
Dopes For Bieber

“LET THEM BLEED OUT …” We couldn’t name a Justin Bieber song … (Well, other than”Love Me,” “Favorite Girl,” “U Smile,” “Runaway Love, “One Time,” “Boyfriend,” “Never Let You Go,” and “Baby.” And we prefer the prepubescent version of “Baby” in its original key of E flat major, because we’re…



We couldn’t name a Justin Bieber song …

(Well, other than”Love Me,” “Favorite Girl,” “U Smile,” “Runaway Love, “One Time,” “Boyfriend,” “Never Let You Go,” and “Baby.” And we prefer the prepubescent version of “Baby” in its original key of E flat major, because we’re purists).

We know he’s an international pop sensation (who’s coming to Columbia, S.C. this year) and we know he’s insanely popular among ladies who have yet to attain the age of consent. In fact Bieber is so adored that legions of his young female fans are mutilating themselves (and posting pics of their mutilations on Twitter) in response to reports surfacing this week about the 19-year-old smoking pot.

Not all of the mutilators – who are posting their pics with “#Cut4Justin” and “#Cut4Bieber” Twitter hash tags – are for real. In fact the graphic tweet that got these “cutters” going has been exposed as hoax.

Still, we have a simple solution for anyone who feels compelled to cut themselves over this – or anything.

Let them bleed out …

Seriously, we’ve got enough stupid people in the world. So if these dopes want to spill their own blood, just let them bleed out and we can all be done with it. Sorry if that sounds cruel, but we don’t suspect the world will miss a bunch of bleeding Beliebers.

Also, since when did tweens start hating on pot? And when did society start hating on a 19-year-old’s right to smoke it?


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? January 7, 2013 at 8:28 pm

The war on drugs is equal parts propaganda and pol enriching boondoggle.

The children are simple victims of the propaganda side.

The pols and their well connected friends making various enforcement goodies are obviously thankful it will never be won, lest the gravy train stops.

BOZBORING January 7, 2013 at 9:42 pm

JBeibbs is hot.

Judy Chop January 8, 2013 at 7:11 am

Bieber must be a fan of Sic’s ’cause he is wearing his hat backards — Will Folks style. Cool shades, too. I’m not sure if Sic wears the neck rope though.

Common Sense January 8, 2013 at 12:03 pm

except ona middle aged man it looks absolutely ridiculous almost the perfect definition of “wanna-be”

Crooner January 8, 2013 at 11:12 am

That’s amazingly insensitive, especially coming from the father of young children. I hope Mrs. Sic doesn’t share the sentiment.

Judy Chop January 8, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Insensitive? ROFLMAO! So it’s OK to drag every public servant through the mud and post their indiscretions for all the world to read? If you are a politician in SC your entire family is up for inspection including first cousins once removed.

Crooner just pick what is comfortable for you and ignore the rest.

Mike January 8, 2013 at 1:52 pm

“bleeding Beliebers”… NOW THAT’S FUNNY ! ! !

Les Mismanagement January 22, 2013 at 10:08 pm

Justin Bieber is a singer? Who knew? I thought he was famous because…well…he’s famous!


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