Group To Challenge “Richland County Robbery”

CONTROVERSIAL SALES TAX HIKE COULD BE HEADED TO COURT A new citizens group is raising money in an effort to challenge the results of this month’s rigged elections in Richland County, S.C.  Not only that, the group is demanding that the county hold a new election in accordance with state…


A new citizens group is raising money in an effort to challenge the results of this month’s rigged elections in Richland County, S.C.  Not only that, the group is demanding that the county hold a new election in accordance with state law.

Squarely in the group’s crosshairs (and with good reason) is a $1.2 billion sales tax hike that was “approved” by Richland County voters on November 6.  The only problem?  That vote has roughly the same legitimacy as a Somalian presidential election given widespread shortages of voting machines in anti-tax districts.

As a result of these shortages, voters in these precincts were forced to wait in lines ranging from four to seven hours long – which, of course, prompted thousands of them to give up their bid to cast ballots.

“What happened on November 6th was a disgrace,” the group’s leader, Michael Letts, writes in an email. “Thousands of voters were unable to participate in one of the most important elections of our lifetime … all because, for reasons not yet explained, the county’s Elections Director reduced the number of voting machines in our polling places.”

State law requires there to be one voting machine for every 250 registered voters at a precinct.  That law was deliberately ignored by Richland County officials.

“It’s not just the shortage of voting machines that has people outraged,” he writes. “This episode has exposed conflicts of interest surrounding the Elections Director (who has close ties to key operatives for the campaign to pass the county-wide tax increase) and members of the Richland County Legislative Delegation. It also raises questions about the interference of county and state officials in the elections process.”

That’s actually putting it politely.

This was a rigged election, people … with election officials deliberately suppressing turnout in regions of the county that were likely to vote in droves against the tax increase.

Why did tax supporters go to these extremes?  Because two years ago voters rejected this same tax hike by a mere 600 votes.

Not long after that election, powerful politicians in the Richland County legislative delegation (“Republicans” and Democrats alike) voted to remove a veteran election official and replace him with a group of political hacks loyal to supporters of the tax hike movement.

Not only that, $50,000 in public money was earmarked for a “voter education campaign” extolling the virtues of the tax hike.

Supporters of the sales tax increase say its proceeds will fund the continued operation of the area’s money-losing public transportation system (which benefitted from a separate energy tax hike last year) – however that’s not where much of the cash has been earmarked.  In fact $50 million has been set aside for “Innovista,” a spectacularly failed speculative real estate deal run by the University of South Carolina.

The fact that Richland County is certifying this fraudulent election is easily one of the most corrupt things we’re likely to see in our lifetime – which is saying something in a state as corrupt as this one.

Citizens wanting to learn more about how they can help out this group should email


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jimlewis,owb November 19, 2012 at 4:56 pm

Yes sir, this one stands a good chance of happening.

Also, Jake is going over to Katrina’s for Thanksgiving and willie and his family will be joining the Gypsy Queen Governor in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for the Christmas Holidays.

The Colonel November 19, 2012 at 5:26 pm

Great – where can I contribute to the cause?

Jan November 20, 2012 at 10:02 am

It tells you right at the end of the article. And you should contribute heavily. I am all for people who supported voter suppression legislation, having to spend a lot of money fighting the suppression of their vote.

Miz Lilly McBribe November 19, 2012 at 6:21 pm

I objects! We needs that tax money for batt’ries n’ shit. Somebody just done forget to plug in dem machines over where de white folks votes. Now how do dat happens? Oops I found some mo’ ballots in my Sunday go to Meetin’ hat. Oooh Miz Liz gonna be cross wit me. Laudy ha mercy.

Jan November 20, 2012 at 10:03 am


BigMeech November 20, 2012 at 2:00 pm

haha awesome

Saratay November 19, 2012 at 6:23 pm

Only problem is that Jackson Hole is MUCH BETTER at Halloween [Particularly at the Snow King “Resort” (really only a ‘nice’ hotel with expensive breakfasts)] than it is in the Winter (too cold, and the prices double and the air service halves).

Maybe, as an afterthought, this is thebest place they could be — could get ‘snowed in’ for the Winter….

The Tax Man Cometh November 19, 2012 at 9:20 pm

Shut up!

And pay your taxes!

Umberto the Undertaker November 20, 2012 at 12:08 am

All four men in the photo have taken the “casket position” — looking queer in life but normal in death. Are they well, or just obsequious?

same ol' same ol' November 20, 2012 at 10:38 am

Well, it’s either that or it could be the “fig leaf” covering their genitalia, or they’re just holding hands with themselves due to being uncomfortable.

CriticalMass November 20, 2012 at 2:55 am

“$50,000 in public money was earmarked for a ‘voter education campaign’ extolling the virtues of the tax hike.”

And it would only be fair and balanced for there now to be $50,000 in public money earmarked for the legal fees required to FIGHT the tax hike.

Yeah, a pipe dream, of course… but you get my drift.

Lillian McBride working at Subway… that’s what I wanna see.

jimlewis,owb November 20, 2012 at 9:19 am

She might be employed by Subway however she has already established the fact that working ain’t part of her skill set.

vicupstate November 20, 2012 at 11:55 am

There is no reason to diss the folks at Subway.

bud November 20, 2012 at 7:56 am

Ironically, those least able to afford the tax hike were led by the nose to pass it. At least that is a tax they are paying.

Joe November 20, 2012 at 8:43 am

Never Fear…Voter Id Is Here!

Old Bike Dude November 20, 2012 at 11:38 am

Where’s the black folks?

Old Bike Dude November 20, 2012 at 11:40 am

So are you saying that Richland county Dems have learned a thing or two from Florida republicans?

vicupstate November 20, 2012 at 11:56 am

More like Ohio Republicans circa 2004, with a littl ehelp from Karl Rove.

rickie November 20, 2012 at 11:59 am

Waste of $. The tax passed by over 10,000 votes.


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