Jenny Sanford’s $400,000 Senate Seat?

FORMER FIRST LADY BACKED 2010 “BAILOUT” OF NIKKI HALEY’S GUBERNATORIAL BID Former S.C. First Lady Jenny Sanford signed off on a $400,000 “bailout” of then-State Rep. Nikki Haley’s flagging 2010 gubernatorial campaign – a candidacy-saving expenditure made by one of her former husband Mark Sanford’s political advocacy organizations. Sources familiar…


Former S.C. First Lady Jenny Sanford signed off on a $400,000 “bailout” of then-State Rep. Nikki Haley’s flagging 2010 gubernatorial campaign – a candidacy-saving expenditure made by one of her former husband Mark Sanford’s political advocacy organizations.

Sources familiar with the “bailout” tell FITS that Jenny Sanford was the first – and fiercest – supporter of this investment, which breathed new life into a Haley campaign that was polling in the low single digits at the time.

The Sanfords’ money was used on television commercials that portrayed Haley as a fiscal conservative reformer and favorite of the Tea Party – two descriptions which are obviously nothing but distant memories in light of Haley’s wholesale conversion to the status quo.

In fact Mark Sanford was already privately expressing “regret” over approving the money before Haley had even taken the oath of office – citing several disappointing ideological reversals.

Of course his wife, a Haley donor in her own right, never wavered in her support – and remains one of the embattled politician‘s staunchest allies.

Will she be repaid for this loyalty – and the largesse she helped secure – with the ultimate reward?

Jenny Sanford’s central role in securing this $400,000 for Haley’s 2010 bid is receiving fresh scrutiny in light of her appearance on now-Governor Haley’s short list for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Jim DeMint.

And given the relatively cool relationship that exists between Haley and U.S. Rep. Tim Scott – who remains the presumed frontrunner for this appointment – many believe the former First Lady could very well be in line to receive this plum political post.

Jenny Sanford has fueled those rumors by saying she would accept the appointment if it was offered.

Sanford was one of the first Palmetto political luminaries to throw her support behind Haley – endorsing her gubernatorial bid in November 2009.

Unfortunately, Haley’s campaign never caught fire – at least not before Jenny Sanford got her husband to ante up.

A month before SCGOP primary voters cast their ballots on June 8, 2010 internal polling from multiple GOP campaigns showed Haley in last place in the four-way Republican race – which included fellow 2012 U.S. Senate “short lister” Henry McMaster, incidentally.

That’s when Reform SC – a 501(c)4 organization that formed in 2008 to advance Sanford’s legislative reforms – launched its massive television buy introducing the largely unknown Haley to South Carolina voters.

Had that $400,000 investment not been made, Haley’s political career would be over.

Talk about an IOU, right?

A former Wall Street executive, Jenny Sanford comes from old Chicago money. In fact her family founded the Skil Corporation – which sold the world’s first portable circular saw. Basically, she could buy or sell Haley and every one of the names on her “short list,” which in addition to Scott and McMaster also includes U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy and S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) director Catherine Templeton.

Will she be able to cash in that clout for a U.S. Senate seat?

Who knows … but it would seem she’s already made a sizeable downpayment when it comes to influencing Haley’s decision.


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chadboy December 12, 2012 at 12:56 am

So much for living the quite life raising “the boys”. Sounds so hypocritical.

Smirks December 12, 2012 at 6:32 am

Kind of like the Haley kids, I really hope the Sanford kids look at their parents as anti-role models, the personifications of who not to be.

chadboy December 12, 2012 at 12:56 am

or quiet life, for that matter

Nunyabiz December 12, 2012 at 1:26 am

Not no, but HELL no. Jenny (no longer Sanford) is an egotistical witch. When she was in the Governor’s Mansion, she literally asked people to lick her shoes when she walked by. She thought she deserved more respect than God. To put her in ANY type of EXTREMELY IMPORTANT position, is like asking a 5 year old child to handle the books for Microsoft. WTF is Nikki Haley thinking to even remotely suggest that Jenny (what’s her name) would be a viable candidate for ANYTHING??? To suggest such is a thing is pure madness.

Nunyabiz December 12, 2012 at 1:31 am

I mean, come on. She can’t even handle her friggin’ dog, much less an important US Senate seat!! How many times was she cited for her dog getting out of her yard?? The last word I heard on that subject, she basically said the following, “Well, if he gets out again, I’ll just give him away.” Yeah. Mm, mm. Let’s not give a rat’s ass about the dog, and do what’s necessary, let’s just give him away. She’s a callous, cold-hearted witch who wouldn’t know how to love if she were put under a damn spell by Samantha Stephens herself.

JM December 12, 2012 at 10:35 am

You literally need to learn what literally means.

Mike Traynor December 12, 2012 at 12:23 pm

I literally peed in my pants when I read that.

slugger December 12, 2012 at 4:13 pm

You are so correct.

Hoot n Holler December 12, 2012 at 2:17 am

Just what a representative democracy needs in congress: another millionaire born with a silver spoon in the mouth, sends kids to private schools, worked on Wall Street, lives in a $3 million house, comes from one of America’s richest families. Fits in with your typical South Carolinian like a square peg in a round hole.

hhuuhh?? December 12, 2012 at 3:48 pm

SCGOP voters love them some plantation owners, even the carpetbagging kind.

SheCanBeBought December 12, 2012 at 3:57 am

She sold our port, now she is selling our senate seat. This is big.

BigT December 12, 2012 at 4:57 am

Haley Cannot be THIS Stupid. I think you has ALREADY EFFED up to a HIGH degree, just by putting Sanford pon the List of 5…

It looks like Tokenism at BEST…and just outright political ignornace otherwise…

Sanford is a name that becomes more Despised politically each day…

As Haley actually accomplishes things (jobs, home school laws) as Gov., it is a reminder of how totally inept and Self-absorbed Mark Sanford was w/ in OUR office…

Whoever said not NO, but H#!! NO…is 100-percent RIGHT…

I think Haley may be digging the grave of her political career w/ this ignornat move. It shows her (or her handlers) to be TONE death toward the electorate…

PS: None of the candidates on the list are Top Tier…(Scott does not need a handout Win)….He can win it himself…

President Perry December 12, 2012 at 8:18 am

SC politics…just like Chicago, only with a lower IQ and more B.O. (body odor not Barack).

Scott will get the handout…just like you rail about how your friend in the White House got them.

Also, stop trying to put a positive spin on Haley’s “accomplishments.” She’s done nothing. And your sad repeating of attacks on Sanford are obvious.

Just go to another site. Or is that impossible b/c you got kicked off again?

dwb619 December 12, 2012 at 1:00 pm

DAMN “T”, you are SO RIGHT!

kc December 12, 2012 at 2:46 pm

“…(Scott does not need a handout Win)….He can win it himself…”

He needs it, and I assure you, he will take it.

Robert December 12, 2012 at 7:07 am

Jenny Sanford has no place on this list. Pathetic. She is such a phoney.

Of course that fits in with SC politics.

I'on December 12, 2012 at 7:21 am

Jenny brings baggage but she would be the most solid advocate of limited government that Haley could appoint.

linda December 12, 2012 at 4:02 pm

Jenny Sanford can carry us, well; she knows how to be aggressive, and that is one thing that we need in/for SC.
We MISS opportunities; I, believe, she. will. recognize. chances, and, advance SC- forward, into winning directions.
She has the insight to analyze what is being discussed.
SC needs to be enabled to progress.
Of her own- background, she has within this, specifics that can advance SC.
IT IS TIME for the advancement of ASTUTE- DYNAMIC – WOMEN.

FreeBird December 12, 2012 at 7:35 am

My gut feeling is that Haley’s “list” is for representative, showcase purposes only. It reminds me of Mondale’s list of finalists for veep running mate in 1984 — a Latino, a black, a woman…, was there a white on the list? If Jenny gets the appointment, it will make the vulnerable Lindsey look like a lock for reelection.

Anybody old enough to recall strom’s surrogates calling his 1978 opponent, “another NY senator from SC”? Replace NY with Chicago.

Johnson December 12, 2012 at 7:56 am

On Haley’s list, McMaster is white enough to count as 3 whites.

Lance Riprock December 12, 2012 at 7:53 am

A fortune made from Skil saws isn’t “old money”. Skil saws just aren’t old enough to qualify. In fact, it’s the epitome of new money. (I don’t know how to spell “nouveauriche”.) FITS, you need a little more seasoning before you attain mature perspective.

NOBODY December 12, 2012 at 8:14 am

Skil saw was invented in 1924. Just how old does it have to be to qualify as “old” anyway?

Lance Riprock December 12, 2012 at 8:21 am

I think the rule in Charleston is at least five generations in the same graveyard AFTER the money is made.

Lenny December 12, 2012 at 8:44 am

LR 8:21 am

That sounds about right.

Top Floor Charlotte December 12, 2012 at 9:12 am

The only people that I ever hear argue about Old Money vs. New Money are the ones with NO MONEY.

Original Good Old Boy December 12, 2012 at 10:38 am

You got that right, Top Floor. It’s usually people who think they have “good blood” and are jealous of those who are more successful than they are. So they console themselves with the idea that their granddaddy was richer than the other guy’s granddaddy.

commonman December 12, 2012 at 7:59 am

How did Templeton’s name even get on this list?????

CNSYD December 12, 2012 at 8:38 am

She said she would do the job from her house.

interested December 12, 2012 at 8:49 am

Keep throwing Templeton’s name out there and you are witnessing a queen in the making. Haley is a queenmaker! Disgusting isn’t it? Kind of tired of the only qualification for her appointees being that they have a vagina.

barney fife December 12, 2012 at 8:48 am

Henry was supposed to be on the “short bus” not short list. i held my nose to vote for Haley the first time. But, I will not vote for her if she chooses anyone other than Tim or Trey. Henry, Jen and Cat have no business representing us.

Jeffy01 December 12, 2012 at 8:56 am

Jenny could go protect the boys privacy in DC…..on talk shows?
I bet the FBI scandal team is watching this closely.

Roscoe December 12, 2012 at 9:05 am

Most of you South Carolina idiots do not realize that Jenny Sanford is one of the most honorable people in this state. In my opinion she does not cater to the good old boys and is outright straight up. Heck Jenny you are to honorable to be involved in this corrupt system. They will devour you.This state does not deserve you lady!

Nah December 12, 2012 at 9:31 am

Amen, Roscoe! It was that straight-talking true heart and level-headedness that couldn’t abide a delusional, deceptive now former husband… as much as she tried. Like you, I hope she doesn’t go into the shark tank. There are a lot of people that would use her to stand proxy for payback of her former husband’s foolishness.

CNSYD December 12, 2012 at 9:43 am


Markie is that you?

Original Good Old Boy December 12, 2012 at 10:40 am

“One of the most honorable people in this state.”

Haha. Needed a good laugh this morning.

hhuuhh?? December 12, 2012 at 3:53 pm

If you think any woman who would write a book about a trashy ex-husband’s tom catting abround while THEIR children are still in grade school is honorable, your idea of honorable is kinda warped.

davis December 12, 2012 at 9:06 am

Maybe she will suprise everybody and appoint Jakie Knotts. He makes about as much sense as the other five.

junior justice December 12, 2012 at 9:35 am

The Secret Service would have to hire an extra an extra agent to protect Jakie, just to be able to see around him. Knowing Jakie, though, he would DEMAND ALL AGENTS BE FEMALES! Good luck to him – HA!

Roscoe December 12, 2012 at 11:00 am

If you need a laugh look in the mirror!

jimlewis,owb December 12, 2012 at 11:10 am

Fellow was standing in line at Starbucks when former Governor Sanford walked in and got in line behind him.

The fellow had just read about the Governor’s Ex going to Washington and he wanted to find out what the Governor thought about the possibility.

Nice to see you Governor, you know my ex-wife is an angel.

Well sir, you are one lucky bastard, mine is still alive.

Isotope Soap December 12, 2012 at 11:11 am

Haley keeps confirmng she’s clueless…seems this trainwreck has no end in sight…

Philip Branton December 12, 2012 at 11:44 am

WOW…..way to go …..ya know, most citizens tune into this site because they expect the content to be better and more insightful than what they get from Brian Hicks or John Monk. This article beats all I’ve ever read.

Nikki Haley is no fool and she understands what history means to South Carolina. Her pop-in to see Mr. Thurmond while she was in Charleston was by no accident. Consider the move and signal this would send everyone in DC when she picks Paul Thurmond. Talk about shock waves. Think how this would also allow her to “surf” what.??

Paul and Tim know how to work with Lin Bennett….too boot..!!

Nikki Haley is no fool….even she knows we have wind energy that we are not harnessing with GE Turbines we build right here in our state. Paul Thurmond is no fool either……

A “Rod Blagovich” professorship pick would say what…!?!

We wonder if “Rod” reads FITSNEWS……

dwb619 December 12, 2012 at 1:03 pm

Old Strom’s best assets ran down his leg.

stfu December 12, 2012 at 12:19 pm

Will, you know her advisor line up, where would this one have come from.

Now if causing a stir is what the list is all about, well this gets there quick.

It is often hard to track Tricki the shape shifter, still am betting on her saying that ultimately it should go to the only person who has already won a State wide race.

That be Nikki.

I think Jenny hates the SC GOB’s more than anything. So she would be a fearsome Senator for the status quo.

I would like to see her date Lindsey and go in front of the cameras on the steps of the C Street warehouse and say “It is real and it is spectacular”.

Another point that not many focus on. Demint has no ability or right to have any say in this.

He resigned to start the alternative party.

Nor does the RNC.

Women are just as discriminated against as our Black brothers and sisters. So how about Gilda.

Twinkie Ho-Ho December 12, 2012 at 12:19 pm

And Tom Davis and chief advisor Will Folks will now have to run against Lindsey since they won’t take on Jenny. Because she’s their former boss and because she wouldn’t be shy about using what dirt she knows about them.

Stephan December 12, 2012 at 1:01 pm

What about Maria?

jeffy01 December 12, 2012 at 1:32 pm

she is very honorable at protecting the kids privacy…by appearing on every talk show on cable.

Martha Washington December 12, 2012 at 1:47 pm

One thing is for sure in SC, the wrong person will get the seat.
It’d be ridiculous for Jenny Sanford to be appointed or that position. I don’t remember ever seeing “Jilted wife” as a qualification for US Senate.

lawzoo December 12, 2012 at 1:58 pm

This is totally ridiculous . But come to think of it so was electing Jim DeMented the bidnessman
who ran his father-in-law’s bidness in the ground.

DeMented has a net worth of a used Caddy. That’s just what we need in Washington !

Can this state go any damn lower at all?

Dazed and confused December 12, 2012 at 2:03 pm

I thought she wanted peace and privacy and to “be with my boys.”

Roscoe December 12, 2012 at 4:55 pm

She is 99% better than most men in this country. A lot of you do not even know who your father is truth be known!

Lawn Sharts December 12, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Gov. Nikki Haley would never make a foolish or short-sighted appointment.


Tommy Cofield

south mauldin December 12, 2012 at 4:36 pm

Ha Ha!

kc December 12, 2012 at 2:44 pm

Sanford is a sucker. Haley sold out Darla Moore’s USC Trustee seat for WAY less money.

linda December 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm

Jenny Sanford has a lot more GUTS within her, DRIVE, that will take us the extra MILES that we in SC- NEED TO BE, so that we can make it- to a future.
MUCH of where we need to be/what we need to do- never gets near being digested, and, HERE WE ARE, BECAUSE OF THIS:FAILING.
I hope Haley makes the choice of Jenny Sanford.

Roscoe December 12, 2012 at 4:54 pm

You may be right!

TontoBubbaGoldstein December 12, 2012 at 10:09 pm

WTF, Linda, are you a liberal talking point, feminist doppelganger of BigT?
Albeit, one who can spell.

bogart December 12, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Congress should have a majority of women….. so that something could get done.

Roscoe December 12, 2012 at 4:51 pm

I hate to admit it but you may be correct. It appears most of those in Congress are like some of the idiots in this converstion!

hhuuhh?? December 12, 2012 at 3:45 pm

I hope Trikki picks Jenny.
It will prove to the national party and the rest of the country that she is an idiot.
It might make the SCGOP voters happy since they proved long ago that they were moronic.

Jenny has fueld the rumors by saying she would take the position…and, we thought Mark was narcissistic.

Crooner December 12, 2012 at 4:00 pm

Jenny is by far the smartest one on Nikki’s list. If that means anything.

kc December 12, 2012 at 5:23 pm

She married Mark Sanford after he changed the wedding vows so he could cheat, and then was surprised when he cheated – she can’t be that damn smart.

Jock Stender, Charleston December 12, 2012 at 4:56 pm

Today on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation,” Ken “Political Junkie” Rudin and host Neal Conan had a most interesting interview with Andy Shain at The State newspaper.

Andy reminded me that, among “the five contenders” to replace Sen. DeMint:

— McMaster is the only one ever elected statewide;

— McMaster ran against Haley two years ago;

— Jenny Sanford gave Haley the much-needed “boost” (strong endorsement) when Haley needed it most — in Haley’s 2010 gubernatorial primary race;

— Haley doesn’t consider “political experience” (or lack thereof) an overriding factor, given that she’s pointed to herself as an example of a relative novice assuming a large political office, and so this augers well for Sanford and Templeton (never elected to anything); and

— Appointing Tim Scott would be an unprecedented event in SC history as we’ve never had a black US Senator, and since Scott is very popular with Tea-Party people, this would be a boost for Haley among them in 2014.

— Jock Stender, Charleston


Soft Sigh from Hell December 12, 2012 at 7:30 pm

DeMint leaves mighty small shoes to fill.

As Carl Hiaasen once wrote, you could throw a mullet net over any bus bench on Biscayne Boulevard and get better.

King-Tut December 12, 2012 at 7:42 pm

WTF?! Sanford? Templeton? Go ahead, and that will be the icing on the cake. Dont care how many millions you have in the bank for your re-election, you would be a one term governor of this backward-ass state.

CoolAireHeights December 12, 2012 at 8:11 pm

In knowing Jenny, I’d take her over a heck of a lot of the other candidates… she’s prinicipled, smart as heck, nice when she needs to be, and, when she doesn’t need to be so nice, can pretty much eat the lunch of anyone in the room. So yeah, not a bad choice…

Not Again December 13, 2012 at 4:44 am

Haley is going to fuck this up spectacularly. She is incapable of good judgment.

Nikki, please listen. Do NOT sell this seat to whoever promises you the most money. That is what took Blago down and will do the same to you. Think the Feds aren’t listening? Think again, you idiot. We don’t want to lose this seat to a democrat in 2014. Think that can’t happen? Please. Close the book on the Sanfords. They need to go back to their beach houses and private schools. You have four smart, experienced Demint disciples in Scott, Gowdy, Mulvaney and Duncan. They know Washington. At least talk to them. If you fuck this up, you are done. If you deliver, you have a fighting chance.

North Charleston December 13, 2012 at 5:57 am

This isnt Real Housewives of Sullivan’s Island. The voters of SC do not like or identify with the world of Jenny Sanford. US Senator? Puh-lease. Her husband cheats on her, so to get back at him she writes a book about it, and goes on a national tour? She lives in a multimillion dollar beach house and does photo shoots for Vogue? She dates a rich guy member of Augusta National? So now she is bored, and having held no real job for 25 years, now thinks she’ll try US senator? Watch her Daily Show interview. That is Jenny. Worried about not having enough negro help. Jesus save us from the Republican elite!

BeKind December 13, 2012 at 9:37 am

US Senator McMaster. The best of all possible choices.

Have a nice weekend.
Stay Warm!

SparkleCity December 13, 2012 at 10:10 am

This FITS column/article was referenced today on Greenville’s Russ Cassell show around 0815 hrs..

The only time I listen to him these days is when I’m doing my 3 “S’s” in the bathroom (via an old portable digital radio sitting on top of the medicine cabinet) because I can’t hear “Morning Joe” or “Imus” when I’m in the can

Cassell pretty much read the article in its entirity and was his snarky/ass-hole self as while acknowledging the FITS Blog as the source for the article. He was solicitiong comments on the possibility of jenny getting the Senate seat.

I don’t know if any called in to comment because I turned his ass off when I finished my 3 “S’s” and turned on my satellite radio once I got in the car to listen to the rest of “Morning Joe” on the way to work.

Thought FITS might be interested that the blog was quoted (abet in a “snarky” way by) Cassell


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