Fight For The (SC) First: More Names

THE RACE FOR TIM SCOTT’S U.S. HOUSE SEAT IS HEATING UP Like moths to the flame (filled with desire), a veritable swarm of South Carolina “Republican” politicos are buzzing hot and heavy about their aspirations for the U.S. House seat that’s soon to be vacated by U.S. Senator-designate Tim Scott….


Like moths to the flame (filled with desire), a veritable swarm of South Carolina “Republican” politicos are buzzing hot and heavy about their aspirations for the U.S. House seat that’s soon to be vacated by U.S. Senator-designate Tim Scott.

Scott’s impending resignation to fill Jim DeMint’s U.S. Senate seat has set off a mad scramble for the South Carolina first congressional district – which Scott won in 2010 after besting a horde of GOP candidates in a crowded primary.   If preliminary indications are correct, it looks as though the fight for the newly drawn first-district is going to be even more crowded than the 2010 race – although that’s not necessarily a good thing.

In fact the emerging field of candidates seems to be split between unknown quantities and known fiscal liberals … which is sad, but not surprising here in the “reddest state in the nation.”

We addressed a few of these wanna-be Congressmen in a recent post earlier this week, but the swarm continues to grow.

Here’s our latest list …

Tom Davis, S.C. Senator (R-Beaufort) – There is tremendous pressure on Davis to seek this seat – even though the first congressional district has been redrawn in such a way as to give candidates from Charleston, S.C. the electoral advantage.  Acknowledging this, Davis has already said publicly he is not running – which is too bad.  Of all the candidates we’d love to see join fiscal conservative champions Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney in Washington, D.C.,  Davis is hands-down the best.  STATUS: OUT.

Jenny Sanford, Former S.C. First Lady – The conspiracy theory regarding Jenny Sanford’s inclusion on Nikki Haley’s U.S. Senate “short list” is that the former First Lady is going to mount a congressional bid – and needed the Senatorial press to give her a leg up on the field.  Of course the other conspiracy theory is that Sanford’s inclusion was a calculated move designed to smack back former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford – who has been making noise about running for public office again.  STATUS: UNKNOWN.

Mark Sanford, Former Governor/ Congressman – Sanford represented the first congressional district from 1995-2001 – and did so exceedingly well.  In fact, had the rest of Congress voted the way Sanford did during his three terms in Washington, D.C., our country might not be as colossally screwed as it is right now.  Of course Sanford’s dramatic fall from grace in 2009 (Appalachian Trail, anyone?) has cratered his once sky-high public approval ratings, making any bid for elected office an uphill climb.  STATUS: LIKELY OUT.

Larry Grooms, S.C. Senator (R-Berkeley) – One of the early favorites for this seat, Grooms is a solid fiscal conservative who has led the charge on universal parental choice legislation for several years.  He’s also been S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s most vocal critic on the “Savannah River Sellout,” the governor’s flagrant betrayal of our state’s economic interest.  His record isn’t perfect, but he’s infinitely better than most of the names we’re hearing in connection with this seat.  With Davis out of the race, look for Grooms to emerge as the top fiscal conservative contender for this seat.  STATUS: LIKELY IN.

Chip Campsen, S.C. Senator (R-Charleston) – Campsen has a decent fiscal record, but he’s an insufferable social conservative with an especially sanctimonious streak of “Holier Than Thou-ism.”  Also, his family has a sweetheart deal with the federal government for tour boat service to Fort Sumter – one that it has reportedly gone to exceedingly corrupt lengths to protect.  STATUS: UNKNOWN.

Joe McKeown, Congressional Chief of Staff – McKeown – a former Charleston County Councilman – is reportedly eyeing this seat, and may have even landed Scott’s endorsement.  If so, that would be a major coup – one that would immediately move him into the top tier of this field.  STATUS: UNKNOWN.

John Kuhn, Former S.C. Senator (Charleston) – A fiscal liberal during his previous term in the South Carolina Senate, Kuhn is one of those bad pennies that keeps turning up.  Still,  he’s a lawyer with money … so we have to include him on our list.  STATUS: LEANING IN.

Teddy Turner, Economics Professor (Charleston) – The son of media mogul Ted Turner, Robert E. “Teddy” Turner is an unknown quantity politically.  Aside from his famous father, all we know about him is that he graduated from The Citadel and “has become increasingly active in Republican circles,” according to a press release announcing his candidacy.  STATUS: DECLARED CANDIDATE.

Elliott Summey – Charleston County Councilman – Summey is a Republican … well, as of earlier this year. Of course based on the leftward bent of the GOP in the Palmetto State, it’s not like his belated “conversion” necessarily disqualifies him from winning office. STATUS: LEANING IN.

S.C. Rep. Peter McCoy (R-Charleston) – First elected in 2010, McCoy is already eying a jump to the U.S. House.  We don’t know much about him other than he couldn’t possibly be worse than the other S.C. House members who are seeking this seat. STATUS: LEANING IN.

S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse (R-Charleston) – Limehouse is hands-down the worst candidate on this list – exceedingly corrupt and exceedingly liberal in his views on government spending.  Sadly, because he’s a “Limehouse from Charleston,” this corpulent he will receive consideration – and has the money to promote himself.  Plus Limehouse will be the preferred candidate of powerful S.C. Speaker Bobby Harrell – who can mobilize all sorts of special interests behind his candidacy. STATUS: LEANING IN.

S.C. Rep. Jimmy Merrill (R-Charleston) – Merrill coulda been a contender … he’s got the look, the personality and the intelligence to be a game-changing force in state politics.  In fact there was a time several years ago when we pegged him as a future hero of the reform movement in South Carolina.  Unfortunately Merrill sold out – repeatedly. STATUS: LEANING IN.

S.C. Rep. Andy Patrick (R-Beaufort) – Another freshman state lawmaker contemplating a bid for this seat, Patrick has been a major disappointment in the S.C. House.  In addition to immediately “going native” and voting with the fiscally liberal Republicans in the S.C. House (like Limehouse and Harrell), Patrick is also reportedly among the most self-serving and corrupt members of S.C. General Assembly – always angling for ways to personally profit from his position.  STATUS: LEANING IN.

Carroll A. “Tumpy” Campbell III – We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, if Campbell had even a quarter of the intelligence bestowed upon his father (the late Gov. Carroll A. Campbell, Jr.), he’d probably be president right now.  As it stands he’s become nothing more than a perpetual candidate with a reputation for intellectual incuriosity and redneck girlfriends – which in South Carolina is usually a recipe for winning at least one election.  Tumpy hasn’t even hit that mark – and we don’t expect him to in this race, either.  STATUS: UNKNOWN.

Did we miss anyone?  Submit their name anonymously over on our tip line or our contact page … or email our founding editor directly at


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tomstickler December 18, 2012 at 12:30 pm

OK, here is how it can work.

Since South Carolina has open primaries, all the Democrats vote for the biggest idiot on the Republican primary ticket, then make sure to vote again in the run-off.

When the general election is held, then vote for the Democrat.

Oh, wait. That didn’t work so well with the 2010 governor’s race, although it did for the US Senate race.

south mauldin December 18, 2012 at 12:55 pm

We have a winner in who first said “I’m gonna pray about it”.

Andy Patrick.

Don’t know him, but now I dislike him greatly.

Joe Wilson Is A Very Smart Man December 18, 2012 at 1:21 pm

Hes not a serious candidate

Unknown in Charleston area where most of the votes are

south mauldin December 18, 2012 at 2:25 pm

I bet his ego thinks he’s a serious candidate.

BigT December 18, 2012 at 1:20 pm

Whoever Scott endorses should be the replacement…

Also: FITS makes me LMAO w/ those first 3: Only his Ignorant @$$ would even slightly consider those Blithering Idiots…

Davis Screwed up by endorsing the Mr. 5%, No Accountability-Ron Paul…

The Sanfords are an embarrassing reminder to South Carolinaians of what happens when you given compulsive liar-narracacists and opportunists the reigns of your government…

Thinker December 18, 2012 at 1:58 pm

Lord have mercy on you BigT. Alvin Greene is still one of the most interesting situations to befall Politics in general. Look at it this way, when people talk about Mr. Greene, they go “only in South Carolina.” Do you really want to be remembered for that? The GOP in South Carolina is ran by a bunch of children. The Democratic Party isn’t much better. (you can’t really judge them they are fighting for relevance.) Tim Scott unfortunately is just a talking head for the establishment much like Fox News and MSNBC. There are highly qualified good liberal members of our community that could be elected. However, the education of this fair state, and propaganda that is spewed by the GOP and Fits (Sorry) will hurt them. When you have one of the lowest rankings in the nation for education and you sell higher education out, you can’t expect a highly educated electorate.

BigT, if you had any true interpretation of The Constitution, you would understand that we are a system of checks and balances. If you want South Carolina to be a better place then don’t discount the other side continuously. In order for it to be a “Great day in South Carolina” we must have an open dialogue with both sides.

hhuuhh?? December 18, 2012 at 2:24 pm


Taken a little drunk, Big T(urd)?

Thinker December 18, 2012 at 1:31 pm

BigT, you really want a replacement ideologue? Seriously!? We need a Moderate Democrat. This state needs political diversity. Obviously, Republicans haven’t done a good job leading anything in this state.

BigT December 18, 2012 at 1:48 pm

Ok Thinker: Trot some Ignorant democrat Son of a B!*ch out, like you always do…if he/she can get elected let him/her have at it…

I’ll just say: I HATE to lose Tim Scott from that office, because he was a fearless Conservative…Whoever he picks should be as good as him…

That said: We’ve seen your best in Alvin Greene..but the white racist democrats and the black racist democrats tore each other the frame over him…

I LOVE seeing that…it was fun…and so indicative of your party…

sam December 18, 2012 at 1:34 pm

I think we should send Chip Campsen up there. It’s a whole new universe for him to tell how much smarter he is than anyone else…

Charlie December 18, 2012 at 2:41 pm

It would take away from his deer and duck hunting.

Thinker December 18, 2012 at 1:36 pm

I honestly think BigT would be a suitable replacement for an individual like Tim Scott.

Lance Riprock December 18, 2012 at 1:49 pm

Tailor made.

BigT December 18, 2012 at 1:49 pm

Thanks Thinker: I’m honored…

CNSYD December 18, 2012 at 1:55 pm

Sic Willie would have us believe that when the redistricting was performed the primary goal was to box Davis out. Yeah right! Davis won’t run because he knows he wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell.

Upstater December 18, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Tom Davis could run and win any seat he decided on. I heard him speak in Spartanburg a few months ago and he rocked the crowd. This guy is the real deal.

CNSYD December 18, 2012 at 2:18 pm

He is Sanford 2.0. You probably fell for Sanfraud’s line of BS also.

Joe Wilson Is A Very Smart Man December 18, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Anyone who knows the First District knows that the next Congressman from that District will be from the Chaleston area.

The vast majority of the votes are within about a twenty five mile radius of the City Of Charleston

Most people,other than Republican activists, dont even know who Tom Davis is

He isnt running because he knows he would stand no chance.

hhuuhh?? December 18, 2012 at 2:26 pm

If people think Tom Davis is the real deal, they are too stupid to know he was the inept Sanford’s chief of staff and can’t put 2 and 2 together about that.

salty doggerel December 18, 2012 at 2:02 pm

Timothy Scott to the Senate comes;
He of “chikin” sandwiches and giant gums.
The Palmetto State with a pair of Muppets
Senate-sitting in the chairs of greats?
One wonders for whom they dance as puppets?
Tim and Lindsey?
They say that mates
Are made of strange bedfellows
In politics and whimsey.
Testing our mettle, time mellows;
Can we survive the spin and jive
Of two more years to replace
These RINOs?
We crave conservative dynamos,
Not just a pretty face.

BigT December 18, 2012 at 3:51 pm

Spoken like a True BIGOT Liberal…

You represent your ilk well…

bobby jo pepperdine December 18, 2012 at 2:24 pm

Yes, we do need a pretty face; I want to see one elected.

Godslayer December 18, 2012 at 2:30 pm

How clueless is either Sanford to think that the voters won’t toss them out on their spoiled rich asses at the polls in 2014?

Mike December 18, 2012 at 2:48 pm

Keith Blandford has declared his candidacy. He ran, as a Libertarian candidate, against Tim Scott earlier this year.

Joe Wilson Is A Very Smart Man December 18, 2012 at 4:26 pm

John Kuhn has officially announced his canidacy according to the Post Courier

Change status to


sc_gop December 18, 2012 at 4:27 pm

Out of the candidates listed, I would say that Larry Grooms is a cut above the rest. He would make an excellent congressman.

Darth December 18, 2012 at 6:01 pm

Still missin a few I see… and the list of Dems is even more curious.

Caleb December 18, 2012 at 7:07 pm

Peter McCoy is a douche through and through. Bereft of any original thought, and even less intellect, a run for Congress right now would end his political career. On the other hand, maybe that is not a bad idea . . .

Roxy December 19, 2012 at 7:09 am

Go Larry Grooms go!

Kyle December 19, 2012 at 7:03 pm

Larry Grooms is a stand up guy and a much better choice than Chip “I like to ride horses” Limehouse… Please let’s explore our options… The First District needs a statesman like Larry Grooms.


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