
GOP Budgeting: Good, Bad And Ugly

“Republican” budget committee chairman Paul Ryan has unveiled his party’s spending blueprint for the coming decade … and it’s basically more of the same government growth that has landed this nation in its current predicament. Here’s a quick “good, bad and ugly” from the rough outlines of Ryan’s proposal, which…

“Republican” budget committee chairman Paul Ryan has unveiled his party’s spending blueprint for the coming decade … and it’s basically more of the same government growth that has landed this nation in its current predicament.

Here’s a quick “good, bad and ugly” from the rough outlines of Ryan’s proposal, which will be formally unveiled later this week …

The good? Ryan’s budget eliminates funding for Obamacare – U.S. President Barack Obama’s new socialized medicine law. Obviously Democrats in the U.S. Senate (and the Democrat whose name is on the legislation) will never support such a move, though, which makes this more of a symbolic gesture than a serious proposal.

The bad? Ryan’s budget preserves the tax hikes included in the “fiscal cliff” deal – which he and “Republican” Speaker John Boehner both supported.

“The new baseline reflects the fiscal cliff, which is higher revenues, and lower spending, making it easier to balance,” Ryan told reporters. “We don’t want to refight the fiscal cliff. That’s current law. That’s not going to change.”

Um, Paul … when, exactly, did your party “fight” the fiscal cliff? You bitches rolled over …

The ugly? Rather than cutting a federal government which continues to pile hundreds of billins in deficit spending atop its $16.6 trillion mountain of debt, Ryan’s plan would expand it by nearly 3.5 percent each year.

Obviously we’ll await the specifics of Ryan’s proposal (including his pledge to reform entitlements), but the initial outlines he’s unveiled aren’t exactly blowing up our skirts. Ryan claims to be a Rage Against the Machine kind of guy … but so far this budget is all Peter Cetera.


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Carter March 10, 2013 at 9:15 pm

RINO — will not eliminate medicare, medicaid, or social security. damn near a communist.

snickerroo March 10, 2013 at 9:27 pm

so that makes you a nazi?

ricky March 10, 2013 at 9:46 pm

The gosh darn Chancellor of Germany circa 1943

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 10:21 pm

NAZI = National Socialist.
Commies and Nazis have much in common.

Rob March 11, 2013 at 12:12 am

The guy is a flaming liberal. Supports govt.-sponsored election campaigns, school lunch programs, abortion counseling, PTSD disability benefits, and NASA.

Jan March 11, 2013 at 10:22 am

We are not going to eliminate Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. It would be a bad idea. Bad for the country and bad for the average American. So we are not going to do it.

Carter March 10, 2013 at 9:15 pm

RINO — will not eliminate medicare, medicaid, or social security. damn near a communist.

snickerroo March 10, 2013 at 9:27 pm

so that makes you a nazi?

ricky March 10, 2013 at 9:46 pm

The gosh darn Chancellor of Germany circa 1943

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 10:21 pm

NAZI = National Socialist.
Commies and Nazis have much in common.

Rob March 11, 2013 at 12:12 am

The guy is a flaming liberal. Supports govt.-sponsored election campaigns, school lunch programs, abortion counseling, PTSD disability benefits, and NASA.

Jan March 11, 2013 at 10:22 am

We are not going to eliminate Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. It would be a bad idea. Bad for the country and bad for the average American. So we are not going to do it.

9" March 11, 2013 at 1:38 am Reply
BigT March 11, 2013 at 7:58 am

9″…just an aside. You are like so many brain dead liberals. You link work by somebody else as an attempt to make YOUR point.

Just because you are influenced by someone else’s thought, does not make you smart or relevant. The opposite is true.

Most leftwingers think some dumb@$$ elitist talking for them, is PROOF than have an ounce of sense. I centend that if you thought for yourself , you would not be ignorant (a liberal)…

These minds you worship have advocated one failure after another. It makes you look weak and STUPID to lock-step follow them…

Isotope Soap March 11, 2013 at 5:56 pm

Jesus, Bigums! You wouldn’t know genius if it slapped the shit out of you. This is a piece of art here!

9" March 11, 2013 at 1:38 am Reply
BigT March 11, 2013 at 7:58 am

9″…just an aside. You are like so many brain dead liberals. You link work by somebody else as an attempt to make YOUR point.

Just because you are influenced by someone else’s thought, does not make you smart or relevant. The opposite is true.

Most leftwingers think some dumb@$$ elitist talking for them, is PROOF than have an ounce of sense. I centend that if you thought for yourself , you would not be ignorant (a liberal)…

These minds you worship have advocated one failure after another. It makes you look weak and STUPID to lock-step follow them…

John Boy March 11, 2013 at 5:56 pm

Jesus, Bigums! You wouldn’t know genius if it slapped the shit out of you. This is a piece of art here!

BigT March 11, 2013 at 6:29 am

BLAME FITS, and RINO-Libertarian Idiots like him, McCain, Sanford and Graham….
If Republicans are SCARED of being demagogued over the fiscal cliff debate.
It’s because the core-less like FITS continually BASHED the responsible first, never criticizing the Obama and Reid’s…and that played right into Obama and the media’s hands…
You can’t laugh and get drunk w/ the pop cultue, as FITS puts first, and expect the GOP not to react..
Again FITS and Sanford..Blame yourself if the GOP is playing along w/ ANYTHING Obama..
You, because of your Ignorance, are the cause of it…

BigT March 11, 2013 at 6:29 am

BLAME FITS, and RINO-Libertarian Idiots like him, McCain, Sanford and Graham….
If Republicans are SCARED of being demagogued over the fiscal cliff debate.
It’s because the core-less like FITS continually BASHED the responsible first, never criticizing the Obama and Reid’s…and that played right into Obama and the media’s hands…
You can’t laugh and get drunk w/ the pop cultue, as FITS puts first, and expect the GOP not to react..
Again FITS and Sanford..Blame yourself if the GOP is playing along w/ ANYTHING Obama..
You, because of your Ignorance, are the cause of it…

Shit Fling 2013® March 11, 2013 at 8:51 am

Welcome to Shit Fling ’13!!!

BigT’s ape-like hijinks will be on full display. Enjoy the show…

BigT March 11, 2013 at 9:47 am

Liberals CANNOT stand to see another view, especially when it’s right…even when you are the picture of ABJECT failure…and collapse…
It’s why you HATE me. FITS jockeys your leftwing ideology..then he becomes incredulous w/ those who are the antithesis of it, when it inevitably fails…
To be remided of how Ignorant you are…and how you cling to that ignorance, makes you uncomfprtable. FITS comforts you by embracing and adopting your ignorance. I slap the P!$$ out of you w/ reality..and it hurts…

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 10:09 am

“I slap the P!$$ out of you w/ reality..and it hurts…”

I think you spelled “ignorance” wrong, it doesn’t start with an R or end with a Y. But you’re right, reading your posts does hurt.

No Use For A Name March 11, 2013 at 11:51 am

Wow, T! Amazing how you can use the word ignorant three times in one sentence!

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 1:50 pm

With a straight face?

BigT March 11, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Even more Amazing, is how accurate I am using it…

Isotope Soap March 11, 2013 at 2:21 pm

That’s what you call “professional journalism!”

Shit Fling 2013® March 11, 2013 at 8:51 am

Welcome to Shit Fling ’13!!!

BigT’s ape-like hijinks will be on full display. Enjoy the show…

BigT March 11, 2013 at 9:47 am

Liberals CANNOT stand to see another view, especially when it’s right…even when you are the picture of ABJECT failure…and collapse…
It’s why you HATE me. FITS jockeys your leftwing ideology..then he becomes incredulous w/ those who are the antithesis of it, when it inevitably fails…
To be remided of how Ignorant you are…and how you cling to that ignorance, makes you uncomfprtable. FITS comforts you by embracing and adopting your ignorance. I slap the P!$$ out of you w/ reality..and it hurts…

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 10:09 am

“I slap the P!$$ out of you w/ reality..and it hurts…”

I think you spelled “ignorance” wrong, it doesn’t start with an R or end with a Y. But you’re right, reading your posts does hurt.

No Use For A Name March 11, 2013 at 11:51 am

Wow, T! Amazing how you can use the word ignorant three times in one sentence!

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 1:50 pm

With a straight face?

BigT March 11, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Even more Amazing, is how accurate I am using it…

John Boy March 11, 2013 at 2:21 pm

That’s what you call “professional journalism!”

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 9:00 am

“We’re don’t want to refight the fiscal cliff. That’s current law. That’s not going to change.”

Guess what is current law, isn’t going to change, but Republicans can’t stop refighting over and over again? Obamacare!

Paul Ryan is a tool, but that’s why Romney picked him as his running mate. At least he was a useful tool, like maybe a Craftsman wrench, whereas Palin was more of a dollar store screwdriver missing the handle.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 11:18 am

Looked how the Sequester has backfired…..
And ObamaCare will collpase on itself, too. Obama has been able to out run the disaster that he is to this point, becuase of stupid people like you…
Just as Hitler rode high (and dirty) for a little while, but he ended up w/ a bullet in his head and burned to a charred remnant…
You have failed at everything…and you will be found out for what you are…regardless of who FITS and the media blame.
You can only run away from what you are, and what you are doing, for so long..

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Your poorly cobbled together reply and reference to Hitler doesn’t change the fact that you and the GOP banked on the one guy who passed the health care reform that Obamacare was based on, as well as Paul Ryan agreeing to be his running mate. Do Republicans really want Obamacare gone that badly? Apparently not.

To your credit, you did initially back “President Perry.” Uh, um… Oops!

Jan March 11, 2013 at 3:34 pm

Actually if I recall he backed candidate Pertoriumomney.

BigT March 12, 2013 at 5:30 am

Look at Perry’s economy in Texas and then look at the mess Obama has made w/ the US economy..

You’re a F*$@in imbecile if you tell me you think Obama is doing a better job than Perry…But you voted for Obama and swear he’s doing a GREAT job..so I think the Imbecile question is moot….

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 9:00 am

“We’re don’t want to refight the fiscal cliff. That’s current law. That’s not going to change.”

Guess what is current law, isn’t going to change, but Republicans can’t stop refighting over and over again? Obamacare!

Paul Ryan is a tool, but that’s why Romney picked him as his running mate. At least he was a useful tool, like maybe a Craftsman wrench, whereas Palin was more of a dollar store screwdriver missing the handle.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 11:18 am

Looked how the Sequester has backfired…..
And ObamaCare will collpase on itself, too. Obama has been able to out run the disaster that he is to this point, becuase of stupid people like you…
Just as Hitler rode high (and dirty) for a little while, but he ended up w/ a bullet in his head and burned to a charred remnant…
You have failed at everything…and you will be found out for what you are…regardless of who FITS and the media blame.
You can only run away from what you are, and what you are doing, for so long..

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Your poorly cobbled together reply and reference to Hitler doesn’t change the fact that you and the GOP banked on the one guy who passed the health care reform that Obamacare was based on, as well as Paul Ryan agreeing to be his running mate. Do Republicans really want Obamacare gone that badly? Apparently not.

To your credit, you did initially back “President Perry.” Uh, um… Oops!

Jan March 11, 2013 at 3:34 pm

Actually if I recall he backed candidate Pertoriumomney.

BigT March 12, 2013 at 5:30 am

Look at Perry’s economy in Texas and then look at the mess Obama has made w/ the US economy..

You’re a F*$@in imbecile if you tell me you think Obama is doing a better job than Perry…But you voted for Obama and swear he’s doing a GREAT job..so I think the Imbecile question is moot….

jimlewisowb March 11, 2013 at 9:30 am

During the French Revolution those to be beheaded were daily loaded onto horse drawn carts and paraded through the streets on the way to the Guillotine.

There were several purposes:
A) For those about to be beheaded it would give them time to crap and piss in their pants for all to see that they were not Gods and did not possess a Divine Right to Rule
B) It would give the oppressed an opportunity to shower the cart occupants with spoiled food, dead rats and honey pails
C) If a member of the Committee of Public Safety saw someone in a cart they wanted to save, they could pull them off the cart to face another inquiry at a later day to determine their ultimate fate

For quite awhile I have wondered if the sons of a bitches in Washington DC have come to the realization that if it were possible to load their sorry miserable asses onto carts today, that the odds are that no one would pull them off the goddamn cart.

PS Would post same comments on story about Mirf Weezie but I’m already booked for Court the next two months running and my understanding is that the Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives is one ugly mother fucker.

jimlewisowb March 11, 2013 at 9:30 am

During the French Revolution those to be beheaded were daily loaded onto horse drawn carts and paraded through the streets on the way to the Guillotine.

There were several purposes:
A) For those about to be beheaded it would give them time to crap and piss in their pants for all to see that they were not Gods and did not possess a Divine Right to Rule
B) It would give the oppressed an opportunity to shower the cart occupants with spoiled food, dead rats and honey pails
C) If a member of the Committee of Public Safety saw someone in a cart they wanted to save, they could pull them off the cart to face another inquiry at a later day to determine their ultimate fate

For quite awhile I have wondered if the sons of a bitches in Washington DC have come to the realization that if it were possible to load their sorry miserable asses onto carts today, that the odds are that no one would pull them off the goddamn cart.

PS Would post same comments on story about Mirf Weezie but I’m already booked for Court the next two months running and my understanding is that the Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives is one ugly mother fucker.

Jan March 11, 2013 at 10:35 am

As part of his budget Ryan has revived his plan to repeal Medicare and replace it with a new health insurance voucher program for senior citizens. This time for those under 56. So if you are 55 years old and younger, and you are dumb enough to believe when you turn 65 health insurance companies will be beating down your door to sell you affordable health insurance. By all means support Ryan.

And if you are wrong, and can’t find insurance you can afford, Ryan has an answer for that as well. “To bad for you. Don’t you wish you had government sponsored health insurance like I do.”

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 2:19 pm

The voucher system is an incredibly thinly veiled attempt to kill Medicare. Honestly, there’s no other way to look at it. You are trading a program that affords you services for a program that “tries” to help you afford coverage so that you can afford services. All one has to do is remember that old people are extremely high risk for just about every kind of illness and disease imaginable to understand that these people would be absolutely fucked if they had to shop around for their own policies, especially without any government regulation. All one has to do is remember that old people are very likely have extensive medical histories to understand that no law barring insurance companies from discriminating against preexisting conditions, combined with this drastic change to Medicare, would be akin to throwing old people into shark-infested waters.

Paul Ryan is the type of person that views entitlement programs as immoral, no matter what good they produce, and is willing to kill them with extreme prejudice, no matter how much money people have paid into them over any number of years thinking they were going to get a service in return, or how capable they are of staying afloat. I view his extreme contempt and utmost disregard for fellow human beings as the pinnacle of immorality and the epitome of greed.

The fact that this guy walked into a soup kitchen to get a picture taken of him cleaning clean dishes is probably THE best metaphor to describe this guy. An absolutely shameless opportunistic fuck who is only out for himself and anyone willing to help him.

Jan March 11, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Actually Smirks, Ryan gave a spirited defense of Soc. Sec. and Medicare and how much those programs helped him an is family as did Rubio. So these programs are not bad for everyone, only for those they make dependent. Which is apparently most people under age 56.

And if you need any proof this is the case, you only need to look at Ryan and Rubio. Both come from families who received Soc. Security, Medicare and goverment education benefits, and look at them now. Both living on a government check with government health care.

Jan March 11, 2013 at 10:35 am

As part of his budget Ryan has revived his plan to repeal Medicare and replace it with a new health insurance voucher program for senior citizens. This time for those under 56. So if you are 55 years old and younger, and you are dumb enough to believe when you turn 65 health insurance companies will be beating down your door to sell you affordable health insurance. By all means support Ryan.

And if you are wrong, and can’t find insurance you can afford, Ryan has an answer for that as well. “To bad for you. Don’t you wish you had government sponsored health insurance like I do.”

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 2:19 pm

The voucher system is an incredibly thinly veiled attempt to kill Medicare. Honestly, there’s no other way to look at it. You are trading a program that affords you services for a program that “tries” to help you afford coverage so that you can afford services. All one has to do is remember that old people are extremely high risk for just about every kind of illness and disease imaginable to understand that these people would be absolutely fucked if they had to shop around for their own policies, especially without any government regulation. All one has to do is remember that old people are very likely have extensive medical histories to understand that no law barring insurance companies from discriminating against preexisting conditions, combined with this drastic change to Medicare, would be akin to throwing old people into shark-infested waters.

Paul Ryan is the type of person that views entitlement programs as immoral, no matter what good they produce, and is willing to kill them with extreme prejudice, no matter how much money people have paid into them over any number of years thinking they were going to get a service in return, or how capable they are of staying afloat. I view his extreme contempt and utmost disregard for fellow human beings as the pinnacle of immorality and the epitome of greed.

The fact that this guy walked into a soup kitchen to get a picture taken of him cleaning clean dishes is probably THE best metaphor to describe this guy. An absolutely shameless opportunistic fuck who is only out for himself and anyone willing to help him.

Jan March 11, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Actually Smirks, Ryan gave a spirited defense of Soc. Sec. and Medicare and how much those programs helped him an is family as did Rubio. So these programs are not bad for everyone, only for those they make dependent. Which is apparently most people under age 56.

And if you need any proof this is the case, you only need to look at Ryan and Rubio. Both come from families who received Soc. Security, Medicare and goverment education benefits, and look at them now. Both living on a government check with government health care.


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