
Sic Willie Is Coming! Sic Willie Is Coming!

Posting will be somewhat light this week as FITS’ intrepid founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) treks to our nation’s capitol for some important meetings on Capitol Hill. What’s he doing in D.C.? “Conspiring to conspire,” as Luis Guzmán’s character in Traffic once said. Hopefully this particular visit will be…

Posting will be somewhat light this week as FITS’ intrepid founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) treks to our nation’s capitol for some important meetings on Capitol Hill.

What’s he doing in D.C.? “Conspiring to conspire,” as Luis Guzmán’s character in Traffic once said.

Hopefully this particular visit will be less eventful than Sic’s 2009 trip, during which he was detained by the U.S. Capitol Police for attempting to ask a simple “yes” or “no” question of a congressional staffer.

Yeah … that really happened.

(But then this happened … so we like to think Sic came out of that particular scrape on top).

Anyway, we’ll still be posting content during Sic’s trip (and obviously our tip line remains open for business), just be aware the frequency might be off a bit …

(Click to play)

Wait … frequency? Off? Par for the course, huh?


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My Book Report March 4, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Seems that report about Sanford asking his former wife to manage his campaign THAT YOU REPORTED ON A WHILE AGO, is exploding on the net since the recent Los Angeles Times article and especially the New York Magazine story in which you were quoted. Apparently, they asked Jenny to confirm it, which she did with a neutralizing qualifier she wanted to remain on the sidelines and that other campaigns asked for her aid as well. But, she felt that he boxed his kids into agreeing to his congressional bid (and she is feeling the same,) because the boys naturally want to see him get out of his funk despite the rehash of the scandal. She was not in favor of his bid at a time when two sons are still at home. And her friends confirmed her fear that she will be perceived by them as preventing their father from making his political come-back.

They said he was very “squirrelly” when any mention was made of Chapur. And, 3 of 4 sons have not even met her (by choice or by circumstance???)

BigT March 4, 2013 at 7:57 pm

FITS, Jenny and Sanford…only a Liberal magazine and an IDIOT would be so consumed w/ what any of those disgraced SOBs are doing…
Sanford would only be newsworthy if people were stupid enough to embarrass South Carolina, and elect him to ANY office….

he's a fool March 4, 2013 at 8:03 pm

I read this at Huff Post today and was shocked at Sanford’s stupidity.Can’t believe he didn’t need 911 when Jenny got through with him.Did he really think Jenny was going to work to make things better for him and the future wife?I swear Sanford really needs a labotomy…….After reading some of the comments at Huff,I’m not alone.

Good 2 go March 4, 2013 at 8:37 pm

And Sanford said Chapur is a very intensely private person. Did not know if she would make an appearance. The article said she rarely visits South Carolina, does that mean she’s been there and nobody saw her? What is she going to do if he gets elected? Can’t imagine what kind of marriage they will have.

My Book Report March 4, 2013 at 9:57 pm

Doesn’t sound like it will be a marriage in a traditional sense due to the demographics unless they plan to park themselves in DC (should he win.) So I ask again, how much time will he really be spending in the US and in particular SC-1 if his time will likely be split between Argentina or other locales, and here? Does he own property there? Sounds like the voters are being duped by Sanford again as he uses this seat as a re-entry launching pad to make him viable for higher office.

Please March 4, 2013 at 11:37 pm

He “postponed” the wedding when he decided to run. He’s not going to marry her.

dwb619 March 5, 2013 at 1:34 am

Or SHE”S not going to marry him. There ain’t no mo gold for her to dig from this has been.

Please March 5, 2013 at 11:16 am

Good point.

Will Folks aka Sic March 4, 2013 at 9:01 pm

yeah we broke that two months ago … but hey we just “make stuff up” right?

Please March 4, 2013 at 11:57 pm

And yet no one believed you at the time. I wonder why.

My Book Report March 4, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Seems that report about Sanford asking his former wife to manage his campaign THAT YOU REPORTED ON A WHILE AGO, is exploding on the net since the recent Los Angeles Times article and especially the New York Magazine story in which you were quoted. Apparently, they asked Jenny to confirm it, which she did with a neutralizing qualifier she wanted to remain on the sidelines and that other campaigns asked for her aid as well. But, she felt that he boxed his kids into agreeing to his congressional bid (and she is feeling the same,) because the boys naturally want to see him get out of his funk despite the rehash of the scandal. She was not in favor of his bid at a time when two sons are still at home. And her friends confirmed her fear that she will be perceived by them as preventing their father from making his political come-back.

They said he was very “squirrelly” when any mention was made of Chapur. And, 3 of 4 sons have not even met her (by choice or by circumstance???)

BigT March 4, 2013 at 7:57 pm

FITS, Jenny and Sanford…only a Liberal magazine and an IDIOT would be so consumed w/ what any of those disgraced SOBs are doing…
Sanford would only be newsworthy if people were stupid enough to embarrass South Carolina, and elect him to ANY office….

he's a fool March 4, 2013 at 8:03 pm

I read this at Huff Post today and was shocked at Sanford’s stupidity.Can’t believe he didn’t need 911 when Jenny got through with him.Did he really think Jenny was going to work to make things better for him and the future wife?I swear Sanford really needs a labotomy…….After reading some of the comments at Huff,I’m not alone.

Good 2 go March 4, 2013 at 8:37 pm

And Sanford said Chapur is a very intensely private person. Did not know if she would make an appearance. The article said she rarely visits South Carolina, does that mean she’s been there and nobody saw her? What is she going to do if he gets elected? Can’t imagine what kind of marriage they will have.

My Book Report March 4, 2013 at 9:57 pm

Doesn’t sound like it will be a marriage in a traditional sense due to the demographics unless they plan to park themselves in DC (should he win.) So I ask again, how much time will he really be spending in the US and in particular SC-1 if his time will likely be split between Argentina or other locales, and here? Does he own property there? Sounds like the voters are being duped by Sanford again as he uses this seat as a re-entry launching pad to make him viable for higher office.

Please March 4, 2013 at 11:37 pm

He “postponed” the wedding when he decided to run. He’s not going to marry her.

dwb619 March 5, 2013 at 1:34 am

Or SHE”S not going to marry him. There ain’t no mo gold for her to dig from this has been.

Please March 5, 2013 at 11:16 am

Good point.

Will Folks aka Sic March 4, 2013 at 9:01 pm

yeah we broke that two months ago … but hey we just “make stuff up” right?

Please March 4, 2013 at 11:57 pm

And yet no one believed you at the time. I wonder why.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 4, 2013 at 7:52 pm

Reading the headline, I assumed you were releasing the Nikki Haley sex tape.


stickler March 5, 2013 at 5:51 pm

He’s not coming; he’s just breathing hard.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 4, 2013 at 7:52 pm

Reading the headline, I assumed you were releasing the Nikki Haley sex tape.


tomstickler March 5, 2013 at 5:51 pm

He’s not coming; he’s just breathing hard.

BigT March 4, 2013 at 7:54 pm

If FITS is your first string, I cannot fathom what the second string might look like….
Tough act to follow, but maybe the next guy can claim he had sexual relations w/ Glen McConnell…(my advanced apologies to Gov. McConnell)…but in neither case is it true..so don’t sweat it…

Danny March 4, 2013 at 8:53 pm

I had sex with McConnell (oral) in college. College of Charleston. He went into the closet/hiding after graduating. And he’s lt. governor, not governor.

BigT March 4, 2013 at 7:54 pm

If FITS is your first string, I cannot fathom what the second string might look like….
Tough act to follow, but maybe the next guy can claim he had sexual relations w/ Glen McConnell…(my advanced apologies to Gov. McConnell)…but in neither case is it true..so don’t sweat it…

Danny March 4, 2013 at 8:53 pm

I had sex with McConnell (oral) in college. College of Charleston. He went into the closet/hiding after graduating. And he’s lt. governor, not governor.

Please March 5, 2013 at 12:00 am

Perhaps FITS is looking for a job…

JudyChop March 5, 2013 at 8:56 am

He should be looking for a job. This website has gone stale. Most of the regulars here are gone and the replies are sparse as well. The “new redesigned” website is a joke. The old FitsNews was a Cadillac Escalade and this “new” website is a used Chrysler mini-van.

Just check out the up and down like/dislike buttons. Nothing, nada, zip. Hell, a website on model railroading has more active traffic than this place. Maybe one day we will find out what really happened to this site. I asked a software/website designer friend of mine to look at the new website and recalling from memory the old website and he says this new site is basically an economy version. Sic and the Misses must be rolling pennies about now to get him to Washington.

Mr. Sic goes to Washington will be the final chapter in his book. The past is prologue. As my redneck cousins used to say, ” He be getting a BIG job in the city.”

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 10:36 am

It may be that commentators are having difficulty with posting and following the threads. I have a few difficulties with my postings on this site.

Disqus does not work on my new Windows 8 PC, which has Internet Explorer 10, so I use it to read and follow the articles. Disqus only supports up to IE 9, and Firefox has only a trial program for WIN 8.

My old Windows XP will not take Internet Explorer 9, but I can still use Disqus to post and follow comments.

Also, since I like to occasionally use my other alias to post, I can’t figure out how to do it on Disqus, so you guys are losing out on some of my witty (and sometimes brilliant) humor.

Another thing I have noticed is that the raw and offensive comments have dropped off, including the back and forth mini-feuds between certain commentators.(I confess that I have enjoyed some of them.). My speculation is that some commentators are concerned about Sic getting subpoened to reveal certain (if not all) of the identities and email addresses posting here. This is related to the Viers/Bessinger matter.

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 10:46 am

When Sic was threatened with being subpoened, it reminded me of this old joke which took me some time to find——

Kingfish: “Uh here, Calhoun, I gots me this letter in the mail today. It looks kinda legal like and offical. What do it look like to you, Calhoun?”

Calhoun: …”hmmm, here Kingfish, it’s says here it’s a ‘Subpoena’.”

Kingfish: “Subpoena? What do dat mean Calhoun?”

Calhoun: “Hmmm, Subpeona’s. I sorta remember sumthin like this in law school. Let me try and break it down for you. Well, it looks like one of them long words made of smaller words.Let’s see … hmmm, ‘sub’ means, ‘below,’ got it?”

Kingfish: “Uh-huh!”

Calhoun:”Then we gots ‘peonas,’ hmmm, below da peonas? Kingfish, it sound like they got you by da’ balls!”

Philip Branton March 5, 2013 at 10:49 am

WOW, Shifty….you don’t say? You mean that Sic Willie would actually NOT have minute by minute court room proceedings detailed in this website and the resulting impact upon the certain candidates in elections…!?>>

Well, Shifty, we could do a parody just like ESPN does and You can be Viers and I can be Bessinger ….and we could give this website enough court room drama that high school students would stop watching GLEE at night…!!!

Are you ready to serve some STEAMY Fitsnews information….!!

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 11:07 am

His moniker is Sic Willie, not “Sic Willy-Nilly”, so I believe he knows what he is doing, and I give him credit for leading his own charges. I’m sure that he has good backup.

I don’t have any inside info on the Viers/Bessinger matter, but I believe that since the last court hearing nothing has happened.

About doing a parody, I’ll share this with you — I don’t get girl friends like Bessinger any more because when they ask me if I wwould be their “sugar daddy”, I have to be truthful and tell them that I’m long on the daddy but short on the sugar.

JudyChop March 5, 2013 at 5:12 pm

So, Shifty Henry you are long on the daddy and short on the sugar? So you be just an itinerant jokester peddling your laughs on here for kicks. Hell, I’ve had a dozens of chicks like Bessinger on my arm and in the rack.

Women tell me I’m the second most interesting man in the world, even with a name like Judy. (A boy named Sue) In my younger days women with sick headaches used to stand in line just to have sex with me!

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 6:40 pm

Don’t be bragging too much, or 9″ and BigT will be looking for you! HAH!

Please March 5, 2013 at 12:00 am

Perhaps FITS is looking for a job…

JudyChop March 5, 2013 at 8:56 am

He should be looking for a job. This website has gone stale. Most of the regulars here are gone and the replies are sparse as well. The “new redesigned” website is a joke. The old FitsNews was a Cadillac Escalade and this “new” website is a used Chrysler mini-van.

Just check out the up and down like/dislike buttons. Nothing, nada, zip. Hell, a website on model railroading has more active traffic than this place. Maybe one day we will find out what really happened to this site. I asked a software/website designer friend of mine to look at the new website and recalling from memory the old website and he says this new site is basically an economy version. Sic and the Misses must be rolling pennies about now to get him to Washington.

Mr. Sic goes to Washington will be the final chapter in his book. The past is prologue. As my redneck cousins used to say, ” He be getting a BIG job in the city.”

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 10:36 am

It may be that commentators are having difficulty with posting and following the threads. I have a few difficulties with my postings on this site.

Disqus does not work on my new Windows 8 PC, which has Internet Explorer 10, so I use it to read and follow the articles. Disqus only supports up to IE 9, and Firefox has only a trial program for WIN 8.

My old Windows XP will not take Internet Explorer 9, but I can still use Disqus to post and follow comments.

Also, since I like to occasionally use my other alias to post, I can’t figure out how to do it on Disqus, so you guys are losing out on some of my witty (and sometimes brilliant) humor.

Another thing I have noticed is that the raw and offensive comments have dropped off, including the back and forth mini-feuds between certain commentators.(I confess that I have enjoyed some of them.). My speculation is that some commentators are concerned about Sic getting subpoened to reveal certain (if not all) of the identities and email addresses posting here. This is related to the Viers/Bessinger matter.

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 10:46 am

When Sic was threatened with being subpoened, it reminded me of this old joke which took me some time to find——

Kingfish: “Uh here, Calhoun, I gots me this letter in the mail today. It looks kinda legal like and offical. What do it look like to you, Calhoun?”

Calhoun: …”hmmm, here Kingfish, it’s says here it’s a ‘Subpoena’.”

Kingfish: “Subpoena? What do dat mean Calhoun?”

Calhoun: “Hmmm, Subpeona’s. I sorta remember sumthin like this in law school. Let me try and break it down for you. Well, it looks like one of them long words made of smaller words.Let’s see … hmmm, ‘sub’ means, ‘below,’ got it?”

Kingfish: “Uh-huh!”

Calhoun:”Then we gots ‘peonas,’ hmmm, below da peonas? Kingfish, it sound like they got you by da’ balls!”

Philip Branton March 5, 2013 at 10:49 am

WOW, Shifty….you don’t say? You mean that Sic Willie would actually NOT have minute by minute court room proceedings detailed in this website and the resulting impact upon the certain candidates in elections…!?>>

Well, Shifty, we could do a parody just like ESPN does and You can be Viers and I can be Bessinger ….and we could give this website enough court room drama that high school students would stop watching GLEE at night…!!!

Are you ready to serve some STEAMY Fitsnews information….!!

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 11:07 am

His moniker is Sic Willie, not “Sic Willy-Nilly”, so I believe he knows what he is doing, and I give him credit for leading his own charges. I’m sure that he has good backup.

I don’t have any inside info on the Viers/Bessinger matter, but I believe that since the last court hearing nothing has happened.

About doing a parody, I’ll share this with you — I don’t get girl friends like Bessinger any more because when they ask me if I wwould be their “sugar daddy”, I have to be truthful and tell them that I’m long on the daddy but short on the sugar.

JudyChop March 5, 2013 at 5:12 pm

So, Shifty Henry you are long on the daddy and short on the sugar? So you be just an itinerant jokester peddling your laughs on here for kicks. Hell, I’ve had a dozens of chicks like Bessinger on my arm and in the rack.

Women tell me I’m the second most interesting man in the world, even with a name like Judy. (A boy named Sue) In my younger days women with sick headaches used to stand in line just to have sex with me!

shifty henry March 5, 2013 at 6:40 pm

Don’t be bragging too much, or 9″ and BigT will be looking for you! HAH!

Rusty dog March 12, 2013 at 7:54 am

Still waiting for the book

Rusty dog March 12, 2013 at 7:54 am

Still waiting for the book


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