Congressman’s Wife Threatens Reporter, Activist

Wrenzie Calhoun Rice, the wife (and top political advisor) of ethically challenged S.C. Rep. Tom Rice (RINO-SC), is threatening to sue a South Carolina blog and a prominent local political activist who have criticized her husband in the past for what she refers to as “harassment and defamation.” She’s also…

Wrenzie Calhoun Rice, the wife (and top political advisor) of ethically challenged S.C. Rep. Tom Rice (RINO-SC), is threatening to sue a South Carolina blog and a prominent local political activist who have criticized her husband in the past for what she refers to as “harassment and defamation.”

She’s also threatened to have both the U.S. Capitol Police and the Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives launch federal investigations into the matter.

Sheesh … we told you people it was a mistake to give these effing bumpkins their own congressional district, didn’t we?

Anyway … the dust-up involves Grand Strand Daily, a Myrtle Beach, S.C. blog run by reporter Paul Gable. According to Rice, Grand Strand Daily slandered her in a since-removed story about Mark Lazarus – one of the leading members of the region’s tourism mafia (a group with which the Rices are intimately connected).

“I have called the capitol police and will have them investigate this,” Rice wrote to Gable this weekend. “I will also hire a lawyer and prosecute you for harrassment and defamation. Remove that ridiculous post immediately and state that it is untrue or I will follow up with my plans. I will not tolerate this.”

Rice did not specify how the since-removed post harassed or defamed her, however Gable not only obliged her by taking it down – he offered Rice the opportunity “to author a post saying anything you wish” about the issue.

Apparently that wasn’t good enough …

“I want you to post on your page that it was a lie and you apologize,” Rice responded. “I have printed out the comments for my records and if this ever happens again, I assure you that i will hire a lawyer. Im not interested in posting on your website.”

Gable has so far refused to bow to Rice’s wishes, claiming he is the victim of “threats, intimidation and censorship” from the Congressman’s wife.

“Every so often, especially in Horry County, threats and intimidation are used in attempts at censorship of the press,” he wrote.

Rice’s threats extended to the social media realm, where Myrtle Beach activist William H. “Buz” Martin received the same messages promising lawsuits and the involvement of federal law enforcement.

“(I) never said anything like what you are writing about me,” Rice wrote in a message to Martin. “Your posts are defamatory. You need to remove your posts about me and apologize for harassing me. I have contacted the sergeant of arms at the Capitol and asked them to investigate. If you do not remove the posts and/or continue to lie about me, I will hire a lawyer.”

Martin was undeterred.

“You should know by now that y’all do not impress me, and you do not intimidate me,” he responded.

Wow …

Whatever happened here, Rice’s reaction to the story has turned it from a “nothing burger” into something worth investigating further. We’ll let you know what we uncover as we delve deeper into the issue …

UPDATE: Here’s the story which apparently got Wrenzie Rice’s panties in a wad. 


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Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 6:46 pm

I am merely an unfrozen old-school burlesque comic. Your world frightens and confuses me! I know nothing of your modern day “activism.”

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 6:46 pm

I am merely an unfrozen old-school burlesque comic. Your world frightens and confuses me! I know nothing of your modern day “activism.”

Iggy March 10, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Nice tits….

Iggy March 10, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Nice tits….

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 7:00 pm

What do the Sgt at Arms and the Capitol Police have to do with anything she’s talking about? And where in the hell does the name Wrenzie come from?

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 7:00 pm

What do the Sgt at Arms and the Capitol Police have to do with anything she’s talking about? And where in the hell does the name Wrenzie come from?

Joseph Azar March 10, 2013 at 7:03 pm

So what was said that has everyone up in arms?

josephazar March 10, 2013 at 7:03 pm

So what was said that has everyone up in arms?

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 7:04 pm

Now Sic Willie will attempt to provoke her just so he doesn’t feel left out of this broo-haha! That will force her to read ALL of the posts on Fitsnews………

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 7:04 pm

Now Sic Willie will attempt to provoke her just so he doesn’t feel left out of this broo-haha! That will force her to read ALL of the posts on Fitsnews………

RHood2 March 10, 2013 at 7:05 pm

Is it not standard practice, if you are reporting on a removed post, to find the cached version of it somewhere? Step it up, FITS.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 9:16 pm


RHood2 March 10, 2013 at 7:05 pm

Is it not standard practice, if you are reporting on a removed post, to find the cached version of it somewhere? Step it up, FITS.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 9:16 pm


Torch March 10, 2013 at 7:12 pm

Bumpkins? Lets look at Lexington and just say no Joe Wilson. What a bunch of rednecks. Pelion, Redbank, etc.

RHood2 March 10, 2013 at 7:12 pm

She sounds like a real handful. Queen Bee, buzzin’ around yo’ hive.

Torch March 10, 2013 at 7:12 pm

Bumpkins? Lets look at Lexington and just say no Joe Wilson. What a bunch of rednecks. Pelion, Redbank, etc.

RHood2 March 10, 2013 at 7:12 pm

She sounds like a real handful. Queen Bee, buzzin’ around yo’ hive.

alvin March 10, 2013 at 7:19 pm

That’s what dirt-balls and clean-balls get for becoming elected politicians — no more libel cover. She should ask her hubby to change careers.

Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:23 pm

The voters of the 7th District will do more than ask him to do that when his pathetic one-and-done career as the clueless goober puppet of the Myrtle Beach Mafia is over. IF the feds don’t beat them to it.

alvin March 10, 2013 at 7:19 pm

That’s what dirt-balls and clean-balls get for becoming elected politicians — no more libel cover. She should ask her hubby to change careers.

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:23 pm

The voters of the 7th District will do more than ask him to do that when his pathetic one-and-done career as the clueless goober puppet of the Myrtle Beach Mafia is over. IF the feds don’t beat them to it.

Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:20 pm

For all who might have missed it, Paul has now made available
the origional Grand Strand Daily article that started what shifty henry calls “this broo-haha.” Sans comments, so I hope that y’all will spread the love — or lack thereof — over there, too, just to make Wrenzie’s evening complete.

jimlewisowb March 10, 2013 at 8:01 pm

That’s it.

The mirf has pulled her big whities up her crotch over this story.

Damn, she should really get pissed when she goes online and reads willie’s post.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:24 am

+1 for “mirf”

inletman March 10, 2013 at 8:05 pm

Thanks for the link Boz. After reading the article I still don’t know what the broo haha is about. Hell a deaf man has heard about the stink in Myrtle Beach and the names attached to that funk. Come on FBI and IRS, fumigate this place. The innocent have nothing to worry about.

Please March 10, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Yeah, thanks for the link, Boz. No “good ole boy network” in Horry County? Um, please. There’s a good ole boy network in every county in SC. WTF are these people saying is a lie?

truth and consequences March 10, 2013 at 9:24 pm

Is it Boz or Buz?

Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Both. My original “real nickname” was Buz. It’s Biblical, you know. See Buz and Huz. But really, my parents got it from the Buz Sawyer comic strip. Years later I dated a girl who told me her war hero father had been Milton Caniff’s inspiration for the character. But I digress. Fast forward to the late 90’s, I was writing for various “metaphysical” publications, both for print and online, and using the pen name “Boz Martyn” – “Boz” from Boz Skaggs of course, and also a nom de plume that one of my literary heroes, Charles Dickens, used (see Sketches by Boz).

“Boz” caught on, and soon my friends in Winston-Salem (where I lived at the time) and even my ex-wife switched over to calling me that. I brought “Boz” back to MB with me in 2001, and used it all the time. I dropped the too-precious “Martyn” (original ancestral Brit clan name) and went back to my good ol’ original “Horry county mixed-blood Indian” version, “Martin”. Then, because it confused some of my oldest friends and remote family members I was connecting with on FB, etc. I decided to revert to “Buz” on my private FB account — I now mainly use “Boz” for my entertainer persona, some of my writing, etc.

That is reflected by my fan page, Sometimes, of course, my worlds collide, and in some ways I guess I have really spread around the confusion. But at the same time I’m kept my identity a moving target. For a long time a bunch of my political haters actually thought my middle name was “Bozworth”, coz I’d used that so many times, and drove themselves bugfuck trying to get a bead on me.

This is all, of course, WAY the hell off the subject at hand and probably much more than you every wanted to know — but you asked.

And btw, thank you for that.

Sailor March 10, 2013 at 10:01 pm

Buz, Boz, Boob, whatever. I enjoy your writing and your humour. By the way, I’d have preferred Boz to the names my ex-wife called me!

Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 10:05 pm

Thank you! — and Haha! I hear that! To this day, mine still calls me many other things as well. Almost none of them good.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Wait a gall-darn minute: Sailor is on of the most Devout and ridiculous Liberals on here..and he LOVES Boz (or Buz)……
Yet Buz claims not to be a leftwinger…
Sanford is a lair…and I wonder why Buz lockstep-LOVES FITS so much…
Wonder no more…

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 8:45 pm

That reads to me as legitimate journalism raising questions for the readers. Don’t see anything there that should get her panties in a wad (unless her hubby likes them that way).

RHood2 March 10, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Is it the comment that got her going? Because I see nothing objectionable by ANYONE in the article.

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:20 pm

For all who might have missed it, Paul has now made available
the origional Grand Strand Daily article that started what shifty henry calls “this broo-haha.” Sans comments, so I hope that y’all will spread the love — or lack thereof — over there, too, just to make Wrenzie’s evening complete.

jimlewisowb March 10, 2013 at 8:01 pm

That’s it.

The mirf has pulled her big whities up her crotch over this story.

Damn, she should really get pissed when she goes online and reads willie’s post.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:24 am

+1 for “mirf”

inletman March 10, 2013 at 8:05 pm

Thanks for the link Boz. After reading the article I still don’t know what the broo haha is about. Hell a deaf man has heard about the stink in Myrtle Beach and the names attached to that funk. Come on FBI and IRS, fumigate this place. The innocent have nothing to worry about.

Please March 10, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Yeah, thanks for the link, Boz. No “good ole boy network” in Horry County? Um, please. There’s a good ole boy network in every county in SC. WTF are these people saying is a lie?

truth and consequences March 10, 2013 at 9:24 pm

Is it Boz or Buz?

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Both. My original “real nickname” was Buz. It’s Biblical, you know. See Buz and Huz. But really, my parents got it from the Buz Sawyer comic strip. Years later I dated a girl who told me her war hero father had been Milton Caniff’s inspiration for the character. But I digress. Fast forward to the late 90’s, I was writing for various “metaphysical” publications, both for print and online, and using the pen name “Boz Martyn” – “Boz” from Boz Skaggs of course, and also a nom de plume that one of my literary heroes, Charles Dickens, used (see Sketches by Boz).

“Boz” caught on, and soon my friends in Winston-Salem (where I lived at the time) and even my ex-wife switched over to calling me that. I brought “Boz” back to MB with me in 2001, and used it all the time. I dropped the too-precious “Martyn” (original ancestral Brit clan name) and went back to my good ol’ original “Horry county mixed-blood Indian” version, “Martin”. Then, because it confused some of my oldest friends and remote family members I was connecting with on FB, etc. I decided to revert to “Buz” on my private FB account — I now mainly use “Boz” for my entertainer persona, some of my writing, etc.

That is reflected by my fan page, Sometimes, of course, my worlds collide, and in some ways I guess I have really spread around the confusion. But at the same time I’m kept my identity a moving target. For a long time a bunch of my political haters actually thought my middle name was “Bozworth”, coz I’d used that so many times, and drove themselves bugfuck trying to get a bead on me.

This is all, of course, WAY the hell off the subject at hand and probably much more than you every wanted to know — but you asked.

And btw, thank you for that.

Sailor March 10, 2013 at 10:01 pm

Buz, Boz, Boob, whatever. I enjoy your writing and your humour. By the way, I’d have preferred Boz to the names my ex-wife called me!

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 10:05 pm

Thank you! — and Haha! I hear that! To this day, mine still calls me many other things as well. Almost none of them good.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Wait a gall-darn minute: Sailor is on of the most Devout and ridiculous Liberals on here..and he LOVES Boz (or Buz)……
Yet Buz claims not to be a leftwinger…
Sanford is a lair…and I wonder why Buz lockstep-LOVES FITS so much…
Wonder no more…

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 8:45 pm

That reads to me as legitimate journalism raising questions for the readers. Don’t see anything there that should get her panties in a wad (unless her hubby likes them that way).

RHood2 March 10, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Is it the comment that got her going? Because I see nothing objectionable by ANYONE in the article.

Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:37 pm

It’s funny that she said in one message that she was going to “hire” a lawyer, and in another that she was going to “contact” her lawyer. It’s like she suddenly remembered she had one. Or more. Good Lord! I wonder if she’s getting any sleep?

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:37 pm

It’s funny that she said in one message that she was going to “hire” a lawyer, and in another that she was going to “contact” her lawyer. It’s like she suddenly remembered she had one. Or more. Good Lord! I wonder if she’s getting any sleep?

Buz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:47 pm

I was originally planning to de-activate my “SC7: Stop Tom Rice in ’14 (or sooner?)” FB Page, and a couple of similar ones, as well as oppo-Rice Twitter accounts. When I attempted to tell one of Rice’s aids about that via FB message and sent him a friend request, I was immediately flagged and blocked from adding new friends for 30 days, and also flag-spammed on Facebook. Now the new round of overt hostility and attempts at information control from Wrenzie Rice has prompted me to ramp it up again. And the beat goes on.

Boz Martin March 10, 2013 at 7:47 pm

I was originally planning to de-activate my “SC7: Stop Tom Rice in ’14 (or sooner?)” FB Page, and a couple of similar ones, as well as oppo-Rice Twitter accounts. When I attempted to tell one of Rice’s aids about that via FB message and sent him a friend request, I was immediately flagged and blocked from adding new friends for 30 days, and also flag-spammed on Facebook. Now the new round of overt hostility and attempts at information control from Wrenzie Rice has prompted me to ramp it up again. And the beat goes on.

jimlewisowb March 10, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Hot damn willie, a triple jowled middle age mirf willing to bust blogger’s balls should be too tempting to pass up.

By all means find a copy of Gable’s story and post it whereby all of us can be party to the mirf’s orgy.

As for the mirf’s threat to dial up the Feds and demand an investigation demonstrates she is either bat shit crazy or a paranoid schizophrenic.

On second thought maybe she is just having a bad day due to eating some bad Rice and all of this went down when her throat became swollen and she couldn’t swallow.

jimlewisowb March 10, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Hot damn willie, a triple jowled middle age mirf willing to bust blogger’s balls should be too tempting to pass up.

By all means find a copy of Gable’s story and post it whereby all of us can be party to the mirf’s orgy.

As for the mirf’s threat to dial up the Feds and demand an investigation demonstrates she is either bat shit crazy or a paranoid schizophrenic.

On second thought maybe she is just having a bad day due to eating some bad Rice and all of this went down when her throat became swollen and she couldn’t swallow.

Micah Witherspoon March 10, 2013 at 8:13 pm

Apparently she didn’t realize they we’re getting into a thing called “Politics”…The Grand Stand and Pee Dee can do a heck of a lot better than Rice…hopefully they can come up with a quality candidate in 2014…not another RINO.

Micah Witherspoon March 10, 2013 at 8:13 pm

Apparently she didn’t realize they we’re getting into a thing called “Politics”…The Grand Stand and Pee Dee can do a heck of a lot better than Rice…hopefully they can come up with a quality candidate in 2014…not another RINO.

Jeffrey Sewell March 10, 2013 at 8:16 pm

And now we have the answer to the most puzzling mystery to strike Georgetown in 237 years of the Republic, and with specificity, may I suggest that the congressman’s wife may be responsible for the rabid consumption if not scarcity of the finest select cuts of filet-mignon.

Last we checked our admittedly limited grey matter the role of the head doorkeeper has nothing to do with the appeasement of the well-nourished spouses of members of Congress.

No doubt Mr. Gable and Mr. Folks have some experiences with the elected and their games of intimidation and threats, and yes my guess is that the nothing burger just became a monster thick burger… Y’all have a nice day now ya…hear!

Jeffrey Sewell March 10, 2013 at 8:16 pm

And now we have the answer to the most puzzling mystery to strike Georgetown in 237 years of the Republic, and with specificity, may I suggest that the congressman’s wife may be responsible for the rabid consumption if not scarcity of the finest select cuts of filet-mignon.

Last we checked our admittedly limited grey matter the role of the head doorkeeper has nothing to do with the appeasement of the well-nourished spouses of members of Congress.

No doubt Mr. Gable and Mr. Folks have some experiences with the elected and their games of intimidation and threats, and yes my guess is that the nothing burger just became a monster thick burger… Y’all have a nice day now ya…hear!

Philip Branton March 10, 2013 at 11:17 pm

Hmm… the story is reposted without the comments..?? ….and that just goes to prove how VALUABLE the “comments” are to the story..!? Right..??

Philip Branton March 10, 2013 at 11:17 pm

Hmm… the story is reposted without the comments..?? ….and that just goes to prove how VALUABLE the “comments” are to the story..!? Right..??

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 12:31 am

Ha this entire article is a joke. Way to go Miss Wrenzie! I love that my congressmans wife fights for the truth and holds the media accountable for their “stories”. The news has become garbage. I’m appalled that this is even an article. Are there not more pressing political matters to report on?

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:22 am

You are “appalled that this is even an article!” Oh, my! Please, let us stop writing about politics because someone got her feelings hurt!

truth and consequences March 11, 2013 at 8:20 pm


Praise the Lord.

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 12:31 am

Ha this entire article is a joke. Way to go Miss Wrenzie! I love that my congressmans wife fights for the truth and holds the media accountable for their “stories”. The news has become garbage. I’m appalled that this is even an article. Are there not more pressing political matters to report on?

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:22 am

You are “appalled that this is even an article!” Oh, my! Please, let us stop writing about politics because someone got her feelings hurt!

truth and consequences March 11, 2013 at 8:20 pm


Praise the Lord.

Derek March 11, 2013 at 12:53 am

Boz, you really must have a ridiculous amount of time on your hands to sit behind a computer screen and create anonymous accounts to talk about people who obviously are doing alot more than you. You should consider how much you embarrass yourself and how ignorant you sound to be an “adult.” But continue to create these anonymous accounts because they get you very far in life and if I must say so myself, watching you embarrass yourself is pretty darn funny.

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 12:59 am

I agree. It takes very little guts to attack people from behind a computer screen. I would want better for myself if I were him. However, I suppose some of us have real life goals while others are content with merely being below average. It’s sad. I’ll pray for him.

Derek March 11, 2013 at 1:04 am

It truly is said that a grown man would feel the need to create fake social media accounts to bring down other people when really he is just covering up his faults. I don’t remember seeing any Boz Martin for Congress signs within the 7th district during the primary, however I remember seeing about 40 Facebook accounts and about 20 different Twitter accounts…what a LOSER!

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 1:08 am

Not to mention all of the fake accounts that were utilized to attack young people working for Congressman Rice. I was appalled to learn of this during the campaign. As adults we should be encouraging our young people to get involved in politics and to make a point to get informed and preserve the cornerstones of democracy. The last thing we need is wackos attacking interns who are trying to learn about politics and make their voice heard. It’s disgraceful behavior out of a grown man.

Buz Martin March 12, 2013 at 12:59 pm

I have used no sockpuppets and only attacked you supposedly pristine pure young Repubs and Dems working for Tom IF you were slamming my friends and me alongside Grizzly Mamma Rice. btw “The White Lady” has been known to induce serious hallucinations after a good long boozy run, SCPrincess10. I gave it up decades ago, and that’s why I’m alive today to type these words. Quit while you still have your looks, your health and your brains. Stick with weed. It’s actually good for you. Word.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:20 am

Again, what, exactly, are you doing here if not the same thing you are accusing Boz of doing – unless, of course, SCPrincess10 is your real name and this is not a computer screen.

Sherry Church March 11, 2013 at 1:41 am

Pot calling the kettle black “Please.” I have never heard someone having the name Please. You should probably get from behind YOUR computer screen and YOUR anonymous account. SCPrincess10 has a point…and that is all Boz does is try to bring others down and as fellow Americans we should be helping to educate the youth who would like to become involved in politics and one way to do that is not by attacking them on social media sites for posting their views and opinions.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:59 am

The difference is that I didn’t call someone out for using an anonymous screen name or fake account – SCPrincess10 and Derek did. So, not pot or kettle here. Try again.

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 8:23 am

Honey, at the end of the day the facts remain the same. Tom Rice is in the United States House of Representatives and you’re still irrelevant in the political world. I will pray for you. Have a nice day.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:19 am

And what, exactly, are you doing here if not the same thing?

Buz Martin March 11, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Actually, I post as myself, only, everywhere I post these days. It has been my habit in the past, too, to announce iy when/if I ever used alias IDs. Unless it was just dumb shit that didn’t mean anything, and I was just having fun. I have not done any of that for quite a while. Also, I don’t sit behind the screen. I sit in front of it. Your system may be different, but that’s how mine works. Now, why don’t you do a couple more bumps with your scatter-brained little friends so you can muster up a little more courage and come back at me with a better attack than that, son?

Derek March 11, 2013 at 12:53 am

Boz, you really must have a ridiculous amount of time on your hands to sit behind a computer screen and create anonymous accounts to talk about people who obviously are doing alot more than you. You should consider how much you embarrass yourself and how ignorant you sound to be an “adult.” But continue to create these anonymous accounts because they get you very far in life and if I must say so myself, watching you embarrass yourself is pretty darn funny.

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 12:59 am

I agree. It takes very little guts to attack people from behind a computer screen. I would want better for myself if I were him. However, I suppose some of us have real life goals while others are content with merely being below average. It’s sad. I’ll pray for him.

Derek March 11, 2013 at 1:04 am

It truly is said that a grown man would feel the need to create fake social media accounts to bring down other people when really he is just covering up his faults. I don’t remember seeing any Boz Martin for Congress signs within the 7th district during the primary, however I remember seeing about 40 Facebook accounts and about 20 different Twitter accounts…what a LOSER!

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 1:08 am

Not to mention all of the fake accounts that were utilized to attack young people working for Congressman Rice. I was appalled to learn of this during the campaign. As adults we should be encouraging our young people to get involved in politics and to make a point to get informed and preserve the cornerstones of democracy. The last thing we need is wackos attacking interns who are trying to learn about politics and make their voice heard. It’s disgraceful behavior out of a grown man.

Boz Martin March 12, 2013 at 12:59 pm

I have used no sockpuppets and only attacked you supposedly pristine pure young Repubs and Dems working for Tom IF you were slamming my friends and me alongside Grizzly Mamma Rice. btw “The White Lady” has been known to induce serious hallucinations after a good long boozy run, SCPrincess10. I gave it up decades ago, and that’s why I’m alive today to type these words. Quit while you still have your looks, your health and your brains. Stick with weed. It’s actually good for you. Word.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:20 am

Again, what, exactly, are you doing here if not the same thing you are accusing Boz of doing – unless, of course, SCPrincess10 is your real name and this is not a computer screen.

Sherry Church March 11, 2013 at 1:41 am

Pot calling the kettle black “Please.” I have never heard someone having the name Please. You should probably get from behind YOUR computer screen and YOUR anonymous account. SCPrincess10 has a point…and that is all Boz does is try to bring others down and as fellow Americans we should be helping to educate the youth who would like to become involved in politics and one way to do that is not by attacking them on social media sites for posting their views and opinions.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:59 am

The difference is that I didn’t call someone out for using an anonymous screen name or fake account – SCPrincess10 and Derek did. So, not pot or kettle here. Try again.

SCPrincess10 March 11, 2013 at 8:23 am

Honey, at the end of the day the facts remain the same. Tom Rice is in the United States House of Representatives and you’re still irrelevant in the political world. I will pray for you. Have a nice day.

Please March 11, 2013 at 1:19 am

And what, exactly, are you doing here if not the same thing?

Boz Martin March 11, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Actually, I post as myself, only, everywhere I post these days. It has been my habit in the past, too, to announce iy when/if I ever used alias IDs. Unless it was just dumb shit that didn’t mean anything, and I was just having fun. I have not done any of that for quite a while. Also, I don’t sit behind the screen. I sit in front of it. Your system may be different, but that’s how mine works. Now, why don’t you do a couple more bumps with your scatter-brained little friends so you can muster up a little more courage and come back at me with a better attack than that, son?

9" March 11, 2013 at 4:33 am

up early,and just looking at that romantic picture;there’s definitely the smell of chlamydia going on.that’s why I gave up on women.that,and the whole-berry cranberry sauce in the toilet deal.keep the toilet seat down? you got it,bitch.I just peed all over it…

9" March 11, 2013 at 4:33 am

up early,and just looking at that romantic picture;there’s definitely the smell of chlamydia going on.that’s why I gave up on women.that,and the whole-berry cranberry sauce in the toilet deal.keep the toilet seat down? you got it,bitch.I just peed all over it…

Philip Branton March 11, 2013 at 7:52 am

Hmm…….maybe this fine lady needs to read this article…. ( )

After she gets through reading this article and reflects on the issues with a comment “truth” section then maybe she would get a better perspective…!!

Philip Branton March 11, 2013 at 7:52 am

Hmm…….maybe this fine lady needs to read this article…. ( )

After she gets through reading this article and reflects on the issues with a comment “truth” section then maybe she would get a better perspective…!!

Philip Branton March 11, 2013 at 8:02 am

Dear Mrs, Wrenzie Calhoun Rice……how does really feel to actually be in the middle of a WAR..?? Your fake counter assault upon this “blogger” is a real good counter media awareness move. It would be nice to know what you real passions are. What issues you really support that have impact on all citizens of our state. Just read this article for a minute… ( )

If all these dead pigs do NOT affect the drinking water in CHINA then how does ground water contamination from LANDFILLS and leaking gas tanks affect water that is sprinkled on PLAYGROUNDS….??

Mrs Rice…..we admire you…..

BigT March 11, 2013 at 8:08 am

The blogger (admited guilt) and backed down.,…you brain dead dumb@$$…
She Won, You F&*#in idiot….
PS: FITS better hope this does not embolden his targets…

Buz Martin March 11, 2013 at 8:14 am

Ah, Wrenzie has an ally in BigT.


Philip Branton March 11, 2013 at 8:36 am

We really need to have a FITSNEWS “Saturday Night Live” news show with BIG(T) trashing Wil Folks and have two “old” white men in the balcony just “winging it”…!! (Just like the Muppets)…!!

mi1 March 13, 2013 at 1:41 am

Buz, is BigT..Tom Davis..? The drunken Nut that lives in Litchfield?

Philip Branton March 11, 2013 at 8:02 am

Dear Mrs, Wrenzie Calhoun Rice……how does really feel to actually be in the middle of a WAR..?? Your fake counter assault upon this “blogger” is a real good counter media awareness move. It would be nice to know what you real passions are. What issues you really support that have impact on all citizens of our state. Just read this article for a minute… ( )

If all these dead pigs do NOT affect the drinking water in CHINA then how does ground water contamination from LANDFILLS and leaking gas tanks affect water that is sprinkled on PLAYGROUNDS….??

Mrs Rice…..we admire you…..

BigT March 11, 2013 at 8:08 am

The blogger (admited guilt) and backed down.,…you brain dead dumb@$$…
She Won, You F&*#in idiot….
PS: FITS better hope this does not embolden his targets…

Boz Martin March 11, 2013 at 8:14 am

Ah, Wrenzie has an ally in BigT.


Philip Branton March 11, 2013 at 8:36 am

We really need to have a FITSNEWS “Saturday Night Live” news show with BIG(T) trashing Wil Folks and have two “old” white men in the balcony just “winging it”…!! (Just like the Muppets)…!!

mi1 March 13, 2013 at 1:41 am

Buz, is BigT..Tom Davis..? The drunken Nut that lives in Litchfield?

BigT March 11, 2013 at 8:06 am

At least that blogger admited what he is…
FITS: You (like so many leftwingers) pervert the profession of journalism…Freedom of Speech gives NO ONE the right to lie or Damage other people as a hobby…
I’d LOVE to see her KICK your @$$ (using the courts) or any other leftwing A-Holes.

You have been elected by NO ONE. And you are just as big a liar as Sanford, except hsi is DISGRACED by what he did…

At least elected officials have to sell the public on having some charcter.

FITS is the opposite of character. You are pretty much low-life SCUM…and you at admit that, until someone (like me) points out that it is not a joke…and you RELALY are Scum…

You deserve a law suit, and to lose it…

Please March 11, 2013 at 10:01 am

If you hate FITS so much, why are you here, every day, commenting on every article? If FITS is such “low-life SCUM,” why do you waste your time reading and responding to what he writes?

BigT March 11, 2013 at 11:50 am

I’m sickened by dishonest people in reference to politics…and even more-so w/ holier-than-thou wannbe media people (like FITS) w/ No integrity, talent or ability…trying to preach to me…
It’s a justice thing…you really would not understand…
PS: If you applied you logic to FITS, wouldn’t he have to close down his website, Dumb@$$???

Buz Martin March 11, 2013 at 5:31 pm

Hey, if you are disgusted by dishonest people in politics, how about this? Tom Rice did not even register to vote in Horry County until right around
the time that the MB Mafia started grooming him for office to do their
bidding, around 2009. He was not going to church until then, either, apparently. Ain’t that a hoot? He’s a sham, and Wrenzie is the real business person – one who has biz connections to many of the MB Mafia perps, those who were going to profit from “Project Blue”, etc. They are a sham, both of them. And so are you.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 8:06 am

At least that blogger admited what he is…
FITS: You (like so many leftwingers) pervert the profession of journalism…Freedom of Speech gives NO ONE the right to lie or Damage other people as a hobby…
I’d LOVE to see her KICK your @$$ (using the courts) or any other leftwing A-Holes.

You have been elected by NO ONE. And you are just as big a liar as Sanford, except hsi is DISGRACED by what he did…

At least elected officials have to sell the public on having some charcter.

FITS is the opposite of character. You are pretty much low-life SCUM…and you at admit that, until someone (like me) points out that it is not a joke…and you RELALY are Scum…

You deserve a law suit, and to lose it…

Please March 11, 2013 at 10:01 am

If you hate FITS so much, why are you here, every day, commenting on every article? If FITS is such “low-life SCUM,” why do you waste your time reading and responding to what he writes?

BigT March 11, 2013 at 11:50 am

I’m sickened by dishonest people in reference to politics…and even more-so w/ holier-than-thou wannbe media people (like FITS) w/ No integrity, talent or ability…trying to preach to me…
It’s a justice thing…you really would not understand…
PS: If you applied you logic to FITS, wouldn’t he have to close down his website, Dumb@$$???

Boz Martin March 11, 2013 at 5:31 pm

Hey, if you are disgusted by dishonest people in politics, how about this? Tom Rice did not even register to vote in Horry County until right around
the time that the MB Mafia started grooming him for office to do their
bidding, around 2009. He was not going to church until then, either, apparently. Ain’t that a hoot? He’s a sham, and Wrenzie is the real business person – one who has biz connections to many of the MB Mafia perps, those who were going to profit from “Project Blue”, etc. They are a sham, both of them. And so are you.

nitrat March 11, 2013 at 8:56 am

Well, the poor dimwitted heifer sure made her husband look guilty as hell of something by going so over the top about a post that made no accusations of wrong doing by her husband…unless his denial of knowledge of the Myrtle Beach Mafia is wrong doing.

nitrat March 11, 2013 at 8:56 am

Well, the poor dimwitted heifer sure made her husband look guilty as hell of something by going so over the top about a post that made no accusations of wrong doing by her husband…unless his denial of knowledge of the Myrtle Beach Mafia is wrong doing.

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 9:11 am

Can’t you sue someone for threatening to sue you and not following through with it? Is that a thing in SC? Because I’ve heard of it happening in other states.

Talk about a perfect storm of butthurt…

Smirks March 11, 2013 at 9:11 am

Can’t you sue someone for threatening to sue you and not following through with it? Is that a thing in SC? Because I’ve heard of it happening in other states.

Talk about a perfect storm of butthurt…

MIKE HAMMER March 11, 2013 at 9:52 am

She is a good looking broad. I’m going to use her in my next adventure as the waitress in a club where she stabs a guy in the neck with a fork because he always sings the same song on karoake night – the one particular song which she not only hates but drives her insane.

Buz Martin March 11, 2013 at 2:15 pm

Good one.

CorruptionInColumbia March 11, 2013 at 10:51 pm

Good looking????? I might do her if she had a pair of dirty drawers with the skid mark toward her wisdom teeth, shoved in her mouth and a bag over her head. Oh, and a bag over my head just in case hers came off.

MIKE HAMMER March 11, 2013 at 9:52 am

She is a good looking broad. I’m going to use her in my next adventure as the waitress in a club where she stabs a guy in the neck with a fork because he always sings the same song on karoake night – the one particular song which she not only hates but drives her insane.

Boz Martin March 11, 2013 at 2:15 pm

Good one.

CorruptionInColumbia March 11, 2013 at 10:51 pm

Good looking????? I might do her if she had a pair of dirty drawers with the skid mark toward her wisdom teeth, shoved in her mouth and a bag over her head. Oh, and a bag over my head just in case hers came off.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 10:11 am

Funny how much that website resembles a FITS cyber-publication in format…and how Democrat @$$-Kissing it is…
With the Sun News already on the hard left in MB…why in the world do you need a democrat news website? Over-saturation of the market, if I’ve ever seen it…
At least FITS claims to be politically responsible (right-leaning)…even it only serves to make fiscally responsible look low-rent and stupid, like him….
That MB site is blatantly leftist…and automatically discredited on that basis…at least there is the question w/ FITS…

Buz Martin March 11, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Oh, you mean the hard left Sun News that has ENDORSED TOM RICE and most of his MB MAFIA cronies running for office as Republicans in the last several years????? The hard left Sun News that SAVAGED Gloria Tinubu and falsely accused her of dirty tricks for telling the TRUTH about Tom?

You make at least one good point there, BigT. Any paper that would endorse those guys is not to the right in any definition of the term. But I wouldn’t call TOM exactly HARD left, either. He’s too squishy in the brain to be hard anything. Maybe that’s why his wife is so cranky. Heh! What he will be, though, is LEFT BEHIND the next time he runs for congress. If the feds don’t nab him before then, and the people force him to resign.

BigT March 11, 2013 at 10:11 am

Funny how much that website resembles a FITS cyber-publication in format…and how Democrat @$$-Kissing it is…
With the Sun News already on the hard left in MB…why in the world do you need a democrat news website? Over-saturation of the market, if I’ve ever seen it…
At least FITS claims to be politically responsible (right-leaning)…even it only serves to make fiscally responsible look low-rent and stupid, like him….
That MB site is blatantly leftist…and automatically discredited on that basis…at least there is the question w/ FITS…

Boz Martin March 11, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Oh, you mean the hard left Sun News that has ENDORSED TOM RICE and most of his MB MAFIA cronies running for office as Republicans in the last several years????? The hard left Sun News that SAVAGED Gloria Tinubu and falsely accused her of dirty tricks for telling the TRUTH about Tom?

You make at least one good point there, BigT. Any paper that would endorse those guys is not to the right in any definition of the term. But I wouldn’t call TOM exactly HARD left, either. He’s too squishy in the brain to be hard anything. Maybe that’s why his wife is so cranky. Heh! What he will be, though, is LEFT BEHIND the next time he runs for congress. If the feds don’t nab him before then, and the people force him to resign.

Town Crier March 11, 2013 at 9:21 pm

Wrenzie must be taking lessons from Roxanne Wilson. Sounds like something she would do.

Town Crier March 11, 2013 at 9:21 pm

Wrenzie must be taking lessons from Roxanne Wilson. Sounds like something she would do.

CorruptionInColumbia March 11, 2013 at 10:44 pm

Sounds like Tom Rice needs to get control of his squat puppy and put a sock or maybe a dirty pair of drawers in its mouth. She reminds me of Joe Wilson’s squat puppy and her little fit when she discovered that Jake Knotts cost her sister a place on the ballot for Lexington Clerk of Court.

CorruptionInColumbia March 11, 2013 at 10:44 pm

Sounds like Tom Rice needs to get control of his squat puppy and put a sock or maybe a dirty pair of drawers in its mouth. She reminds me of Joe Wilson’s squat puppy and her little fit when she discovered that Jake Knotts cost her sister a place on the ballot for Lexington Clerk of Court.


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