ Lappa-chan Trail: things done got a off-da-chain all up in da Ess-Cee. I done had to hire some ‘porters to make sure I don’t get the big Peach… i know how Tricky-Dicky felt..w/ Slick Willie Too (haha, you get dat?)…
Still, cuppin’ yo’ peaches worth er’ bit of it.
I’m finta run deese rubes in the lowcountry fo’ fools and get ‘lected agian. Dat how stupid dey is…
When i get back in…we gone be on da Guvm’t cheese again,. look out Bamma, here we comes…and I’m gone be wantin’ to go ridin’ dirty on dat trail one mo” time.

SeneseLikeChaps March 11, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Slow news day for Fits.

SeneseLikeChaps March 11, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Slow news day for Fits.

9" March 11, 2013 at 7:03 pm

I’d recommend ,Silverdaddies since most of SC’s politicians are older ,gay/bi males,although meeting my politician was a case of fortuitous serendipity at blowjob park…

9" March 11, 2013 at 7:03 pm

I’d recommend ,Silverdaddies since most of SC’s politicians are older ,gay/bi males,although meeting my politician was a case of fortuitous serendipity at blowjob park…

9" March 12, 2013 at 1:24 am Reply
9" March 12, 2013 at 1:24 am Reply
Todd Kincannon March 16, 2013 at 8:06 pm

“It’s rainin’ perverts!” – Henry McMaster

Todd Kincannon March 16, 2013 at 8:06 pm

“It’s rainin’ perverts!” – Henry McMaster


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